Ubuntu :: Flash Plugin Stuck In Update Manager?

Jan 12, 2010

I made the 'mistake' of telling Update Manager that I didn't want to install the Adobe Flash Player Plugin Version 10', when Update Manager offered me the option. Now it's still there, grayed out, I can't install it (what I want to do) or remove it from Update Manager.

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Ubuntu :: Update The Adobe-flash-plugin With Update Manager ?

Nov 15, 2010

i'm getting an error when i try to update the adobe-flash-plugin with update manager and package manager, the message says

W: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/pool/pa...rick1_i386.deb 403 Forbidden

why i am forbidded to update or have the same problem..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Imposes Adobe Flash Plugin?

Nov 23, 2010

Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 Today, 23.11.2010, the update manager did present two posts with adobe flash plugin updates at the top of the list.

Since I abhor adobe as much as m$, I never installed their flash plugin but did use gnash instead (which works sometimes, and sometimes not...)

So my first question was, why should I update a thing that I do not have and do not want ? Following I did UNcheck the checkbox of these two updates, which in my mind means that Update manager must NOT do these UNchecked updates, isn't it ?

I was terrified to observe that, even UNchecked, the adobe flash plugin has been installed against my will. I would have expected such arrogance from m$, but not from Ubuntu...

Of course, I went to synaptic immediately to uninstall this crap. Knowing how hard it is to get rid of flash under m$, I have some doubts about the fact if synaptic did really uninstall this crap cleanly and completely. I would not be astonished to find at least some remains on my HD one of these days. My current feeling is that nobody on earth can be trusted any more...

1. I would really like to know why these updates were listed in the update manager at all, when the thing to update was never installed before.

2. And I would like to know why they were dictatorially imposed, even though I did UNcheck them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Flash Doesn't Work In Firefox After Most Recent Flash Plugin Update (10.10)

May 19, 2011

Flash is no longer working in Mozilla Firefox after the most recent flash plugin update. I couldn't find any information on it.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Update Manager Got Stuck?

Jun 24, 2011

I went to update manager about 4 days ago to check for updates, it downloaded all the new updates and while installing them, I remember I was doing something else at the same time and I am not sure if that is the problem that caused this, but the update manager since then gets stuck at applying changes almost in the middle right here with the cursor blinking:

Get:1 Changelog for ark (http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/k/kdeutils/kdeutils_4.6.2-


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Ubuntu :: When Access Synaptic Package Manager And Update Manager The Screen Will Flash And Be Gone

Sep 2, 2011

when i try to access synaptic package manager and update manager or ububtu software center. the screen will flash and be gone

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Flash Plugin Update?

Jun 11, 2010

i'm running ubuntu 8.04 and i recently automatically updated the adobe flash plugin. now things like hulu and the comedy central streams don't work, but videos works perfectly. is there anything i can do to remedy this? if not, is it possible to undo the update?

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Got Stuck On Updating Grub

Jun 2, 2010

Got the network settings set up, tried to open firefox - nothing, wouldn't load. went into update manager and started updating the software. The update manager got stuck on updating Grub, I left it to do it's thing while I slept hoping it would finish. I wake up, go back to his pc and it's still stuck on grub, not really anything I could do but shut down his pc and try again, well, his pc doesn't even want to load Ubuntu now. I tried booting up several times, then tried the restore option in the loader, but all I get is this: [URL]...

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Ubuntu :: After Update To 10.10,adobe Flash Plugin Can't Work At All?

Oct 11, 2010

i've installed plugin many times but it still didn't work with any brower ps:i'm on 32bits

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Software :: Cannot Uninstall Flash-plugin From Yast - Deleted Flash-Plugin Directory

Aug 15, 2010

In my frustration to get adobe flash working in firefox I deleted the /usr/lib/flash-plugin folder. Now when I try to uninstall "Flash-Plugin" from YAST it fails as it can't find the sub-folder. I also cannot install the latest version of flash player as it says that it is already installed - So I am stuck in a loop.

I am running SUSE 11.2.

Is there a config file of installed programs that I can modify to remove the "Flash-Plugin" entry, or is there another way to get over this problem.

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Fedora :: Firefox Wants To Update Flash Plugin?

Oct 29, 2009

Fedora 11, 32-bit, updated daily manually via yum (console). Today got the Firefox update to 3.5.4. After restarting Firefox, the fist page reads: "You should update Adobe Flash Player right now." The link leads to Adobe site, which offers me Flash Player version All is fine so far, excluding the fact that I already have this player:

[root@pc ~]# rpm -qa | grep flash

Just for the record, on "aboutlugins" page Firefox confirms I do have the correct player version:

Shockwave Flash
File name: libflashplayer.so
Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32

Does it mean Firefox does not detect correctly the Flash plugin version? Or am I missing something?

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Fedora :: Flash Plugin Signing Key - Cannot Update

Aug 11, 2010

Running graphical software update, fc13. Attached are screenshots, which appear in sequence. The first seems to be asking if I trust the source, Adobe. (The Help for this window says I can go to the adobe website to confirm details of the signing key, which I will do if there is not a simpler fix.) If I respond in affirmative to the first window I get the failure window, second shot, with traceback.

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Shockwave Flash Plugin Crashed After Update

Mar 8, 2011

after running an upgrade chromium browser shockwave flash plugin crashed! if you have the same problem i have a workaround. firstly open firefox goto a website that uses flash (not videos) i used bbc iplayer, then right click and click on "settings..." the left most tab shows the "enable hardware acceleration" tickbox. untick it

then close and reopen chromium and go back to a flash site e.g. videos and test it is working. the reason this worked for me is that there is a bug in either googles chromium or the unix/x11 build of shockwave flash or my graphics card drivers. there seems to sevral bug reports regarding this on the net [url]. flash could be a little slower now it doesn't have the hardware accelerating it. so maybe the setting could be re-enabled in the future?

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Fedora :: How To Update Flash Plugin For Firefox 64bit 3.6

May 30, 2010

Currently, I have a problem to run firefox 64bit 3.6 under fedora13 when I watch ...... It requires to update Adobe Flash Player. It seems that there is only 32bit library.

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Slackware :: Firefox Update And Slackbuild Flash Plugin

Jun 28, 2010

Yesterday I updated firefox following the security mailing to
When starting the new firefox I got the message that I should update my flash plugin. I use the slackbuild for flash so I already had the version


So I tried to open [URL] to see if there are any new versions, but no luck. It seems Adobe has changed the setup and I could only download a libflashplayer without any version number whatsoever... Should I trust this? Should I wait for Robby to update the slackbuild script?

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Debian Multimedia :: Unable To Update Flash Plugin On Jessie

May 21, 2015

For some time now I have been unable to update flashplugin. I have been waiting the problem to fix itself, but no.

Here is what happens when I try to update flash:

Code: Select allrob@ace:~$ sudo update-flashplugin-nonfree --status
Flash Player version installed on this system  :
Flash Player version available on upstream site:
flash-mozilla.so - auto mode
  link currently points to /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so
/usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so - priority 50

[Code] ....

The same thing happens on both my Debian Jessie machines..

Any way to force the update? Need to update their flashplugin on Jessie?

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager - Cannot Install Flash Plugins

Aug 22, 2010

How do I get the Update manager to stop bugging me to install the flash plugins?

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SUSE / Novell :: Flash Plugin For Mozilla Plugin Doesn't Work

Nov 26, 2009

I am using openSUSE 11.0. This OS installation gives firefox 3.0.5 Beta. I had installed new version of firefox at /usr/local/bin/firefox. I had placed link of this firefox at /usr/bin using this command ->


linux-snvz:/usr/bin # ln -s /usr/local/bin/firefox/firefox firefox My older firefox contains the flush plugin. So i can easily played ..... video's in my browser. But now my new browser saying that it doesn't have flash plugin. I was tried to install flash plugin once again.


Even after installation also my browser is again without flash plugin.

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Ubuntu :: Launch Update Manager Via A Terminal: Sudo Update-manager?

Jan 19, 2010

I am having issues with Update Manager after cancelling an Update.The Update Manager shows a number of required updates, but when I click on Install Updates... Nothing happensWhen I launch sudo dpkg --configure -a in a terminal I receive the following message:dpkg: status database area is locked by another process.On another forum i saw something regarding a gksu.lock file that needed to be deleted... but I can't find any such file....If I try to launch update manager via a terminal: sudo update-manager I get the following error:

requiredDownload could not be calculated: E:Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages (2), E:Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages (1), E:Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/lists


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Update Using The Update Manager Or By Using The Package Manager?

Jul 13, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit I have not been able to update using the update manager or by using the package manager. It seems when the update manager tries to download all the requests fail.Anyone else had this problem??

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CentOS 5 :: Firefox Crashes When There Is Flash In Web Page, Unless Disable Flash Plugin In Firefox?

May 19, 2009

I just installed firefox and flash-plugin.The version of firefox is 3.0.10, package is firefox-3.0.10-1.el5.centos.The version of flash-plugin is, package is flash-plugin- firefox crashes when there is flash in web page, unless disable flash plugin in firefox.

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Ubuntu :: 8gb Flash Drive Stuck At 3.8gb Capacity?

Sep 25, 2010

I have an 8gb sandisk cruzer flash drive that I wanted to remove the U3 software from. I used with this:and ran it on my windows machine because wine didn't work for itbut after it removed U3 my card only had 3.8gb. Is there any way to restore it back to 8gigs?I've already tried reformatting with the disk utility and it just doesn't give me the option to format higher than 3.8gb.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Plugin Installation Using Apt-Get

Jul 13, 2010

I am currently having problems trying to install the flashplugin-nonfree using apt-get. I get the following error message:

Setting up flashplugin-installer ( ...
--2010-07-13 14:15:19-- [URL]
Resolving archive.canonical.com...
Connecting to archive.canonical.com||:80... failed: Connection refused.
Download failed.

The Flash plugin is not installed. I'm behind a proxy server - could the download be timing out??

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Ubuntu :: Copy Of The 64 Bit Flash Plugin

Sep 5, 2010

I removed the one I had because of some security alert. But lots of sites don't work with the 32 bit one with the wrapper so I'd like it back.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS - Flash Plugin 10.1.82 Not Working

Sep 19, 2010

i'm having problems with the flash plugin. a lot of sites that use flash for buttons and things just won't work. this happens a lot with videos videos posted on blogs and such, although they seem to work, mostly but not always, on the actual videos website. i didn't have this problem with earlier versions of flash, is it possible to downgrade the version i'm using? using 10.04lts 64 bit. i installed flash via synaptic, flashplugin-installer

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Red Hat :: Stuck W/ Twm Window Manager In CentOS 5.3

Jan 7, 2010

I've found a number of other entries about this, but they don't apply (the config files mentioned do not exist or whatever). My RHEL 4.x systems work differently, so the solutions I used there don't help either.In the course of some fussing around trying to get Virtual Box OSE to load, I apparently stomped on something so that when I log in now, I get the twm window manager--I was perfectly willing to have Gnome or whatever, but twm is a bit too light-weight for what I need.Anyone know where the magic config file or whatever lives in RHEL/CentOS 5.x?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Flash Plugin Consumes 70% Of Processor?

Jan 29, 2010

Recently I am getting problems to open a couple of sites, example: [URL]...Firefox process consumes 70% of the processor when it is open.My flash plugin is sun-java6-jre, ubuntu repositories.Somebody what do know happen? is the flash the responsible ?

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Flash Plugin Is Virtual On 10.04

Jun 20, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit. I have "flashplugin-nonfree" installed running on this OS:
$ apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree
Version table: 0 .....

I download "persistence-lesson01.zip" on [URL] and decompress it.
On clicking "lesson01.html" it asks to "Download Adobe Flash Player". On completion of installation it popup "adobe-flashplugin is virtual".

I found following link:
adobe-flashplugin is virtual on 64bit Ubuntu 10.04 [URL]
and ran;
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer
and got the package installed. On clicking "lesson01.html" it asks to "Download Adobe Flash Player" again.

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Flash Plugin Crashed?

Aug 17, 2010

When going to full screen mode in You Tube I get a message that says"adobe flash plugin has crashed.I have installed FlashAid on firefox but still the problem remains.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Flash Plugin For Maverick?

Oct 11, 2010

What is the name for the Adobe Flash plugin for Maverick ?

I don't seem to see it under the same name that it has been listed under previous versions of Ubuntu.

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