Ubuntu :: Invisible Mouse In 11.5 ATI HD5830?

May 20, 2011

Installed 32 bit on dual core intel with no problem.Booted up into attactive GUI, no issues. *However*, the mouse pointer is invisible. The system is unusable, I can hardly launch an app, or know how to open a xterm.I managed to download .run drivers from ATI/AMD website. This ran a script for a bit then terminated, no idea if it was successful or not. Still no mouse.

Google search revealed that this is repeating issue with Ubuntu installs, could not get any meaningfull help other than to modify some x file so that mouse appears when I press CTRL. I can't even get to launch an app...takes 5 mins to "line up" the mouse.I must say I'm quite suprised to have this problem, as its stock intel, and the HD5830 is a decent and popular mid range graphics card about a year old.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Cursor Invisible After Upgrade?

Oct 11, 2010

Just upgraded to 10.10, which went smoothly except for the fact that my mouse pointer is now gone. I can track where it is by ticking on the function that shows its location when you press control, but otherwise it's invisible (though technically functioning - I can still click on things and move it about).

I've attempted to change the look of the mouse under theme in the hopes that it might be one that doesn't work, but after trying all of the selections I still haven't found one that will display.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Cursor Is Invisible After Login With Lucid Lynx

Sep 17, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my Samsung X360 laptop which uses the Intel GMA4500MHD for graphics.After I login, the mouse cursor is not visible. It's hidden, though you can see things highlighted when you click the mouse buttons. The "workaround" is for me to launch a Terminal and start typing. That seems to make the text cursor appear and the mouse cursor as well.

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CentOS 5 :: Invisible Mouse Cursor / Make It Visible?

Mar 22, 2010

My video card is Ati radeon HD 3730 i installed driver from official amd site.
And after installing driver cursor becomes invisible.
I tried

Option "HWCursor" "off"

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Fedora Installation :: Mouse Pointer Invisible After System Rebooted

Sep 9, 2009

I have installed Fedora 10. During installation itselt the mouse pointer is invisible. After installation, I rebooted system. Still it remains invisible. I am new user of Fedora. My mother board is Mercury PVM7 and P IV processor 3.06 GHz

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General :: Invisible Mouse Cursor After Updating Debian Squeeze?

Mar 26, 2011

I have just updated Debian Squeeze and my mouse cursor is invisible. However, it still functions... I can right click and get a menu, clock on things and get the normal functions.

I have filed a bug report and found one other bug report on this but haven't found a fix or any other info.

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General :: No Distro Will Work With ATi Card HD5830 Xtreme

May 5, 2011

I upgraded my ati 9200 with the HD5830. It was brand new from overclockers.On windows 7 it runs great, playing games for hours without any issues at all.But I cannot get it to work with any Distro at all. All I get is garbled graphics from the live cd's, mouse is garbled to.

I have Tried 64bit Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Opensuse/Mepis and 686 version of antiX.I will attach a screenshot of what a screen looks like from the live CD. The card is new and works in win 7 so the card is not faulty, but why can I not use any live CD with it? If I manage to work out the garbled graphics and install a distro its the same. Sometimes if I add "nomodeset" to the boot line I can see the screen perfect. But then trying to install ati drivers boots me to a command line.

EDIT: PC specs

Q6600 @3.0ghz
4gb DDR2 @833
HD5830 xtreme 1GB GDDR5

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Ubuntu :: Invisible Cursor In 10.10

Feb 28, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and the cursor is white on a white background. I tried changing it using the Appearance settings and only the size changed, not the colour.

Can anyone explain why this is happening, and how to change the cursor so that it is visible. Have never had this trouble with any other Linux distro, so it's not hardware.

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Ubuntu :: Files On Desktop Invisible?

Jun 16, 2010

Pressing CTRL+R on the desktop will display the hidden files.

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Ubuntu :: Unlock Screen Invisible And Cannot Be Seen

Aug 24, 2010

When I lock the computer, and move the mouse to unlock, the unlock screen is invisible and can't be seen. I can still type in my password and manage to unlock, but I can't visually see the screen, nor can anyone leave me a message while I'm gone. This only seems to affect GL screensavers.

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Ubuntu :: Pidgin 'invisible' Does Not Work

Sep 5, 2010

Is there any workaround for Pidgin's "invisible" not working? If I go "invisible" others (on Yahoo accounts) still can see me online, which is pointless, really. I don't have anything checked under Presence settings, so why is invisible VISIBLE?

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Ubuntu :: Invisible Desktop After Upgrade From 10.10 To 11.04?

May 25, 2011

I tried to upgrade to 11.04 from 10.10 but my system got hanged in the middle of installation and then i couldn't reboot into it. So I tried upgrading using bootable ubuntu 11.04 pendrive.After the upgrade when i tried to boot into 11.04, the display went very dim (almost invisible). It happens just after I select ubuntu from grub menu. I tried booting into recovery mode, tty mode but nothing was visible.Although everything works. I was able to open terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T which was slighly visible and shut down using halt command though I couldn't see it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: World's First Invisible Ipod?

Apr 25, 2010

i'm being slightly sarcastic i think it's safe to say i'm doing something wrong but i'm just at a loss as to what. as it stands banshee - doesn't recognise ipod songbird - doesn't handle album art and overwrites ALL existing art floola - doesn't support new itunes database rhythmbox - doesn't handle album art hipo - doesn't find ipod gtkpod - doesn't find ipod yamipod - doesn't handle album art

so it's not entirely invisible, i will confess i've spent the past 2 hours trying to work out why banshee, hipo and gtkpod all don't see the ipod when songbird, rhythmbox and yamipod do. podsleuth tells me it can't find any ipods, even on a rescan - when i've got the ipod connected. if i select "properties" on the Ipod when it's connected, i get this ..[URL].. it's frustrating because it drives me back to windows every time so i can use sharepod again, and invariably start all over again re-doing all the album art - again.

i've got a backup of all my music that i took directly from the ipod - it's on a seperate hard drive, so i can only hope and pray that sharepod writes out the album art as well.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MiniDLNA And The Invisible Directories ?

May 26, 2010

I've been using a headless ubuntu machine for a few months now to torrent stuff and serve it up to my PS3 using MiniDLNA.

Everything was working fine until this morning when i decided the list of stuff in ~/Movies/Torrents was too long. I opened up the directory on my Mac (shared over the network using avahi and netatalk so my Mac thinks it's another Mac) and made some folders for shows in there. I moved the files into them and turned on my PS3. It was a bloodbath, only one of the new folders is seen by the PS3. It still sees folders that were created by transmission.

I changed the permissions to 777 for everything (had to to move folders around) and I also gave the new folders to my transmission user and group lest that was the problem (it wasn't).

Below is a screenshot of $ls -l ~/Movies/Torrents I have marked the ones that show up on the PS3. Only 'Lost' was made today out of the ones it sees. [url]

It's Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Invisible Fonts And No Video On Minitube?

Sep 4, 2010

I have been having some trouble with packet tracer 5.3 and minitube. I am a long time linux user and i am not new to linux but i have been struggling to figure out why the following problems occur. When i have Desktop Effects active (compiz), packet tracer is not showing any fonts (they are see through to my wallpaper) and some of the panels appear... well, wired and see throughish.

Also i have had issues with minitube. Believing the issue with packet tracer was my NVIDIA drivers i updated my NVIDIA drivers to version 256.52. I at one point had the generic display drivr running and found that minitube now worked. Previously the video didn't display. Packet Tracer has allways worked without compiz running and it seems that minitube wont run with NVIDIA drivers. I cant understand why. Is this my NVIDIA drivers or is there another explanation?

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 with kernel 2.6.32-24-generic and nvidia drivers 256.52 with a GeForce 9500 GT. Note i am a networking student and i have a diploma in software Development so i consider myself pretty handy in linux. This is one of a few problems i havent beenable to fix myself or with google. I have attached a screenshot of the problem to show exactly whats going on.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Fonts Invisible After Upgrade?

Sep 11, 2010

I just upgraded a laptop from an older version of Ubuntu to 10.04.1 LTS, which included an upgrade of firefox to ver. 3.6.9. Many pages in firefox now display only some of the text, although if I hilight where the text should be I get hilighted areas and if I copy and paste them into an editor the text shows up. Other pages display normally.

An example of this is [URL] where the "Welcome to the Ubuntu Forums ..." (un-logged in) paragraph is invisible although the off-white box which should contain this text is there. A few things I've tried and discovered:

* SeaMonkey doesn't have this problem (I'm using it to write this).

* If I un-check "Allow pages to choose their own fonts", the invisible text shows up with locally spec'd fonts. Specifying local font colors makes no difference.

* Switching users makes no difference.

* I've tried re-installing a large number of ttf fonts plus fontconfig, which makes no difference.

* This problem wasn't there before the upgrade.

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Ubuntu :: Maximus Makes Panel Invisible?

Dec 5, 2010

If I use the program Maximus and set it to undecorate the titel bar, after a while my panel goes invisible. If I close a maximized Nautilus window, it always goes invisible immediatly. The panel is not hidden or disappeared, just invisible. I can still click everything in the panel.

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Ubuntu :: Invisible Icons (for Wine App) In Taskbar?

Apr 16, 2011

The icon for Torrent, when it's minimized to taskbar, becomes invisible. How do I let it appear?

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Ubuntu :: Text In Some Applications Is Missing Or Invisible

May 23, 2011

I'm finding that some applications (2 thus far) are not properly displaying text. I first noticed it in Firefox, where it appears that NO text is being rendered because the search and "feeling lucky" buttons are both about 1.5 characters wide and blank inside. I'll include screen-caps below to exemplify what I mean. In addition to Firefox, I just tonight noticed that my PDF reader is apparently rendering all text in white (even though the same PDF opens up fine with black text on my Windows desktop computer). For the PDF's, I can see that there is text there because I can do a Ctrl+A and copy, and then when I paste it into gedit I can see all the text.

Some background: I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 32-bit w/gnome. The first thing I did after installing Ubuntu was to install the BlackBuntu theme by copying appropriate files from /usr/share/ from the BlackBuntu live USB.

What I've tried: I've uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox a couple of times, but ultimately I just installed Chromium which is working fine and is not experiencing the same issue that Firefox is. I've tried changing my theme back to default, changing all the fonts (under Appearance Preferences), and nothing is fixing this. I'm about to just do a full reinstall of the OS, paying careful attention to at exactly what point in my process everything gets screwed up, but I'm hoping that someone has an idea that I can try before I have to reinstall the system.

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Fedora :: Invisible USB External HDD?

Jul 11, 2010

An oddball problem has cropped up. When I installed Fedora 13 I listed an external USB HDD to mount at start up. when I log in to my account, the first account that was set up during install, the USB drive has links on the desktop, and it shows up in the file system when I click "Computer." The USB external HDD is completely invisible to the other accounts. If I switch off it's power, wait, and then switch it back on, It mounts back up, but is still invisible to all accounts except mine. What did I do wrong, and how do I give all acounts access to that drive?

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Ubuntu :: Password Prompt Invisible When Screensaver Active

Jan 4, 2010

presently my laptop requires a password when the screensaver has been activated(equivalent to the lock screen function). However, when I move the mouse to activate the password prompt, the screensaver freezes (all movement stops) and the password prompt is not visible. It's definitely there - if I type my password, then it brings me back to my desktop. However, if I mistype the password, or accidentally hit the mouse button so that somewhere other than the invisible password field is brought to focus, then entering the password becomes impossible, and I have to do a hard restart (ugh). I'm running an HP Pavilion dv5 laptop, with Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Mounted Drives Invisible In Terminal AND Nautilus

Jan 27, 2010

I am using Karmic Koala and not finding uniform behavior regarding internal hard drive mounts. I have placed commands in fstab to mount partitions at boot. One a separate hard drive and the other a separate partition on the boot drive that I set up during OS installation. After boot, GParted shows both of these partitions mounted on the right points (in my case, /dd and /opt). Both the mount points have rw permissions for all. But neither "ls -l" in the terminal nor nautilus shows the drives. They are evidently invisible.I searched the net for hours looking for an answer to this and couldn't find it. Hope someone knows why this is going on.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 LTS - Mysql Fills Up / With Invisible Files?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm having the oddest problem. I use Ubuntu 10 LTS on 3 Amazon EC2 "large" instances, for Drupal hosting. All three servers are seeing the same issue, where root gradually fills up with files that I cannot see by any means. ls -a , du , nothing seems to see these files except for df. And when the drive gets full (after about a week), the server behaves as if the disk is full... so I believe that df is correct here. The moment I restart mysql, all that invisible data disappears, and everything is fine again.

The MySQL datadir is on a separate device (600GB EBS mounted at /ebs ), so it's definitely not MySQL data. And /tmp doesn't have anything visible going on; certainly not something that would take up 9gb.

I suspect that something is causing the kernel to not release file handlers correctly. For all I know this could be happening with all programs, but MySQL is the only thing running that would use enough temp space to be noticed. Each server has some applications that happen on it uniquely, but since it's happening on all of them I figure it's the common elements that count. The servers are a clean install, running Apache2 (PHP 5.3), MySQL, and SSHD. All three servers were installed from the official AMI.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Created Wireless Network Invisible

Aug 14, 2010

I go up to the panel and click on the wifi manager, create a new network and name it "loganspc" with no authentication since previously created networks didnt work with those settings. Now before, I used this in conjunction with my eth0 connection so i could give my ipod internet. then i got a wireless router to do that. its exhibiting the exact same problem. Both the router and my laptop's network are invisible. I create it and then i cant connect to it with my ipod. I do a wifi scan (with an app, its jailbroken) and it doesnt find it still. nor does it find the routers network.


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Ubuntu :: Font Colors In Maverick - Invisible Text

Jan 18, 2011

I'm having trouble with font colors in maverick. Some pages with ordinary text do not display properly, i.e. - text is invisible. It highlights a bit when I highlight it with ctrl + a, but that's about it. I've tried editing Firefox fonts (not working), editing system fonts (not working) and disabling compiz special effects (not working). I figured that maybe there's some corruption somewhere as I've installed loads of stuff in the past months and so should reinstall fonts, but couldn't find info on the net on how to achieve this.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Unity Invisible For Existing User-account?

May 3, 2011

After updating to ubuntu 11.04 I have a problem with one of my existing user-accounts. When l log into the "ubuntu"-session I can not see the top panel and the launcher. But when I click, e.g. left where I would expect the launcher, an application e.g. LibreOffice is started. So unity is there but invisible. Other and new user accounts do not have this problem. Does anybody know how to fix this? - I already tried "unity --reset" but nothing changed.

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Hardware :: Mustek A3 1200 Usb Pro Seen But Invisible

Mar 7, 2011

i have been trying for a loooong time to have this scanner work, but to no avail. searching forums did not exclude it from possibly working, but could not find a definitive answer, nor a solution. in the past i tried to have it work under ubuntu, with no luck, and now i'm trying again the exercise with Fedora 14. my kernel is


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General :: Hide And Make It All Invisible For One Another?

Jan 21, 2011

I run Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and users have access to other users directories and read files. How can i hide and make it all invisible for one another...?

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Software :: DVD-R Mounted But Invisible To System

Dec 6, 2010

I have a DVD-R made by a friend who has found no fault. It will not play in my Panasonic DVD-recorder, and when I put the disc into the computer optical drive it does not appear in the places list, though the drive is mounted. I can display the video using Gnome Mplayer (but no other application) and I can copy to ISO using Gnomebaker, but this creates another unreadable disc. Gnomebaker finds a bad sector 120832 at 41% of the disc. If I could read the VOB files on the disk I might be able to make a playable copy, but it baffles me that Nautilus cannot read the disc.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Synfig - Everything Invisible On Creating New Layer Or Shape

Apr 3, 2010

I've been interested in Synfig for a while. In the last version of Ubuntu, there were some problems so I couldn't install it. Yesterday I remembered the program and decided to try it on 9.10. I was amazed, it installed fine and everything worked just how it should. Then later last night, I must have done something because everything turned invisible and when I created a new layer or shape, nothing new appeared.

I fiddled with it for a while and then reinstalled the program a total of like 3 times just in case that would help. Then, I went straight to the Synfig site and downloaded the newest version. It looked better, different, but it behaved exactly the same. I'm very confused and I would like to use Synfig, it seems amazing. I assume there's some little thing I missed or something I pressed that I shouldn't have. Here are screen shots of both versions.


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