Ubuntu Networking :: Bind Secondary/failover Ip To Ssh Tunnel?

Nov 30, 2010

My friend has a server with 2 ips, 1 primary and 1 secondary/failover. He has given me a shell account and I want to use ssh to route my home http traffic through it like a socks proxy. I connect to his server using the secondary ip like this:

ssh me@secondary_ip -p port -D forwarding_port

It builds a proxy, however it uses the primary ip of the server, not the secondary ip that I logged in with. When using irssi I've bound it to the secondary ip with no problem. If I try to use the -b flag I get the error: cannot bind: Cannot assign requested address.

how I can bind the ssh tunnel to the secondary ip?

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General :: NFS Failover - Setting Up Two Server With Shared Storage With Automatic Failover If One Fails

Feb 14, 2010

What is the current state of NFS failover (i.e. setting up two server with shared storage, with automatic failover if one fails?) I've seen a cookbook, but no details that would let me assess how well it works. There are lots of complex issues with data consistency, but the detailed information on that is years old. Our needs are fairly simple: 2 servers, a shared array, and I'm reasonably sure that we don't use locking. However we'd like failover to work reliably without loss of data.

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Networking :: Creating Domain Name In Bind Exposing Bind To Internal Network

Sep 3, 2009

I am configuring bind9 on fedora 9(sulphur).I have configured /etc/named.conf and created zone file in /var/named/I have started the service but when I am executing the command nslookup mydomain.com it is not able to resolve the name.Another problem I am facing when I do telnet localhost 53,I am able to connect.but when I do telnet myip 53 it does not connect.Seems to be a firewall problem but I ve disabled iptables selinux completely even I ve disabled dnsmasq but still not working.

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Networking :: Load Balance Failover 2 ISP On One Ubuntu Router

Jul 3, 2011

I've configuration like this :


I try to configure my /etc/rc.local with these setting :


But whenever i check my router after reboot, still i can't connect to inet.

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Networking :: Practive For Implementation Of A Failover Server?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm in need of some advise from you guys. I'm currently running a live production serverA, and last week it went down for a couple of hours which was really bad to say the least.

I've been thinking about building a mirror serverB that will rsync my data nightly. Now I don't want to load balance here, I just need to be able to switch to serverB when serverA goes down for any reason.

Would the best solution for this is to change my main nameserver entry when I want to switch ? I'm just curious if it will be a few hours or an instant change.

I thought I'd ask before attempting this live.

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Networking :: Reversing Default Gateway Failover

Nov 11, 2010

I have a dual-homed Debian server running squid, but not acting as a router. Simplied network diagram is below - there are other local hops between the gateways and the Internet.

(eth0 @ <--> (Gateway1 @ <--> Internet
(eth1 @ <--> (Gateway2 @ <--> Internet

Using Gateway1 gives a very fast, but not always reliable route to the Internet. Using Gateway2 gives a slower, but more reliable route to the Internet. The server uses Gateway1 as the default gateway.

I have written a script that pings three hosts on the Internet, and if all three are down, switches the default gateway to Gateway2. This part seems to be easy, but I'd like know if there is a way of routing a ICMP/ping out eth0 to a host, with all other traffic to the host going out eth1, so I can determine if the Internet is reachable via Gateway1 again.

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Networking :: Ethernet Bonding - Link Layer Detection Failover Not Enough

Jul 7, 2011

We run redundant switches that two nic's on each server connect to. We also run bonding on our servers. Because we have two switches, we can't run lacp or anything. If a switch goes into a crashed state where it doesn't pass traffic but still provides link, bonding thinks the interface is still up and thus will still send traffic through it. Does anybody know a better way to configure the fail over of the interface? This would be a similar situation to somebody using a media converter.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Setup The Cluster To Automatically Failover The Service To Another Node Case One Node Fails?

Mar 1, 2011

I am familiar with windows 2008 cluster servers, and I just started testing with centos cluster. I am creating a simple 2-node cluster, for a simple ping test.

Node 1:
Node 2:
Virtual ip:

So far, I can ping a virtual ip, and manually relocate it between the nodes, but I didn't figure out, how to do this automatically. So this is my question: How can I setup the cluster, to it automatically failover the a service to another node case one node fails?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Create SSL Tunnel Over Ssh?

Oct 3, 2010

I Need to make an SSL tunnel over SSH, I need to create exactly an SSL tunnel,I have a situation like that, I heared it is possible,but don't know how to create an SSL tunnel over SSH i am having putty installed on my pc,So i think i can use putty for this purpose, But i don't know how to do this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Create SSH Tunnel

Aug 3, 2011

I wanted to create an ssh tunnel but I do not know what commands to run .. my environment is as follows:
LAN Internet Office LAN
Home PC <-> Linux firewall <-> http server..

According to the above what I figure is that I have an internal web server at my job and I need to create a tunnel to access the web server from my PC in my home. I know I can do a port forwarding with the firewall but I don't want to publish this web server to Internet. My home PC and both servers (firewall and web) are ubuntu. My idea is create a ssh tunnel that forward port 8080 on localhost in my home pc, to the firewall (obviously with public ip), and the the firewall forward to port 80 on office web server at my job. Note that the firewall accepts ssh connections to port 22, same for web server...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using DSL Gateway As Secondary Router?

Mar 4, 2010

I live on a property with 3 other units and we all share a cable connection. There's a modem connected to a wireless router (I'll call it the "main" router), which until recently I connected to with an 80' or so long ethernet cable because I don't get a good signal, and all I've got is a desktop anyway. When plugged directly into the main router, I can get very fast download speeds - the fastest I've seen over bittorrent, for example, is about 2.2 Mb/s, and it's over 1 Mb/s most of the time for popular torrents or sites with good bandwidth. A friend with a laptop is staying with me for a month, so I wanted to set up a wireless router in my home, and my desktop needed to be moved to a location where running a wire is kind of awkward, so I planned on using the wireless too.

I don't have a spare proper router with an uplink port laying around, but I did have a spare DSL modem/wireless router combo (which I'll call the "secondary" router) that I used to use at a former residence, and I thought I'd try to use it here. I plugged it into my computer, configured its security settings how I wanted (64-bit WEP) and looked through for settings that seemed like they might pertain to using it in this capacity. I didn't really find any except for something that seemed to turn off its DHCP, which I did. Then I unplugged my computer and plugged in the ethernet cable that runs to the main router (which is a normal ethernet cable, not crossover). I found that this setup does "just work" for the most part - our computers see the signal and can log in and access the internet through the main router's cable connection. However:

1. I can't figure out how to access the secondary router's settings once it's been plugged into the main one, even if I unplug it from the main one. What happens is that as soon as I connect the two routers together, it's almost like the secondary ceases to exist independently until it's settings are purged via the reset button. I plug it's IP address into a browser like usual, and nothing happens (it's an Actiontec whose stock one is and the main router is a Netgear with an IP of

I can log into the main one like normal through a wireless connection to the secondary, though. If I look at "attached devices" in the main router's config, it lists all the client computers in the network, but there's no IP that could be for the router (I'm sure of this). Each computer connected through my secondary router gets assigned its own IP like normal, and port forwarding works without a hitch. Again, this persists until the secondary is reset - after the two routers are connected but until the secondary is reset, there doesn't to be a way into the secondary's config. The security settings are acting as they should, though (ie, you need the secondary's WEP key to log on).

2. Internet download speeds when connected to the secondary over wireless are extremely slow compared to what the connection is capable of (can't seem to top 90 Kb/s) but for some reason the max attainable internet upload speed seems to be about the same as normal (around 200 Kb/s). This is puzzling to me. Back when I was using the secondary router for it's intended purpose as a DSL gateway under XP, I downloaded at around 300 Kb/s all the time with it using the same wireless card I am now, so I know the hardware I have is capable of it. Now both of our wireless cards are getting the same mediocre speeds (seemingly bottlenecked at around 90 Kb/s), even with a full signal (ie, the computer right next to the router).

If we connect to the secondary router with a cable rather than wireless, there's no problem and downloads are really fast (note again though that the max upload speed doesn't seem affected whether wired or wireless, as determined by running internet speed tests in both configurations). Ping times over wireless are also extremely high - ie, 800ms+ even when pinging the main router at

It almost seems like there's something inferior or bottlenecked about the wireless signal the secondary router puts out, but I don't know what that could be or how to change it. (I also don't really understand anything about the setup I created here though, other than that I plugged it in and crossed my fingers and it works for basic, non-bandwidth-intense tasks). basically I'm curious whether there's a way to have normal access to the secondary router's settings in this setup, and whether there's a way to make the bandwidth over wireless less mediocre.

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Networking :: Add Another Secondary IP On CentOS 5.5?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a problem with secondary IP on CentOS 5.5 With network configuration like this


So I try to add secondary IP


If i try to add another secondary IP (for ex. xx.231.17.166) xx.231.17.166 *can!* be pinging from global network And if i try to add xx.231.17.147 in network configuration script and reboot server (so this address becomes primary) all works fine. So i need to set xx.231.17.147 as secondary IP, but i can't do it..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Closing A Reverse SSH Tunnel?

Jan 31, 2010

so i start it with ssh -f -R 4096:localhost:22 me@server.com and it comes up and someone can log in at the remote end. how do i close the tunnel from the initiating end ? netstat doesnt seem to identify my end of the tunnel , unless im looking for the wrong thing!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Browsing Via SSH Tunnel Very Slow

Jan 31, 2010

Browsing via SSH Tunnel very slow When browsing in firefox at work via proxy through ssh on my 8.04 server the speed is near dial up. I have compression enabled, tried restarting ssh, and rebooting the server but it remains so sluggish. At home the connection is quick but the speed is lost in translation once I ssh in. I also tried adding "UseDNS no" to the ssh config but that did not help with the slow login or any other speed issues.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Surf Anonymously Using A SSH Tunnel?

Mar 29, 2010

I tried this :


ssh -ND 9999 username@home_router_ip_address

and this is output :

�nani@jebe-kevu-ovaj-PC:~$ ssh -ND 999 nani@nani.homelinux.com
Privileged ports can only be forwarded by root.
nani@jebe-kevu-ovaj-PC:~$ sudo ssh -ND 999 nani@nani.homelinux.com


which password is he looking for exacly ? user nani is main user at ubuntu after he asked me for password i typed my nani user password and i got in , after how you can see he ask me for onather password i tried the nani�s password but nothing is heppening ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Create SSH-tunnel In Script?

Sep 17, 2010

I'm trying to run a script to execute the command

ssh -D port host

when my laptop connects to internet. I have placed the script in /etc/network/if-up.d/.The scripts is being run when it should, but the SSH-tunnel isn't created.I can however run the script manually, as root, and then the tunnel is created.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect Samba Through SSH Tunnel?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a server running Ubuntu Server 10.04 that is a VirtualBox/Samba/SSH server. I have port forwarding set up for ports 22 and 3389 (SSH and RDP) and I want to access the Samba share without opening any other ports. I can connect to it from my internal network, but I want to be able to access it from school. My best guess would be to tunnel the Samba port through SSH, but I don't know how. I will be connecting to it from Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Start SSH Tunnel At Boot?

Feb 14, 2011

In the office I use firefox for my work items and chrome for my personal items. I currently use proxy switchy with chrome to browse through an ssh tunnel to my home server. The chrome/switchy part works fine.In order to do this I have to open a command window every morning and execute:ssh -p8181 -D 9999 user@myhomeserver.comThen the command window asks my password and I am up and running. (my ssh server at home is running on port 8181)Is there a way to script this so I don't have to open the command window and enter my password every day (and also to prevent a visible command window from being open and visible)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Route DNS Queries Through Tunnel Too

Jul 6, 2011

I set up a routed OpenVPN server. Everything works fine. But I'd like to route the DNS queries thru the tunnel too. So I added:


Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain Even thou I have a DNS server set up correctly (on the same server as the VPN) with recursion. I verified that by sending queries form external source, which worked fine. I suspect that the Bind server doesn't listen to the tun0-interface only eth0, but the Bind manual says it should listen to all interfaces by default. The server log shows:

named[9639]: client RFC 1918 response from Internet for

How do I get these DNS queries to resolve thru the tunnel?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect Through A Tunnel On A Different Server?

Jul 19, 2011

I use two Ubuntu machines, one at home and one at work. In order to connect to the machine at work from home I need to connect through a "tunnel server" that controls all the traffic to the machines at work.I am able to connect with ssh to the tunnel server and from the tunnel server ssh my own machine at work. My question is how do I retrieve files form my work machine to the home machine. How do I sync folders between the machines using rsync when the "tunnel server" is in between?

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Tunnel / Port Forwarding

Jul 28, 2011

I don't understand the concept of ssh port forwarding and tunneling.I was going to set up a remote desktop (vnc) connection to my grandmother's laptop that we'll give her soon so if something goes wrong i can fix it from here (she lives on the other side of the world). However, i've read using vnc plain over the internet isn't secure, and that i can secure it by running it through an ssh tunnel.That's what i've understood so far. However, from there on i get confused.

I'd have to run both an ssh server AND a vnc server on her laptop? So what i'd have to do is ssh into her computer, and then while logged on on her computer, somehow open a vnc connection back from the remote server to the local computer? Then i'd go back to my local computer and open a port where the vnc connection is waiting? From the concept, it would seem like i should be able to tunnel all the regular network traffic from the local computer to the remote one through ssh?

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Networking :: Reverse SSH Tunnel Ubuntu And Windows 7?

Oct 3, 2010

I am currently running 64-bit Windows 7 from my home laptop and I would like to establish an SSH reverse tunnel to my laptop from my work Ubuntu 64-bit machine. I have been reading many "tutorials" that have led me nowhere and I feel as though I'm chasing my tail now. I have done the following on my Ubuntu machine:

ssh -R 19999:localhost:22 laptop_ip
and on my Windows machine, using putty, did the following:
Host Name: host_IP


I am able to access my Ubuntu machine when on my work network but there I have been unsuccessful when it comes to trying to remotely access it. I have tried everything that I can think of (though I am a novice). If there is any help/suggestions/ideas that could help, please let me know and don't hesitate to ask for more info!

p.s. I would also like to enable x-forwarding, but for now I would like to have remote access to the Ubuntu machine.

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Networking :: Can't Establish Tunnel For VPN Over SSH?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm trying to create a VPN through SSH but encounter the following:

[18:42:11]root@bronzhip:/home/casey# sudo ssh -w 0:0 97.**.***.221 -i VPN
channel 0: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed


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Networking :: How To Set Up Secure Web Tunnel?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm trying to set up a secure web tunnel at home I have an Ubuntu box (desktop), a Mac, and a Windows 7 box. I use all of them for different reasons. I want to be able to route traffic from my browser through my Ubuntu box. I have done this before with proxy servers abroad, but I want to do it using ssh and my box at home so I don't have to pay for a service i.e (Secure Tunnel)etc.

I followed the instructions at http://bit.ly/hAnp6u. However, using my Win7 box, after I set the browser part per the instructions, I get no connection from the browser.

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Networking :: Multi-hop VNC Tunnel Over SSH

Oct 21, 2010

Is it possible to chain together multiple SSH tunnel hops in a single `ssh -L` command on the client side? I have two gateways I need to get through in order to access a remote host. For a normal SSH client connection, it's simple enough chain this all together by simply appending the additional SSH connection commands to the first one:Code: ssh gateway.1 ssh gateway.2 ssh remote.host.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tunnel Device Open Failed?

Jan 18, 2010

I run Ubuntu 9.10 locally connecting to CentOS5 on a remote server.When I run the following command in the Terminal;ssh -v -L 10005:localhost:10000 root@remote_ip_address -F ~/.ssh_config -i ~/.ssh/private_key_file_nameafter 'Authentication succeeded (publickey)' I get the following for channel 1;sys_tun_open: failed to open tunnel control interface:Permission deniedhowever, it does open an interactive client-session on channel 2 and my browser will then connect (via URL localhost:10005) to Webmin on the remote server which is the object of the exercise.However, because sys_tun_open failed, I am concerned that the transactions may not be encrypted as I understand they would be in proper tunnelling

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Ubuntu Networking :: Create 'Ethernet-over-IP'(or Tunnel) Interface?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm trying to create EoIP interface on ubuntu so i can create a simple tunnel to my mikrotik router. Is there anyone know how or even done that? If EoIP is not possible, is there any other simple way?

I had already read and thought about doing it with OpenVPN, but when I read the community documentation for OpenVPN on ubuntu 10.10, I fear it won't connect the tunnel to mikrotik OpenVPN server, since OpenVPN on ubuntu uses 2 certificate and 2 key files(as i read on the docs), but mikrotik configuration, i can see only 1 certificate can be applied on. This confuses me and make me decide to use EoIP(but i can't find any tutorial/docs about it). I don't actually need the encryption and security, i just need to create a tunnel for ubuntu and mikrotik.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Forgot Password To Login To SSH Tunnel

Feb 4, 2011

I am using 10.04 ubuntu and I have forgotten my password to login to a ssh tunnel. It is not the root password on my computer. Is there any way I can find the password out, change it, or just start over and create a new one? I know it isn't a connection problem because I can't login to ssh from localhost either. I've tried reinstalling ssh too.

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Networking :: Ubuntu 9.10 - Establishing Tunnel Using Miredo Package

May 15, 2010

I am trying to establish a tunnel from my ubuntu machine 9.10 using miredo package. After installation I wanted to ping an ipv6 address and I get this error:
Address unreachable, destination unreachable
However, when I ping ipv6.google.com I have no problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Find Primary Dns, Secondary, And Default Router

May 1, 2010

im trying to open my NAT on my PS3, and it's asking for my primary DNS, secondary DNS, and default router. how will i find these on ubuntu? i got my ip and subnet mask, just need the other three.

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