Ubuntu :: How To Remove One Of 9.1 Installation

Mar 13, 2010

I've accidentally installed ubuntu 9.1 twice in parallel boot with Win XP. I think somehow I corrupted the first installation of Ubuntu and thought I could simply re-install Ubuntu over the top of the first install but instead it installed another Ubuntu system. How can I completely remove one of the ubuntu 9.1 installations leaving just Win XP and one install of Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Second Unwanted Installation Of 10.04 On Dual Boot (2 Hdd) XP?

Oct 5, 2010

Ive managed to get myself in a bit of a hole through fears of destroying my WinXP on a new dual boot installation. I�ve been using Ubuntu (10.04 lts) alone on an old machine which died, so I thought I�d just move the hdd to my main machine & dual boot it with XP.

I booted from the 10.04 lts CD to set this up, I let it do as it suggested & assumed it would see the existing Ubuntu installation & modify it to dual boot with Win XP. Which it did except I now have two instances of 10.04 on the second hdd as it added a second partition for the new. Leaving the already installed 10.04 alone. I saw no options other than the advanced partitioning which I did not look at.

How please can I correct this & go back to having just one instance of 10.04 on the Ubuntu disk to dual boot to � I am sure there must be an easy way. I have nothing on the Ubuntu disk I need to preserve. I know nothing about Linux command line.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove The Installation And Get The Disk Space Back?

Sep 1, 2011

I have never had to do this before But I'm giving my laptop to my mother when my new one arrives and I need to remove the ubuntu installation and get the disk space back.

A few months ago the install stopped working. I can't remember what the error said... and tbh I can't be bothered to reboot twice to read it, but it has to be removed now anyways.

Had a look in windows to see if I can do anything in the disk manager, but it appears I can't. Oh wise ones, please, which path should one take?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Installing OS Remove The Windows Installation

Oct 25, 2010

I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu, but before I do that I'd like to know if installing it removes your copy of Windows. If it does, is there any way I can work around that?

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Debian Installation :: Remove Installation Menu From Windows Boot Manager ?

Aug 1, 2011

I've finished the installation of Debian Squeeze using Installer loader from Windows. But the Installer menu is still appear on Windows Boot Manager.

I've try to uninstall the "Installer Loader" from Windows and I got an error message about BCDEDIT (if I'm not wrong), during uninstallation process.

I ignore it, and continue the uninstallation process until complete. But, After I reboot my computer, the Installer menu is still appear on Windows Boot Manager.

I'm using Windows Vista Business SP2.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Remove C++

Jan 15, 2010

My recent attempts at making games work with Wine properly I managed to somehow install a lot of programs and files I do not think I need. I am also a ubuntu novice and I would like to know how to properly remove Microsoft Visual C++. Currently it shows that i have the 2005 C++ installed along with two different versions of 2008 versions as well. Unless I am not understanding something you only need one of those am I correct? When I go thorough the Add/Remove it gives me an error: PROGRAM ERROR the program msiexec.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close.

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Ubuntu :: Eject Versus Safely Remove - Remove A Thumb Drive From Computer

Jul 15, 2010

This has been bothering me for years now...when I go to remove a thumb drive from my computer, I have two options when I right click the device eject and safely remove. What on earth is the difference supposed to be?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Stuck At "checking For Packages To Remove..." Safe To Restart?

Jun 3, 2010

i was trying to install ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS on my dell latitude c800 and the install is hanging at "checking for packages to remove..." and i was wondering what steps followed this, and if any of the steps that follow this one are critical to the laptop functioning... so, is it safe to restart my laptop when the install is only at 96% ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Totally Remove 8.04,Keep Win XP?

Apr 27, 2010

I have an old Compaq w/ 40g HD & 1g RAM.

When I boot up I see on the Boot Screen:

Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS Kernel rt
Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS Kernel recovery mode
Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS Kernel rt
Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS Kernel rt recovery mode
Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS Kernel memtest86+
Windows XP Home


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Ubuntu Installation :: Got Two Installations, Want To Remove First One?

Sep 24, 2010

I used to have 64 bit ubuntu, but wanted to try 32 bit to see if I can make a driver work. So, I installed it in a new partition. I'm now happy with my 32 bit installation and I want to remove the 64 bit partition to make room. My partitions atm are:

sda1 (ext4, 64 bit)
sda6 (ext4, 32 bit)


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Ubuntu :: Remove Windows 7 Installation?

Mar 7, 2011

I want to keep only ubuntu OS and remove installed windows 7

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Remove One Of Two Versions

Mar 31, 2011

I am new to linux and I recently installed Ubuntu on my laptop. Thing is, I have both Ubuntu and Windows 7 running and everything was fine. But there was an update that Ubuntu did on the system, and now when my pc boots, I have 2 series ( 2 times Ubuntu, 2 times Ubunti safemode, 2 times memory test, 2 times memory test safemode) of choices for Ubuntu and one for windows 7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Gnome From 11.04?

Apr 28, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.4 on my eeepc 4g ... the problem is, unlike previous versions that left me 1 GB of free space in the hard disk, now I have 300 mb ... I thought to remove gnome because unity graphic is not bad, to have more free space ... How can i do it without repercussions?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Partition-has Keys By The Name?

Jan 4, 2010

I am trying to reinstall ubuntu on my computer. I am now trying to create partition but I accidently created one that I do not want. Next to the name of the partition is a set of keys so I am guessing that it is locked. How do I remove that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Real VNC Enterprise In 9.1?

Jan 5, 2010

I installed Real VNC enterprise software in Ubunto 9.1 by mistake, but there is no control panel like Windows to uninstall it, how to remove it and I want to install real vnc free version.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Device Message?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a netbook with Windows 7 and already have my HDD partitioned. I downloaded UNR 9.10 and saved it to a 1GB USB drive. I set my boot priority to have it boot off of USB prior to the HDD and I save/reboot. Upon boot up I get a message to remove devices and reboot. I tried several different BIOS configurations and cannot get it to recognize the boot file. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get this corrected? I would like to have a linux dual boot system especially since I'm taking a linux admin course.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove The Boot Loader?

Jan 7, 2010

I have my ubuntu removed but not the boot loader. How can I remove it ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Aptitude Wants To Remove A Package?

Jan 19, 2010

i installed a package with dpkg --install and told it to ignore an unmet dependency because the package it depended on could not be installed with apt-get (it was a perl module) and i have manually installed the perl module, it works... however every time i do "apt-get upgrade" or anything like that it wants to remove the package i forced to install because it still thinks there are unmet dependencies, is there a way to either tell it to ignore that the package has unmet dependencies (i mean ignore that always, not something i will have to add every time i use aptitude) or is there a way to convince it that the package it thinks is missing (the unmet dependency) is actually met.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 - Any Way To Remove Grub And Restore MBR

Jan 19, 2010

I have installed Kubuntu on a usb stick. I installed version 9.04 from a disk that came with linux magazine. After installation I can only boot pc if the usb stick is plugged into pc before I turn it on. I then gat a menu with 5 options. The first is Kubuntu and the last is Windows XP. If I try to boot my pc without the usb stick plugged in I get a GRUB error message.

I think this is the GRUB menu which means that it must have amended the Master Boot Record. If I try to boot my pc without the usb stick plugged in I get a GRUB error message. This is generally a minor inconvenience and a great security measure. My worry is that I am notorious for losing usb sticks. If I lose this one I wont be able to boot pc. Is there a way to remove GRUB and restore the MBR?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Cleanly Remove Windows XP

Jan 25, 2010

Currently I dual boot windows XP and ubuntu 9.10. However, I am quite happy about my Ubuntu installation and I am starting to think about my windows xp install as a waste of hard drive space.I wonder what's the best way to remove the windows xp install.I have 3 partitions, windows being the first, ubuntu being the second and the third being ubuntu's swap.I am not familiarized with the way the grub bootloader works so I am worried about breaking it if I just remove the first (winxp) partition via gparted and expand the second (ubuntu 9.10) fill the empty space.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Remove WUBI Install

Mar 2, 2010

I have two computers. One has to stay Windows the other is Ubuntu. I had installed Ubuntu as a wubi install on that windows machine. I uninstalled via add/remove programs but the loader is still there. How do I get rid of that? It's not a big issue cause I just set Windows as the first boot whith a 3 second time so it loads right up. Just want to know how.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Failed Remastersys

Mar 8, 2010

I have a block of 85 GB of a failed remastersys back-up and it is preventing me from up-dating my OS.

What do i do to remove this from my HD ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Where Does Add/remove Saves The .deb Files

Mar 10, 2010

i am using ubuntu 9.04 jaunty. i want to save the .deb files of the applications i have installed. now the synaptic package manager saves the .deb files to /var/cache/apt/archives . but where does the add/remove saves the the .deb files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Remove The Menu From The Desktop

Mar 26, 2010

How do I remove the menu from the desktop? It was not there before the 9.10 upgrade.

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Installation :: Remove Ubuntu And Reclaiming Partition Into XP?

Apr 2, 2010

The name pretty much says it all. I have an old XP machine that I threw Heron on to play around with. I know have karmic running standalone on a different machine, and would like to get my whole hdd back on XP.

I've found some tips saying just load an xp disc and fixmbr from recovery console, but those posts are both old, and seem to cause as many problems for the people who tried it as fixed it.

Was wondering if there's been a better way developed to remove ubuntu and get my whole hard drive back for windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 Wants To Remove Desktop?

May 5, 2010

When I try to upgrade to 10.04 (from 9.10) I receive the following message:
An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: The package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.

I could not bear once again going through the months of torment, searching forums and tearing of hair involved in getting 9.10 to install and get everything working the way I wanted if I had to do a clean install again. Mostly because I can't remember how I got round most of the issues... code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Need To Remove 23mb For Live CD 7.10

May 12, 2010

Is there any easy way to remove 23mb from my installation I am trying to make a live cd. I have tried the cleanup post as listed...URL...What about removing the themes that I dont use? All I need is to remove 23mb?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Remove And Restore Windows

Jul 1, 2010

I have been dealing with this all day! I cannot remove Ubuntu and recover the free space for Windows. When I remove Ubuntu, I can't access Windows.

I have three partitions, one being the main Windows partition and two with no names being the ubuntu partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Package Using Live CD?

Aug 1, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.4 on a lenovo T500 yesterday.

Today I am almost sure to have a problem with the fglrx package.

Today I installed the graphics card accelleration driver - I think it is the fglrx, but I am not shure, because I used the gnome fancy gimmick offering this driver. Now the computer starts neither in normal mode nor in recovery mode. In the latter it displays very fast about two screens of the usual lines and changes then something with the display. Trying to use boot=/bin/bash as an additional boot parameter didn't work either. I even tried typing blind a login and something like "apt-get remove fglrx <return><return>".

Booting from CD works.

Here my questions: When I have booted from CD, can I see the synaptic history to verify that it actually is the package named above? When I have booted from CD, can I remove packages from the installed version?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove UNR From Dual Boot WIN XP EEE PC

Oct 14, 2010

I recently did a package upgrade on my UNR installation and it killed my wireless connection. After playing around non stop trying to get it to work again, I've destroyed the installation and would like to remove it and start again.

My system is a EEE PC 1005H running firstly WINXP and then UNR 10.04 lucid as dual boot.

I need to remove the UNR installation so I'm basically left with WinXP only. I want to get back to this stage so I can pretty much start again and get back to a working system.

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