Ubuntu :: Conky 1.8.0-1 - 64bit - Cant See Weather And Music
Jun 7, 2010I use Ubuntu 64bit,with gnome 2.30.0
I have a problem with conky,i cant see weather and music in conky.
The code for conky is:
I use Ubuntu 64bit,with gnome 2.30.0
I have a problem with conky,i cant see weather and music in conky.
The code for conky is:
I'm trying to get weather installed/working for conky. In my .conkyrc file I have this code of line
${color white}${execi 1800 /home/rjr/weather/weather.sh 92392}
I have the 2 files weather.sh and weather.xslt in its own folder named weather and in weather.sh file I have this line of code..
# where this script and the XSLT lives
I gave permission to weather.sh file, on my desktop running conky in the weather section it says Invalid Partner Code. I tried even putting USCA1197 in the .conkyrc file instead of my zip code and still same problem. Do I have to give weather folder permission as well?
How to get weather alerts with conky.
I'm using the following bit of code:
This (correctly) display a message to the effect "There are no weather alerts for ...." when there are no weather alerts. However, when there is an alert, it simply displays a message like "Short-term forecast for ..." with no further information.
How are other people getting weather alert info in their conkys?
I am using pogodynka.sh to try and get conky to show the temperature and incorporate and icon from weather.ttf to show a graphical depiction... i.e. a sun for sunny, a cloud with a lightening bolt for thunder...
I have managed to get it working in the past (about a year ago) Now I am unable to get the icon to show, the font is installed and being used by other parts of the same instance of conky. However the pogodynka DOES state the temperature. I just have no graphical representation of that, thus it creates a big blank spot in the middle of my conky....
I cannot seem to get data to show up in the forecast window. I have my city ID and I also went to weather.com and signed up and got my 2 keys and put them in conkyforecast.config. So here is what I have (the template is someone else s mind you but I have my city data enetered. I'm sure I am overlooking something but what I don't know conkyforecast:
My conky weather doesnt show any thing and I already got my Partner ID , License Key and Location ID and I tried to run the command below to install ConkyForecast: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install conkyforecast
But I have got this error : E: Couldn't find package conkyforecast and I dont know what to do , Can you guys tell me what should I do ?
I presume automount of drives (dvd etc.) is still something fedora does , so is anyone else not seeing this occur,,fedora 11 RC > fedora release ( yes I have fedora-release here) and it a music CD inserted isn't automounting or asking me to play it...It's working with kde cd player..but rhythmbox and amarok both aren't sweeing music cd and I can't figure out how to make them see it
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have conky installed and set up as a startup application, however everytime I log out and back in conky creates itself as a new window:
How can I get conky to start normally without having to do a manual restart everytime I login?
Said that all the config i find put all the info in one place of the screen, in this example on the right side:
or like conky colors where you can put in either side, or other complex examples that use folders with images..that at least i need one day to study all the variables it has...
What i want is something simple, in my black background i dont want images and effects, only white simple text.
My problem is: i want for instance my specs above, my log info in the middle, my music info bellow (above my clock) and in conky config i'm hitting my head in the wall....
For instance if i use my facebook script to appear in the midle how the hell can i put my music info bellow without ruined the facebook in the midle...do i need 2 conky configs?
when I type "conky" in terminal it returns with Conky: invalid configuration file '/home/user/.conkyrc' Conky: missing text block in configuration; exiting ***** Imlib2 Developer Warning ***** : This program is calling the Imlib call: imlib_context_free(); With the parameter: context being NULL. Please fix your program. I've tried completely uninstalling, rebooting, then reinstalling, still same error?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with conky. It draws a black background instead of using pseudo-transparency. I ofc tried to achieve this with feh but to no avail. All the instructions here failed: Conky Hardcore! Conky transparency with KDE (3 and 4)
I have no sound after upgrading to 11.04. Sound control panel and test speakers emits no sound. The new music player won't play sounds from music CDs either.
ALSA info is at: [url]
I use mt-daapd music server to stream music to a couple of network music players (which use UPnP protocols). Recently (last month or so) I have found that on restarting my ubuntu system I need to manually restart the avahi-daemon in order for the music players to be able to 'see' the music server. I think avahi-damon is running when ubuntu first starts up. The output of a ps aux shows:
I'd like to understand why I need to restart the avahi-daemon and either solve this or learn a way to automate restarting it on system boot up so I don't have to do it manually each time. My system is ubuntu 9.10 64 bit and the version of avahi-daemon is 0.6.25
1-When entering a music CD, video or files, any programs or music or video players and desktop are closed are removed all the icons and I can not open any program only on firefox, I can not see the files or anything . (NOTE CD-rom is in mint condition)
2-I graphics effects ruin the entire desktop and when it is in fact no graphic still looks bad everything looks pixelated or striped like when flex is damaged or something is damaged and is in perfect condition.
Now I'm going with the version 10.04 of ubuntu:
1-I have the same problem with the CD I had in 9.10, except that in the 10/04 I can open some programs with the Emphaty and monitor systems.
2-When you close the laptop when I open the screen looks as if the flex embers damaged or broken screen (when it is of course) and I have no other to reset it.
3-When you drive about 30 minutes using computed with any open programs (Firefox, Emphaty, emesene, movie player, Gnome player) to close it or minimize it gets super slow and sometimes if I Friza and then to turn it off and repeat history.
4-When I'm watching a movie or a video with movie player is super slow (just what I'm playing does not the OS) as if Lageado and stuff. But with Gnome looks pretty good player just the video looks very small and I can not put it full screen. Certainly in a Dell Latitude C610 Pentium III-Processor: 1000/700mhz-Memory: 512MB Graphics-Card: 16mb.
I recently got an iPod touch 2nd gen. I plugged it in and it immediately showed up in Rhythmbox. I dragged and dropped music files to the iPod icon listed under devices on the left hand pane. The files ARE on the iPod, I can confirm by finding them on the device in Nautilus. The problem is, they do not show up in the music library on the actual iPod. Did I miss something, or is there a step I must take to get them to show up in the iPod's music library so I can play them?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been building my digital music collection for some time and used to house it on a local drive with no quality issues. A while back I built myself a file server using ubuntu and mdadm in a raid1 configuration to protect against potential drive failure. I link my iTunes library to the music files via a samba share and everything works great on the surface. I've started to notice that random songs are becoming corrupted with pops clicks and silent pauses. I'll even re-download an album and notice that it's corrupted a few weeks later. Now I'm at a loss to what is causing this issue; I ignored it at first but it seems to be getting worse and more widespread as time goes on.
Do you think this could be caused by mdadm? It reports that all is fine via 'cat /process/mdstat' but I wouldn't know where to look or what to look for if there were syncing issues. The other possibility is that I have iTunes set to keep my music folder organized for me, but I've never heard of it actually corrupting the files it shuffles around. The bottom line is that my library is getting crappier as time goes on and I cannot stand for that!
I've had an awkward problem lately: every music player I use wants to instead of play music from my USB external hard drive, stream music from it. I have no idea why it suddenly started doing that. It may have been an accidental key-combo I pressed, thinking I had another window targeted and didn't bother pressing it again for my Totem music player. So I closed out of Totem in hopes that Rythmbox would work like totem used to. Well, it doesn't. It wants to stream music now.The problem with the streaming music is trivial, but here it is: I have a playlist with a little over 300 songs. I have Totem set to shuffle and repeat my music. Streaming music with it makes it just stop randomly after a few songs, and when I try to pause music and play it later it takes a good 30 seconds before it kicks back in at the beginning of the song.Like I always ask because I don't know enough to give back to the community yet, can anyone help me? Thanks.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor a long time, I've been downloading music from the Amazon MP3 Store (using Windows). I had hoped the Ubuntu One Store would allow me to use Ubuntu for downloading instead of booting into Windows. To date I've only bought and downloaded one album using the Ubuntu Store. Two reasons, namely that the albums are cheaper in the Amazon Store (at least the ones I've bought have been cheaper) and the files are hidden after download from the Ubuntu One Store.
I was reading last night that Banshee will be the new default music player in Ubuntu 11.04, so, I downloaded and installed Banshee which I discovered has the option to let me download from the Amazon Store (something I've not managed to do yet in Ubuntu). So I gave it a try and it downloaded an album successfully. As an added bonus, the music was downloaded to my Music folder and wasn't downloaded to a hidden folder anywhere. So now I have access to the Amazon Store (cheaper) and the files are not hidden (much easier to make a cd or move to another device for backup).
As of now, I'm exclusively using Banshee because of the reasons I've given above and I can see no sense in using the Ubuntu One Store as it stands. Will Banshee actually be the default music player in 11.04? If so, will it retain the ability to go to the Amazon MP3 Store? If so, will that then be the default for downloading music? If so, what will become of the current default and any music that's already been downloaded from there?
I am trying to configure mpd (music player daemon) to access my music files that are stored on a windows server (NAS).
In the mpd configuration file I have to point to the directory in which the music is.
How do I do that? Is it something to do with mount?
I can't seek music cause i can't find that little circular on music track bar. I update fedora but there was not any good news for rythmbox
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've searched upon numerous links for a "fix" but they are either for older releases of fedora, or, I was able to make appropriate changes to the F12 KDE4 release such as the F11 how to fix pulseaudio and vlc guide in this forum
Problem: In order to get the sound to play on my system I have to go to PulseAudio Device Chooser and select default server,sink, etc. every login. I thought it was suppose to change it "permanently" , getting more specific here, when ever I play music in vlc I tend notice gaps/skips in my music very short skips .5 to 1 second sometimes 2 - 3, just now I was playing music flipping through some tracks then I am greeted with a nasty sound I cannot describe. Does anyone have a proper fix for this? Only result I came upon I have not tried yet was something with hda intel sound card and power settings, which feel will not work anyway
Here is my sound card: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) Also not to mention, I use to get pop-ups notifying me of pulseaudio device not being to be found and asked to forget this device
the first is about the weather: how could I add the weather in the panel like in ubuntu 10? (I am using the classical visualization)the first problem regards the clock... it works but not completely: ie now are14:19 but it shows 14:1 and only an half of 9! i tried moving it but it does not work
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe weather for Dar es Salaam, Tanzania never changes. Its always 32 degrees and always sunny. To who can I report this bug to?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince I installed ubuntu 10.10 and the weather applet is on the exact same details, it is NOT updating what so ever . how can this be fixed please?
View 9 Replies View RelatedThe interactive map on weather.com no longer works for me in Firefox. I'm just looking for some feedback from other users if they can see the map or not. I'm using Lucid with current updates.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to remove the launcher (scrolling bar) which is on the left of ubuntu 11.4!Do you know how could I do it?And then I just saw that ubuntu 11.4 does not have the weather in the main panel (near the clock). Do you know a way to install again the weather?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wanted to use a regularly- and frequently-updating weather map as my desktop background (extreme desktop tweakers can stop reading here: yes, I'm committing the unspeakable act of using a 640x480 image as the background for my 1280x1024 desktop. What can I say? I'm a pragmatic kinda guy . . .). I came up with the following solution for doing this, but wanted to post here to see if someone else might suggest something more elegant and/or superior.
First, I created an extremely simplistic bash script that downloads the weather map image (640x480 a gif) and writes it to a file in my home directory called wmap-bkgrnd.gif. It's only two lines, as follows code...
So now cron downloads the image every 10 minutes and writes it to the wmap-bkgrnd.gif file in my user's home directory. Finally, I right-clicked on the gnome desktop and selected "change background," selecting that image as my desktop background.
It works, and gives the desired effect. I now have a weather map that updates every 10 minutes as my desktop background.
So, my questions. Is there a simpler/better way to accomplish this task? I have to say I have nothing against higher-resolution images and would use one if I could find something suitable. But so far, in the way of frequently-updated maps, I've only been able to find this low-resolution one.
I have found a post (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1331653) that tells me how to add a location to the Locations.xml file for the Gnome Weather Applet (NOT THE CLOCK/WEATHER APPLET). However when I try to open the file (the file is 916 kb) in bluefish it just hangs and never opens. I have tried doing something with both vim and nano but my expertise in using either of those is non-existent. If someone can help me understand how to open a file in vim or nano so I can edit this file (or ANY way to edit this file)
View 7 Replies View RelatedStarting yesterday the weather report applet 2.30.0 stopped updating at prescribed intervals. I have it set to check automatically for updated information every 5 minutes. It seems to be updating once an hour or more. The last two updates were at 53 minutes past the hour. In the past it has never went more than 10 minutes without an update. This is happening with two machines. I tried un-installing from the panel and reinstalling. I think I will try removing completely with synoptic package manager and reinstalling.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering where the Gnome Weather Applet gets its weather data from.In particular I would like to add my location to the weather applet. I found a technical solution in this thread [URL], but I don't understand where the weather data comes from. In the file Locations.xml coordinates (e.g. 34.739188 -112.009879), codes (e.g. KSEZ) and zones (e.g. AZZ03 are specified. What do the codes and zones mean? How can I locate a weather station near me and find out it's codes? Where does the applet get its data from?For the weather report in the Clock Applet I just entered the coordinates of my location and now I'm getting some weather data. Does that mean that the program automatically takes data from the nearest location in its database?
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