Ubuntu :: GRUB Sees Two OS's On External Drive - Should Only Be One

Sep 1, 2011

i recently started dual booting with Kubuntu using an external HDD. GRUB works fine, but it sees two Kubuntu's on the drive. In GRUB, i see "Ubuntu-Linux Kernel (for some reson its not identified as Kubuntu) on /dev/sdb1 (external drive)", then i see recovery mode beneath it, and the exact same line right below recovery mode, followed by another recovery mode. strangely, selecting either one boots into kubuntu no problem at all. is this a problem and is there anyway i can delete the duplicate entries?

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Fedora :: Grub With External Hard Drive?

Jun 19, 2011

I have windows on my box, I have fedora 14 on my external that goes through my usb. Grub is installed on my usb. Since the only thing stored on my external was fedora i really didn't have to do much to it. just go into bios and boot from usb. Now that im using fedora more, Id like to add Vista to my choices. I guess the numbers change once your using an external drive. Ive read some of the problems like mine but they didn't quite do it. Im going to inclose 2 screen shots of my drives/partitions and my grub.conf.

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub - Installing 10.04 64bit On An External USB Drive

Jul 15, 2010

The default (graphical) installer did not work on my PC (i7 quadcore 8 GB DDR3). I have installed Ubuntu using the alternative installer (Desktop, 64 bit) on my external USB drive. I installed grub on the MBR of the second drive (/dev/sdb) as I did not want to touch my (first) Windows disk. After reboot (chosing the USB drive as boot device, else Windows is booted) grub reports an error and enters the rescue mode. I tried all possible combinations of "root=(hdX,Y)" in grub.cfg to no avail.

I repeated the whole procedure but now disconnected the internal HD with Windows. Installation went smooth again (Windows disk was not seen this time), but after reboot (the internal drive connected or not) I again get (slightly different this time) grub error: can not find file.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Grub Sees Only 4 Gig?

Mar 29, 2010

I got a 450 GB hard drive from which fedora boots from.However when i look at grub,grub> geometry(hd0,0) and do the cylinder/head/sector math, it only comes to 4GB instead of 450gig. why it sees only 4G?

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Ubuntu :: Removing Grub \ Install On An External Drive, But It Doesn't Boot?

Feb 6, 2010

I tried to install Ubuntu on an external drive, but it doesn't boot, but it installed GRUB on my main HD, and now I can't even boot Windows. I only get a "grub rescue" prompt. I need to remove GRUB. How to do it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Error 18 Trying To Boot From External Hard Drive?

May 25, 2010

I have Ubuntu/Vista dual boot desktop with Single HDD (200GB) that i cloned to an external USB HDD (320GB) using clonezilla. My intention is to use the external HDD as a backup to up running in case my 3 year old desktop HDD fails. To make sure the clone is good to use if need, i connected external HDD to USB port and tried boot from it but got "Error 18". I tried to Google got some infoDid a fdisk -lu and got the following.

Disk /dev/sda: 200.0 GB, 200049647616 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24321 cylinders, total 390721968 sectors


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Debian :: Grub Only Sees Windows 7?

Mar 13, 2011

I've tried so many things to get it to see Debian. I tried the super grub 2 disc on a CD and on a flash drive via unetbootin. Neither worked successfully like the site showed. I tried chrooting from a Ubuntu Live CD, I did update-grub grub-mkconfig, grub-install to each of my hard drives and even tried upgrade-from-grub-legacy (even though it's already upgraded from grub legacy)!

If I recall correctly, the super grub 2 disc says something about an error with the filesystem so I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that I'm using ext4 on my Debian Squeeze installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 External Hard Drive - Fails And I Get A Grub Rescue

Feb 8, 2010

I've tried to be clever but as usual I didn't think before acting and missed a small detail.

I have recently installed karmic (dual booting with Vista) on my dell xps laptop. The install went fine, I'm very happy with my new OS.

I bought a new Seagate 500GB portable external HDD. I got a bit over-excited and installed karmic on the external drive. This worked fine and I got a lovely (but slow to appear) Grub2 menu showing my vista and both ubuntu options.

My problem is that now, when I unplug the external drive, Grub fails and I get a grub rescue> prompt. So I need the external drive to be plugged in if I want to boot.

It seems I have done something to the grub configuration. I have read around the subject but I am not confident about how best to proceed.

I understand there is an 'advanced' option in the installer which will allow me to choose where to install grub. Presumably I want it on the internal drive so that I can boot without the external one plugged in.

Am I right in thinking I can just pop in my install disk and redo the installation?

If I indicate I want to install Grub on the internal drive, which partition should I aim for?

Will I get a grub option for booting to the external drive?

Will I be able to plug the external drive into a different machine and boot from it?

I haven't done anything with the fresh install on the external drive so I don't mind losing that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue - Access My Files On External - Failing - Drive ?

Jun 28, 2011

I have an hp laptop and i had ubuntu on it for 3 years. my hard drive started to fail a while ago (i had ubuntu 10 on it until 1 week ago) and a then it all went black...I took the laptop to a repair shop, they told me it was the disc, so i bought a new disc, installed it on my laptop and reinstalled the new ubuntu 11. so far so good. i have now a working OS, internet connection and i can in fact type this message.

The thing is: all my files are on the old drive, which doesn't load/boot/start/read anymore. I have tested it on some friends's pc, tried a few HD disgnostic tools, they all send the same message: "fail"

I then tried to mount my old drive (with all my precious files in it) on my laptop as an external drive (usb) hoping that ubuntu 11 could read it as an external usb key: it gets read by the system, but it shows no files at all. it also shows an error message saying the drive can not be mounted, with some "sdb1" thing. i am sorry but i'm really dumb when it comes to tech language.

Then i tried to boot it on start-up but i got the grub rescue> thing and nothing else, just a sad, blinking cursor to recover my files,i have also tried testdisk but couldn't understand very well how to use it, and then photorec, from which i recovered bits and pieces of files, with no name. some of them are just parts some of them are complete.

My problem is: i have to get access to my files, as I use them for work, i couldn't do a back-up recently and i have some real important deadline to meet... for which i need those files. is there any way i could solve the grub issue and have that drive load/mount again as external usb?

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General :: Debian Sees Only First Drive Of 6 Disk CD Swapper

Jan 31, 2011

Has just bought an old Teac CD-C68E cd changer for 2$ and I would like to use all the six drives but debian can't see all just the first. After searching I only found a page of a suse article in which a suse package named "cdload" solved the problem. After that I searched the debian repo but they don't have that package. Tried to search globally, yet no luck. I'm not only interested in that package but everything that makes that oldie working. Here's a spec page of that cd-r.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Error 18 - Unknown File System - Running From External Hard Drive

Jan 11, 2011

It started when I wanted to dual boot Windows 7 and Opensuse off of my netbook (No DVD/CD drive) I tried install suse from an external hard drive and I botched it. I ended up erasing EVERYTHING off of my internal netbook hard drive. Windows and all.

Well, I had a couple of other computers so I studied up and eventually successfully installed OpenSUSE 11.2 on my external hard drive (11.3 being the one that I accidentally erased everything with, so kinda scared of it) and now I want to install openSUSE 11.2 on my internal netbook hard drive.

I can not use disks

I can not use a flash drive (For some reason, even if I make it bootable, it will not load up, this could be because it's actually a 8GB microSD card that is placed in a USB card reader.)

I can not use an external hard drive because that's what I'm running suse off of.

I've tried reading up on how to install suse on another drive off of the hard drive and I've gotten as far as whenever I boot up the netbook with the suse external hard drive connected it will ask to boot into OpenSUSE, the Fail Safe, or to install OpenSuse. When I select to install it it gives me the Error 18 Unknown File system.

I've tried formatting the internal hard drive twice. One as NTFS and again as EXT4. Neither seems to effect it other than when it's ext4 I can open it and it contains a Lost and Found folder.

When I interrupt the boot sequence by pressing c and going to the terminal and I use the root (hd +TAB command it tells me I have a hd0 and a hd1. The hd1 only has 1 partition which is ext4, which I'm assuming hd1 is the internal hard drive (I'm not sure how to check) and the hd0 is the external hard drive, which has three partitions. One with an unknown file system and two with ext4. When I try to enter the set up from the terminal it gives me the same error for any thing I put it (e.g. root (hd0,0) gives the same error as root (hd0,1), or root (hd0,2) and root (hd1,0)

Something like it cannot locate these two files I'm assuming it needs to boot. If anyone finds this relevant I'll retry it and post the files its missing.

I've been searching for awhile and can't find any threads that can solve my problem. From other threads, however, I have noticed that I should probably include my menu.lst, listed below


I have also ran the boot info script and received the RESULTS.txt file it generates. Listed below


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Software :: Ubuntu Installed On External Hard Drive, Can't Startup Without External Hard Drive?

Jan 14, 2009

I have 2 ubuntu's: 1 on my ineternal hard drive, 1 on my external

When I startup without my ext drive =>GRUB error 21.

And when I plug it in I can choose: the standard ubuntu kernel is the one on my external, and the original one is listed under other...

I'd like to be able to startup without external hard drive and make the ubuntu on my internal drve the standard.

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Hardware :: External Hard Drive Failure / Not Displaying "booting GRUB" Or Any Other Signs Of Activity?

Jan 6, 2010

I accidentally deleted the linux mint 8 that was on there due to a small issue discussed on another thread(long story followed by a stupid mistake). after then i reinstalled linux using the .iso i found on the website. all is well. I boot up linux on the external and it runs great. then i turn off the laptop and try to plug it into another laptop( which i used the external hard drive on before and worked) and it went through the bios screen but then after slight lag(5 seconds longer then usual) the blinking cursor in the top left corner would not display anything, anything meaning "booting GRUB" or any other signs of activity. after waiting some time i quit and tried it back on the other laptop, which it was just working on, only to get the same result. I am confused about why it would work the first go around but nothing past that.

The only thing i altered on the external after i installed linux was that i put my home directory into it( from another version of linux mint)

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Software :: Problem With Installing Debian Onto External Hard Drive/grub Bootloader Error "21"

Jul 10, 2009

I've been running Debian Lenny kernel 2.6.26 w/ desktop kde3.5 on my laptop for a while, and im going to take a trip in which i will be unable to take wmy laptop with me. However, where i am going contains computers and i figured if i could install debian onto my external harddrive, i could just boot onto the other computers. I install it using the debianlenny-i386 dvd image. However whenever I try to boot it from a computer. Grub returns

Grub Loading...
Error 21
and then the blinkng cursor. On one site i found something saying "you may need to activat the drive" and some command-line instructions on how to do it. However the commands have faded from memory and i am now unable to find that site again. Could anyone offer insight on how to fix this "grub error 21" or how to activate it. I run primarily debian but i have a windows partition on one of my relative's computers.
Thank you in advance for the help!!!
btw I'm installing on a western digital 500gb "passport" external hard drive with ext3 and swap partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 11.04 On External Hard Drive Drive?

Jun 19, 2011

I would like to install Linux Ubuntu 11.04 on an external hard drive - its partitioned and ready for Linux.I've downloaded and burnt the .iso file to a DVD so its all good so far...First of all... is this possible without messing up my macbook? I don't particularly want to break into my macbook to disconnect the hard drive (I read on a tutorial for a previous version of Ubuntu that I'd have to do that... - does it still apply to 11.04?) - as it voids the warranty (I checked ).The reason I ask this is because I had a friend who partitioned their internal hard drive and installed Ubuntu on it. But after installation was complete they couldn't boot up Windows 7 or Ubuntu... and it resulted in them having to clean install Windows 7... - I don't want to end up in that situation

Second... If it is possible to install it without messing up my macbook... - Do I just follow the install instructions but just make sure that where possible I make sure that everything is installed on my external hard drive?...I really need someone to put my mind at rest that everything will run smoothly and that I'll be able to run Mac OS X as usual but also that I'll be able to boot from my external hard drive to run Ubuntu.

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Fedora Hardware :: When Safely Remove Drive Menu Is Clicked On External Hard Drive

May 30, 2011

I have 350GB external Western Digital USB hard Drive.When I try to remove it from the system by executing Safely Remove Drive menu the fedora 15 system gets stuck.The processor starts giving a hum sound and it goes on even if it is left for half an hour in the stuck state.The Mouse is not working and everything is halted.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Move Hard Drive Installation To External Drive?

Mar 30, 2011

i have installed fedora 14 with so many libraries ,development tools installed on my pc but i usually have to present some projects which can run on my system .........and can't be executed or compiled due to absence of libraries and tools there so, i there some way to so that i can use this current installation on my hard drive of my pc to some external media like external hard disk and plug and use that installation anywhere on any system..

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General :: Is Ubuntu Like Windows Can Download Ubuntu To Flash Drive / External Hard Drive

Mar 8, 2011

Is Ubuntu like windows and can you download Ubuntu to a flash drive or external hard drive and if so what kind?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Messed Up - Error: Can't Find GRUB Drive For /sdd1

Jan 31, 2010

I've trawled the internet but can't seem to find the exact same issue, so I've made a new thread. So, I installed Ubuntu onto a 160gb drive. I have other drives in the system, but I disconnected them so that the system drive would be sda. Ubuntu installed perfectly with no issues whatsoever. I connected the other drives in the system, and again it booted up perfectly (although I can't remember whether the 160gb drive remained as sda or became sdd). Then I attached some extra drives temporarily to do some data shuffling.

This moved my system drive to become sdf. My computer booted fine multiple times like this, but when I was finished with the drives I rebooted and suddenly everything broke. For some reason my ubuntu installation showed up in the GRUB twice, and neither of them booted. So, I popped in the Live CD (which I'm using to type this post), and decided to update the grub. I chrooted into my system drive and ran update-grub, but it simply returned something like this:


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Ubuntu :: Seeing Folders - Plug In The External Drive And Get Error "format The Drive"

May 30, 2010

I'm not sure what to do, but I just rescued photos and documents using ubuntu live cd, gddrescue and photorec. The data carving went fine and I was able to move all of my recovered jpg's into a recovery/jpg folder, as well as my word doc's into a recover/doc folder. I also have recovery/video and recovery/audio. Now here's my problem...

I used the right-click "safely remove drive" from the ubuntu interface and then unplugged my external drive. I then tried to view the recovered photos, etc on my windows 7 desktop, but when I plug in the external drive I get an error and a prompt to "format the drive" so that windows can use it.

I plugged the external drive back into my failed laptop and with the ubuntu live cd can see the drive, but none of the folders display. I can cd "change directories" to all of the folders using a terminal, but still can't see them outside of the terminal. That is, with the ubuntu interface. I'm just trying to finish up recoverying these photos, which I thought I had done.

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General :: Upgrade Internal 2.5" Hard Drive Vs External Usb Hard Drive For An Old Laptop?

Jan 25, 2010

I got a dell inspiron 1501 laptop with a 80Gb sata drive what is the best solution to add data storage space for someone that love to have multiples operating systems at hand Note: I use mostly linux so I won't need to change my laptop for many years maybe ...

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Reformatting External Drive - Error "drive Doesn't Show Up At All Via Df -k"

Apr 15, 2011

I need to re-format an external drive. All the instructions I have found start with figuring out where the drive is mounted (sda, hda, etc.). However, as soon as my RH Linux machine sees the drive's format (ntfs) it decides it won't even mount it in the first place. Gives me an error message. Also, the drive doesn't show up at all via "df -k". how to convince RHL to be a little more accepting?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing To External USB HD Without Grub?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to install 10.04 to an external HD (not flash). I ran the live CD, installed to it and all seemed to work fine, but I don't want to use GRUB. I ran 7 repair and did a bootrec /fixmbr and it's booting normal, but I can't boot to USB.I want it to boot normal, unless I hit F12 to boot to removable device. Not much of a Linux person, but I am trying to be.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Transfer Grub From Old External HDD To New One

Dec 26, 2010

I have a laptop with dual boot Windowz 7 64 bit and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 bit using windows MBR and EasyBCD. I have no issues booting into either. I also have a 500 GB external HDD which has a NTFS partition for backup data and Linux root and swap partitions at the end. I have GRUB installed on the external HDD MBR and can boot into Ubuntu on the external HDD via bios options. I recently bought a larger external HDD 1TB. Now so far I have made same partitions as old external HDD namely NTFS for bakup followed by Linux root and swap partitions. Linux partitions were cloned using disk cloning while on NTFS partition I only copied data. How do I copy the GRUB from old external HDD to new one so that I can boot into my linux on the new external HDD? BTW the new HDD is Western Digital Passport Essential SE, which also has some factory installed image at the start of drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Use External Keyboard With Grub In 11.04

May 9, 2011

I'm using a Toshiba Tecra Laptop through a dock station with attached keyboard, mouse and display. I mainly use windows but also practice with ubuntu. After update to 11.04 I cannot select which system starts with the external keyboard and I must open the laptop and use its keyboard only for this task, once started everything works as usual.

As a partial solution I've tried to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and force windows as default system. But on boot grub still shows Linux (the first line) as preferred system. Do you now what's wrong?

By the way, now I find a lot of files in /boot/grub. If I'm not wrong they weren't there with 10.10, do you know their purpose?

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Ubuntu :: Installation On An External - Grub Rescue

Jan 7, 2010

I have windows 7 64bit on an internal harddrive, a larger internal harddrive for storage and a 1tb mybook external for storage. I have an ubuntu 9.10 iso burned to a cd that i got from the ubuntu site and I had previously installed dual boot successfully on my other computer, a laptop.

I went to install it on my desktop as well and when i was selecting how much space to allocate i noticed it was using the mybook and not the internal. I couldn't see an option to change which harddrive it used so in my ignorance i allocated 50gigs to ubuntu on my 1tb external mybook. This was obviously the wrong decision as after restarting the grub bootloader would not open and grub rescue came up everytime after that.

I have tried booting from the cd, reinstalling from the cd, and using a windows 7 repair cd. I can't even get into non installed version of ubuntu to try and use terminal. I have spent the 5 hours on the internet trying to figure out what to do and i have no clue. I want to get ubuntu off the mybook and get back on windows 7 where i can then reinstall ubuntu properly on one of my internal harddrives.

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Ubuntu :: Cant See External Cd/drive?

May 20, 2010

i have Ubuntu10.04 on a dell desktop and 9.10 on a dell mini10 net-book installed from flash drive both work flawlessly, And have been for month but now i finally buy a external drive case with its own power supply slip a working drive from the desktop into it plug it in and nothing it doesn't show up on the desktop or under computer on either the desktop or the net-book.

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Ubuntu :: How To Name A External Drive

Aug 22, 2010

I have a USB flashdrive and when ever I plug it in it's named CORSAIR. This I like. Now I have some external hard disks that I use for back up. They are USB also, but they tend to get some random name that is mounted to /media like disk-1. How can I name a specific drive to something like "backup" and have it always be recognized that way even across different different Ubuntu boxes.

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Ubuntu :: Use External Hard Drive For Virtual Box Hard Drive?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a laptop with only 30GB storage and I want to install Lubuntu in virtual box but Lubuntu needs 5GB of storage space which i dont have. Could i use an external 160GB hard drive to act as the hard drive for the virtual machine without affecting the files that are already on the external hard drive

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Ubuntu :: Grub Boot On External HD - Error 21 If Disconnected

Jul 5, 2010

Here is my current setup for my laptop: I dual boot Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.04. Vista is on the laptop's HDD while Ubuntu is on an external USB HDD. When turning my laptop on, if the external hard drive is either not on or disconnected, I get "Error 21" and nothing happens. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but when I need to take my laptop somewhere where I do not have access to my external HDD, it is rendered completely useless. So is it possible to set up GRUB (or possibly another bootloader) to boot regardless of whether or not it detects the drive Ubuntu is installed on?

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