Ubuntu :: HD Nearly Full After Update?

Mar 12, 2010

I have Ubuntu 8.04 on an IBM laptop w/ 18 GB HD & 512 MB RAM - the HD in the past was just half full; today (after not using the laptop for several weeks), I needed 64 or so updates which seemed to progress fine; however on re-booting and checking the disc analyzer, the HD is now 97% FULL! I was wondering if perhaps the updates installed did not clean up previous software leading to many files being left on the HD - I've never ran into this situation before, and would like some advice as to my first steps in figuring out this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get 11.04 (Full) Updates Through The Update Manager?

May 5, 2011

I currently have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04 (The beta) running on my Laptop. I want to know if it's possible to get 11.04 (Full) through the update manager? If so, how? Secondly, if I wanted to just go back to 10.10, could i install it over the current 11.04? I don't want to copy files over or anything like that, just a fresh start.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Obnoxious Bar In Smplayer - Full Screen Isn't Full Screen And There Are Black Edges On Both Sides Of The Screen

Jan 25, 2011

This obnoxious bar has just appeared in Smplayer at the top of the screen. It stays there even when I go full screen. Now full screen isn't full screen and there are black edges on both sides of the screen. I have not be able to figure out how to hide it. I do not need or want this onscreen display. How can I configure Smplayer to make this go away? How can I get my 16:9 full screen aspect ratio back? I have done nothing to mplayer or smplayer as far as editing any or changing any configuration files. I tried several videos and it displays on all of them. It was not there last time I used Smplayer.

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Ubuntu :: KTorrent Is Full Screen And Won't 'Un-Full-Screen'

May 2, 2010

In Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10, KTorrent worked just fine for me. However, this time whenever I launch it, it is for some reason full screen and I have no idea how to get out of full screen.it's of the entire screen when KTorrent is in focus (so no panels or other things were cut out of the image).URL...

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General :: /tmp Full - But Not Full ?

Oct 20, 2010

My server is showing as 95% full, but when I check any folders underneath and files, they add up to about only a few percentage of the space.

- /tmp - 2GB LUN
- currently using 1.8GB of the 2GB
- files in the directory add up to only 50MB (I've checked for hidden files as well.. 'ls -lah'

Anyway else of telling how /tmp can have so much usage when there appears there is hardly anything in it?

What will happen to the server if /tmp is full?

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Ubuntu :: RAM Is Getting Full?

Jun 8, 2011

i have a desktop pc with 1G RAM and 3,000 cpu was running XP perfectly..... yesterday i've installed ubuntu 11.4 in another partition....and it's done but i notice in system monitor that ram capacity goes up and no program is running !! and if i open firefox Ram will continue going up until it get full then no respond

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Lucid Update Manager Fails To Update - Now 64 Days Out Of Date?

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to update using Update Manager and I get this message: Failed to fetch "Failed to fetch [URL]..404 Not Found" My system is 64 days out of date now.

I have looked elsewhere for an answer and some others have had similar problems, but I have not found a reason for it happening, nor an answer. I wonder if anyone can help me please. I have been using Ubuntu for several months, can use the Terminal if I have the right commands to issue, but beyond that have limited knowledge of the system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not Working After Installing Latest Update From Update Manager?

Sep 30, 2010

As the title says i updated my system which then needed a reboot. I also installed Mixxx djing software to try it out. So i thought id just restart the system. Usually when i boot into my desktop wireless automatically can connect to my router but not this time, wired only for now... i know theres tons of wireless issue threads but some more experienced users will be able to get straight to the point and run through some diagnostics with me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed Update Manager And Synaptics Package Post 10.10 Update?

Mar 14, 2011

having had problems with getting grub2 to work on dual HDD setup...despite the most excellent advice on the forum i took the plunge and installed 10.10 from update manager within 10.04..... bingo fixed grub and now have dual boot again. but the update manager and synaptic package don't work because of libedata-cal1.2-6 file that remains..following other advice on the forum Advice gratefully received, how can i force an unistall of this package

mark@studypc:~$ sudo apt-get -f remove
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Is Inviting To Update From Maverick Meerkat To Natty

Jun 8, 2011

Update Manager is inviting me to update from my Maverick Meerkat to Natty. Is this a good idea?

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Reminds Of An Update With Backports-module-2.6.31-14-generic

Jan 14, 2010

I have logged in today and update manager reminds me of an update with linx-backports-module-2.6.31-14-generic. However my current kernel has been updated a while ago and is now 2.6.31-17. That obviously is more recent that that backport version. What should i do? By the way that update is from a PPA repository other that the default. I am wondering the update manager has no way to tell which kernel version i have at all? Should i actually go ahead with the installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Not Restart 10.4 Update After Broken Download

May 2, 2010

I started the upgrade to 10.4 from 9.10 through the update manager. It started the update to 10.4. After downloading almost 95% of the update, it gave an error message of "could not download certain components. downloaded files will not be erased" and stopped the update. I restarted the PC, and started the update manager again. But now it does not show any option of update to 10.4. how do I continue or resume the update process? I just started using ubuntu about 15 days back. So, I am relatively new to this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Update - Update Manager Check Packages Again After Uncheck

Nov 6, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.10, and im triying to update, when i uncheck the packages that i dont want and click on the "install updates" button in the update manager, the update manager check it again and download the packages that i dont want

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fetching From Update Servers Fail When When Using Update Managers?

Aug 21, 2010

I have Ubuntu Karmic 64-bit installed. Update manager tells me there are updates available, but when i try to install them, downloading the updates fail and throws this error:


Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/eglibc/libc6-i386_2.10.1-0ubuntu16_amd64.deb

Consequently, a similar error occurs when I try installing Sun Java 6 Runtime.


Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/s/sun-java6/sun-java6-jre_6-15-1_all.deb Connection failed [IP: 80]

Ubuntu Restricted Extras stalls when it's time to download the Java package I tried synaptic, update manager, aptitude, apt-get, and they all throw similar errors. Then I also tried connecting to different servers, to no avail. So to check if it's my connection to the net that has problems somehow, I tried downloading the file directly through my web browser, and it works. (But it's not recommended, and it won't let me!, install the updates manually, right?) I tried searching for the errors on the net and in the forums, and they're all somehow related to proxy servers. I then checked if I'm using some inappropriate proxy settings, and everywhere it's all set up to connect to the net directly, which is, well, my setup.

Take note though, that I am able to install other softwares normally, i.e, using synaptic, apt-get etc. The ones I tried include Pidgin and Mplayer. It's just these updates and Java:


jeanne@jeanne-desktop:~$ sudo sudo aptitude upgrade
W: The "upgrade" command is deprecated; use "safe-upgrade" instead.
Reading package lists... Done


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Ubuntu Security :: Sudo Apt-get Update The Update Failed Because The Connection To The India Mirror Timed Out

Jun 1, 2010

I am from India, and I tried to update my Ubuntu system today. Code: $sudo apt-get update The update failed because the connection to the India mirror timed out: Code: [URL] Could not connect to in.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (110: Connection timed out) I tried the update a few times, with the same result every time.

I had firestarter running at this time, and noticed that I would get new security events every time I tried an update. I checked the events list, and it turned out that the machine at the ip address (the in.archive.ubuntu.com machine, to go by the above error message) had been trying to make connections to seemingly random ports on the machine every time I tried the update: see the attached screenshot. I then changed my repositories to the Main Server using Synaptic, and tried the update again (from the command-line). This time it worked without a hitch, and firestarter did not report any unwanted incoming connection. why is the India mirror trying to open connections that the Main server apparently does not need in order for me to do the update? Should I (we) be concerned?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Every Time Logged In Via SSH Got A Message Telling There Where Packages To Update Including A Security Update?

Feb 11, 2011

I was running 10.04 LTS and had decided to stick to the LTS versions as I'm now running my machine as a server and don't want to be updating regularly.Every time I logged in via SSH I got a message telling me there where packages to update including a security update. So I did a search to find out how to perform an update on Ubuntu server from the command line.What I found was to do this:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get dist-upgradeAfter doing that I rebooted but now my machine gives me this message:

init: ureadahead-other main process (794) terminated with status 4Your disk drives are being checked for errors, this may take some timePress C to cancel all checks currently inprogressI'm not pressing C yet and leaving it alone to finish, but I noticed when the machine booted that one of the options for booting talked about Ubuntu 10.10, so I'm worried that I've updated from 10.04 LTS to 10.10 by accident?

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Can't Retrieve Cups Update / Solve This?

Mar 14, 2010

The last complete update failed on one package (Cups Common - 1.0 mb), each time I login the update is offered via update manager and each time it fails with this message:

W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/po...ntu3.6_all.deb
Connection failed [IP: 80]

can anyone shed light on this - (I'm running 9.04 Jaunty)

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Can't Update Security Updates / Solve This?

Apr 23, 2010

xulrunner-1.9.1-gnome support

After click on install updates and entering password, a message says "Some of the packages could not be retrieved from the server(s). Do you want to continue, ignoring these packages? Yes/No.

If I answer No, this message appears:

W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/po....10.1_i386.deb
404 Not Found [IP: 80]

If Yes, it tries to download but immediately:

W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/po....10.1_i386.deb
404 Not Found [IP: 80]

It has always installed the updates with no problems, until these 3 updates remain in pending installation status.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error Doing Partial Update Through Update Manager?

Oct 1, 2010

I am using ubuntu 9.10.While running a partial update through System->adminstration->update-manager. I am facing error as 'Error Authenticating some packages". Please find the attached, screenshot of the error and sources.list file output.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using The Update Manager Fails And See The Message Cannot Update?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm having trouble updating. Using the update manager fails and I see the message:dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 23288 package libbonoboui2-common': 'Conflicts' field, reference to 'libbonobous2-0': version contains ' '

I've tried
sudo dpkg --configure -a


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Ubuntu :: Update The Adobe-flash-plugin With Update Manager ?

Nov 15, 2010

i'm getting an error when i try to update the adobe-flash-plugin with update manager and package manager, the message says

W: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/pool/pa...rick1_i386.deb 403 Forbidden

why i am forbidded to update or have the same problem..

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Ubuntu :: No Bootloader After Kernel Update - Update-grub Hangs

Dec 1, 2010

Ran the updater, went to boot to Win7 to use Photoshop and realized that the grub menu was gone. Ubuntu boots by default now. I tried running "sudo update-grub" at a virtual terminal and while it listed the various linux kernels ok, it then got caught in a loop spitting out some crazy looking errors. I rebooted and Ubuntu came up fine. I tried running "sudo update-grub" again from the gnome terminal and it hangs the whole computer for a few minutes and finally gives me this:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Update Using Terminal Or Update Manager?

Dec 24, 2010

every time i try to update my computer i get this message administrator@desktop:~$ sudo aptitude upgrade W: The "upgrade" command is deprecated; use "safe-upgrade" instead. Reading package lists.Done Building dependency tree Reading state information. Done Reading extended state information Initializing package states.. No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Terminal Update Versus Update Manager

Mar 18, 2011

When i do update from Terminal, i dont get all updates which are in Update manager. Why?


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

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Ubuntu Installation :: Results Of 'apt-get Update' Command Different Than Update Manager

Mar 24, 2011

I've run the command "sudo apt-get update" from terminal, showing no update to do.Then I've run the update manager (System-Administration-Update Manager) and it has shown an update (adobe flash).I thought that "apt-get update" command and update manager were the same... Why do I have different results ? Is something missing in my "sources.list" file ?

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Ubuntu :: Current Beta1 Update To Beta2 Via Update Manager?

Apr 15, 2011

I downloaded and installed beta1 a few days ago but have just noticed beta2 is now available. Do I need to download beta2 and re-install or will my current beta1 update to beta2 via update manager?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Doesn't Find Update?

Apr 20, 2011

Normally Update Manager always finds the update to the next version of Ubuntu. It still hasn't given me any notion whatoever. I allready changed the settings from regular to LTS, but nothing changes. There are updates to the kernel, but I cannot download them, so I'm kinda stuck here.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Login After Update - Could Not Update ICEauthority File

May 5, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 on my Toshiba 32-bit laptop without any problems.Since the upgrade I am starting to have troubles on this machine. Most others are 64-bit and bar an Evolution issue are fine.In this case, 24 hours after the upgrade the machine wanted to do an Update. It would not allow the update until I fixed some broken packages which I did via Synaptics Package Manager. I then Marked All Upgrades and did the update from there.It was fine until I shut down and tried to log in again.I got the Blue Screen of Death!!!!!! I thought only Windows had this!Anyway, I could not log in. The auto login was not working so I used Other which gave me Recovery, entered my UN and PW, and I got the error message:

HTML Code:

Could not update ICEauthority file

I have searched the forum and some other sites, but none of the ideas can I get to work. I can start the machine using a 9.10 CD in the trial mode, but can not download the files suggested or delete the ICEauthority file, etc...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Doesn't Update System?

Jun 23, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and when i try to check for updates in the update manager it says:

W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/and471/kaza...source/Sources 404 Not Found
, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/and471/kaza...amd64/Packages 404 Not Found


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Reach Log In Screen After Update By Update Manager?

Sep 1, 2011

Using 11.04. After an update by Update Manager, everything seems fine. but after I rebooted it fails to reach the log in screen. It shows Ubuntu is booting up, after that, it seems it has crash, though I managed to boot it up and go into my desktop in low graphics mode.As I'm new to Ubuntu,

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