Ubuntu Multimedia :: What Is Storage Groups - Advantages?

Mar 21, 2010

I have installed mythbuntu and all is going well! A couple of questions.

1) What is a storage group and what advantage do they have ?

2) When I select "watch videos" it takes me to the next window which is called storage group. There is a question mark and is called storage...

I have attached picture.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get A List Of Both The Local Groups And The Groups In The Active Directory?

Feb 4, 2011

I already know of a work around to fix this problem, but I guess my question is why is this not working as expected? I am using a Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory for authentication.

I have run auth-client-config for the ldap profile and pam-auth-update. When running getent passwd, I get a list of both the local users and the users in the active directory (with populated information in the Unix schema extension). When running getent group I get a list of both the local groups and the groups in the active directory (with populated information in the Unix schema extension).

Interestingly enough, though, when I run su DOMAINUSER, after the prompt for the password I get an authentication error. In /var/log/auth.log I can see an entry with pam_ldap: missing "host" in file "/etc/ldap.conf". The SRV records in the DNS servers resolve correctly. I've checked this with nslookup and I have seen the records within my zone file. Obviously if the ldap.conf file is working with getent and the ldap server is resolving from the SRV records, it is working fine.

The interesting part is that the Windows Server 2008 R2 AD machine shows in the event viewer that there was a successful authentication, yet the Ubuntu box says no. When I add the host within the ldap.conf file, everything works...getent and the actual authentication, either initial login or su.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Mapping UNIX Groups To Windows Groups?

Oct 12, 2010

I am currently trying to set up a Samba domain server. In the Samba-HOWTO-Collection I found an
example file.(Point In the explanations of the example below, the author says I need to map UNIX Groups to NT Groups. He writes a shell-script of how one could do it, but when I copy it and then execute it, I get the error:

Bad option: rid=512
Bad option: rid=513
Bad option: rid=514

The other groups do get mapped, just the Domain Admins, Domain Users and Domain Guests dont. This is the shell from the HOWTO:

#### Shell-Skript f ̈r sp ̈tere Verwendung aufbewahren
net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup=ntadmins rid=512
net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=users rid=513
net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Guests" unixgroup=nobody rid=514


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General :: LFS /tools/bin/groups Not Displaying Supplementary Groups?

Jun 8, 2010

So i am at the stage of about to install the basic system and am using a derivation of the package management provided by Matthias S. Benkmann. To this end I am using his useradd and groupadd scripts to update the files:


My issue is that when I run the commands(created as part of temporary system when installing coreutils):


/tools/bin/su linux
#then as user

(here linux is the name of the user) This only returns the user being in the group named after user but not the additional group of 'install' Also, prior to logging in as user, if I use this command as root:


/tools/bin/groups linux

linux install This then returns that the user is in the correct groups. Lines from relevant files look like:




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Ubuntu Servers :: Mainboard And Storage System - How Both Storage Devices Will Be Supported By Debian

Mar 11, 2011

I'm interested in buying a new hardware for my company. The old server (now 10 years old) should be replaced with a new one. Till now, I was looking on different hardware suppliers, boards and different other places. I found a Tyan board [URL]. The hardware spec is quite interesting and the board would fullfill our claims.

how both storage devices will be supported by Ubuntu or Debian??

- SATA-Controller: AMD SP5100
- SAS-Controller: LSI 1068E

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Ubuntu :: What's The Advantages Of Gnome

May 14, 2010

What's the advantages of Gnome?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: USB Mass Storage Class Music Players?

Feb 4, 2010

I am so completely frustrated with this and can't seem to find any solid answers. I have a Google Nexus One phone. I want to also use it as a portable music player. I can find no player for Linux that can do ALL of the following:

- copy music
- transcode when necessary
- transfer cover art in appropriate format
- transfer playlists (music files AND .m3u playlist files)

Banshee is the closest, but it is so painfully slow, has many problems with tags and also doesn't transfer playlist files. Banshee advertises support "out of the box" for this device. I've tried overriding with an .is_audio_player file, but it is ignored. Rhythmbox will transfer song files and transcode as necessary, but no artwork, no playlists. Exaile doesn't recognize this device for some reason.

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Ubuntu :: Best System Type / Advantages Of It?

May 8, 2010

What is the best types of[/COLOR] Linux? What are the advantages?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Advantages Of Using TAR.GZ Vs. GZ?

Jul 30, 2010

Why are some files converted to TARs, then compressed using GZIP? Why aren't they just compressed using GZIP instead of first converting them to TARs? I just created some TAR.GZ and GZ files using PeaZip, and the size of each file was the same.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable Mass Storage Device Mounting In Rhythmbox?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a 1TB external HDD which I use to store my music library of roughly 40 gigs. Therefore I would normally import music directly from it to my Rhythmbox library while keeping everything stored on the removable drive. In recent versions of Rhythmbox this is no longer needed as the application integrates my external HDD into the side pane and lists the music automatically. This is great although when closing Rhythmbox and reopening it, the drive has to be scanned all over again. This is a huge pain when it has to scan through 40+ gigs of music.

Therefore I would like this feature disabled and removed from my side pane. It is not needed and causes quite a large annoyance. Either I want it removed or the ability to keep the index of music from the drive in Rhyrhmbox at all times. Achieving this would be fantastic and would switch me back to Rhythmbox. recently I have been using Exaile which I love but rhythmbox not working bugs me.

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General :: Advantages Of Over OS X Softwares?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a several year-old Apple computer that has the latest Mac operating system (OS X 10.6.2). I wonder what are the advantages (and disadvantages) of converting my operating system to Linux. Or simply using Linux side-by-side Mac I take it that I would be able to use Linux and Mac on a single computer -- is this assumption correct?

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General :: What Are The Advantages Of Sftp Over Ftp?

Feb 7, 2011

What are the advantages of sftp over ftp?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unnable New E2120 Samsung Phone As A Mass Storage Device?

Jul 17, 2010

I need to enable my new E2120 samsung phone as a mass storage device. but I think I need a USB driver. Had a good look round the forums but can't seem to find any posts. Its quite a new phone but hopefully the solution is already about. When I plug it into the USB the phones screen has a hashed out 'mass storage' option.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Advantages Of Installing 64 Bit Version - Keep Windows Too?

Dec 4, 2010

I used the liveCD (32 bit version), got all the hardware info and I found out that it has a 64 bit processor, so do I have to install the 64bit version? I installed a 32 bit version on another 64 bit computer and it works fine, why? Is it normal for this to happen? If so, what are the advantages of installing the 64 bit version? Second, I would like to keep Windows too, but I could not figure out what the current partitions were:


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Ubuntu :: Advantages Or Disadvantages Of Primary & Extended Partitions?

Jun 27, 2011

What are the advantages (or disadvantages) in partitioning a disc into 4 Primary partitions versus 1 Primary & 3 Extended Partitions?

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General :: Immediate Advantages Of Selling Points?

Jan 3, 2011

I have recently started to use linux, ubuntu to be specific, and I'm already starting to receive grief from my mac-fanboy and windows-fanboy friends. Aside from the increased speed of the OS, and small size, what are some things I can do to prove the advantages of linux to them?

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Debian Multimedia :: Mount Android Mass Storage Device In Thunar

Apr 12, 2016

Since I use openbox with some packages from Xfce4 (mainly for convenience) I get most stuff "for free" as it were when using openbox, but I can't figure out how to mount android devices in a simple way. I can either do it manually, or install some other file manager that has this capability. This leads me to my question, I've noticed that if I install Nautilus, which automatically mounts android devices OotB, I get this functionality in Thunar as well. This leads me to believe that there is clearly a dependency package of some kind installed when running apt-get install nautilus that enables it, It'd be great to get this functionality in Thunar without having all the nautilus packages just littering about for no good reason. the required package is gvfs-backends, which I should have realized when I was unable to browse smb:// addresses. You forget a lot when you only make a fresh install once every 2 years or so.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Error - Org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable Auth_admin_keep_always

Jul 17, 2010

I am trying to play or backup various DVDs i have recently bought and keep geting this error message: (mind the wrap) org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable auth_admin_keep_always <-- (action, result) from KIOExec What in tarnation is going on. How about a useful error message.

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Debian :: Finding Advantages Of Low Latency Kernels?

Feb 26, 2011

As I am trying to understand if there are any advantages using a kernel optimized to have low latency for the desktop, it would very helpful if anyone using one could give me his opinion. I read about the liquorix kernel and found a controversy and used google to find more information.

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General :: Advantages Of Re-Compiling Of System Kernels?

Jun 6, 2010

Can you give me some advantages of Recompilation of New Linux Kernel and Installations.

make xconfig modules modules_install install

this is what i`m talking on. can someone provide me the basic needs and Advantages?

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General :: Advantages Of Using Bleeding Edge Kernel

Dec 21, 2010

I have AMD Athlon 3500+ (x86_64) CPU and I am okay with the Ubuntu package maintainer's kernel version (as of now it is 2.6.35-24-generic). What will I gain if I update to latest stable kernel ( A fraction of performance?

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Security :: Can Firewall Offer Advantages For Web Server?

Feb 23, 2010

I intend to set up a web site on a dedicated web server in colocation (containing nothing else except the server OS).Is it sufficient to make all files read only and use Apache mod_security or can a firewall offer extra necessary protection?

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Ubuntu :: Advantages And Disadvantages Of OpenOffice.org Word Processor, Kword, And AbiWord?

Dec 21, 2010

I am a graduate student writing a dissertation in modern history. More than half of my computer work takes place on a word processor.I take notes, make outlines, and then write drafts of papers, chapters, presentations, etc. I regularly have to share these files with others who use operating systems other than Linux.I have just switched from OS X (after 5 years and half of using Mac) and I am still figuring out how to write my next dissertation chapter in Ubuntu.

There seems to be no consensus on what is or what are the best word processing softwares -- especially for academic writers -- in Ubuntu or Linux for that matter.I have read a number of posts on various forums and I find them either dated by several years or not dealing with the problems I am facing :

namely writing a serious, book-length academic work in the humanities and desiring to work with a user-friendly and fast word processor that would also be powerful enough to accomplish most or all academic tasks such as footnotes, style change, bibliography, accessibility, etc. There are people who suggest using LaTeX (LyX, Kile, etc.) but it seems to me that they're mostly based in the exact sciences and benefit from the math and science features that exist in LyX or another LaTeX editor. LaTeX is moreover not very accessible to those who do not know the LaTeX language or do not have an editor and work primarily with a word processor: meaning that when I share a LaTex document with my colleagues they have difficulty editing my work. See for instance this discussion which took place 5 years ago on this forum:


I wonder if those of you who are in similar fields (i.e., humanities, social sciences, law, etc.)could chip in and talk about your experience as academic writers working primarily from a Linux (specifically Ubuntu) platform. What are the word processing applications you use to write your serious papers?What are the advantages and disadvantages of OpenOffice.org Word Processor, Kword, and AbiWord? How easy or difficult is it to share your documents with others who do not use Linux? In what format/s do you share your documents? Can others easily modify and edit your texts? Do you use LaTeX at all?Opinions may vary with respect to discipline,which word processor to use for writing their articles, dissertations, or books.

My own personal experience with OpenOffice.org has not been very positive. It's pretty slow and has problems with multiple language input. Switching from Nisus Writer Pro and Mellel (both OS X softwares), OpenOffice.org Word Processor seems also not very user-friendly. It seems to follow the design of MS Word (or what MS Word used to be) and feels above all *cluttered.* I am however trying to like it as I understand there's probably no other word processor better than OpenOffice.org in Ubuntu. Am I correct to assume this? I also downloaded Kword which in terms of interface and egronomic design seems quite nice. It is also a bit faster -- although I don't know how powerful Kword is at the moment and whether it can accomplish all that my academic work requires from a word processor. I have also read somewhere that AbiWord is really not all that powerful. It is meant to be a fast but "lean" word processor which would do basic things quickly.

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General :: Emulator - What Are The Advantages Of ZLinux / S390 On Hercules

Feb 6, 2011

I set up Debian Linux s390 port to run on Hercules on an i386 computer. I know that I can now develop apps or run apps that are ported to zLinux/s390 Linux, and perhaps also learn more about the special features of the s390/zseries processors (or at least most of their features). I've also read that there is no reliability/availability/serviceability advantage to running this in emulation since the underlying hardware is not-fault tolerant. Is that even true, given the redundant/fault-tolerant computations performed by the emulated processors? Does anyone know of other good reasons to run zLinux in emulation?

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Networking :: Configure Iptraf To Take Maximum Advantages Of Its Functions And Uses?

Apr 7, 2010

how to configure iptraf to take maximum advantages of its functions and uses?

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Server :: Security Advantages Of Separate Partition (within A Thumb Drive)

Mar 23, 2011

I want a subset of files on a usb to be less likely to corrupt or, have any contact with/ acess to, the rest of the files on the usb.

Q: is there any advantage in putting the subset on a separate partition within the USB drive?

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Server :: Cluster Storage With The Rock Cluster Storage Operating System?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to do the cluster storage with the Rock Cluster storage operating system . I have install the rock cluster on the main server . and I want to connect the client with the PXE boot . when I starting the client then it boot from the PXE boot into the mode of compute node. but it ask the where is to be stored the I have give the path..then server says that not able to find the directory path.

1) insert-ethers
2) client is started with the PXE boot.
3) it detects the dhcp .
4) At last it demand where is to be started by cd-rom, harddisk ,nfs etc.

then I started with the nfs and I have given the lanIp of server.and server is detecting the client but client is not finding the filesystem directory. into export partition directory but it is not taking path.

/export/rock/install it is not finding this path then it is not able to start the o/s from PXE boot..Is there any solution and manual of rock or anyother solution then u can reply to me...

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Ubuntu :: 11.4 Users And Groups GUI?

Dec 20, 2010

I am logged in with the account i created with ubuntu back in 10.4 but i cant do anything with the users and groups management tool any idea's what might be wrong? It also doesnt ask to escalate provilages when i run it which i suspect is part of the issue.

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Ubuntu :: Kmail Won't Send To Groups?

May 12, 2010

Running 9.04 with Kmail 1.12.2 with KDE 4.3. Akonadi is activated. Everything works except I cannot email to a distribution list. Am using POP3 with SMPTE. Comes back with

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Message sending failed since the following recipients were rejected by the server: test@steve-laptop (The server responded: "test@steve-laptop failed to route the address")

So I unchecked the default-domain inside my sending option for SMPTE and same thing.

Is there a manual switch or setting in kmailrc? I looked and didn't see anything. Doing the same thing on 3 different computers. Tried searching the net but couldn't find anything.

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Ubuntu :: Root Can't Run Users And Groups

Dec 30, 2010

I'm running 10.10 64-bit and have configured it for root graphical login for administration of the system. When I log in as root, I can run all menu items in System -> Administration with the exception of Users and Groups. When I try running this, the application starts, but I only get an animated spinning disk that doesn't stop, can't modify the users properties and I can't close the application unless I go to System -> Administration -> System Monitor -> Processes tab , highlight users-admin and click End Process.

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