Ubuntu :: Low Disk Space Error

Aug 26, 2010

I recently got an error message about there being low disk space. Well I checked to make sure it was true.Went to Computer and right clicked on "File System" and clicked properties. It said I had 0 bytes. I restarted and got the same Low Disk Space error, this time saying I have 258.5MB of space left. So, what could the problem be? I remember having 11GB of space left. Could this be a problem with my HD since it's pretty old? Well not too old, I think I've had it since like 2003.

If this is in the wrong area, than please do move it to the right location. Oh and here's a pic of what I mean: I should add, that I'm not having any problems surfing the web or anything. It's not going slow at all.I installed a deb. file for google talk, could that be messing with my computer? I just noticed that when I check the file system, the free space is always different. I just checked a second ago and it's at 248MB or so. So yeah, I have no idea what's wrong.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Space - Failes On A "E: Write Error - Write (28 No Space Left On Device)"

Jan 4, 2011

df -h [URL] I did the following command to find everything is in /usr or /var, then tracked it down to /usr/lib and /usr/share as the main offenders, but out of all the directories none are more than 1mb or so.

du -sh /* | sort -gr | head -n 5

I tried to uninstall firefox, which is what got me in this mess in the first place, the log claims it will remove ~240 mb but failes on a "E: Write error - write (28 No space left on device)" [URL] If I could juggle something onto an external hard drive so I can uninstall firefox I would be out of the wood. Failing that I believe a new install is in order.

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OpenSUSE :: Error - You're Low On Disk Space

Apr 30, 2010

In our setup, users have a 256M quota by default on their home directory. That of course is close to 200M, which is the default threshold for kded to throw popups around "you're low on disk space". What would be the global file to change this number?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Samba - Error: There Is Not Enough Free Disk Space

Apr 22, 2010

I have recently upgraded to 10.04 alpha2. I have an external ntfs hard drive that I use for media storage. In Jaunty, I had this drive mounted with ntfs-3g and could read and write to it from my Windows laptop.

Now, I have mounted this drive in 10.04 and have rw access to it from within the machine itself i.e. I can move files around from the console etc... but when I try to write something to the share from my windows laptop, I get the following error:

Cannot copy [filename]: There is not enough free disk space. Delete one or more files to free disk space and then try again.

Here is df showing I have enough disk space. Also, I can copy the same file to my home directory which is also shared and them mv it through the console to the storage ntfs drive with no problem.

/dev/sdc1 488384000 416883568 71500432 86% /media/storage
Here is a copy of my smb.conf file.
## Browsing/Identification ###
# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of workgroup = HOME
# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Error: Not Enough Disk Space

Apr 29, 2010

Im getting an error:

Not Enough Disk Space.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

I think im getting this error because I didnt allocate enough space to the Ubuntu partition when I installed it. How do I allocate more space to the Ubuntu partition? If this is not possible, is it possible to install 10.04 from my Windows?

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Fedora Installation :: 14 - Error 5 - No Space On Disk?

Mar 2, 2011

I was going about tweaking it and preparing it to my needs, While installing through yum I dont have much other than the fact that I have to search for the packages. But when I open "Add/remove software" of Fedora. I am greeted with " No space left on the disk" and when I seek for more details it says " Disk Error :[errno 5] Input/output error"I did some research and I saw that it usually occurs during installation, but here I have successfully installed it.Can someone help me with it? Later on I even had notification of the same warning. And mind you I got loads of free space.

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Error-Not Enough Free Space On The Disk

Jun 4, 2011

when i tried to update my ubuntu it gave me the following error: "The upgrade page needs a total of 19.9M free space on /boot. please free atleast an additional 3624k of disk space on /boot. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using sudo apt-get clean"

please help me to fix this error. why the packages require free space on /boot. how to empty trash how to remove temporary packages of former installations using sudo apt-get clean"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Error - Not Enough Free Space On Disk

Jun 4, 2011

When I tried to update my ubuntu it gave me the following error:
"The upgrade page needs a total of 19.9M free space on /boot. Please free atleast an additional 3624k of disk space on /boot. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using sudo apt-get clean."
Why the packages require free space on /boot. How to empty trash. How to remove temporary packages of former installations using sudo apt-get clean.
Screenshot attached for reference.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Error: Not Enough Free Disk Space

Sep 1, 2011

I am a beginner to Ubuntu & Linux. Some months back I installed ubuntu on a somewhat aged & slowed down acer laptop running win XP. Finally I tried running ubuntu a couple days ago & it's been pretty smooth, until this from update manager: Not enough free disk space

The upgrade needs a total of 615M free space on disk '/'. Please free at least an additional 296M of disk space on '/'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'. I guess I don't have to install these "important security updates", but it's probably best I do & learn how to use the file browser, terminal (Applications - Accessories - really, it's a little hidden), other important parts of ubuntu.

For downloading I have an external drive connected with 760 GB free - more than enough space for anything. I can also move files to this disk - do I maybe need to reboot into win xp to move files? I have no idea how to know which ubuntu files to remove for space - proc folder seems to have enough room, but should I just move it to the external drive? I can't seem to access the rest of the hard Drive where I could simply move a 4GB movie.

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General :: RW-20013: Error: - Not Enough Free Disk Space On System

Jul 14, 2010

I am trying to install Oracle ebs and it falls over with this message:-


File Space Check :

-- database node space checks --

RW-20013: Error: - Not enough free disk space on system:
Database ORACLE_HOME = /d01/oracle/VIS/db/tech_st/11.1.0
required = 9967.0
actual = 9898.0390625


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General :: Why Is Used + Available Disk Space Always Less Than Total Disk Space

Feb 24, 2011

root@localhost:~ $ df /dev/sdb1
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1 1922858352 23247088 1801935664 2% /mnt/external/sdb1


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Slackware :: Disk Space Lost- Root Partition Has Very Little Space Left

Jan 31, 2010

Today I was installing a lot of software since I'm just setting up my Slackware system again after a fresh install, and I realized that my root partition has very little space left.

Here is the output of df -h:


As you can see, I have a 20G (19G here for some reason) root partition, 8G /var, and 86G of /home. I thought this would be plenty since many recent recommendations for / are 10-15G. Now, though, 17G are used up for some reason! How is this possible? I thought a full slackware install only had about 4G of software! I don't have any music or movies or any crazy huge files that I know of, and those would be in my /home directory anyway. Is there any way I can see which files are taking up all this space?

If it's necessary to allocate more space to my / partition, is it still possible to boot up a GParted live Cd, shrink /home a bit, move some partitions to the right, and expand my root partition? I would REALLY prefer I don't have to reinstall since I just spent a ton of time setting up my system again, but if worst comes to worst ... :'-(

In case you're curious, here's my /etc/fstab:


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Hardware :: Reduced Disk Space / Use The Total Amount Of Space?

Aug 25, 2009

OS: RHEL AS 5 64-bit

HDD:300 GB Hardware mirror (HP blade bl460c)

While installing OS, in partition window after OS file system structure I've left 277 GB. But after installation it shows Size - 255GB and available disk space is 242 GB.

Isn't it weired? How can I use the total amount of space in Linux? I need the whole 277GB exactly. What should be my workaround?

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Ubuntu :: Disk Space Used Doesn't Match What Is Shown In Disk Usage Analyzer?

Feb 26, 2011

Some thing is using up a huge amount of my disk space about 10G and I can not determine what it is. When I look at my disk usage in system monitor it say I have used about 25G and when I scan the directory in disk usage analyzer the entire file system used is 15G.

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Ubuntu :: Add Hard Disk Expand Disk Space For /home

May 23, 2010

ran out of space in my /home dir. Have a second hard drive to install and would like to designate it as additional space for /home. I do not want to mount it as a dir inside my home I would like it to simply work as though my /home simply has more space available to it.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Full - Can't Free Any Disk Space

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running mythbuntu 9.04 and am having an issue with disk space.

I try 'rm' various log files but the space I free up lasts less than a minute before the disk reports as being full once more.

df -Th | sort gives:


/dev/sda1 ext3 8.3G 7.9G 0 100% /
/dev/sda6 ext3 138G 125G 6.3G 96% /music
/dev/sda7 xfs 783G 617G 167G 79% /videos
/dev/sdb2 xfs 344G 242G 103G 71% /recordings


There's nothing enormous in /var/log and my trash and the root trash are empty.

why size and used fields are not the same despite 100% usage being reported on sda1..

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General :: Disk Utility And Df Show Different Disk Space ?

Nov 18, 2010

I don't understand disk sizes in Linux. I have a 500GB drive. It's ext4. I have run "tune2fs -m 0" on it to reserve the amount of space reserved for root to 0.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 that comes with a Disk Utility. When I run "System->Administration->Disk Utility (palimpsest)" the disk shows up as 500GB (see picture). But when I run df -h it shows up as 459GB. So, I don't understand the discrepancy.

When I run df I get the following:

Question: Why is Disk Utility showing me something different than "df"?

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Ubuntu :: Resize Entire /root (root.disk) Virtual Disk Space?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm running out of space in wubi. Online wubi help didn't help much since they suggest creating extra virtual disk space(similar to having a diffrent partition i guess) .None of them speak about increasing the size of /root disk space(or root.disk). I store all files in space shared with windows or external disk and use ubuntu only to install and use softwares and browsing. So how do increase the available space for installing more softwares?

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Ubuntu :: No More Space On My Usb Disk - But There Is ?

Mar 24, 2011

Until now I have just formated the disks, but it's frustrating since I need the files on the disk and I bet there's an easier way out. I tried to physically delete the .trash folder in the flash disk but that didn't work either. So, what do I do?

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Ubuntu :: Get More Disk Space For U11.04?

Jun 11, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 (with wubi) and selected that I wanted 10 GB of disk space for Ubuntu.

There are two things I want to do now, so two questions:

1. How do I delete Windows OS from my computer? It's a new computer so I am sure I want to delete and I did not download anything but a few things on it.

2. After I do that, how do I set Ubuntu so that it's not still at 10 GB of disk space.

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General :: Add / Of 3000mb In The Remaining 20380mb Free Space It Showing An Error Message That No Free Space Is Available

Jul 25, 2010

I have 160gb laptop. i installed vista in c primary partition which is 25gb and installed ubuntu in d primary partition which is 20gb. A remainig for my data. Now i tried to install CENT OS by formatting ubuntu. I inserted CENT OS DVD and restarted and i selected to delete my /dev/sda2 which is showing 20480mb and it shown me free space. but i tried to add partion /boot of 100mb it got added. but, when i am trying to add / of 3000mb in the remaining 20380mb free space it showing an error message that no free space is available.

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Ubuntu :: My Disk Keeps Running Out Of Space

Apr 27, 2010

A few days ago, I got a message that stated I had zero bytes of disk space left.Odd, I thought, but I had been doing video transcribing and thought that may be the issue.I moved a video (4 GB) off the hard drive to an external drive and then went about my business.This morning, I got the message again. I enclosed a screen shot. I moved a few more items off my hard drive - but then was soon out of space again. (Less than an hour later.)I logged in as root and poked around. I noticed that /var/archives had almost 60 GB of data in .tar.gz files.I moved them off to an external drive and am okay for now.

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Ubuntu :: Free Up Space On Disk 9.10?

May 7, 2010

I want to update my com but update manager says "The upgrade needs a total of 498M free space on disk '/'. free at least an additional 495M of disk space on '/'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'. I tried sudo apt-get clean and it did nothing I also checked the trash and theres nothing.

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Ubuntu :: Low On Disk Space Message?

May 30, 2010

I just booted it up and it said I had 60mb hard disk space left. I go onto disk usage analyzer from the message and it reads this

Total filesystem capacity: 41.8 GB (used: 11.8 GB) available 30.0 GB.

why this error message comes up?

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Ubuntu :: Extract ISO With Low Disk Space?

Jun 25, 2010

I've got a slicehost VPS with 10GB disk space, and I'm trying to extract a 6.4gb ISO file. Between the ISO and the OS i've got just 761MB to play with. Is there anyway to extract files from within the ISO without needing another 6.4gb?

I've tried mounting the ISO as read/write so I could move files instead of copy, but did not have any luck. See here and here.

Should I just give up, download the iso, then re-upload the files? 6.4gb represents a long time over dsl.

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Ubuntu :: Df Incorrect Disk Space ?

Aug 12, 2010

I just finished my computer build and have installed Ubuntu lucid as my sole OS. Everything seems to be going well except for the fact that when I do "df -h", the size of my 1TB hard drive is reported as being only 908GB. I could understand if it was off by a few gigs but 92? The result is the same with the graphical "Disk Usage Analyzer." However, Under System>Administration>Disk Utility the correct number is displayed.

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Ubuntu :: Not Enough Free Disk Space (9.10)

Oct 16, 2010

I am a complete noob using Ubuntu 9.10 for the past 6 months. I have a dual boot system i.e windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10. I never had any issue until I started getting the following warning message whenever I try to install updates from update manager. I can't even download other stuff from internet.

Not enough free disk space

The upgrade needs a total of 173M free space on disk '/'. Please free at least an additional 63.1M of disk space on '/'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'. Emptying trash and using sudo apt-get clean did not help.

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Ubuntu :: How To Increase Disk Space

Mar 18, 2011

I have sony lap with 320 Gb hdd with 3Gb RAM with windows 7 home basic running on it.Through Ubuntu website i downloaded the Windows installer[WUBI].At first it asked about the disk space i allocated it as 12 Gb..Now i want to add more hdd space to it..Right now i have avaiable spave is 7 Gb free i want to incerase atleast to 20 Gb ....How should i do...

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Ubuntu :: Running Out Of Disk Space?

May 7, 2011

I have a dual boot system that only has about 6.5 GB of total file space for Ubuntu on the disk. Recently I upgraded to 11.04, and have had problems logging on and in downloading and installing programs. Occasionally I get messages that say available memory [edit: I meant disk space, not memory] is too low.

I see from the disk analyzer that a folder called tmp is very large. Can that file be safely deleted? Anything else to clean up and scavenge more space?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Not Enough Disk Space

May 8, 2011

I attempted to upgrade to 11.04 but I get an error message that says I do not have enough disk space. I am dual booting ubuntu from an external hard drive. How do I alter my partition size to allow for the upgrade?

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