Ubuntu :: Integrity Checks Before Install Always With Errors

Jun 30, 2010

I've tried to install Linux Ubuntu 9 on an HPmini 110, since this type of netbook doesnt have any optical unit (CD/DVD Reader) I decided to install Ubuntu from an USB flash drive, I created the booteable USB drive with Lili USB Creator, then when I reboot the HPMini and select the "check integrity" option before install, it's always the same error, when the check is finished it tells me "Encountered 1 error in 1 file" (With no description of this error whatsoever) even when Lili USB Creator previously did a succesfull integrity check of the same ISO I'm trying to install.

I'have installed this same version of linux before (on the same machine), from the same ISO image without this error, I also have tried with 3 different flash drives and lately even tried downloading again the ISO image of Ubuntu 10, I dont think is my hardware either since Ive tried to install this same image in 2 different laptops 1HPmini and 1 HPCompaq CQ60 with the same results at the integrity test.

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Debian :: Brasero Always Passes Image Integrity Checks?

Feb 9, 2011

I've been using Brasero to burn iso images on DVD-Rs, and although the burns are successful (I know by testing them), Brasero doesn't seem to perform its file/image integrity check from Tools>Check Integrity. The Brasero plugin "File checksum" or "Image checksum" is checked (can't have both checked), and when I perform a manual check with an md5 file and its burned DVD,it"always" gives me, immediately, a success message: "the file integrity was performed successfully," even when I insert a different image with the previous md5 file! So, immediate response (doesn't seem to be checking anything, I know that a 4Gb DVD md5 checking should take some time), and success whatever the DVD image used with one md5 file. Something must be wrong or the feature is broken.

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Ubuntu :: Always Checks Discs For Errors ?

Apr 12, 2011

I was just wondering why Ubuntu is always checking my discs for errors. This happens every few times i turn the computer off and back on. Maybe every 2 or 3 times. Is this just ubuntu checking the discs or something to worry about?

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Ubuntu :: How To Check Integrity Of Install CD

Nov 23, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit. I am familiar with the option on the alternate CDs to check CD integrity. Is there such a thing for the normal desktop live/install CD? I know the download image is OK. I have created several virtual machines from it. I believe the CD is OK - I have installed 2 physical machines from it.

I am now installing on my old Dell Poweredge 400 SC. When I first boot from the CD I get the message "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error..." then it brings up the Live CD OS. From there I can manually run install. The first time it got about half way through copying files to the hard drive and died. It indicated an I/O error. Could be dirt in the DVD drive - it is older than dirt. Or it could be the CD. Dirt I can clean with some compressed air. How do I verify the CD? I am downloading the alternate CD now as I try a second run at installing.

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General :: Remotely Test System Install CD For Integrity?

Dec 6, 2010

If you do, after the completing the test - it will eject the CD.

and how are you going to reinsert the CD to complete your install? you're remote remember ??

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Ubuntu :: Integrity Checker With Recovery Records?

Feb 28, 2010

Is there any software to store recovery records that can be used for recovery from data corruption, like RAR does? I periodically rsync from a primary backup location, that I assume corruption-free, to a secondary one, that I consider corruptible - so I'd like to store in the destination some recovery data.

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Ubuntu :: Verify Integrity Of Installed Packages?

Dec 16, 2010

I am experiencing some strange behaviour with sound, and I have been messing around with installing some ALSA drivers. I suspect that I might have corrupted some part of the installed Ubuntu packages. Is there a way to check all the packages on the system for integrity using apt-get or similar?

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Ubuntu :: Supplied To Verify The Integrity Of A Downloaded Iso?

May 28, 2011

I am not able to find any information to verify a downloaded .iso file for security and integrity at [URL]../download/ubuntu/download .Are they supplied elsewhere?

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Ubuntu :: Check Harddisk And File Integrity?

Aug 12, 2011

I want to get a program to check (a) hard disk and (b) file integrity. I have had a file - ODS spreadsheet accessed using LibreOffice - that appears corrupt. I have drilled down and down and eventually identified a corrupt component image inserted in a sheet.

The error that is thrown by LO is a "Error saving
the document FILE: Write Error. The file could not be written."
error. The thread can be read here... http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.d...fice.user/9266.

What has confused me is that my machine can not save the file once a sheet is deleted. It is specific to a particular file. The file is stored on n ext4 disk mounted by fstab. I also share the file using samba. Regardless of how I access this file I get the error. If however, I access the exact same file using OpenOffice 3.1.0 OOO310m11 (Build: 9399) from an old Windows Vista Tablet and I can manipulate the file successfully - no error is encountered. I can also access the same file from another Ubuntu machine via NFS and Samba and both work. I am confused. I am beginning to think my disk is damaged or something. How do you check hard disks to verify that the disk surface is intact, and that the expected file sum value matches the value stored in the Linux equivalent to the FAT table.

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and all hard disks are formated with ext4. All formatting and management of the disks have been done using the 'Disk Utility' in the System > Administration' menu. If I look in gparted it will not check the disk the file is on stating "eslabel: no such file or directory... couldn't find valid filesystem superblock...". The filesystem mounts OK however without any errors. Another harddisk on the same system currently being used for backup does not even have the menu option for checking the disk highlighted.

What is the best way of verifying the integrity of the filesystem, actual files and the underlying physical media? I should point out it is only this single file that currently displays any issues. I either have a damaged disk, corrupt file or LibreOffice has a very peculiar bug that only appears in a unique combination of events just on my machine. As part of my investigations I have been updating ubuntu, reinstalled LibreOffice from their website and checked all dependencies have been met.

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Ubuntu :: Checking File Integrity After Power Loss 9.10?

Feb 24, 2010

recommend any utilities that would check the hard drive and its contents (if they are still good) following a power outage?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Repair And Integrity Check For .ogg Files

Jan 24, 2011

is there a way to "repair" or check the integrity of ogg files? They all work on my desktop but some seem broken on my mobile (Nexus One). I have the feeling my converter may have corrupted some files or the conversion was corrupted by the original file.

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Ubuntu Security :: Check Integrity Of .deb And Freedom From Malware Before Installing It?

Feb 25, 2010

I have been using the new ocr app 'cuneiform' that has appeared in the Lucid repo.It is command line and works very well.However, the rest of the household would like to use it and desire a gui front-end.Mepis has this and it is called YAGF. Works well.We are told to install only from trusted sources.how can I check the integrity of this .deb and freedom from malware before installing it?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Test The Integrity Of USB Sticks?

Aug 18, 2010

Is there a way to test the integrity of USB sticks?

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General :: Can I Do Integrity Check When Tar.gz File Is Created?

Mar 25, 2011

create one tar.gz file that contains my /home, /etc, /root directory.

a) The process ended with a 88GB file size (which is ok) but with the following message.Code: tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors.I have searched a little but I could not find what went wrong.

b) What are the limitations of tar and gz for backups. Of course I fully understand that they can not be used for differential backups (if it is called like that)

c) Let's say that my backup will be a file of 100GB and I want to see the contents of the .tar.gz. In kde there is a program called ark. Can ark handle so big files? Does it use my hard disk (eg. /tmp) to uncompress the file so to show me its contents? It might be the case that might be the compressed file is much bigger than the left space on the hard disk?

d) How can I do an integrity check when my tar.gz file is created?

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Debian :: File Integrity For Backups Of Home Data ?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm currently backupping our home data (pictures, videos, our CDs ripped to FLAC which I spent a lot of time to tag accurately ), totalling almost 300 Gb, on 2 external USB drives, one of which is meant to stay at a friend's. I left the factory msdos filesystem as it was, thinking it could be useful to be able to connect the drives to a windows machine with no problems. It's certainly useful to have «normal» data that I can take with me e.g. when visiting my family.

I'm simply using rsync manually, checking for suspicious changed or deleted file before commiting the change. I do that every 2 weeks or so.

Now I want to add a file integrity management to my backupping scheme: I want to be able to check that new data I'll be committing has not been tampered with (integrity check before updating tags on my main drive), and I want to be able to check that backupped data is still sane on my USB drives, especially if I need to recover from data corruption on my main drive.

Since I'm essentially mirroring the data, I thought run of the mill integrity software would let me just rsync the integrity database, and I'm done.

But after browsing through the docs of tripware, afick and the like, I fear they work only with absolute paths, so the database for my main drive wouldn't work for my USB drive, that's mounted elsewhere when I plug it in, obviously.

So, I feel I'm missing something. It looks to me I'm trying to solve a very common problem, how do people do it?

Did I miss a file integrity software that works with backups?

Is there a trick like using a symbolic link pointing to whatever file hierarchy I want to check, and have tripware/afick/... monitor that link?

Should I run a more elaborate backupping system than plain rsync? Which one? (Storebackup for instance looks promising since it involves md5 sums, but it's targetting a completely different problem, and I'm not sure I can use it at all for what I need.)

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Fedora Security :: Easy Integrity File Checking ?

Feb 9, 2010

How to do an easy file integrity checking on fedora 11 ? just to make sure that the necessary core os files are not corrupted using rpm and yum.

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Software :: Clamav Error - Can't Verify Database Integrity

Mar 15, 2011

System is Fedora 13 64 bit. Today, an update dropped for all of the clamav packages. After they finished installing, I ran freshclam, and this is just part of the output of tail /var/log/messages:


I checked my DNS settings, my DNS server, and everything was good to go. I even removed all files from /var/lib/clamav, including the mirrors.dat file, and still no go, got the same errors. I downgraded all the packages, and still got the same thing... Is anyone else having this problem?

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Software :: Raw Device Data Integrity Test Tool?

Jan 6, 2010

I've been looking for a good data integrity test tool for linux, but I'm having trouble finding one. Basically I'm looking for an application that will generate a heavy I/O load to a raw device and then perform some kind of data verification on the device. I my case the raw device will be md raid5 array.

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Hardware :: Testing The Integrity And Checking The Data On A Hard Drive?

Jul 18, 2009

Is there a way, a command, or a program that can be used to test the integrity and/or to check the data on an external hard drive?

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General :: Ported Green Hill Software Integrity OS On Any ARM Porcessor?

Apr 29, 2010

Has any one ported Green Hill Software Integrity OS on any ARM porcessor. How does the boot log looks like. What should be the rootfs used.Do we get a prompt similar to Linux. I have seen : [URL]..

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Ubuntu :: Sudo Apt-get Install Gives Errors After Trying To Install Bacula

Oct 2, 2010

I tried installing bacula and i really had no idea what i was doing and i believe it failed. I ran sudo apt-get install bacula. Anyway, I tried removing it using sudo apt-get remove bacula but now whenever i run sudo apt-get install for anything, the app will install but then show all these errors from bacula. how do i get rid of it?

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Checks Disks After Every Boot?

May 15, 2010

Ever since my upgrade from 9.10 to 10.4, every time I reboot the system it does a full disk check. /var/log/boot.log tells me that fsck thinks that the file systems contain errors or that it wasn't cleanly unmounted. And yet, it doesn't seem to actually find errors, and a clean reboot starts another check (again with it thinking something is dirty). I dual-boot with Windows, and reboot from there with the same problem.Again, all of this is new with 10.4 and was not happening with 9.10.Is there a way to find out when/how/why the disks are not being unmounted cleanly?

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Ubuntu :: System Freeze - What Checks To Do?

Mar 26, 2011

Nothing too major here but today I had a few programs open and was doing a bunch of things and suddenly the system froze.

I am on 10.04 LTS -

Are there checks that I can do to see if everything is ok?

I had to turn the power off and re-booted and everything is fine, or rather, seems to be 100% fine - but more out of curiosity Id like to see if there are some checks that I can do.

I think that ubuntu creates a log of activity if I am not mistaken?

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Hardware :: Test Integrity Of External Hard Drive / Without Removing It And Connecting With SATA To Motherboard?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a seagate SATA hard drive that was running a mythtv distro. It had 3 partitions, EXT3, swap, and XFS. I started having I/O errors on boot and saw error messages on both the EXT3 and the XFS partitions. I also heard some clunking sounds on the drive when it was reading, so I thought hell, the drive is dead.

I have since replaced the drive and everything is back up and running on the replacement drive. I thought hell, the seagate drive is toast, but I just want to verify it with some sort of tool. I have the hard drive in a Vantec NexStar external hard drive case (SATA->USB) and found there was a tool called badblocks. Ran badblocks on it, which ran for 24ish hours and found no bad blocks. I also didn't notice any clunking sounds while it was running.

I ran
badblocks -n -v /dev/sdb
Is badblocks a proper test to run on external hard drives or was I just wasting my time? Is there any way that I can really test it without removing it and connecting it with SATA to the motherboard?

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Ubuntu :: Errors - 18 Packets Transmitted, 0 Received, +12 Errors 100% Packet Loss Time 17038ms

Feb 22, 2010

I',m executing ping, but it didn't work, in order to find the mistake in my network I would like to know how to see the errors:

18 packets transmitted, 0 received, +12 errors, 100% packet loss, time 17038ms, pipe 4 I want to see this +12 errors. Could I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Those Annoying File System Checks?

May 19, 2010

I have my Media Center running Ubuntu 10.04, and it's annoying to have that "Your disk drives are being checked for errors" message every so often. And ofcourse, as Murphy's law states, it usually happens when I'm in a hurry to quickly watch something.

Ofcourse, I can press 'C' (cancel) all the time. But I guess Ubuntu set up this file check interval for a reason, right? I was wondering if it's save to change the interval so it's less often. Or is it easy to configure the check to occur at SHUTDOWN? That's when most people don't care what the computer does anymore.

Also, although it's a pretty fresh install, any Ubuntu on my machine has never ever ever ever worked flawlessly and neither does this one. More often then not, on shutdown, the computer doesn't shut down but just sits there with a black screen or with the ubuntu logo. So I just power it off. Does this scenario make it unwise to tone down on the number of file checks?

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Ubuntu :: Turn Off Checks When Changing Password?

Nov 24, 2010

The other day I wanted to make a small change to my (user account) password, but I kept getting errors about the new password merely being the old with changed case, or just a cyclic shift etc.Security issues aside, is there any way I can override these checks so that I can make whatever minor changes I like to my password?

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Fedora Installation :: 10 - Checks DVD Ok But Can't See It After

Jul 21, 2009

I downloaded the Fedora 10 DVD installation image and burn it to a DVD.The image was good, I checked the md5 sum.When I put the DVD in the drive and rebooted the text based menu appeared and I chose Install or upgrade.The the installer asked me if I want to check the DVD and I entered Yes.The DVD was checked and it turned out to be fine, but after that when I wanted to continue whit the installation the installer reinserted the DVD but it gave a message saying that it can't find Fedora on any drive .Even if just minutes ago it verified the DVD for integrity.And then it ejected the DVD.If I wanted to press F12 to continue it reinserted the DVD and gave the same message.So I can't continue my installation.

The DVD was fine as you can see, checked by me and by the installer itself.Is the installer asking for a CD?? I thought the DVD was for installing.And even better, that DVD was made whit the exact DVD writer which I use for the installation.So it can't be any incompatibility problem between different DVD ROMs or Writers.

The DVD installation is very important to me, because on that computer there is no internet connection.So the DVD is a solution to install a lot of software and actually use that computer, since yum does not work.

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Slackware :: Password Checks - Does Not Use PAM ?

Jul 20, 2010

Since Slackware does not use PAM where do I go to set password requirements. For instance, in CentOS there is the /etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac file where I can edit the cracklib and pam_unix modules to allow/disallow dictionary checks and min/max password lengths. Where do I go to edit that in Slackware?

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Ubuntu :: File Checks Fail For /home Partition?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a dual boot with Arch linux that share a /home partition. Whenever ubuntu starts tho it tries to do a check on the /home partition and fails.... it gets an error saying unable to check then drops into a shell. I have to run it in recovery mode frequently then start it up and it usually works, but i have to type startx after logging into a shell before that

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