Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts For Nautilus And Gedit (switching Tabs)?

Apr 28, 2010

I find it weird that Ctrl+Tab doesn't switch tabs in both Nautilus nor Gedit. I've been fine with Gedit's Ctrl+Alt+Page alternative, but I can't find any shortcut for that task in Nautilus. It would be great if I could somehow customize it to Ctrl+Tab in both programs. Is that possible?

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Ubuntu :: Add Desktop Switching Keyboard Shortcuts?

Dec 29, 2010

i cant't seem to find a way to do it.

I successfully add a keyboard shorcut to launch konsole manually with khotkeys, but i don't know what command to bind to move to right, left, up, down desktops like in ubuntu.

For example in ubuntu there is ctrl+alt+arrow and ctrl+alt+shift+arrow to move through workspaces and move windows between them. Not so in kubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Customize Nautilus Keyboard Shortcuts

Aug 29, 2010

Is there a way to customize the keyboard shortcuts for Nautilus? Namely, I want ctrl+n to create new folder and ctrl-m to create new text file. I searched for the answer but the only one that actually contained info refers to now obviously deprecated Prefs -> Appearance -> Interface entry (there's no such thing in Lucid).

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox Is Slow Opening New Tabs/switching Between Tabs

Mar 25, 2010

Firefox is sometimes slow opening new tabs/switching between tabs. If I click on the kickoff application launcher button, it takes a few seconds to open, and typing something in the search makes it hang up for about 20 seconds before it does the search. Clicking on an app takes 16 seconds before the menu window closes and the program begins to start. Then it takes another 30sec-1min before the app is usable. smplayer plays video with tearing.

Like right now I tried taking a screenshot, and it tells me

Error launching /usr/share/applications/kde4/ksnapshot.desktop. Either KLauncher is not running anymore, or it failed to start the application.

while the app worked fine.

I also tried running glxgears right now, and it runs but the gears don't move, and terminal states

15 frames in 19.0 seconds = 0.789 FPS
XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0"
after 48 requests (48 known processed) with 15 events remaining.

If I'm on dolphin, and I click a video to start smplayer, it takes about 1 minute for it to start.

Memory is using 1.4GB out of 3.6GB, with 0.08GB/2GB swap

Top shows an average usage of less than 10% average. Xorg is always 25%, kwin is always 10% and then rest of the apps are less than that.

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 620 Processor
Integrated VIdeo: HD4200 with fglrx driver

When I ssh into the computer with x tunneling, the programs start up faster than being on the desktop

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Ubuntu :: Lucid - Change Gnome / Nautilus Keyboard Shortcuts?

May 5, 2010

Karmic there was a tab inside "System->Preferences->Appearance" called "Interface" which allowed me to modify the keyboard shortcuts. I had <Backspace> to move backwards in Nautilis and <Shift><Backspace> to move forward.

Without this tab can anyone tell me how I can modify the shortcuts to do this? I have spent some time looking at gconf-editor but nothing is jumping out at me, particularly with regards to the back and forward browsing.

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Ubuntu :: Turning Off Tabs In Gedit?

Sep 19, 2010

I'd can't seem to find a preference to turn off gedit's default behaviour of opening a new file in a new tab. I'd like it to open in a new window, so I can view two pages of code side by side. How can I convince gedit to open a new instance?

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Ubuntu :: Disable Tabs In Gedit?

Dec 19, 2010

Can I disable the tabs in gedit? I want it to behave like notepad in Windows. I found instructions for adding 'open in new window' menu options, but I want whenever I doubleclick on a text file or run 'gedit filename', the file to be opened in a separate window.

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Ubuntu :: Make Gedit Save Tabs And Open Them When Restarting?

Jan 6, 2011

Textpad on Windows did a great job with this. How to make gedit save tabs when closing and reopen the files when restarting?

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General :: Switching Between Tabs In Konqueror?

Mar 2, 2010

i use open suse ,while using konqueror i would like to use ctrl+tab to switch b/n two tabs as in browser , what has to be done to get that .

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OpenSUSE :: Switching Tabs In Forefox Has Big Delay?

May 14, 2010

Whenever I switch tabs in firefox, there's a big delay (worse for some sites than others). This didn't use to be the case

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Ubuntu :: Stop Gedit From Opening Shortcuts(screenshot)?

Sep 24, 2010

ubuntu 10.04 installed via usb on WD external HD,now my problem is every time i double click on any of my shortcuts like the row you see(screenshot)near the bottom middle of the screen going upwards not the dock itself but the row of folders or the one on the top left(browse c:drive(wine) it allways comes back the way you see the window in the pic ,with that error,even if i open c:drive in the start menu and they worked fine before today and right clicking dosent give me the option to open with another app.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Gedit / Nautilus And SSH File Saving?

Jul 13, 2010

I connect with ssh to an Ubuntu server to edit some files in /var/www witch I have set the setgid bit:

# sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www
# sudo chmod -R 770 /var/www
# sudo chmod -R g+s /var/www

I have added the user "user" to www-data group. Now I connect using ssh as user "user" to my server with nautilus. When I copy files using nautilus file get the group permission 'www-data' as they should. But if I edit a file using Gedit and save it, the file's group get changed to "user" group ?

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Ubuntu :: Got Possible Nautilus Error When Opening Gedit From Terminal / Sort It?

Apr 25, 2010

I received this odd error when opening gedit from the terminal . gedit opened, but this error worries me code...

After changing the hostname, you need to reboot your machine. That fixed it

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Software :: Nautilus Shortcuts (Alt-Left, Alt-Right) Don't Work?

Mar 2, 2010

Basically the Alt-Left and Alt-Right shortcuts in my Nautilus don't work. The Backspace shortcut does work. Reason I am needing them is that I have bound my mouse side keys to them for easier browsing but the original shortcuts don't work. I checked Compiz shortcuts, but those two are not used there (at least I didn't find them).

Any ideas on the subject would be great. Below is some info:

Linux: Debian 5.0.4
Kernel version: 2.6.26-2-686
Nautilus version: 2.20.0
Gnome version: 2.22.3

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Ubuntu :: Mac Keyboard Shortcuts?

Mar 3, 2010

How can I get Ubuntu to have sound and screen brightness controls on the keyboard like Mac OSX?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working?

Jun 21, 2010

I don't think I could be much newer to Ubuntu (I only started using it properly an hour ago) and I'm having trouble with the keyboard shortcuts. Nothing happens when I press alt-f2 to run terminal, or ctrl-alt-tab to switch workspaces. I also cannot use the fn keys to dim the screen, change the volume etc

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-Do Like Keyboard Shortcuts?

Mar 30, 2011

After using KDE 3.5 for years, I defected to Gnome when KDE 4.0 came out. I have recently installed Kubuntu Maverick on my netbook and have decided that I now like KDE again The one bit of functionality that I am missing is the keyboard short cuts of Gnome-Do. So if I type Windows key Em, return and Emacs launches.

The search box in Kubuntu sort of does this. However, I have to click in the box and when I have typed the first few characters I have to click on the icon with the mouse. Is there any way I can do this just using the keyboard and not the mouse? I have searched the help and Googled without much success.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working In 11.04?

May 2, 2011

Keyboard shortcuts set in Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard -> Application Shotcuts do not work. They worked in 10.04. How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts In Lxde?

May 7, 2011

Is there any way of using keyboard only in lxde?

Lxde wiki does not seem to be working so am struggling to find keyboard shortcuts.

Need to find keys that will let me use number pad to move mouse.

Or even access main menu

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Ubuntu :: New Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts?

Jun 25, 2011

I switched to Ubuntu a few months ago. The only thing I miss from Windows 7 were their new keyboard shortcuts for moving windows between a monitor or multiple monitor. This allowed you to take one large monitor and easily use it as two by pushing certain windows to one half of the screen or another via the keyboard.The keyboard shortcuts:

WIN+Up Arrow
Maximize the window.
WIN+Left Arrow


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General :: Setting Keyboard Shortcuts In Ubuntu?

Oct 27, 2010

Is it possible to do the following in Ubuntu? If so can someone point me in the right direction.Say you want to set a keyboard shortcut to do the following: For examples sake, set Alt+F to open Firefox and maximize it, but only if Firefox is not already running. If it is running and not maximized, then maximize the most recently touched Firefox window. If it is maximized, then minimize Firefox.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts - Unrecognized Buttons?

Jan 4, 2010

I have the keyboard: HP 6511-SU and it has a lot of buttons that would be useful to me; however, Ubuntu does not even recognize and does absolutely nothing with the majority of the buttons it has. The ones that it does pick up, it is mapped incorrectly (ex.: the media button, "stop" would be mapped to "eject". That's easily corrected by remapping it by going to System> Preferences> Keyboard Shortcuts. Is there a program or configuration file that will map the unrecognized buttons?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts In Rhythmbox/Banshee?

Jan 30, 2010

Lately I've been browsing through media players to use to listen to music and I really like the look and feel of both Rhythmbox and Banshee.Problem is, I'm used to the keyboard control scheme of iTunes, where the spacebar and left/right arrow keys control play, previous, and next song respectively. This isn't the case in either of these programs.I am aware of the gnome setting in System>Preferences>Appearance>Interface>Editable menu shortcuts. But I can't get the menu shortcuts to use the left/right arrow keys.My question is.. does anyone know of anyway to use the control scheme of iTunes as i described before in either of these two players? Either by editing the shortcuts or editing a configuration file associated with one of the players?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz - Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working

Mar 21, 2010

Has anyone had trouble getting their keybaord shortcuts to work? I have compiz running, which has introduced some minor quirks. When I'm in the KB Short Cuts gui interface, I cannot revert back to 'Disables'. Hitting the Backspace key takes me to the top of the page and does not revert to disabled? Gonna disable compiz and try again...

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Ubuntu :: Which Allow To Use The Keyboard Shortcuts To Make A Shortcut?

Apr 8, 2010

First off, I have been quite clumsy lately. I recently poured water into my computer by accident; and it works somewhat fine, though the keys A and E do not work. At this point I am using an external keyboard, but since it's a laptop and I am using it at school, that is not what one would wish for. So, my question is; is there any way which will allow me to use the Keyboard Shortcuts to make a shortcut which will for example use ALT+Ctrl+<button> to write the letter A?

My second question is; Do anyone know what has happened with what I will describe in the following text; or perhaps recognice the problem and a solution? One of my friends has installed XUbuntu on his netbook. It has been running just fine; and for a while after he upgraded to 9.10, his computer went somewhat broke. It boots up fine, and it loads the login screen; but instead of being able to log in, it switches to a terminal. We have tried using it to log in, but as none of us are any good with the terminal we have not succeeded.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts After Reboot Not Working

May 13, 2010

I have thinkpad sl510 and want to have keyboard shortcut "alt"+"y" to show me desktop. I added this shortcut in keyboard shortcuts, and added it also in compiz setups and it works till first reboot, but no matter what i do, after reboot this shortcut is not active any more. But in keyboard shortcuts it stays everything all right. Even in compiz setup. But they are not working...I have Ubuntu 10.04 64bit (Gnome)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Which File For Keyboard Shortcuts?

May 16, 2010

Which is the file where keyboard shortcuts are stored? am using karmic

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Keyboard>Mouse Shortcuts

Nov 12, 2010

I've been playing WoW on my Ubuntu installation, but I'm having a bit of a trouble using certain keybinds. When holding down alt and pressing one of the mouse buttons, a shortcut button of some form is enabled and negates the keybind; ie: Alt + Right mouse button shows a grabbing hand, Alt + Middle Mouse button shows a diagonal arrow in a corner, and Alt + Left mouse button shows the context menu.

Surely this is something simple I've missed, but I didn't see anywhere to disable these in either keyboard shortcuts or keyboard / mouse options.

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts Don't Work In AWN?

Nov 25, 2010

I'm unsure as to how I can use keyboard shorts to close the current tab or to switch between tabs. Does anyone know them or know any other keyboard-based options for using the terminal in AWN? I can open a new tab by ctrl+shift+t but ctrl+shift+w doesn't work and i've never known how to switch between tabs

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts To Mouse Buttons?

Feb 24, 2011

i'm looking for a way to map some of my mouse buttosn to activate certain keyboard shortcuts.I went thru the Compiz setting Manager but they only allow predetermined actions to be mapped.What I want, for example is to map a mouse button to trigger SHIFT+A to quiclky mark items as read in Google Reader or another one to quickly select unread emails in Gmail.

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