Ubuntu :: GNOME Shell - Reduce The Opacity?

Jun 21, 2011

I found this template: [URL] Perhaps the most I like. Unfortunately, there is a high transparency, does not it look nice on a light background... May know how to how to reduce the opacity??

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Server :: Reduce RAID5 Partition Sizes / Reduce The Size Of Md1 And Grow Md0?

Feb 14, 2010

I have a rack of four 1TB drives all partitioned identically with three primary partitions. On each drive

- the first partition is only 64MB;
- the second is a large 900GB partition and
- the last holds all the remaining space

mdadm has been used to set up
/dev/md0 - RAID1, comprised of /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1
/dev/md1 - RAID5, comprised of /dev/sda2, /dev/sdb2, /dev/sdc2, /dev/sdd2
/dev/md2 - RAID5, comprised of /dev/sda3, /dev/sdb3, /dev/sdc3, /dev/sdd3

OK, so it was a silly mistake to make - but I am now need to increase the size of /dev/md0. My thinking is to reduce the size of md1 so that I can grow md0.

On md1 I have two logical volumes. I've successfully reduced the size of the volume so that I can reduce the size of md1. Now I'm at the nervous stage; I can find little written on the topic of shrinking RAID5 arrays - and even if I do this I'm unsure if I can move partitions around to regain the space I so desire.

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Ubuntu :: Switch Desktop Shell From Unity To Gnome-shell?

Apr 14, 2011

Is there any way I can switch my desktop shell from unity to, say, gnome-shell? I can switch using other console shell I like (bash, csh, fish, etc.). Assume that there is a stable alternative desktop shell, I should be able to choose, too.

(For console shell, we goes to /etc/passwd. But for desktop, I can't find the way to config.)

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Fedora :: Managed To Reduce The Logical Volume To Free Some Space But Cant Seem To Reduce The Physical Volume

Jan 1, 2010

so i have f12 installed on my hd with lvm using the whole extent of the HD , i want to reduce it so i can dual boot it with a windows system, i managed to reduce the logical volume to free some space, but i cant seem to reduce the physical volume, is this possible and how ?

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Fedora Hardware :: Wiki Page On GNOME Or List Which Graphics Cards Work On 15 With GNOME Shell?

May 26, 2011

is there some wiki page on GNOME or Fedora that list which graphics cards work without problems on Fedora 15 with GNOME Shell? I have tried 3 older cards and they all failed, so I would like to share this info with others so people know which cards to avoid if they want to use full features of GNOME 3 via GNOME Shell.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome 3 Vs Gnome Shell Vs Unity?

Apr 28, 2011

Please excuse my ignorance, but I need to get it straight. I've been reading and trying to find out more about these three new desktop environments, but still am rather confused. I have had Unity on my netbook for a couple of months now and know it inside out (more or less by now). The problem is: what is the main difference between Gnome 3 and Gnome Shell?

To my understanding Gnome 3 will be a continuation of the panelled Gnome we are so used to? But then I read the panels will be gone forever, so I'm confused again Gnome Shell is somewhat similar-looking to Unity, but I haven't had a chance to try it properly yet.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - When Click In Opacity In Compiz The Top Bar Of The Desktop Desapear

Apr 30, 2011

When I Click in Opacity in Compiz the top bar of The desktop desapear. I Clic again and don't apear again. I have to close session and open again session to fix it.

I'm triyng to fix a Opaticty problem in all my top border windows. They all appear transparent. The alt +scroll of mouse doesn't work.

This problem I take it from 10.10... Now I have it in 11.04...I thought it was going to be fix it with the upgrade. In 10.10 I used Metacity because of this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Stop Inactive Windows From Loosing Their Opacity?

Jun 6, 2011

turn off the feature that causes the inactivate windows to loose their opacity. I use two monitors and have a number of applications running on each monitor. All the windows on the monitors have important information that I use. However, all the windows that are not active loose opacity and it's very hard to read their content unless I constantly click on the windows. One of my next upgrades for this year includes adding a Video card that has support for more than two monitors so that I have easily have even more windows in view. With the opacity lost it's going to be very hard t work in the environment.

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 with the default Unity desktop. By the way, I'm sure if I boot into Ubuntu Classic or Unity 2D the problem would go away. However, I'm trying to use the default Unity desktop, as much of my reading appears to indicate some of the alternate boot options might be eventually be removed as an option. Also, I would like to experience the Unity as suggested by the developers. So hopefully this is a feature of the Unity 3D that has a user adjustment control.

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Debian Multimedia :: Enable Opacity In Screenlets?

Aug 4, 2011

Is there a way to enable opacity in screenlets? I'm using Debian Squeeze with Gnome. I noticed there is a bug around but it should be fixed?? http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=518179

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Fedora :: Possible To Set Background/foreground Opacity Seperately?

Dec 30, 2009

I want to set my top gnome-panel's background opacity to about 80, while having foreground opacity (fonts and images) set to 100.

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Ubuntu :: Opacity Options In Compiz Config Settings Manager - Not Found?

Feb 3, 2011

i wanted to change the opacity settings in compiz config settings manager (i read it in the forum post that i can change opacity using compiz settings) when i opened the ccsm, i did not find the opacity settings in general options...do i have to update or upgrade?

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Gnome Shell Looks Like Different

May 24, 2011

I installed Gnome 3 on Natty successfully, despite some minor glitches. It works fine, but recently I found some nice screenshots that looks quite different from which I get, and from others I saw before. You can found it in this link: [URL] Some one knows to what the differences are due?

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Programming :: Javascript Ignores Format Modifying Instruction - Fade Some Text In And Out Via Opacity Attribute

Jun 24, 2011

All I want to do is fade some text in and out via the opacity attribute, and change the text when it hits zero. My script changes the text on time, but ignores the formatting effects. I'm not worried at this stage about the else statement in the startFadeEffect() function. I just want the fade effect to work here the way it should.


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - How To Get Gnome Shell Installed

Apr 17, 2010

I just upgraded to beta 10.04, & am trying to get GNOME-shell installed. I have downloaded the tar file for it, but when I do ./configure in a terminal, I get the following error messages:
No package 'mutter-plugins' found
No package 'gjs-gi-1.0' found
No package 'gobject-introspection-1.0' found

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Ubuntu :: Install Gnome-shell ?

Jun 15, 2010

I am trying to install gnome-shell. It *seems* to work fine for the most part, but in the terminal, I get the following:


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Ubuntu :: Gnome Shell Will Not Install

Jul 22, 2010

When trying to install gnome-shell I get this error:
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
davek@davek-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming.

The following information may help to resolve the situation:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
gnome-shell: Depends: libgjs0 but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages
What would be needed to fix broken packages?
I'm running 10.04 32bit

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Ubuntu :: Where Is Off Button On Gnome 3 Shell?

Mar 15, 2011

Where is the off button on Gnome 3 shell?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Shell/Unity As The DE In 11.04?

Apr 7, 2011

I have seen many reviews of 11.04 beta with option to upgrade from 10.10. Can somebody confirm that it could be done without damaging the present gnome. I do not want Gnome shell/Unity as the DE in 11.04 too.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-shell No Themes (11.04)?

Apr 15, 2011

the whole "Unity" thing didn't appeal to me that much, i installed gnome-shell.everything went well except there doesnt seem to be any themes to windows and stuff now, the gnome-shell looks great, but open up a program or file browser and its all grey and buttons and menus are blocks, no minimize or maximize buttons (not sure if thats a gnome thing now) but just a blocky X in the top right corner to close windows.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-shell Using 95% CPU - Very Slow

Jun 18, 2011

gnome-shell seems to go into loco mode sometimes on my computer... among other problems I'm having this one is the worst. So far, it *seems* to happen after a flash movie is loaded in firefox, although I can't tell for sure if that's the case... Flash performance for some reason is crap anyways on here, I don't know if maybe I need a different version of flash? Anyways, if you guys have any clues as to wth is going on, that would be awesome! I'm a bit of a newbie so treat me nicely

Just a quick update - reloading with r seems to fix the CPU usage issue... until it happens again...


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Gnome Shell - No Notifications?

Jul 2, 2011

I've noticed when someone calls attention to my name in xchat or if I get an instant message, I don't get a notification about it unless I happen to go into the dash. Then I see someone highlighted my name or instant messaged me. Is anybody else having this?

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 with the Gnome 3 PPA.

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Ubuntu One :: Changing Gnome Resolution Via Shell

Apr 5, 2010

I changed the resolution in Gnome to something that my monitor cannot recognize. However, I can get into the shell, and am wondering if their is a way to change the Gnome resolution via the shell commands.

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Ubuntu :: Battery Applet Gnome-shell?

May 6, 2010

I was wondering if there is a battery applet that I'm missing on gnome-shell? I can't seem to find one.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Shell Missing From Repositories

Jul 13, 2010

I'm attempting to play around with Gnome Shell, both in Lucid, and now in the Maverick Alpha. However, when I attempt to install it (from software center), I get an error.

Code: Package Dependencies could not be resolved. This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time. Details > gnome-shell What dependency is missing from the repository?

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Ubuntu :: Tomboy - Gnome Shell Conflict

Oct 19, 2010

I've updated to Maverick and I'm running Gnome Shell at login, the version from the repos.

My problem is that Tomboy in the tray does does not list the titles of my notes. There's just the yellow note icon. The rest of the text (Synchronize, Preferences, etc) all work normally.

If I log in to the normal Ubuntu desktop, there is no problem with Tomboy.

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Ubuntu :: Test Gnome 3.0 Shell On Virtual Box?

Oct 22, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.10 desktop .. and i wanna try The new Gnome shell?

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Ubuntu :: Starting Gnome Shell At Login?

Nov 13, 2010

I just installed GS following the instructions here:[URL]... and the classic way of getting GS to start at login (adding gnome-shell --replace in start up applications) doesnt work.

To start GS now we have to use the command "~/gnome-shell/source/gnome-shell/src/gnome-shell --replace" via the terminal adding that to start up doesnt work either, does anyone know how to get GS to start at login?

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Ubuntu :: How Long Should Installing GNOME Shell Take

Dec 18, 2010

I decided to try out gnome shell, and went through all the steps listed here for the installation: [URL] ...ity_and_Status. Well, 45 minutes later, its still installing, and its only on step 8 of 33... is that right? its kinda worrying me that its taking so long, but I am afraid to stop it and screw something up.

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Ubuntu :: Still No Way To Test Gnome-shell In Virtualbox / Get That?

Jan 16, 2011

I've searched and read lots about trying to get gnome-shell to run in Virtualbox(v4) with no success on my end. Lots of the posts are outdated and are using Virtualbox 3.

So anyone have any tips or hints for testing the Gnome-shell? (I'd prefer to test in with 10.10 in Virtualbox 4, but am open to upgrading to 11.04 if necessary)

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-terminal Not A Login Shell / Why Is So?

Mar 3, 2011

I've seen lots of posts all over the Internet that advise users to check the "Run command as a login shell" checkbox in GNOME Terminal under Edit->Profile Preferences->Title and Command.

This makes gnome-terminal run bash/csh/tcsh/ksh as a login shell, which it does not do by default. In turn, running gnome-terminal as a login shell sources the system and user login scripts. This sets up things like colored ls etc.

It seems like gnome-terminal should be a login shell by default. Why isn't it? I've never seen a good explanation of why gnome-terminal isn't a login shell. The "Run command as a login shell" checkbox must be unchecked by default for some good reason, right?

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