Ubuntu :: Erratic Images In Top Panel

Sep 1, 2011

Does anyone else experience this phenomena? It only happens on one of my PC's, my Compaq Presario M2000 laptop.The icons for various applications in the top panel load eratically on boot up. E.G sometimes the wireless icon doesen't appear , sometimes it loads twice. Sometimes the Sound Preferences (the speaker icon) is missing, Evolution Mail etc etc. Even the shutdown icon occasionally is gone. It sees limited to the ones on the right side and doesn't seem to affect ones such as Firefox that I've dragged up there myself. It doesen't happen every time, I'd say about 20% of boot ups this happens.

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Ubuntu :: Panel Background Images?

May 8, 2011

I want to edit the appearance of my desktop by adding a background image to the panels but can't seem to find any sites with such images. Anybody know where to find them?

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Ubuntu :: Images Available 2.6.31-17 Generic And After The Download Is Complete Both Images Exist?

Jan 6, 2010

using the update maneger to update on ubuntu new linux images available 2.6.31-17 generic and after the download is complete both images exist in the grub menu should i remove them ? or just remove them from the boot menu ? and if so how could i do each.

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Ubuntu :: Slow/Erratic Scrolling In Chromium?

Apr 23, 2010

I just upgraded from 8.04 to the lucid beta (yes I was slow to move on that), and chromium's scrolling is HORRID! It jumps and skips both when I use the mouse wheel or when I drag the scroll bar.

Any ideas? Firefox scrolls just fine. It makes using chromium very unpleasant because any time I have to scroll I feel like I'm back in 1992.

I did some searching and found lots of complaints, so I thought I was close to an answer until I looked at the date, it was late 2008/early 2009 when this was an issue.

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Ubuntu :: Erratic Write Performance On USBs

Sep 12, 2010

I've been having some problems copying files to USBs. If I'm copying a large (100MB+) amount of data, at random points the transfer will just stop for 30+ seconds before continuing. Sometimes it doesn't start up again at all. Consequently, the write speed drops to less than 1MB/sec, sometimes as low as 100 KB/sec. I do not have these problems on Windows 7, where I achieve speeds of ~16 MB/sec easily. I have had the same results with several USBs (2-32 GB) on several file systems (fat32, ext2) with several different computers running fully patched versions of Ubuntu 10.04, which suggests the problem is related to the way the OS accesses the hardware.

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Ubuntu :: Extremely Erratic RAID 5 Performance

Jul 16, 2011

I built a RAID5 storage array using 'mdadm' on 3x WD Green 1TB hard drives. I used the Disk Utility GUI to create the array and it took about 24 hours to build. When I started copying files to it I noticed it performed at decent speeds for a while, then got really slow, the sped back up. Just for laughs I ran the Read-Only Benchmark function in the Disk Utility and got a graph that would even confuse stock brokers.Any thought on what the issue might be? I tried searching around for an answer, but most people are only affected by wirte performance issues not reading.

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Ubuntu :: Erratic Booting And Often Screen Fails

Mar 23, 2011

Sometimes the screen displays four miniature versions of itself. Sometimes there is no display of the pre-boot message. When normal boots occur, often the screen display disappears entirely and irrevocably after about ten or twenty minutes.Sometimes everything behaves well with no troubles.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Erratic After Motherboard Upgrade / Fix This?

Mar 6, 2010

I upgaded my system last weekend with a Gigabyte GZ-X58A-UD5 motherboard, i7 processor, ASUS EAH5770 video card, and 12 GB RAM. Sound has been erratic since then. It generally works for a short time after a reboot, but after awhile (within a few hours) it stops working properly or even completely. I've tried several different settings in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, but nothing I've tried helps.

I am running Kubuntu 9.10 64-bit.

Here is the output of aplay -l code...

I don't have anything connected to the HDMI connection on the ATI video card, and only inputs on the M Audio Delta 44 card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Totally Erratic Wireless In Maverick

Nov 2, 2010

wired is fine and fast. Wireless connects but connection goes from 100% to 53% at random, making the connection pretty pointless to use.Probably get fixed in an update. I have tried uninstalling network manager and using wicd. No luck. Well, luck, as in I could connect, but exactly the same as Network Manager.The card is a Realtek RTL8191SEvB. Machine: Toshiba Satellite Pro L510. Any takers? Would really like to get this happening as everything in Maverick is working great apart from it.

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Ubuntu :: Erratic And Random Character Cursor Jumping

Dec 20, 2010

I have a dv7-4172us laptop from HP, a new laptop. It has AMD Phenom II N950 -64 bits processors. I am running LiveCD version 10.04 LTS 64 bits in "Try Ubuntu" mode. If I type type fast, the character cursor (not the mouse pointer ) moves away randomly, like a few rows up from present typing location. Sometimes, something else, like another application scrolls it self while I am using Gedit to type this posting. the cursor jumps here and there. Typing on this forum page also produce the same erratic cursor jumping problems!

I also disconnect my optical wireless USB mouse, and still have the same erratic cursor problem. I do not have the ANY problems with Win 7 -64 bits. This is a serious problem. It will render any laptop useless with Linux I so look forward to using Linux.

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Software :: Download Some Images From A Website - Single Column Of Links To The Images?

Jul 26, 2010

I am running Linux from a DVD, not installed. I am not good with installing software, but since the DVD cannot be corrupted, I am content to operate this way. Lately, I have been having problems that previously did not occur. When I try to click on the checkbox to get rid of emails, it doesn't register in most cases, or when it does, I am clicking multiple times so it registers twice, meaning it is unchecked again. Even more frustrating is some issues that are affecting my ability to update my business. I am trying to modify spreadsheets (text not calculations).

Whenever I try to click & drag to select something to change, it keeps jumping around to select only some of what I want, something else or some combination of the 2. When I try to copy and paste several fields from 1 column to another, everything from the several fields in the source column ends up together in the last field in the target column. I am also trying to download some images from a website. There is a single column of links to the images. I have to click on the link to get to the image in order to copy it, then back out to continue looking for more links to do the same.

My computer keeps jumping back 2 steps, then forward 2 steps, and sometimes I lose my place in that list. I could deal with it if it were a small number of links, but this is a list of probably close to 20,000 links. Again, i am operating off of a live DVD so this should not be corruptible, but this has just started happening, and has been an issue the last several sessions.

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OpenSUSE :: Erratic Window Behaviour

Feb 7, 2010

I am having a problem with how my windows behave.My windows will maximize and minimize over and over, scroll bars will scroll to the bottom/right automatically, if I click a menu it will pop up for a fraction of a second and then go away. It makes my desktop almost unusable.I can't figure out if this is a mouse or video issue. I have a radeon 9500, and a logitech LX3 optical mouse. BTW, this problem is present in other distributions on my system. I am running KDE. It even does this on the livecd.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Lucid Upgrade; Have Sound But Erratic Volume?

May 16, 2010

Upgraded via Update Manager from 9.10 sound-previously-working-just-fine-system. Now, for example, running any audio-producing app (Rythmbox is a good example but its the same for anything including out of a VirtualBox XP install or with MythBuntu): The main volume control functions, but goes from muted to full volume in just 4 steps; raising it higher has no effect. It gets stranger: in Alsamixer or gnome-alsa-mixer I can see that lowering the desktop volume control to mute causes Master, PCM, Front, Surround, Center, LFE, and Side all to go to zero. Raising the desktop control one step causes all of these but Front to go to 100% instantly. Increasing the desktop control by a few more steps causes Front to step to 100%, after which no further volume increase is perceived. It's as if each step in the desktop volume equals some 25% of the Front setting, and 100% of the others. The audio setting in System, Preferences, Sound, Hardware is "Analog Stereo Output."

If I click 'Mute' on Master in the mixer then all the speakers mute, but unmuting Master does not unmute anything else. Only after I move and release the mouse-down state from the master volume do the other channels unmute. The volume control in Rythmbox, on the other hand, works seemingly correctly (maybe its going thru Pulseaudio?) And as an aside, why are there no controls for Pulse if it sits on top of ALSA?

I'm really confused by this, as all of it work as "expected" while running 9.10. Here is some output from this system (an ASUS M4A78T-E):


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General :: Concatenate Several Images Into A PDF File With Several Images Per Page

May 2, 2011

I know that ImageMagick's convert program can be used as follows to convert a collection of images -- say, in PNG format -- to a PDF file:

convert *png output.pdf

The problem with this is that each image is then stretched to fit on one page, whereas I would like to keep the original dimensions of the images and put as many as possible on one page in the PDF file before moving on to another page.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Erratic Laser Mouse Movements

Jul 14, 2010

Just installed OpenSuse 11.2 and I am having problems with my logitech laser mouse. I am getting erratic laser mouse movements when the mouse wakes up I get not only the movements but it opens files, dances around the screen opening things and has even jacked up my panels.

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General :: Replace DVD / CD Install Images With USB Images

Sep 21, 2009

I am just spent half an hour hunting for a thing that should be totally available already:USB install images of Ubuntu, knoppix and all the others.And, the only good way are so far complicated tutorials where you extract the stuff from an CD image. Why??Hasn't everybody notices that CDs/DVDs are vanishing big time? That more and more systems don't have the readers anymore? Instead of following a 10 point instruction list, it would be nice to just be able to download a Ubuntu 8.10 or whatever USB image and be able to beam that DIRECTLY to a USB stick with a dd command.

Or am a missing something here? Does this exist?It should by no means be mariginal, considering how important USB stick in specific and flash memory in general have become.

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Ubuntu :: Sidebar Thing Very Erratic - Move Mouse To The Left Edge Of The Screen - It Doesn't Always Appear

May 3, 2011

I'm not sure what to call the semi-transparent sidebar with a random collection of unconfigurable icons, but I don't think it's working properly.

1. When I move my mouse to the left edge of the screen, it doesn't always appear. Sometimes I have to move my mouse back and forth, back and forth, several times.

2. What it's doing right now is even worse... it appears, but as soon as I move the mouse a *little* bit to the right to actually click an icon, it disappears.

What is causing this? Surely it's a bug? How do I make the sidebar the absolute top priority for the screen edge so that it always catches it and appears? how do I configure it? I can't right-click on the sidebar itself. I can right-click and remove some icons. Other icons, like the grayed-out (but still active) "recent files" thing cannot be removed.

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Fedora Installation :: Erratic Install Results W/initrd - Custom Spins With Custom Drivers - Modules?

Dec 28, 2009

Just spent three whole days barking up the wrong tree, solving Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 boot failures because the correct hypothesis was illogical: installation did not update/modify the initrd.

The first couple of times I installed Fedora 11 on the HighPoint Technologies RocketRaid 2640x4, the installation inserted my "custom" driver module (rr26xx) into the initrd, permanently, so that the system booted off the controller card for which the custom driver was inserted. (I yelled about this success in this thread: [url]

My most recent installs of BOTH F11 and F12 on the RocketRaid failed to properly set up the boot. It turns out that the "rr2640" module I "slipstreamed" into the installation process was *NOT* permanently added to the initrd by anaconda. (F12 gave me "no root device found boot has failed, sleeping forever", on boot; F11 hung also, without such error, I presume, during the init script execution). Because of limited resources and time, I only know for sure the module was missing from the F11 initrd, and am ASSUMING the same was the case with F12.

The only difference between the successful installs and the ones with failed boot is that the successful installs were made on a single-drive (JBOD) mode on the controller; whereas, the failed ones were placed on RAID 5. But, AFAIK, the created logical device for the card is "/dev/sda", in both cases, and the kernel can not distinguish between the two cases (or can it?). Thus, the inconsistency cost me a lot of time, and is still inexplicable to me.

Question: What is the best way to deal with custom drivers, today? There are custom spins, and many tools, like isomaster. Stupid question: Is there a way to modify the initrd inside an installer ISO -- be it for CD/DVD/USBboot drive -- beefing the init RAM disk with whatever modules you'd like, for the boot process (using, say, isomaster)?

And what makes anaconda understand that a module must be added to the initrd ? How can one force anaconda to do so?

How does moving to dracut as the initrd tool affect any/all of the above?

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Ubuntu :: Tightvncserver Maps M To Panel Envelope And S To Panel 'power Switch'?

Apr 30, 2010

When I start the tightvncserver (vncserver -geometry 1600x1024 :1) and then connect to it with a vncviewer (tightvnc 1.3.0 on Win7 or vncviewer on 9.10) and then start a terminal (gnome-terminal or xterm) the m key it opens the envelope tab on the panel. The 's' key opens the shutdown applet.This did not happen on 9.10, or earlier

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Ubuntu :: Don't Have A Volume Control Icon On The Panel And When Choosing To Add Stuff To The Panel It Isn't Available?

Oct 12, 2010

Someone on the forums had me uninstall pulseaudio to get pSX working, and now I don't have a volume control icon on the panel and when choosing to add stuff to the panel it isn't available.I re-installed pulseaudio through the package manager, but I have a feeling it didn't install everything that uninstalled with it.

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Ubuntu :: Default Panel Clock Shows Up On Middle Of Screen When Moved To Bottom Panel?

Mar 4, 2011

I have had this problem with all installations of Maverick Meerkat. Moving the default clock from the upper panel to the lower panel makes it bahave strangely. When clicked on, it now appears in the middle of the screen (sometimes even higher depending on resolution). This never happened prior to Maverick Meerkat.

How do I go about to fix this strange bug?

Attached is a screen shot of what I mean.

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Ubuntu :: After Adding 'killall Gnome-panel' To The Startup Applications Does The Panel Fail To Load Altogether

Dec 4, 2010

Regarding the gnome-panel in Ubuntu (64 bit).... I discovered some time ago that I wasn't the only one who routinely (every login) had their gnome-panel appear butchered, for which Alt-F2 then 'killall gnome-panel' would easily fix.

Having become impatient with this over the past 8 months, I decided I would automate the process and so cofiguring the startup applications seemed like a perfectly logical choice to me. Turns out I was wrong. After adding 'killall gnome-panel' to the startup applications not only does the panel fail to load altogether now, but Alt-F2 doesn't even work.

I tried Ctl-Alt-F1 and working with the graphics-free mode thinking I could somehow navigate to the startup apps config file and edit it, but I don't know where it is or how to edit it without logging in as root and I certainly don't know of any 'root password'.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Panel - Set Left Panel Fit The Top Edge Of The Screen

Oct 18, 2010

How I can set that my left panel fit the top edge of the screen (instead of top panel)?

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Ubuntu :: Resolution - Top Panel Is Slightly Cut Off - Missing About The Top 20% Of The Panel

Mar 23, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu and really like it so far, having come from a PC background up to now. I've installed it on my Acer laptop and all is well there. However, on my desktop, the screen resolution doesn't match the Ubuntu desktop and fonts and graphics are very blurry. The hardware I have is:

HP Compaq dx2450 micro-tower FE281EA
Samsung 23" widescreen monitor, native resolution 1680x1050

When I check the resolution using System > Preferences > Display it says that indeed I'm using 1680x1050, which should be correct. However, the bottom of the Ubuntu desktop is cut-off, below the bottom of the screen, so I can only see the very top edge of the bottom panel. The top panel is also slightly cut off, missing about the top 20% of the panel. Left and right seem to be in line OK. The resulting blurriness of fonts makes it fairly unusable until I get it fixed.

I've searched fairly extensively and I realise there are other threads on this so sorry for posting again, but they all seem to be slightly different problems and all the responses are fairly or very technical. Maybe I can't avoid a technical solution and getting my hands dirty with a terminal prompt, but I'm hoping I can fix this without resorting to stuff I don't understand and might get wrong. I'm a technically minded end-user but not a unix guy.

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Ubuntu :: Starting Empathy From Panel Freezes Panel?

Sep 25, 2010

So I take a glance at the time, and realize the clock has been showing the same hour for ages.Basically, if I use the gnome-panel menu for launching empathy the panel freezes. The workaround that I use is switching off showing seconds and switching it on again on the date format menu of the panel. (I never used seconds on the date format, but that way you realize the panel is frozen)I've seen this behaviour in two diferent computers I use, any hint on what may cause this? Every applet keeps working as usual, but the menu display is frozen.I'm on 10.04, using version 2.30.2 of gnome. Steps to reproduce: click on the envelope icon of the menu and launch xat. It only happens the first time (when empathy is loaded) and it gets solved if you start empathy through sessions or whatever (The problem with the sessions workaround is that I can't manage to make it started without focus).

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Top Panel Or Unity Panel After 11.04 Upgrade?

Apr 2, 2011

No Top Panel or Unity Panel after 11.04 Upgrade from 10.10 and it does not seem to be a common problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 X86-64 New Install - "jerky Mouse - Choppy - Randomly Freezes Erratic"

Jul 28, 2011

Environmentopensuse: 11.4 x86_64 new install
qemu-kvm install
input devices: PS/2 Mouse, EvTouch USB Graphics Tablet

If I just take the mouse and scroll left and right over the desktop, the mouse is "jerky, choppy, randomly freezes, erratic". It occurs all the time. Trying to be more focused and select an object is challenging.

/var/log/messages shows: kernel psmouse.c Explorer mouse at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 1 bytes away Don't know if it is related, but in "Personal Settings" -> "Input Devices" -"Touchpad", there is a "Warning: Touch pad configuration is not supported on this system. ..." I have another virtual machine with the exact same setup running openSUSE 11.2 x86-64, kernel, and the mouse is not "jerky", but I have no wheel support. Comparing logs and config they look alike. I turned off all desktop effects.

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Fedora :: Enabling Panel Transparency Shows Video Artefacts On The Panel?

Jan 23, 2010

After a fresh install of Fedora 12 I'm delivered to the image on the attachment. Well aside from not being able to see icons on the left, or go to the any terminal and not seeing anything and be forced to blind type and hope for the best there are some other issues. Enabling panel transparency shows video artefacts on the panel.nouveau doesn't enable 3D(I use a NVidia GeForce 9600 GT 512MB and my monitor is a ACER LCD X223W)) kind and point me to resources about the nouveau driver and how to configure it so it starts to work?

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OpenSUSE :: Find Panel Settings In Order To Modify Transparency Of The Panel?

Aug 11, 2010

Where can I find panel settings in order to modify transparency of the panel? I'm using openSuse 11.3 with KDE environment.

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Desktop Environments :: Unity2D Panel Broken (mouse Over Reverts To Gnome-panel) / Sort It?

May 17, 2011

So I just updated my IdeaPad to Natty and played around with Unity. The performane was absolutely unbearable so I installed Unity2D from the software center. Now when I start the session everything seems to be fine at first. Whenever I move the mouse over the panel though it seems to switch to my old gnome-panel from the "Classic" session (with some missing icons). When I move the mouse over that panel again it switches back to the Unity panel style. What is going on? Can I fix this somehow? I will have to use the classic session until I get a working consistent behavior

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