Ubuntu Networking :: Redirect Traffic To Free Vpn PacketiX?

Feb 17, 2010

I was trying to find some free VPN service for access restricted pages. I found some working programs for win XP, but nothing works under Linux (TOR was too slow and now it is blocked). I was using program PacketiX under win, and it has also Linux version without GUI, but i was not able to make it work, because I dont know, how can I make firefox to connect through the VPN service.

I downloaded the client here [URL]

I was able to make it work with this guide [URL]

But i dont know, how to adjust routing table so I can connect to the internet through the VPN service.


ath0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:05:4e:4d:c5:5f
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


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Networking :: Ip / Port - Redirect All Traffic

Feb 2, 2010

I have "Server A" with real internet ip (eth0) and lan ip (eth1) There's also "Server B" with lan ip (eth0), I'm running an Apache Web server on "Server B", so I want to redirect all traffic from IP port 80 (Server A) to port 80 (Server B), using the following rule:


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j DNAT --to This actually works pretty good, from internet I can browse ttp:// But the problem is that if I check the Apache logs, all incoming connections seems to come from instead of showing the real source ip addresses (internet ip's) so this is screwing up all my web stats, I've been looking for hours and hours on how to make a transparent redirect, but can't find any info, I know there must be a way because my old WRT54G router which uses iptables could do it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Redirect Network Traffic To A New IP Address Using IPtables?

Jun 19, 2011

how to redirect network traffic to a new IP address using IPtables. I am using Baffalo router and the rtos used is DD-WRT. Basically, I want it so that any connection going through my router to a specific IP (say, will be redirected to another IP (say, so any outgoing connections made by a program that is attempting to connect to192.168.11.5 will instead connect to

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Redirect All The Traffic To An Ethernet Interface

Sep 12, 2011

Currently I have a server which runs under centOS 5.6. It is dedicated to the VoIP application of my customer.I have a problem for which I have the solution but I didn't managed to achieve it.So, let me explain you the context.Here is the networking aspects of my environment

VoIP Provider_____Gateway_____________My server
ADSL Provider____(non pingable)
x.x.x.2 <====> A.A.A.1 <======> A.A.A.3


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Ubuntu Networking :: Redirect All Http/https/ftp Traffic Through The Remote Proxy?

Apr 6, 2011

I need to redirect all http/https/ftp traffic through the remote proxy, but when I changes connection settings in browser or in System->Preferences->Network Proxy it doesn't work well: instead of getting page content browser asks for saving some short (8 bytes) file with the same content for all requested pages. It happens in Chrome/Opera/Firefox. This proxy requires authorization and works on computer with Windos XP. It worked well when I was using Windows 7 and Proxifier, now I have Ubuntu 9.10 with all available updates.

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Networking :: Easiest Way To Redirect External Traffic To VMWare Web Host On Same Machine?

Jul 14, 2009

Have done a bit of Googling around this but got totally swamped so will try here. Basically we are running a CentOS server which hosts a number of virtual hosts under Apache. Recently I needed to set up a development environment for another site using Ubuntu and have this running and accessible on the LAN from a VMWare image. I'm using bridged networking so the VMWare machine has its own IP on the LAN subnet.

I've set up a DNS to point to the external IP of the physical host but can't figure out how to route traffic requested on this domain to the VMWare host. I've basically tried two approaches (configuring a proxy web server and reverse proxy in an httpd.conf file and mucking around with iptables forwarding rules but without success.

Ideally I'd like somesite.somewhere.com to point to the VMWare IP but I could live with a custom port on the end if thats whats required.

To throw further complication into the mix I need reliable communication between the VMWare machine and external mail relay servers in order to debug any issues with mail bouncebacks, embargos etc.

Any idea what's the easiest way to accomplish this?

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Server :: Redirect All Traffic To A Dynamic IP?

Oct 7, 2010

I was wondering what the best way of redirecting all traffic, not just http traffic, from my hosted web server on hostmonster (with a domain name) to my home server.... I wondered if it would be possible to do it with a simple script running on the hosted web server?? Also is there a way of getting round having all the ports open on the hosted web server that I want to use on my home server??

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Ubuntu Installation :: Redirect Internet Network Traffic Through Server?

Sep 30, 2010

I tried to setup a home server that will redirect the internet traffic through the server before it reach the client. Because i don't want to install anti virus on every machine, it will slow them down a lot. There are some anti virus for ubuntu. Most of my home machines are running windows, which is a pain with virus.

p/s: I'm running 1 ubuntu server 10.04 and the rest are windows 7 machines.

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Ubuntu Security :: Iptables To Redirect Traffic Back To Its Source

May 3, 2011

I'm currently using a homemade Python script to parse script kiddie IP addresses from logfiles.To this point, I've simply been DROPping any requests from these IPs using iptables.I thought it might be fun to redirect their traffic back to them, but as I am not an expert at iptables, I was wondering if I should use FORWARD or PREROUTING.

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Ubuntu Security :: Redirect All IP Tables Rule To Forward UDP Traffic?

May 16, 2011

How do I redirect all the UDP traffic on port 27016 of my current dedicated server to a new IP port 27015 using IP tables?

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Software :: Using Squid/Iptables To Redirect Inbound Web Traffic To Url/IP

Jan 13, 2010

We host a web server in which we are hoping to implement some form of traffic redirection based on source IP address, and I am wondering whether the squid proxy built on iptables would be capable of managing this task? Essentially we are trying to redirect traffic from specific set of source IP ranges to a "Your IP has been restricted" type of page at a different IP/FQDN.

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General :: Redirect Incoming Traffic To An Other Port (ubuntu Openvpn Server)?

Dec 5, 2010

I have set up an openvpn server on ubuntu via port tcp 443. The server use a public network and almost every ports are blocked (not 443) So when a client connect to the server, if it send traffic needing a blocked port, the connection cannot been etablished of course. So i d like to know if it is possible to redirect all incoming traffic on the server to an other unblocked port (like 443) to bypass firewall.

I dont think openvpn offer this possibility but maybe with linux it is possible..

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Configure Firewall - Allow And Forward All Traffic On Eth0 And Block All Traffic On Eth1 Except Ssh Ping

Sep 29, 2010

I need to set up my centOS computer as a firewall in my home network. Ive got 2 interfaces, eth0 and eth1. I want to allow and forward all traffic on eth0 and block all traffic on eth1 except ssh, ping(icmp) and DNS. How do I do this? Ive tried some editing in /etc/sysconfig/iptables but no luck.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Gateway Server To Redirect Traffic For Http/smpt/pop3

Apr 6, 2010

I have been beating my head for the last few weeks on this problem, (although I have been taking the wrong approach, it seems).

I need a gateway to direct web traffic to three separate servers/domains. I have been trying to do this with both a dns server and , (seperatly), apache server to forward requests. The dns server was a no go, and <i can only get apache to redirect http and ftp.

After Googling this ALOT, I believe that what I need is a gateway server to redirect my traffic to the 3 different servers. I have been reading about using using nat and iptables for this and was wondering if anyone had any advice/suggestions on this. The other thought I had was to use something like pfSense to create the gateway, but I am still reading the documentation, and I am unsure if this approach will work.

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Networking :: Server To Block All Traffic But US Only Traffic?

Mar 15, 2011

I wanted to tell my server to block all traffic but US only traffic. So i followed this guide:[URL].. Now I know, it's the best way to help prevent hackers/crackers (doesn't matter to me what they are called. I just have to stop them). My server only deals with US clients anyways so might as well just start right there for my server's security before getting into the brute force and injection preventions. So I got it all done compiled everything moved to the proper directory. I then started to setup my iptables. Like so

Code: iptables -F INPUT
iptables -F OUTPUT
iptables -I INPUT 1 -s *.*.*.* -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT 2 -s *.*.*.* -p tcp -j ACCEPT


After seeing that i went digging in the code and figured it was something todo with memory allocation.

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Server :: PPTP Traffic - Gre Traffic Is Being Generated During The Browsing / Reduce Traffic

Sep 27, 2009

Recently I notice that when I'm connected to an vpn server (pptpd) and I'm using it as a default gateway my download and upload speed decreases almost to the half of the usual speed. I made a test using iptables in order to count how much GRE packets are generated (except the real traffic itself) in that way:

iptables -I INPUT -p gre -j ACCEPT
iptables -I OUTPUT -p gre -j ACCEPT

iptables -I FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT
The first 2 rules match all GRE packets between the pptpd server and client, and the next rules - the traffic between the server and the client.

When I turn the counters to zero and begin to generate traffic (to browse, to download etc.) I see that the GRE packets are even more than these in the FORWARD chain.

So, my question is first of all is my test correct and is it true that so much gre traffic is being generated during the browsing (it becames clear that the traffic is double than if the pptpd wasn't used as a gateway) and if yes - can that traffic be reduced?

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Ubuntu :: Internet Traffic Flow Monitor - Track Traffic Of Each Device

Apr 27, 2010

We have something on our network that is reaking havoc with our content filter. I am trying to track it down, but so far I have been unsuccessful. We have approximately 500 devices in 100+ different locations spread across 9 states. Looking at each computer is not really feasible.

I need a machine that can sit in between our network and our internet connection and graphically monitor in real time and logs how much traffic each device is sending and receiving. It would need to sit inline so it has to have two nics and be able to pass traffic. The machine also needs to be transparent. Reconfiguration of our routers or workstations is not an option.

I have used ethereal and wireshark before. Ethereal may be a viable option, but wireshark seems to provide lots of information, but no practical way to make use of it. how to set up the box to be a transparent device on the network that will allow internet bound traffic to flow (freely)?

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Networking :: Redirect Only One Url To Another?

Mar 4, 2010

I use Centos 5.4, squid 2.6 stable21

I want to redirect only one url to another in a simpliest way.

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Programming :: Bash Ambiguous Redirect - Redirect One Command Output Which Will Be Treat As A Content Of File For Another Command?

Mar 9, 2011

I am trying to grep multiple numbers from file, grep does have the -f option for that.

Code: grep -f <`seq 500 520` /etc/passwd I know this could be done with

Code: for i in `seq 500 520`; do grep "$i" /etc/passwd; done But my question is fare more behind this example. It is possible to redirect one command output which will be treat as a content of file for another command ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Redirect Outgoing Packets To LAN?

Jul 6, 2011

is there any way to point certain packets from my outgoing traffic to a LAN : port ?

can iptables do this ? if yes how ?some like this [URL] ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Transparently Redirect To The Proxy

Jul 7, 2011

My company requires a proxy server that requires a manual configuration to use. Many Ubuntu apps, however, do not respect the HTTP proxy settings.Is there anyway to modify my local firewall settings to automatically forward IP traffic to the company proxies in the same way a transparent proxy might work?Would I need to set-up my own local, transparent squid proxy which itself forwards to the company proxy?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Limit VPN Traffic ?

Apr 2, 2010

I have ubuntu server with PPTP on it. I need to limit single connection speed for ip 1 mbit/s, and mounthly traffic limit to 5 GB. How i can do this my task. I try to find somthing with ip tables, but can't find how to creat mounthly limits.PPTP do not have this option, maybe is some other, not hard for configure VPN server? Maybe someone make this task with iptables, and can give commands for limiting? Ofcorse VPN program with integrated accaunts and limits will be better.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Traffic Across Interface

Feb 2, 2011

I've got 4 or 5 of these TRENDnet USB network adapters ( TU-ET100c ) that I use frequently when I'm configuring firewalls or IPS devices for customers. I use them in combination with VirtualBox to test. They've always worked great until my new laptop I just got, and I put 10.04 on it. Previously I was on 9.x. Sometimes they will give a link light, other times not. And when they do the interface shows that it's up, but I can't get any traffic across the interface.


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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN For Some Traffic, But Not All?

Mar 1, 2011

I have access to a VPN I use when having confidential instant messaging sessions. For the purposes of my work, essentially.I'm a command line kind of guy, and like to use Finch (the shell version of Pidgin) for those.However, when I turn on my OpenVPN connection it routes all traffic through the VPN. Web-browsing, IMing, and I can no longer access other machines on my home network.Can I set OpenVPN to only route traffic I ask through that connection (either by port number or application, or some way I haven't thought of), while other traffic flows through my usual home network?Some kind of local proxy perhaps? Or a dd-wrt box set up as a proxy, connected to OpenVPN?I've played around with the GUI environment too (I have a basic GUI I sometimes use on my main machine) and have installed the full desktop 10.10 on a second machine just to see if I can work it out.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VPN Initiating But No Traffic Going Through?

Jun 30, 2011

I have a VPN account and have been running it perfectly on windows without any problems but I deleted my windows OS because I wanted to force myself to learn a Linux OS. I have installed the configuration package through the terminal and have followed this guide exactly


The VPN was giving me a no secrets error to start off but I managed to fix and now it connects for about 40seconds but whilst it is connected, the internet is completely useless and I can't get on anything... It then disconnects after 40 seconds saying it has failed.

I installed firestarter to see if I could tweak it there to work but it was beyond me and I could also see from the data being sent that none of it was going through tap0 whilst the VPN was connected..

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Networking :: Auto Redirect If Server Is Down?

Jul 20, 2011

where to look for setting up my web server A so that if I have to bring it down for maintenance, all web traffic will go to my backup server B. I thought about changing DNS entry but that will take time to update.

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Networking :: Iptables Redirect Before Filter?

Apr 9, 2010

I'd like to set up an iptables configuration as follows:- Allow all traffic by default- For one user account (anonymous), block all traffic except:- All traffic on lo- All DNS requests, which should be redirected to's what I tried:

# Redirect
iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -m owner --uid-owner anonymous -m udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 53


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Networking :: Iptables Redirect On RHEL 6 ?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a virtual environment, RHEL6 minimal install. On that, I am trying to run Liferay6 on Tomcat6 for the purpose of writing prototype business portals. I used the Liferay+Tomcat bundle downloaded from the Liferay website.

For security reasons, the server can only be accessed through port 80, and Tomcat listens on 8080. (I know I can run it so that it listens on another port, but I'd like it on 8080)


Use iptables to forward traffic destined for 80 to port 8080.

What I Did:

Configure nat to forward tcp packets from 80 to 8080:


List the nat iptable:


wget to 80 doesn't work:


What I Already Checked:

Tomcat did start normally. Logs show no errors, and specify that Coyote HTTP/1.1 is initialized on http-8080. I can provide this log if need be.

Tomcat is listening on port 8080:



I get the same negative result on the VM on the server as I get on a RHEL6 VM on my laptop.

The iptables method that I described above does in fact work with Liferay6 on Tomcat6 on Ubuntu 10.10.

I have looked at this thread. I appear to have tried everything that was mentioned there.

Actual Question: I would like to know how to effectively forward 80 to 8080 on RHEL6, so that I can access Liferay on Tomcat (listening on 8080) at 80.

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Networking :: Proxy Redirect Based On Url

Mar 24, 2010

I work for a auto dealership, and they have a proxy server that is provided by toyota that does nothing other than route traffic some specific sites they use in the dealership. We are looking to put a local proxy server in place to filter web traffic of virus/inappropriate content. What I am looking to do is set everyone's proxy settings to point to our server but when someone puts in the toyota sites it will redirect them to toyota's proxy server and out. I am not sure if this is possible or not.

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Networking :: Redirect Ports To Another Machine On Same LAN

Dec 15, 2009

I have a bit of a strange scenario. I have a machine with a fixed IP (, running Linux. It has an external IP via a 1:1 NAT on a Cisco ASA/router. Port 3389 (MS RDP) is open for I want my Linux machine to listen on port 3389 and redirect all traffic to that port to a Windows machine ( In this way, my Linux box is able to respond to requests on all ports, but port connects to Remote desktop on the Windows PC. I do not have access to the Cisco NAT config. I was able to get this setup to work by using an SSH tunnel.

I ran this command on the linux box:
ssh -L 3389: ergosteur@
Any ideas? Perhaps using iptables or something?

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