Ubuntu Installation :: Security Updates Killed Fresh Install?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm completely new to Ubuntu and only installed yesterday for the first time. The install worked fine. After booting it asked me to install updates. I did this and now when I boot i get:

Gave up waiting for root device. Common Problems:
- Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
- Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough)
- Check root= (did the system wait for the right device)
- Missing modules (cat /proc/modules: ls /dev)

ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/blah blah does not exist. Dropping to a shell Now I've tried searching through the forums and I've seen people with similar problems however none of the solutions suggested to them have worked. The only thing that may work if it is explained to me how to do it is in Grub 2 it is looking for a UUID. Now I tried editing this on startup to /dev/sda5 instead and it loads. Only thing is I read that this is temporary and would have to do it each time which means it's a workaround not a solution. As I explained at the start, first time of using Ubuntu and so far haven't been particularly impressed as I have another problem with the processor being used up by loads of 'udevd

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Fedora Installation :: No Updates After Fresh Install?

Dec 2, 2009

I have just installed F 12 - clean install- but when I go to get updates today (Dec 2nd) no updates appear.I have done yum clean and yum makecache but still no updates available in software updates

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Ubuntu :: Updates Killed GRUB?

Aug 9, 2010

I've been a Windows users since waaaay back when (ahh...Windows for Workgroups 3.1). I've tried Linux in the past (Mandrake many years ago), but didn't feel it was quite ready to be a Windows substitute for me.A couple of weeks ago, I downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu (10.04) and installed it in a dual boot setup with Windows XPSP3. All seemed to be running well, until it came time to install updates in the Update Manager. First an update for GRUB, which promptly killed GRUB and left me with "Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported" message and a GRUB prompt. After booting up the Windows XP install CD, I was able to rewrite the MBR and get back into Windows.

I deleted the Ubuntu installation and reinstalled it, making sure I didn't allow it to update GRUB after finishing up. The other updates listed installed fine and I was able to dual boot with ease.Another round of updates were listed yesterday when I booted up in Ubuntu, I made sure not to include the GRUB update, downloaded and installed them, rebooted and was faced with "Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported" again. Argh. Once again I had to pull out the Windows CD and run FIXMBR to resolve the boot problem.I'll admit to being tempted to just go back to Windows completely (while not perfect, atleast I can get it to boot after updates 99.9% of the time) and forget the idea of running Linux if I'm going to be faced with having to reinstall the OS everytime because something killed the boot loader.

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Debian Hardware :: Recent Updates Have Killed X (NVidia)

Jun 24, 2011

I am running sid. A few days ago I ran an update which killed 3D. I followed this thread to get 3D support back. However I failed to hold those packages so I suspect a subsequent upgrade undid all that work. Now what is happening is that I do not have X starting at all. These are the relevant nvidia, mesa and xserver files installed

ii libgl1-nvidia-alternatives-ia32 270.41.19-1
simplifies replacing MESA libGL with GPU vendor libraries (32-bit)
ii libgl1-nvidia-glx-ia32 270.41.19-1 
NVIDIA binary OpenGL 32-bit libraries
ii libglx-nvidia-alternatives 270.41.19-1
simplifies replacing Xorg module libglx.so with GPU vendor library
ii nvidia-installer-cleanup 20110515+1
Cleanup after driver installation with the nvidia-installer .....

Yet when I run lsmod I get:
nvidia 10710970 0
i2c_core 25601 14 adt7475,nvidia,tuner_simple,tda9887,tda8290,tea5767,tuner,cx8800,cx88xx,i2c_algo_bit,tveeprom,v4l2_common,videodev,i2c_i801

I am missing something obvious in all of this.
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 275.09.07-3
Version table:
275.09.07-3 0

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Updates Returns To Main Window Without Installing Updates

Mar 24, 2011

For some reason Update Manager is not installing updates as of yesterday.I have it set to check daily and notify if updates are available. It has been working without issues for well over a year now.

Update Manager tells me updates are available and presents the list of security, recommended, and other updates. All are selected to update, but when I select Install Updates in Update Manager it returns with a Reading Package Information window overlaid on the main Update Manager window - building dependency tree then reading state information and dumps me back to the main Update Manager window without performing any update actions.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Recent Updates Killed Operation Of Canon MP 460 Printer

Jun 7, 2011

I have been running my Canon Pixma MP460 for years on suse linux. Worked fine also after upgrade to suse 11.4. I was running MP460 using MP160 drivers as per some forum information when 460 drivers were not available. Some recent updates, however, have killed operation of my printer. Will not even print a test page. I have tried my old MP160 driver and variations of same and new MP460 drivers from CUPS-Gutenprint.

Consistent error message is: "The PPD version (134566257) is not compatible with Gutenprint 5.2.7."

I downgraded and upgraded CUPS. I have deleted and reinstalled many printer drivers for MP160 and MP460. I have run the "cups-genppdupdate.5.2" per the error log message and other cups update programs in the same directory. Keep getting same message. Printer works when I reboot to windows 7 so hardware has not failed.

System is: Suse 11.4 32 bit w/usb mp460 printer.
Hate to bid farewell to my old faithful printer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Killed Kubuntu Install When Trying KDE 4.4.2 Can I Fix It?

Apr 2, 2010

Long story short my roommate has been using KDE 4.4.2 for a few weeks and enjoying it, so I figured I would give it a shot when I saw this on the Kubuntu front page. I added ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports to my software sources and asked kpackage kit to look for updates, it found a bunch, plus around 25 blocked updates. I figured they were blocked because they depended on some other update I was about to install. I told it to start updates and left it on its own for a while. About halfway through KDE crash handler popped up saying the network manager crashed, so I told it to restart, plugged into my wired connection, and continued updates. Once it finished, their were still 25 blocked updates to I figured a restart was in order. Once I restart I get to the log in screen, log in, and then I am prompted with this message by the KDE Crash Handler:


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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Security Updates

Jan 2, 2010

Just a week or so back when i run update manager I can no longer install any security updates - its all grey in the tick boxes.

How do I remedy this ?

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Debian :: How To Detect And Install Only Security Updates

Jul 20, 2015

In the past i used OpenSUSE for a few months, in OpenSUSE all updates related to security labeled as "Security Update" like updates related to Firefox, unlike OpenSUSE in the Debian i did can't find a way to detect security updates.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Security Updates - Now No Desktop Effects

Mar 27, 2010

I installed ubuntu a few days ago, today I got like 250mb of security updates to I let them run, then restarted, now it keeps running in low graphics mode, everything looks rubbish and I have no desktop effects, the sound has also stopped working. Everything was great prior to this, I was beginning to love the switch from ms to ubuntu. The sound/video are both via hdmi so I am imagining its something to do with the graphics. I would wipe the system and start fresh but it took me so long to get my sound and wireless working.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unattended-upgrades For Non - Security Updates?

May 25, 2010

I've recently installed the unattended-upgrades package on a few Ubuntu 9.04 servers, and it's working great to automatically install security upgrades. However, is there a way to have non-security upgrades automatically installed as well? The README for unattended-upgrades says it'll do security ones only.

My main goal is to have all package upgrades be installed unattended except for kernel and libc upgrades (I want to do those manually on my own time). I guess I could write a script that does 'apt-show-versions -u' to get a list of upgradable packages and then do 'apt-get install' on the packages if their names don't match linux-server, linux-image-server, or libc*, but I was hoping there's an easier way to accomplish this.

I've looked at 'aptitude safe-upgrade -y', but I think that'll install kernel and libc upgrades.

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Ubuntu Security :: Firewall Killed Remote Desktop?

Aug 1, 2011

I have been using Remote desktop on Windows 7 to view and control my Ubuntu machine in the office quite happily over the office network. No problems there. I wanted to access it from my home connection so I read that I could do this by opening a port on the ubuntu machine's firewall. So I installed a firewall. Didnt see any way to open a port easily so I uninstalled it and installed another one. Same issue so I uninstalled that and then left it. I then tried to Remote Desktop the Ubuntu machine from my Windows 7 laptop and ERROR I can no longer connect.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Security Updates Clobber Configuration Information?

Jan 13, 2010

Why can't Ubuntu store configuration information in a way that it wouldn't need to be clobbered in order to apply security updates? For example, this mornings updates told me I had to choose between using a new version of smb.conf that's part of the security patches, stick with the old version, or let the update installer merge them. Of course, the first two choices have obvious drawbacks: why should I have to choose between losing all my SMB settings or refusing security fixes? So I chose the merge, which came back with "Conflicts found during three-way merge! edit `/etc/samba/smb.conf' and sort them out manually."

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Ubuntu :: Automatic Updates - Not JUST Security Updates ?

Mar 25, 2011

So, it is my understanding that Ubuntu's automatic updates do not install ANY updates that are not "important security updates." For example, it did not upgrade me to Firefox 4 automatically; I had to do it myself (Don't all new browser versions usually contain new security features/patches? Oh well...That is a separate question entirely).

ANYWAY, is there some way to get the latest stable versions of all of my open-source software automatically (or at least all at once, on command), instead of just security updates? It seems silly to have to install new versions for every program manually.

Also, related/side question: Now that I have installed Firefox 4 myself (via apt-get by adding the mozilla-stable PPA), will I stop getting security updates for Firefox through the standard Ubuntu update manager?

Actually, a really thorough explanation of the whole automatic update system (or a link to one) would be great too.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Should Rather Do Fresh Install Of 10.04 ?

May 29, 2010

I upgraded to 10.04, upgrade went fine but now I have lots of problems.My wireless internet is extremely slow, its as if I am on dail up.My Rogers Rocket stick that used to work perfectly is now not connecting to the internet wich is a huge problem for me.Flash player now dont work either and Mozilla thinks its not even installed.I cant change the time and date, it tells me I have to unlock to change the Time but when I click on unlock nothing happens.Who knows what else is not working either.

I am not impressed at all with 10.04, my laptop and Netbook used to work perfectly before the upgrade and now I have tons of problems.What can I do to fix my problems or will a fresh install work better

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install Without USB Or CD?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a >5 year old laptop, running Maverick (Ubuntu 10.10) but I need to do a clean install since the video driver is all screwed. The laptop is without USB boot option in BIOS. The CD drive is physically removed.

The HD partitions are
/dev/sda1 (ext4) 15gb mounted as /
/dev/sda2 (extended)
/dev/sda5 (linux-swap) 2gb
/deb/sda6 (ext4) 20gb mounted as /home

How can I do a fresh install??

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install 10.04 Not Starting?

May 26, 2010

I have just made a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop which was already running on windows 7. The installation itself was ok, however, after the restart in the end it did not want to load anything. I get just a blank screen. I am not much of a linux expert, so all I could do is start thee computer via a live cd and see what is there. And it looks normal - windows is intact, new linux partitions are there, GRUB is also there. What should I do? Reinstalling everything is not a proper solution...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - No Grub After Fresh Install

Jun 8, 2010

I have a new 500GB disk, with a partition with Windows XP, one with Windows 7, one for Ubuntu 10.04, one for /Home and one for swap. The systems were installed in that order. But after finishing with the Ubuntu installation, removing the CD from the drive and restarting, GRUB never showed up, and the system went straight to the Windows OS selector; the one prompting to start Windows 7 or an "Earlier version of Windows". So I can't get to Ubuntu, even though it seems it installed just fine.

As a note: just after the installation process ends and it shows the "remove CD" message, it spilled out a list of I/O errors in some sr0 device or something. But I just installed the same Ubuntu on a friend's computer and it showed a similar error list, yet his system works just fine... However, he doesn't have Windows 7, thus no OS selection screen other than GRUB. I didn't want to rush into editing the MBR or re-installing GRUB before I knew I had to do that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.04 With Fresh Install?

Oct 2, 2010

I want to use my old home partition as home whereas currently there is a 35gb partition that was my old home and a new 'home' within /. how to make my old home recognised by my new install of Lucid.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Fresh Install Of 11.04 Work

Apr 30, 2011

I trying to dual boot Ubuntu/Windows 7 on my computer. Here is my problem:

I used Wubi and ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso.
Main OS: Windows 7 Pro 64bit
Videocard: Nvidia GT 240

Problems (underlined) as they occured:

1) Installed Ubuntu within Windows, rebooted, saw Ubuntu loading screen (with dots) and then I get graphics corruption (it's really bad I can't recognize anything in the screen).

Then I booted in recovery/failsafe graphic mode and I let the installation finish, then automatically rebooted.

2) Let it boot without pressing anything and instead of graphic corruption it boots in terminal.

Tried startx command but it says something relative to "x not found". Then I found out I had to install proprietary Nvidia drivers so I:

3) Booted again in failsafe graphic mode (in recovery mode) and tried to install it but... no internet connection.

I tried "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" and I got: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device

NOTE: If I let it boot itself (terminal) I HAVE internet connection (found out with wget and ping commands).

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Debian Installation :: Netinst - Fresh Installation Of Lenny Or Squeeze (either Or) And Not Install Exim?

Feb 26, 2010

I haven't used Debian in 1 year or so and would like to know if there is any possible way to do a fresh installation of Debian Lenny or Squeeze (either or) and not install Exim? I get to the package selection section of the Debian Installer and I de-select "Desktop Environment" & "Standard System" so nothing is selected and it still be default installs Exim. Is there a way to omit this from the install?

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Ubuntu Security :: Thunderbird Security Vulnerability Updates

Apr 2, 2010

So yesterday I receive a copy of the SANS @RISK security vulnerability newsletter, and, lo and behold, Mozilla's Firefox and Thunderbird are on it yet again. (Yeah, I know, shocking, isn't it?)So I quickly check what versions I have installed. Yup: Vulnerable.I check whether updates are available.These are pretty serious "remote code execution" vulnerabilities and the status is "vendor confirmed, updates available." So why isn't my 9.10 desktop's update manager telling me updates are available?

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Ubuntu Security :: Apply Security Updates Alone - Server

Aug 14, 2010

I'm new to server admin, so my question is based on what may be a bad assumption. With a server, my assumption is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". In other words, I'm not really interested in upgrading the software to the latest and greatest if I already have stuff working on the server.

However, the one place where I DO want to constantly have upgrades is for security patches. How do I apply security updates to Ubuntu Server... and ONLY security updates?

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Ubuntu Security :: Security Updates Without Confirmation, Not Installing?

Oct 25, 2010

With an Ubuntu 10.10 upgraded from 10.04, under Software Sources, Updates, there is a radio button marked "Install security updates without confirmation." I have this radio button marked, but still get "Important security updates" almost daily in my update manager. I don't remember this feature actually ever working.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Karmic Install Runs CPU At 95% To 100%?

Feb 5, 2010

Am running karmic on a P2-350 Mhz with 256 Mb RAM. Yes, I know this is an old computer, but it has been very good, performance wise, since versions earlier than 8.x I think.

But now, after a fresh install of karmic, it is very slow at everything. Checked system monitor and CPU is constantly running at between 95% and 100%

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Do A Fresh Re-install In Dual Boot

Mar 27, 2010

I need to re-install ubuntu but I also have windows on the same computer(GRUB). Can I just boot from cd? Is there and option in the live cd for reinstalls or do I have to destroy the partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can I Install Fresh U10.04 LAMP Without Suhosin

Jun 5, 2010

I'm going crazy with the problem I posted on yesterday about Wordpress not working properly on my Ubuntu systems on the LAN. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1501043

After comparing results from phpinfo() with those from my public server, making a few adjustments and still seeing the same results, the biggest thing still to be tested is the Suhosin version of PHP. My public server doesn't have the Suhosin version installed. I can't figure out how to change the PHP to one without Suhosin, but I've seen some mentions of it not being installed by default on a fresh version of 10.04.

Is this true, and if so how can I build a LAMP server without Suhosin?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install Not Working Correctly / What To Do?

Jul 2, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 from a Live CD today. Everything seemed to go fine, I chose to wipe the entire disk. However, it would only startup once. Now, when I turn on my laptop, all I get is a blank screen.

I had a look at my partitions with GParted on the Live CD and noticed that there was a 1 MiB unallocated space just before it. code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install Fails On Boot?

Sep 13, 2010

Recently freshly reinstalled ubuntu 10.04 on a new / blank hard drive and it now crashes on startup. Quick version: I have a nvidia Quadro NVS 295, it gets to the point just after the bios with the flashing dash, seemingly tries to init xserver / gdm then crashes. Keyboard lights go off but the pc stays on, and just sits there with the monitor in power saving mode. Tried in recovery mode, the blue / grey ascii terminal thing pops up for less then a second then the display crashes in the same way.

Swapping with an ATI card borrowed from elsewhere, the new install will boot quite happily. Anyone know how I can get 10.04 to boot with a nvidia quadro NVS 295? Its a bog standard card and my version of 10.04 I upgraded to on my old hard drive works fine. ts a reasonably new dell XPS 64bit pc.

Longer version:
I run 3 monitors using a PCI-e x16 NVS 295 and a PCI NVS 295. This worked great under 9.10 and 10.04. Boss gave me a solid state HD so trying to install 10.04 on that. However on my first install attempt the live CD failed to load (same problem as above, gets to init'ing the display and crashes with no output). I removed the second PCI card to run with just the 1 PCI-e x16 nvidia card, this time the live CD worked fine and I could install, but I am stuck on the boot problem. Booted into the system using the ATI card and did an update just incase something may have changes / been fixed but the issue persists.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install Doesn't Recognise HDD?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 from a USB stick but neither the install nor the LiveCD will recognise my Hard Disk Drive. They only recognise the USB stick and report that install cannot proceed without at least 2.6GB freespace (of which of course there isn't on the USB stick).

I've installed Ubuntu on a couple of systems before but this is the most advanced and I'm certainly no expert. It's an ASUS P6X58D-E mobo with two WD600GB SATA3 HDD's setup in RAID1 configuration. It's already running W7Ultimate x64 OK on it's own 150GB partition. Of course I can't even run gparted from the LiveCD to repartition. I suspect the problem is the RAID config, but not sure what to do.

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