Ubuntu :: Grub2 Menuentry To Boot Gentoo?

Apr 26, 2011

I've partially installed Gentoo to a separate (RAID0) partition and would like to boot it from my Ubuntu 10.04 Grub installation. I have a /boot on RAID1 (mirror) and Ubuntu root on RAID1 (stripe set.) I have added what I could figure out to


hbarta@olive:~$ cat /etc/grub.d/40_custom
exec tail -n +3 $0


And it starts to boot the Gentoo kernel. (That fails when it cannot find the root partition, but I think that is past the point where grub has done it's work.) what I have wrong in the Gentoo menuentry that causes it not to show up?

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 - Chainload EZBoot - Windows PE And Add A Menuentry For ISO?

Mar 20, 2011

I've long been looking for a way to make an ISO out of a CD I have, write it to a partition and boot it with grub2. I understand that doing that is non-trivial so I decided to go a different route (for now). I extracted the contents of the CD (iso9660) onto a NTFS partition (/dev/sda6). The CD has several things on it, it first loads a text-based screen that has options to either boot the first HDD, boot to a Windows PE environment, or boot some isolinux-based utlities. I've observed the following on in its root directory:

/boot/bootsec.exe (and others)
/isolinux/isolinux.bin (and others)

So based on what I see when I boot the CD, and the files I'm seeing on it, the EZboot loads first, then either the Windows PE bootloader or ISOLinux depending on what you pick. I have grub installed onto it's own dir and it works fine for linux. When I ran grub-mkconfig it found a Windows Bootloader on /dev/sda6 but when booting to it the machine resets. So the Question is: Can I chainload EZBoot? If not, can I chainload Windows PE and add a menuentry for ISOLinux?

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Ubuntu :: Failing To Get Gentoo To Play Nice With Grub2 - Doesn't Add To The Menu

Feb 10, 2010

Trying to get gentoo to play nice with grub2. failing so far. here's what i got in my 40custom file (doens't work):

menuentry "Gentoo-Linux" {
set root (hd0,7)
kernel /boot/kernel-2.6.31-gentoo-r6

when i run grub-update btw it finds gentoo by itself but doesn't add it to the menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Can't Load Window 7 After Recovered Grub2 Using Live Cd To Boot Windows 7

Mar 7, 2010

i initilally installed ubuntu 9.10 then installed windows 7 ,then i recovered grub2 using livecd as told in the post [URL] i did "sudo update-grub" and got windows 7 menu entry but when i select that entry windows 7 does not load but the grub2 is reloaded again.
i cant boot to windows 7.

Windows 7 have 100 mb partition "System Reserved" the grub2 points to that partition but still windows 7 not loaded.

sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x3c3a81f5


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Dosn't Save Windows As Last Selected + Boot Into Cdrom From Grub2?

May 17, 2010

I went through so many post but I haven't found the proper answer yet hope you have an Idea1. Grub2 saves only Linux OS as last selected no Windows OS2.It is possible to boot into a cdrom (drive)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 Won't Boot In Presence Of Gentoo Drive

Nov 10, 2010

I've taken the plunge and embarked on my very first install/congifuration of Ubuntu. I've successfully installed 10.04 from the LiveCD onto a brand-new 500 GB hard drive. It boots fine. At least, it did until I reconnected another hard drive that contains a Gentoo system. (I had unplugged the Gentoo drive during the installation so as not risk mucking it up).In the presence of the Gentoo drive, the Ubuntu system starts to boot, but then fails with an a error that it's unable to mount /var.Investigation (df -k) indicates that it's mounted one of the parititions on the Gentoo drive. If I unplug the Gentoo hard drive, the Ubuntu system agains boots properly.

I have no idea why the 10.04 system even sees the other drive, much less mounts one of its partitions.My intent, once migrating to Ubuntu, was to copy needed user files and data from the old Gentoo system, then repartition the drive and use it for additional Ubuntu storage. Seems I can't get there from here.Is there some feature in Ubuntu that causes it to go looking for any other drives accessible on a system and then go about mounting random partitions?

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General :: Root File System Is Mounted Read-only On Boot On Gentoo?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using Gentoo Linux and for a while now, the root file system is mounted read-only on booting. For obvious reasons, this is quite annoying as most services do not start up correctly (I do not use a separate file system for /var). After the system is up, I have to log in, remount the root file system read-write, fix /etc/mtab, mount all other file systems in from /etc/fstab and then start up all the missing daemons. I know that there are ways to make a system run properly with a read-only file system, but I would rather restore the old behaviour of a writable root file system.

The strange thing is that after running mount / -o remount,rw, the file system is mounted in writable mode without any errors. I suspected some problem with fsck, but now I have disabled automatic file system checks on the partition (tune2fs -c0 -i0).When I run dmesg, only these lines mention the partition at all, although I am not sure if not something gets lost because /var/log is not writable:

EXT3-fs (sda5): mounted filesystem with writeback data mode</code>
EXT3-fs (sda5): using internal journal
The line in /etc/fstab looks like this:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Turning A Dual Boot Into Single Boot?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently got a netbook and setup as dual boot between win7 starter and 9.10 (64bit). Win 7 starter is not impressive so i want to nuke it and give the space all to my /USR partion. I am comfortable working with Gparted and assume that i can launch using my gparted live usb and delete the windows partion and then resize the /usr partion.

what changes do i need to make w/ Grub2? I would prefer not to see the Grub menu at all and have it load right the main kernel if possible. Also, if this is possible is there a way to get to the Grub menu during boot should i need to select a different kernel?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Dual Boot Karmic / Unable To Boot Into Archlinux Partition

Feb 15, 2010

After installing karmic with Grub2 I am unable to boot into Archlinux partition. Grub2 has removed the last line of the Archlinux boot stanza! It used to read:-


Following the Grub2 tutorials I have tried editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom as follows:-


But no luck. Only way into Archlinux is to get into the edit shell and manually add the missing line and remove other stuff not needed. I have spent hours trying to resolve this issue and I am fairly p----d off

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Ubuntu :: Boot From A Grub2 Prompt When There Are Separate /boot And / Partitions?

Mar 6, 2011

I was yesterday evening experimenting inserting a script into /boot/grub/grub.cfg. Well I broke grub.cfg and had to try to boot from a grub2 prompt.I have separate /boot and / partitions on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 respectively.Working out the correct syntax for the boot to work was a little complicated, so I thought it would be useful to post the correct procedure here, in case anyone else has the same set up that I do (separate /boot and / partitions)At the grub prompt code:

grub> set prefix=(hd0,1)/grub
grub> insmod linux
grub> set root=(hd0,2)


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Boot After Deleting Non-boot Partition?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm as big a fan of Linux as Linus Torvalds himself but it's things like this that help to keep Linux from becoming mainstream. I mean, how would I ever explain the need for the following procedure to a non-techie type, recent or prospective Ubuntu convert? The following is not a question, as I have finally resolved the issue but is more of a rant, I guess you could say. The reasons that I decided to post it are:

1) To hopefully help someone else experiencing this issue.

2) To point out the need for significant improvement in the area of editing partitions under Ubuntu Linux.
3) To vent my spleen.


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General :: Get Grub2 To Boot OS X With Graphics Mode Boot Option?

Apr 14, 2010

I've set up a triple boot system (Ubuntu Karmic, Windows Vista and OSX86 -- a patched OS X which works on a PC) on a Dell 9200 (C2D 2.13 GHz, 4GB RAM, nVidia G210). I sue Grub2 as the bootloader and update-grub picks up OS X and it boots without any problem.

However, although when booting OS X using its own Darwin bootloader, I can apply the boot option "Graphics Mode"="1680x1050x32" to ensure that I get the screen resolution that I want, when OS X boots from Grub2, the only resolution available is 1024x768 which is disappointing. I have tried adding gfxmode=1650x1050x32 to the OS X section of /boot/grub/grub.cfg in Ubuntu but this does nothing.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot XP From Grub2 Menu

May 6, 2010

I'm having an odd dual-boot problem. Briefly, I can't boot Windows XP from its entry on the GRUB2 menu. If I set the disk order in BIOS so that the machine boots off the drive with Windows XP, XP starts normally. However, if I boot off the Ubuntu drive, which brings up the GRUB2 menu, choosing the "Windows 7 loader" option (why it says Windows 7 when there's only Windows XP is another question!) just makes my system reboot.

It appears there's some problem with the way GRUB2 attempts to start Windows XP. I'm also wondering why GRUB2 thinks it sees the Windows 7 loader. There shouldn't be any Windows 7 anything anywhere. I once had a Windows 7 RC install on the same disk as Windows XP, but I wiped the Windows 7 system partition and reallocated its space as just another NTFS partition. FWIW, GRUB2 is installed on the MBR of the disk containing my Ubuntu install. Windows XP has a different drive all to itself.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Won't Boot Windows 7?

Oct 27, 2010

I upgraded a while back to Windows 7. I run two separate HDDs, with debian on sda and windows on sdb.Everything worked fine, up until i upgraded to windows 7. The installer forced me to unplug sda and make sdb primary. After installing I repositioned the HDDs and was stuck with a "NTLDR is Missing" messageAfter removing the search -fs--uuid tag from grub.cfg, Windows 7 booted for a good 0.5 sec and then rebooted. All that flashed was the "Starting Windows" page. I see similar bugs reported in the launchpad, but nothing that directly parallels this Here's my windows entry in grub.cfg:

menuentry "Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (on /dev/sdb1)" {
insmod ntfs


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Won't Boot Windows 7 ?

Nov 18, 2010

I've installed Xubuntu 10.10 on a very new EeePC 1201HA. The netbook came preconfigured from the OEM with the disk split into two Windows partitions of about the same size, one with Windows 7 starter. I removed the second partition (Which was just empty) and have installed a series of different distros since then, to try and gauge their support for the 1201HA hardware. I finally settled on Xubuntu, which can support most of the laptop's features with some tweaks.

However, after this last install, and a Grub config change needed to make the framebuffer work on this hardware, I'm unable to boot Windows 7.Grub shows it on the menu normally, but when I select the Windows 7 entry, I get the message 'Reboot and select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key,' which I understand isn't from the OS but rather a BIOS message which implies there is no loader.

I've tried using the Windows 7 system restore to do everything short of rewriting the Windows bootloader to the MBR (Which would, of course, remove Grub and thus not solve my problem, as I couldn't load Ubuntu from it). I attempted to fix the boot sector on the partition with the system restore tools, to no avail. And because this is a netbook with no optical drive, I'm unable to reinstall from a disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB2 Cannot Boot?

Jan 15, 2011

GRUB2 won't boot. It hangs just after the 'Boot from CD' thing in my BIOS.I've had 1.97 working on my PC about 24 hours ago, but I decided to start afresh and go for Xubuntu 10.10.I'll post the PC specs in the morning, but in the meantime, does anyone know how to fix this?It's going to be a Xubuntu only system, and I've tried to repair the GRUB files via the Live CD and here.

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Boot Via GRUB2?

Mar 26, 2011

So I have a really old (about 10 years) desktop PC manufactured by Packard Bell, and would like to get Lubuntu 10.10 running on it. I had previously burnt a CD with it, but boot time was incredibly slow on the machine and installation of Lubuntu crashed my system. As a result, I created a LiveUSB (as you do).

When I entered my CMOS, I discovered the BIOS on my machine isn't able to boot from USB, and I wasn't able to find a BIOS update for my AMIBIOS chip on the American Megatrends website. So I booted my GParted Live CD and created an ext4 partition at /dev/sda3, which I proceeded to install GRUB2 onto via the commands:

$ sudo su
# mkdir /mnt/grub/
# mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/grub/
# grub-isntall --no-floppy --root-directory=/mnt/grub /dev/sda

This, as planned, succeeded; I can now get into a GRUB2 prompt when my machine boots...! The only problem is, GRUB2 won't detect my USB...or any device other than my hard drive

So, is there any way I can get GRUB2 to find my USB?

P.S. The USB works fine on my laptop, which does support USB booting. I can also boot the USB on my laptop via its GRUB2 command line, using:

grub> set root='(hd1,1)'
grub> chainloader +1
grub> boot

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 - How To Change Default Boot OS

Jan 6, 2010

How to remove OS's from the GRUB boot menu, and also, how can I change the default booter from Ubuntu to a different OS and edit timeout?

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Ubuntu :: Getting GRUB2 To Recognize Moblin And Actually Boot Into It?

Jan 7, 2010

Right, I've made some progress in regards to this. Moblin is now on the GRUB2 boot menu thanks to a sudo update-grub. But for some strange reason, it comes up with this the scenario in the first image when I go into its entry.

I tried doing some stuff to the /etc/default/grub, but that didn't even help. The second image shows the contents of /etc/default/grub.

I would really like Moblin to work. I am so close to getting it to work, yet so far because I can't even boot into it

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Ubuntu :: System Hanging On The Grub2 Boot Up?

Mar 1, 2010

I've read the various Grub2 posts and even the guide, but unfortunately for me I can't seem to come up with an answer to my problem. I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a new hard drive on a friends laptop, but I have problems with the system hanging on the Grub2 bootup.I'll post the screen

if [ -n ${have_grubenv} ]; then save-env recordfail; fi
set quiet=1
insmod ext2
set root=(hd0,1)
search --no floppy --fs-uuid --set ac1b1d46-bac1-4140--953e-70a8a61be8b0
linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic root=UUI=ac1b1d46-bac1-4140-953e-70a8a61be8b0 ro quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-14-generic

If I hold down the left shift and then press E to edit and remove the search --no floppy line entirely then press ctrl-x the system boots just fine. I then opened up a terminal and did sudo update-grub to try that but it didn't fix it. Is this a problem in my bios looking for a floppy, I tried with the boot from floppy enabled and disabled (but always as the 3rd boot option) the floppy is not installed. Is there anyway to edit the file and save it so it will boot up? I was trying to research that and could not come up with it.

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Ubuntu :: Endless Boot Cycle With Xp In Grub2

Mar 23, 2010

I have recently been unable to boot into windows xp, which is on a drive separate from my linux installation. When I select the windows installation, the computer starts back at the bios screen and returns to grub endlessly. I am running an updated 9.10. The linux will boot fine; however the most recent kernel does not show up on the list of available options, which may indicate something. I have searched the forum and found nothing that helps. There are plenty of posts asking if you have stopped using windows altogether and other non tech related posts though.

The results of sudo fdisk -l are below:

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 \ When Go Boot From A DVD It Says To Load The Kernel First?

Mar 25, 2010

On Grub legacy i used a menu entry to boot from a DVD since the bios on my pc doesn't recognize my DVD burner.... So before on the old grub i can just added this menu entry and it all worked...title DVDroot(hd0,0)kernel /boot/grub/memdisk.bininitrdboot/grub/sbootmgr.dskthen grub 2 came along and that all changed..on the 40_custom file i added this

menuentry "Boot DVD Drive" {
set root=(hd0,0)
linux /boot/grub/memdisk.bin


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Ubuntu :: How To Configure Grub2 To Boot HaikuOS

Mar 25, 2010

I installed ubuntu 9.10 for sometime now and i really like it. It seems that ubuntu 9.10 comes with grub2 or some sort of grub beta and i want to install HaikuOS but i dont know how to configure grub2 to boot up Haiku.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Won't Boot The Windows

May 3, 2010

I have a asus eeepc 1101ha. With Karmic,it would boot into w7 without problems.I installed Lucid on another partition,and after that the w7 grub entry would leave me with a blinking cursor in the left top corner, and hang.

I booted with the w7 dvd, ran bootrec.exe to restore mbr and bootmgr, and the booted into w7 to confirm. It was working. Then I booted with the live dvd, mounted the lucid partition, and installed grub. Now choosing the w7 entry would ask for the boot media, and pressing any key would bring me back to the grub menu. Lucid and karmic boot without problems.

Installing grub from karmic now gave the same error. Running update-grub didn't change anything.As I had to use w7, I booted again from the dvd, and restored again mbr and bootmgr. Booted into w7, used it, then once again to the live cd, to reinstall grub, and once again the w7 entry in grub makes grub ask for the boot media.I've attached my boot info script.Ah, I also played with the bootable flag for the /dev/sda1 partition, but it didn't change anything.

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Keeps Changing The MBR On Boot (grub2)?

Jun 6, 2010

I installed Ubuntu in my new notebook. It originally comes with Windows 7 installed on it.Everything works nice however every time i boot into Windows7 the grub menu doesn't work any more. i can't boot into windows or ubuntu any more. How do I stop this? Its rather annoying to have to boot, chroot and fix this problem everytime.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Another Dual Boot Grub2 On 10.04?

Jun 8, 2010

I've already had WinXP SP3 installed on one HDD, so i've installed 10.04 on my spare HDD. When I try to boot to Win, I get ntoskrnl.exe missing error. This is my boot info script report:


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


I've tried with different boot orders in bios, reinstalling Grub2 (several times ), I've even tried to install lilo through software center but didn't know how to configure it ...

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Won't Boot Windows XP / Solution For This?

Jun 26, 2010

Windows has some files I need and when I try to boot it hangs at a black screen with a blinking cursor.

I checked grub.cfg and this entry was in there code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot OS - Grub2 / Device.map

Aug 25, 2010

I used to have 2 HDDs for ubuntu: 1 x 80GB and 1 x 500GB The 500GB disk was my /home directory and is now used exclusively for Windows 7. I have now moved /home to the 80GB drive and have modified /etc/fstab to point /home to /home rather than /dev/sdb1. However, I cannot boot into ubuntu. I have tried using Super Boot Disk cd-rom but still no joy. I think I need to fix grub and have tried by booting into a Live-CD and following a tutorial I found on the forums but it complains about not being able to find a device.map I guess this has something to do with the fact that the 500GB HDD is now gonoe but am not sure how to resolve this issue. how to recreate this file but the command failed.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Boot Floppy To Load From USB?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a number of legacy pcs upon which I would like to install Lubuntu. None have CDROM drives, but they do have floppy drives. None can natively boot from USB devices. My goal is to boot into Grub2 from a floppy with USB support, but I'm having trouble making the floppy. I've seen recommended a few times a command string something like

grub-mkrescue --overlay=/boot/grub --image-type=floppy GRUB2.img
dd if=GRUB2.img of=/dev/fd0

But when I go to do this, grub-mkrescue has no --overlay nor --image-type option. My man grub-mkrescue page only lists --modules and --output as options. I have managed to make a floppy using the commands

grub-mkrescue --output=FILE
dd if=FILE of=/dev/fd0

This disk does boot into Grub2. The problem with this is that I need to add other files to the disk to have USB functionality in Grub2, but this process writes to the floppy in iso9660 format, which mounts as read-only. I have tried to go this route using the mount -o remount option to try to make the fs rewritable, but I also haven't been successful with that (and I think my limited knowledge is restricting me here).

Maybe I can add the correct files to the file output by grub-mkrescue --output before I write it to the floppy, but I also don't know how to do that.

Basically, I'm a little burned out and looking for some direction. Am I going about this wrong? When I try and follow other people's guides, they seem to have options available to them that I don't have. I'm doing all this from my Lubuntu 10.04 live CD, but have found similar things on my regular Ubuntu 10.04 install as well.

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Ubuntu :: Re-installed Grub2 But It Wouldn't Boot?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a 2 hard drive laptop. I have Mac OSX on /dev/sda and 64 bit Ubuntu on /dev/sdb. (I did have 32 bit Ubuntu on /dev/sda as well, but I have deleted that). So with the intention of deleting the 32 bit version and to make sure the 64 bit version on sdb still booted I re-installed grub2 to sdb before I deleted the 32 bit installation from sda. Sadly it wouldn't boot. It gave me the "no such partition - grub rescue" message. So I booted up the live cd and re-installed grub2 to sdb again, just to make sure. It ran ok but on reboot got the same message as before.So I booted up the live cd again and installed grub2 to sda and now it boots fine.I presume that the bios is looking at the first hard drive and if it finds nothing there it just gives up - not looking at the second drive at all. Is this normal on a 2 drive system? Unfortunately as it's a Sony Vaio the bios is almost completely locked so I suspect I cannot change it.

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