Ubuntu :: Great Games For Best Operating System Ever

Dec 2, 2010

I am not a programmer or a game developer. I would even use the term "computer geek" very loosely cause any problems I have I google and usually find the solution here. That being said I am not sure the proper location for this discussion and I am not an expert on the subject but I ran across an article by a game developer who ported to Linux and commented as to why more developers don't. [URL]. Before all sorts of flaming responses get written i would like to say that Linux
(A) does need more games
(B) developers obviously have a reason for not porting
(C) If you ever want that to happen we need to turn reasons against into reasons for.

I know I am not a programmer and don't know a whole lot about Linux but I read programmer's talking about problems with too many distro's and too many different window systems etc., a lot. would it be possible to create a front-end that would act like a router for games, like the game puts out audio and the front end sends it to alsa it puts out video and the front end sends it to the nvidia driver. something where how it talks to gnome or kde or any other window manager and any other distro is different but how it talks to the game is always the same. If the answer to what I have said is no how could this problem be solved how could a developer create software that could be installed no problems on various platforms without them creating 100's of different versions of the game. One package one installer no mess. Linux is so incredibly stable there must be a way for it to be easier to write a game for Linux then for windows.

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Ubuntu :: What Is A Great Free Operating System

Apr 2, 2010

Is there a better operating system than ubuntu or at least a diffrent kind. It has to be free (because i am cheap) and from linux.No windows or mac.

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Ubuntu :: Operating System Lose Data During A Power Failure As Windows Operating System?

Jan 13, 2010

Will a Linux operating system lose data during a power failure as does a Windows operating system?

(If yes.) This has not come up before but I'm going to be doing some work I don't want to lose.

Could you either point me to a backup tutorial or give me the quick overview of preserving stuff with Ubuntu?

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General :: Uses Of Operating System Compared To Windows Operating System?

Jul 24, 2011

could any one tell me about the uses of linux operating system compared to windows operating system

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Ubuntu :: No Games For System / Get That?

Jan 7, 2010

Why there is no games for ubuntu ? somthing serious like gta iv , call of duty , nfs ..

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Freezes After A While In Games

May 9, 2010

I had Ubuntu 9.10 .. upgraded to 10.04 LTS... i dunno if its the ati driver or what but when im on wine the games runs fine for a couple of minutes.. 5 to 10 maybe and then the whole system freezes.. cant close cant do anything... the mouse moves though .. and the sound keeps looping, thats if i use OGG on wine insted of ALSA... This looks like it should be on the wine segment but i dont think so... I mentioned wine cuz ATM wine is all i got on this pc as for games.... im downloading urban terror to see if it freezes too...

I remember that right after i finished installing ubuntu 9.10 i upgraded it right away to 10.04 without having the ati drivers installed, after the installation finished... the boot up logo from ubuntu with purple background was at its normal size as usual... But once i installed the drivers.. the ubuntu boot up logo or whatever its called went all BIG like if it was using another resolution, though once it finishes loading, the resolution goes back to normal when in login screen and desktop.

HOw do i remove the drivers completely? do i have to restart after removing them so i can install new drivers? should i use propietary drivers from amd site or the one found by system--- hardware drivers??? why cant i find envy at synaptics?

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Ubuntu :: Want Good Games / Apps On System

Oct 27, 2010

I know theres loads of apps and games on Ubuntu, I was just wondering whats your selection of favorites?

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Ubuntu :: Good Games That Arr 100% System Compatable?

Nov 7, 2010

Getting tired of just staring at my web browser..

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Ubuntu :: Games Running Badly - Slow System Down

Jun 2, 2011

i tried to download several games for lubuntu, but some of them are running badly, and slow the system down, although they are not very large one of them is just 100MB, other one was even much less than that. i have pentium 4, 512 ram 128 MB built in video card PC.

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Ubuntu :: No Operating System Found?

Sep 2, 2010

I got a new laptop today and the first thing I did was to install Ubuntu as a dual boot with Windows 7. Everything seemed to work the first time I loaded Ubuntu after installation, and Windows also seemed to work. Then, Windows Maintenance said there was possible disk corruption, so I restarted the computer and now I get this error when trying to load. After reading around about similar problems I think it might be a problem with the grub bootloader. It is 64-bit if that makes a difference.

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Ubuntu :: Tried To Fix Old Computer But Now It Has No Operating System / What To Do?

Dec 12, 2010

Ok, I have a Gateway Solo 5300 and I want to use it as a test server (install Ubuntu Server 10.10 and everything else after that.) The problem is I shut down the computer after it deleted the hard drive clean through installation and now I have to network boot because its old. What do I need to do that?

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Ubuntu :: Use Server As Operating System?

Mar 29, 2011

i planning to use ubuntu server as my operating system so that transparent proxy can be install using squid. i know that, ubuntu already has their own firewall that is linux ip table and but i want to use independent firewall that is pfSense since i need to install 2 transparent proxy in a network..see the diagram for details [URL]

is there is any possible, if i just want to use linux iptables at each transparent proxy server rather then using a independent firewall?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Get Into Operating System

May 17, 2011

The issue I've been having is vague so I'm unsure if anyone can help me but it's worth a shot. The other day I was booting my laptop and this is what ended up happening and has continued to occur on successive boots:[URL] Each time it boots this is how the screen is characterized. For example: [URL] After this, continuing the boot process, the screen does this--which makes sense since the Kubuntu boot screen is this color and this where it should typically appear (I installed Kubuntu some months prior to this issue.): [URL]

After this screen, the monitor goes blank and becomes unresponsive. It usually flashes to black and then appears to turn on--becoming a slightly lighter shade of black.

Then, nothing. I can't go into tty. I've tried booting with a live CD but the issue persists and hangs, saying: soft lockup cpu 0 stuck for 61s. I've tried taking my laptop apart but I'm not familiar enough with hardware to do anything productive.

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Ubuntu :: Want 32 Bit Operating System Emulator

Jun 22, 2011

Is there any 32 bit operating system emulator (like a bridge) that I could easily use those packages or software that can be installed on a 32 bit operating system easier? Something easier than emulating another Ubuntu using Virtualbox.

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General :: Can't Play My PC Games On System / Resolve This?

Jul 21, 2010

I cant play my PC games on Linux??

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General :: Ubuntu On Windows 7 Operating System

Apr 5, 2011

I want to experience Ubuntu and want it on my machine. I currently have Windows 7 installed and was wondering what the easiest or best way is to install Ubuntu so I can choose to run either Windows 7 or Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Open Operating System

Jan 11, 2010

ive installed ubuntu 9.01 on a external HDD. I have windows on my internal HDD and whenever I unplugged the USB HDD and turn on the computer I get Failed To Load Grub. I fixed this by restoring windows boot.ini file but now when I try boot from the external HDD (USB) it says Failed To Open Operating System and nothing else.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Operating System Loading / What To Do?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a serious problem with my computer. I had once shut down my windows forcefully( i.e. using the button) and now i am now not able to login to windows again. I tried installing linux from the booting cd but was not possible also. Now when I start my computer I get an error message. What to do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Operating System Not Found

Apr 2, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on an old IBM T21 laptop. It starts very happily, and I am able to partition the disk & copy the files to the HDD. However, when it loads the desktop there is an icon for the CD drive (and install disk). Everything appears to be fine, but I don't see any confirmation of the installation being completed. The CD drive does not open when the button is pressed. When I restart the laptop, I get the message 'operating system not found'. Starting the machine using the CD works fine. The disk shows that the partitions have been created, and I am told that Ubuntu 9.10 is installed.

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Ubuntu :: Operating System To Boot Into Look Nicer?

Apr 19, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 running inside Windows XP Home Edition SP3 with Wubi. Is there a way I can make the screen where I select what Operating System to boot into look nicer? I was thinking of something like the Windows 7 Background with 2 pictures, one of the Windows logo (would boot Windows), one of the ubuntu logo (would boot

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operating System Not Found?

Jun 2, 2010

I formatted my 2nd hard drive(IDE) inside of windows. So I had a clean 80 GIG HDD. I downloaded the wubi installer and allowed it to have 30 GIGs of the newly formatted hard drive. I restarted it and it just used my 250GIG SATA drive. I then restarted and pressed esc. to make it use the 80 GIG and it said operating system not found. I then deleted it and tried again. Same result. I then reformatted it marked it as active and installed Ubuntu again and it did boot the 80 but it said the NTLDR is missing.

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Ubuntu :: Can Use USB-installer As Portable Operating System

Aug 8, 2010

can I can use the Ubuntu USB-installer as a portable operating system (through the "try it" feature) by selecting "persistence" when I follow the instructions to load Ubuntu onto a bootable external hard drive

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 On Boot Has Missing Operating System?

Sep 12, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition on my 4gb usb with universal usb installer, and when i select my usb drive from the f12 boot options, i get the Missing Operating System message.

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Ubuntu :: Set Up A Dual Boot With Another Operating System?

Sep 26, 2010

I have installed an external drive on my Windows 7 PC and therefore feel able to try to set up a dual boot with another operating system, and Ubuntu is the obvious first choice: however on the Ubuntu site the only options avaiable seem to be to install to a stick or on a new partition on the Windows C: drive. I couldn't really fathom installing to a stick and nothing seemed to run off the DVD to which I wrote the .iso file. I most definitely do not want to alter the C drive.

Seems to me it would be a good idea to have the option to install to any drive partition of one's choice. My son-in-law who uses Linux a lot in work suggested a web site explaining how to install Linux on an external drive, but that entails opening the PC and disconnecting the C drive. I assume that is because otherwise I would lose the Windows installation. My interest in PCs is most definitely directed towards systems and software, not hardware so I don't trust myself poking aound inside.There is presumably an explanation of why there is no simple way to ty out Ubuntu etc. but I can not find any explanations and would be grateful for a pointer about where I should look.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Freezes Whole Operating System?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using Ubuntu Lucid and have a problem with firefox (V 3.6.10). It often causes the whole system to freeze nearly every time I access skypoker.com, sometimes straight away, and sometimes within a few seconds or a few minutes. The whole system becomes unresponsive, with only the mouse being able to move (not click). I haven't seen this problem occur with any other sites. This problem does not seem to occur when I use google chrome, but it does with Konqueror. Control + Alt + F1 is unresponsive, along with every other keyboard stroke or mouse click and the only way I can do anything is to restart the computer with the power button.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Operating System On Computer / Get That?

Oct 10, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu 10.04 and it say this computer does not have operating system on it, it wants to format the entire drive. here is the result of the fdisk. code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operating System Is Not Found

Nov 23, 2010

after hours of formating C and windows XP and after hours of installing Ubuntu,I can see the desktop backround image, the grey bar on the top of the screen with the sound icon and the ON/OFF button and then my laptop becames unresponsive.Nothing moves, cant here anything... (the cd loading).So, If I restart the pc pressing ESC so I can change the boot order and have it boot from the Hard drive, I get this message: "Operating System not Found".I've tryed to install Ubuntu about 5 times now and both 5 times it goes up to the same point and then stops.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Activate Operating System

Jan 31, 2011

Initially I have installed microsoft windows 7 Ultimate and Ubuntu 10 in my notebook. microsoft windows and ubuntu are located in different partitions on my hard drive. then I reinstall microsoft windows by formatting the partition and not format the ubuntu partition. question: How to reactivate ubuntu without having to reinstall the operating system ubuntu 10?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Get Computer To Boot Into ANY Operating System?

Feb 19, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu Netbook edition on my Asus eee pc 1005HA, dual-booting with Windows 7.Things have been fine with it for a month or two. However, I've now run into some trouble with Grub2 and the MBR, and I cannot get my computer to boot into ANY operating system. Right now I'm booting from the Ubuntu installation CD to "try Ubuntu" -- it's the only way I can use my computer at all.

I have looked through the forums and googled, and already tried several methods of fixing Grub2, none of which have worked so far. Here's the situation: I wanted to disable / uninstall Grub2, so that the computer would boot as normal into Windows 7, to fix some problems and then reinstall Grub2 later. To do this I just went to the Windows System Repair environment, opened the command prompt, and entered the two commands "bootrec /fixmbr" and "bootrec /fixboot" with the understanding that this would reset the Windows control of booting, and remove Grub2's control. The result was that my computer cannot boot properly at all. No Windows and no Grub2.

So far I've tried to fix this by using the Super Grub Disk to try to use the auto-repair feature, which failed. I've also tried in various ways to reinstall / repair / update Grub by using the Terminal in Ubuntu (through the "try Ubuntu" CD), but so far none of the methods I've found have worked. If anyone could explain or direct me to a step-by-step of how to repair the MBR and install Grub2 from scratch,

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Ubuntu :: Can't Locate Codes For Operating System

Mar 16, 2011

i have two doubts

1) i downloaded the latest linux kernel in hope that i will find the codes for the operating system the os but i cant locate any.so can any0ne tell me from where can i find what i am looking for?

2) c language used in the package i downloaded is though very close to the c i studied but there are places where it becomes tough for to comprehend the real significance of the lines. eg i never knew rhere is Display() a pre-defined function but i saw it somewhere as predefined.

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