Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia TwinView External Monitor Refresh Rate Locked?

Mar 26, 2011

I'm trying to use an external monitor to watch movies on my linux box (kubuntu maverick) but it results always out of sync. TV-out refresh rate is locked as you can see on the image i've attached right here. This is the output of the nvidia-settings query about the variable RefreshRate:

Attribute 'RefreshRate' (DeepBlue:0.0; display device: CRT-0): 60.02 Hz.
'RefreshRate' is an integer attribute.
'RefreshRate' is a read-only attribute.
'RefreshRate' is display device specific.


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Hardware :: Not Correct Refresh Rate On External Monitor

Jun 17, 2010

I'm using Arch Linux and I just bought a ViewSonic P227f CRT monitor for photo editing, and while it works pretty well after just plugging it in, it seems that the refresh rates are a bit off.The monitor is supposed to be able to do 1920x1440 @ 84hz, but I can only select 75hz in Gnome's monitor settings. The monitor is also supposed to be able to display 2048x1536@74hz, but I can't even select that resolution. There's just a garbled image at that resolution. I'm using it on a laptop with an Intel X3100 GPU. Is that why I can't use the highest resolution? Or is it because of incorrect modelines?The monitor is identified in Gnome's monitor settings as 'ViewSonic Corporation 20"', which is also wrong since it's a 21" monitor.

I was able to locate the correct HorizSync and VertRefresh values in this post on the Ubuntu forums.
HorizSync: 30-130
VertRefresh: 50-160

From what I gather the max pixel clock is 340mhz.I tried making an xorg.conf that specified the hsync and vrefresh but it didn't make any difference. I also tried adding a new modeline to xrandr using a modeline calculator. But I couldn't really figure out how it worked. The calculator said that the "Dot clock" was over the max frequency and that I should use an interlacing mode.Now, if there was a tool similar to Ubuntu's displayconf-gtk I imagine I could just set the correct model and be done with it. But since that is pretty much dead in favor of xrandr (i guess?) and doesn't exist for Arch anyway I think, is there a way to specify the correct model using xrandr?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gnome Display Recognize Same Refresh Rate As NVidia Server?

Jan 4, 2010

Is it possible to have gnome's display settings recognise higher refresh rates than 56hz, as my nvidia is set to 85hz, but gnome display still thinks its 56hz, and I believe this is causing many programs I'm using to refresh at 56hz. Compiz works beautifully after overriding the refresh rate inside it, as it too thought I was using 56hz instead of 85 but many games aswell as CairoDock as jerky, which makes me think it is a refresh issue.

How can I make gnome know I'm using 85hz?

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General :: Screen Rate - Refresh Mode Of The Monitor In The Monitor Options Have Only One Option 60Hz

Mar 20, 2010

I am having problems with the refresh rate if the screen. In the refresh mode of the monitor in the monitor options have only one option 60Hz. I have LG 24 + ATI Radon 3870, and have already installed the ATI driver via Ubuntu download center.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Bad Monitor Refresh Rate After Upgrading To 10.04?

May 3, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 and I've noticed some flickering on my monitor... if I'm correct, the problem is the refresh rate. It is set to 60 Hz and it doesn't give me any options to change it. I would guess that the display drivers are installed correctly because I'm running a lot of CompizConfig effects without a problem Is there anything else that could be causing this problem?

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Debian :: New Monitor Cant Change Refresh Rate

Apr 14, 2011

I just upgraded from a 1280x1024 17" to a 1920x1200 24".However, at 1920x1200, I do not have an option to change the refresh rate to anything but 60Hz, but Id like to run 70 or 75Hz.My monitor is an Asus PA246Q. Digital Signal Frequency : 30~83 KHz(H)/ 50~76 Hz(V).I am running Debian 6.Video card is an ATI Radeon 4850/1GB, and I am using the fglrx driver.

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General :: Set Monitor Refresh Rate In Script?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm running the great game "Capitalism Plus" w wine. This is really a Win-95 game but it runs fine under Wine (a big benefit of Linux, you can run those old Windows games again, which is impossible under WinXP...)

Anyway, here's the problem: The game runs only in 640x480. My monitor is a 22" widescreen 1920x1080. When I start Capitalism, the resolution changes to 640x480 which is fine. However, the refresh rate is 75Hz, which minimizes the actual / active screen to a small window in the middle of the monitor. (Not only for the game, but for the kde desktop.) When I set refresh rate to 60Hz (using krandrtray) everything is fine.

So here's the question: Is there any way I can create a bash-script that sets the refreshrate to 60Hz?

I'm running kde3.5, Debian Lenny on a AMD64 with ATI:s fglrx.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Monitor Refresh Rate And Direct Rendering?

May 18, 2010

I have an iBook which I just installed karmic after several tries due to issue beyond this thread. The specs of the are listed here: [URL].. ,but basically it boils down to the following:

* introduced 2003.10.22 at $1,099; replaced by 1.07 GHz model 2004.04.19
* requires Mac OS X 10.3 through 10.4.x, 10.5 not officially supported
* CPU: 800 MHz G4
* bus: 133 MHz
* performance:


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Ubuntu :: Changing Monitor Refresh Rate System-wide?

Jan 31, 2011

On an older computer of mine using an older CRT monitor, Ubuntu defaults to a monitor refresh rate that causes the screen to constantly flicker and flash, making it nearly unusable. Changing the rate to either 75 Hz or 60 Hz fixes the issue, but changing it through the Monitor settings only affects my user account; part of the loading screen, and the login screen, will continue to flicker and flash. Is there a setting I can adjust somewhere that will set the refresh rate for the entire system, not just my user account?

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Fedora :: Monitor Refresh Rate Problem After Mar 6 Updates

Mar 8, 2010

I'm having a problem with my monitor's refresh rate after the most recent round of updates issued on March 6. When I login after a period of inactivity my monitor's refresh rate is set at 60 Hz, even though I always keep it set at 85 Hz.So I have to go in and change the refresh rate back to 85 Hz every time I log in to my computer.This has only started happening after the most recent updates.I tried downgrading X to a previous version but that did not fix the problem. I have an Nvidia graphics card and am using the Nouveau driver.Is anyone else having this issue? Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Changing Refresh Rate For Monitor

Feb 21, 2011

I use kde and in it's control panel the only option it has is 50hz. I have an lcd with 1680x1050resolution, and 60hz max refresh rate. It has dvi input capability, but my video card does not so it's on vga. The current refresh rate is killing my eyes. Is there any other way of modifying it? Is there any change i can make in the xorg.conf? My graphic card is an integrated nvidia 7025.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Screen Tearing / Incorrect Monitor Refresh Rate

May 3, 2011

I'm currently running an up-to-date copy of Ubuntu 11.04, but I'm noticing some strange behavior with the monitor settings. First of all, I started investigating this because I'm seeing a lot of screen tearing while watching videos full screen as well as while the screensaver (lattice) is running. On Ubuntu 10.10 I was able to simply set the refresh rate of my monitor to 60Hz through the Nvidia tool and everything worked great. Now, this is no longer the case. I'm using a Samsung Syncmaster 205BW monitor with an Nvidia 8600 GT video card. They are connected with a DVI cable.The strange thing is, the default tool, Monitors, claims my monitor is "unknown" and will only allow me to select 50Hz, 51Hz, and sometimes 52Hz for the refresh rate.

The Nvidia tool claims that my monitor has been detected as a Samsung Syncmaster and is configured to run at 60Hz.However, another area of the Nvidia tool claims that my monitor is using a refresh rate of 59.95Hz. none of these solutions had any effect. I'm still seeing video tearing. I let the Nvidia tool re-write my xorg.conf file after trying these solutions.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Cannot Set Monitor Refresh Rate To 75Hz (ati Hd4850)

May 5, 2010

i have a Compaq V1100 monitor, which is capable of 75Hz refresh rate (i`m sure, it works under windows) but it works only on 60Hz under linux.my video card is a hd4850 and i use the proprietary fglrx drivers.i tried opensuse 11.0, 11.1 (installed drivers manually, not from repository), and now i have a 11.2 (this time the drivers are from repository the fglrx-desktop version)i have tried editing xorg.conf, using modes generated by gtf (maybe i copid them to the wrong section, but i tried putting them to the monitor and the modes section), tried disabling RandR1.2, also tried setting the monitor to vesa with 75hz refresh rate, i still cant set the refresh rate to 75hz (amdcccle lists only 60hz)

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Software :: How To Use Gconftool-2 To Find Monitor Size And Refresh Rate?

Mar 11, 2011

How can I use gconftool-2 to find the monitor size and refresh rate?By size I mean pixels such as 1920x1080, not inches as in a 26-inch monitor.

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Debian Configuration :: NVidia - Set Screen Resolution And Refresh Rate

Apr 8, 2011

I have install squeeze, wheezy. I understand there a glitch in nvidia-setting. So how can I change screen resolution and refresh rate in xorg.conf?

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (pbuilder@windlord) Sun Jun 13 06:03:17 UTC 2010
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
EndSection .....

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Fedora :: Screen Refresh Rate 85hz Max With NVidia Card

Nov 9, 2010

I am having trouble setting my refresh rate higher than 85 hz. Any Way to get it to 100 hz?

Tried so far:
- a lot of googling
- added a modeline to xorg.conf
- reinstalled nvidia driver
- tried the screen on a windows desktop, this worked so the monitor is fine

onitor: Iiyama Vision master pro 510 (should be capable of doing 104 hz at 1600 x 1200, max resolution 2048 x 1536)
graphics card: Geforce 9800gt
motherboard: p5ql-e
Os: Fedora 13

The modeline I tried, tried it both in screen section as well as in a seperate "Modes" section:
Modeline "1600x1200_100.00" 280.64 1600 1728 1904 2208 1200 1201 1204 1271 -HSync +Vsync
After restarting X the screen only does 1024x768 max because of the modeline

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 256.35 (buildmeister@builder97.nvidia.com) Wed Jun 16 19:15:05 PDT 2010
# Xorg configuration created by livna-config-display

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
Option "Xinerama" "0"
EndSection .....

Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"

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Hardware :: 3D Rendering Seems Jerky Though FPS Is Fixed At Monitor Refresh Rate (60Hz)

Jun 29, 2010

I start, e.g. Lightsmark having set up Vsync, so that video would be smooth and not tear. It shows 60FPS - just as monitor refresh rate - 60Hz, but as i see, video is still jerky when there are many objects rendered.
What could be the reason, i wonder? How could i investigate this?My video card is nvidia, Vsync etc. are set up via nvidia-settings.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Monitor / Graphics - Only Allowed 60 Hz But Fedora Auto Detects Refresh Rate At 85 Hz

Jan 11, 2011

I recently switched my desktop from Fedora to CentOS. On Fedora it auto detects my refresh rate at 85 Hz. On CentOS by default it only allowed 60 Hz. I looked at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and the display settings were:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Very Poor Refresh Rate

Jun 5, 2011

I just built a home media server. It's using a Gigabyte E350N-USB3 motherboard with the AMD Fusion processor. So far, everything seems to be working fair enough. However, when it comes to video playback via an HDMI cable to my TV, it's unwatchable. It is okay during slow scenes, but any sudden movement or high action scenes and the problem becomes obvious.I don't know how to explain it other than it appears to have a problem refreshing quickly enough. I see horizontal lines across the film. I originally thought it might be due to low quality AVI files, but I just tried a DVD and it did it just the same.

I'm pretty knew to Ubuntu, so I'm not sure if there are some settings I can tweak, or if I am missing some drivers. Any ideas on where to start?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Change Default Refresh Rate

May 21, 2010

After upgrading from karmic to lucid I can't change a default refresh rate for my crt monitor connected to my laptop (lcd switched off). I know radeon driver is trying to check what's the highest possible rate and sets it around 85, but the screen starts to "shiver". If I manualy change this setting in system settings for the screen to 75, it is ok. But I have to do this after every boot I generated xorg.conf and the appropriate modeline (it shows in the screen settings), and I added it to both monitor and screen section. Nevertheless the refresh rate is set to auto again in system settings and the screen wiggles a bit. How to disable automatic detection and force my own settings?

P.S Here's my xorg.conf:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "X.org Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Slow Refresh Rate In Videos

Feb 27, 2011

I've got an annoying problem with refresh rates in everything to do with videos. Basically, anything that requires a quicker refresh than using a word processor. This includes flash movies on a website to playing an offline video. In website flash, the video tends to, well flash on occasion. The other sort of thing is pan lines or whatever they're called in videos like a simple .avi movie.

I currently have the nVidia 270.29 drivers installed for my GTS450 card, but this was happening with older versions. My monitor is a Samsung SyncMaster 943 which is detected. The resolution and refresh rates are sort of fixed on auto configuration. What I mean is, is that I can use the drop down menu to change the resolution to a manual option, and then it allows me to select a refresh rate, but only limited to 60 and 75Hz.

This setting will stay as is until I need reboot or restart Ubuntu. Even clicking on Save to X Configuration File is not a keeper. However, here's another problem. Doesn't matter which refresh rate is selected, I still get the above problems. The same resolution and refresh rate yields no problem under Win7 which I've dual-booted with.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Add A Resolution Of 1920 On 1024 And Refresh Rate At 60 Ghz?

Sep 28, 2010

how you can add a resolution of 1920 on 1024 and refresh rate at 60 ghz? in this xorg.conf

PHP Code:


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Fedora :: Setting Monitor Refresh Rate In Fedora 15

Jun 5, 2011

I have installed Fedora 15 but find that there is no option for setting the Refresh Rate in Display Settings. This is needed since when I set the Screen Resolution to 1024 x 768, the vertical scroll bar goes out of the screen.

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Debian Multimedia :: NVidia Driver Not Working With External Monitor?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a Dell XPS M1330, which has a GeForce 8400M GS GPU. The binary (sigh) nVidia driver installed is version 190.53 (installed by sgfxi). This is working well: glxgears gives me about 2600 FPS and compiz is happy.An old Philips 170B is attached by VGA cable. I was looking to set up a method of switching resolution upon connecting to the monitor when working at the desk, since I don't like the 1280x800 resolution of the laptop.

nfortunately, I can't get any output on the external monitor. It does work under Ubuntu, which installed the 180 series binary driver. (Going to an earlier driver is an option, but I want to understand the problem.) Bottom line, I want to work under Debian.As far as I know, nVidia's proprietary driver doesn't support xrandr. At any rate, with he external 170B monitor attached and turned on, I get the following:$ xrandr -qScreen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1280 x 800, maximum 1280 x 800default connected 1280x800+0+0 0mm x 0mm

1280x800 50.0*
1024x768 51.0 52.0 
960x540 53.0 


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia Twinview Window Maximize Behavior?

Aug 22, 2010

I have 2 nvidia graphics cards and 3 monitors. One graphicss card is an nvidia 460 and the second one is an nvidia 8400 GS. I'm on Ubuntu lucid 64 bit gnome desktop. I use the nvidia drivers . 2 monitors are connected to the 460 card setup as twinview the last monitor is connected to the 8400 GS set as a separate xscreen.

When I now maximize a window on the 2 monitors which are set as twin view it expands this window gets stretched over both screens. I would like to know how I can set it so that an maximized window get only expands on the current screen in twinview so that I can still move windows from 1 screen to another.

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Ubuntu :: How To Set Refresh Rate To 75Hz

May 15, 2011

i have just installed ubuntu 11.04.The thing is my screen is flickering but i cant find how o set my refresh rate o 75Hz to stop it.In the monitors panel it says monitor is unknown and i can only set the refresh rate as 50,51 and 52 Hz. how to set it to 75

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Refresh Rate In GDM

Aug 15, 2011

I just did a fresh install of natty on my desktop and at first I had a box bouncing around my screen saying input not supported. I changed my refresh rate from 50 to 52 and it got rid of it, but I still have the bouncing box on the login screen. How can I adjust the refresh rate for that?

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu Refresh Rate

Aug 5, 2010

This morning I was looking around and went to the display settings and such. And I noticed refresh rate was at 75Hz. I changed it to 85Hz and the screen went black. I tryed to reboot but after I got passed the Login the screen went black again. Now I want to change it back to 75Hz because the monitor wont allow it.
How do I change it back to 75Hz from the login screen?

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Ubuntu :: Refresh Rate At 1920x1080 Resolution?

Mar 3, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 I have ATi HD5700 and its Catalyst drivers downloaded from http://ati.amd.com

The monitor is Hanns-G HH251 (25", 1920x1080@60 max) I cannot make either "Display Settings" or "ATI Configuration" to show the refresh rate of 60 Hz as available. When I change the resolution to 1440x900 then I can pick 60 (but obviously I don't want that resolution). However, if I pick 1920x1080, the only two refresh rates available are 25 and 30 Hz, causing the image to flicker and whatnot.

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Ubuntu :: Forcing 55hz Refresh Rate?

Aug 29, 2010

Just got a spare computer running ubuntu. The monitor it has atm has a problem where the screen goes crazy,the colours flicker and there are lines all over. I'm pretty sure its the refresh rate as the monitor can only support 55hz and 60hz. However, Xserver wont allow me to go below 75hz.Specs (very low I know ;D)nVidia 7600GS
AMD 32002 gig ramAMW M199D

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