Ubuntu :: Computer Randomly Shuts Off

Oct 13, 2010

I upgraded to 10.04 and it is sooooo annoying. The computer will just randomly shut off. Sometimes it will be 10 minutes after turning the computer on, sometimes 10 hours!

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Ubuntu :: Computer Randomly Shuts Down Intermittently

Jan 30, 2011

My computer randomly shuts down at irregular intervals. Starts back up fine. Never shows any error message.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Shuts Down Randomly - Where To Find Logs

Dec 18, 2010

My computer randomly shuts off sometimes and I'm not sure what causes it. It doesn't always happen when I'm doing the same thing.I know this is hardly any info, but if someone could let me know where I can go to find logs and Also, if this means anything, to restart my computer I need to physically turn it off (the I/O switch on my PS) and let the capacitors on my board empty out before starting it up again.

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Ubuntu :: PC Randomly Shuts Down ?

May 24, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu on my desktop for a while and it worked like a charm. Three months ago, I decided to put a new cpu fan because the old one was gathering dust and I wanted to have lower cpu temps. I decided to buy an Scythe Kabuto, nd installed it with no problems. Windows XP works perfect, but the problems come when I try to start Ubuntu, both from a Live CD or from the HD. Ubuntu starts normally, but in a short period of time (2~15 minutes) the PC randomly shuts down. I've seen some errors when I restart and try to start Ubuntu again mentioning high CPU tempetatures. The fact is that the CPU temperature never reaches more than 65, so my guess is that there is some problems with the ACPI and temp reading.

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Ubuntu :: 9.1 Randomly Shuts Down For No Reason

May 13, 2010

When running ubuntu 9.1 on a toshiba a105 s4384 it randomly shuts down without warning. At the time of each i am running one or more of the following: Firefox(newest), Monodevelop(2.2), and pidgn for linux.

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Ubuntu :: Shuts Down Comp Randomly?

May 30, 2010

Ubuntu keeps shutting down my comp randomly for no reason at all. It doesn't even display any message, it just goes down without warning.

I'm sure it's not a heat issue. My computer never gets very hot and even when it does it still is very reliable.

Can someone please help me fix this? I'm very new to Ubuntu so i'm sorry if this question has already been answered somewhere else.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Randomly Shuts Down (after Upgrade 10.04)

Oct 14, 2010

I have a strange problem; I did an upgrade to ubuntu 10.10 succesfully. But now sometimes when I activate something (anything from O-O to synaptic or whatever) the OS just shuts down .I don't get any fault messages or other stuff.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Intel Corporation PRO / Wireless 4965 AG Or AGN Randomly Shuts Off

Apr 1, 2010

I have been getting from my wireless adapter. This has been going on for quite some time but only now am I able to see a pattern. The behavior seems to be the following: Start up, connects to network and work fine until I suspend my machine. On wake up, it works again but after a seemingly random amount of time the connection is lost and I can no longer find any networks. Attached is dmesg output after startup and connecting to a wireless network (dmesgAfterConecting.txt) and the same after the connection has been lost (dmesgAfterConnectLost.txt). I get this error which seems important:


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Ubuntu :: Lucid Shuts Off Monitor Randomly - Disabled Sleep And Screensaver To No Effect

May 24, 2010

I'm running a fresh 10.04 x86-64 on a thinkpad w500, using the default video driver. The monitor shuts off randomly, sometimes while I'm using it and requires me to trigger sleep mode and waking up to bring back the screen. When it shuts off, everything else seems to be running. (i.e. its not going to sleep) I've turned off screensaver, sleep, hibernation and installed the Caffeine util to no avail.

pm-suspend.log: http://pastebin.org/273444
pm-powersave.log: http://pastebin.org/273445

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Ubuntu :: Computer Shuts Down For No Reason

May 28, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10 yesterday and I have a real frustrating problem. It shuts down for no reason at all, at first I thought it was because I was not using it (power management or maybe because of the screensaver) so configured it to never put it to sleep or shut down, and disabled the screensaver but it keeps happening. This is actually the second time I'm writing this post, because it suddenly shut down again while I was writing this before submitting it. I used to never have this problem before when I was using windows, so the problem must be something with Ubuntu.

Could it be something with my gfx driver? I tried configuring Fluxbox to use my second screen as an extended desktop but couldn't get it to work except with Gnome. If I do "fglrxinfo" I get a segmentation fault, so I messed that up but I'm okay with that because everything is working like I want it with Gnome. One weird thing I've noticed is that ubuntu once said (when booting) that it couldn't find /dev/null...? Should I just try a reinstall? I'm on a quad core with 2GB ram and an ATI HD 4870 2gb graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Computer Shuts Down While Booting

Jun 5, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for about one year. Recently upgraded to 10.04. The PC tries to boot, comes to the "Booting from device hd..." screen and then shuts down. It shuts down or halts but doesn't power off. The CPU is still powered. This happens for about 2 in 4 boots. The recovery mode runs just fine. It says no damaged partitions. Only the 'booting from device' is the problem point.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Starts Then Shuts Down All By Itself?

Oct 3, 2010

After using Ubuntu 10.4 for months, my computer has started turning itself on without my pressing the on button. Sometimes it gets halfway through the boot process and shuts itself down. Sometimes it gets all the way to the desktop and a window pops up saying shutdown in 60 seconds however it never waits but shuts down immediately. Probably the second time this happened, I had time enough to get to the Power Manager and made sure it was set to 'never' power down. Currently the on/off cycling is happening so quickly I can't check the BIOS or grup. My only control is the master power switch on the back

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Ubuntu :: Computer Shuts Down When Idle?

Feb 2, 2011

Sometimes, when I leave my Ubuntu's X Server on, I'll come back after several minutes and see that my machine is powered off. Sometimes this happens, sometimes it doesn't, but I don't think it's because of hardware failure rather than my lack of measurement.

It used to power off in terminal mode (CTRL+ALT+F1) but then I added this to ~/.bashrc and it went away:

if [ "${USER}" == "root" ]
export TMOUT = 3600

Also, I checked my logs and I see this:

Feb 2 00:00:09 l1nux AptDaemon: INFO: Quiting due to inactivity
Feb 2 00:00:09 l1nux AptDaemon: INFO: Shutdown was requested

Since it's not a CRITICAL message, but an INFO, it seems like its a planned shutdown.

Does anyone know how I can turn this feature off?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 After Install Computer Shuts Down?

Dec 3, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 last night by USB Drive, It worked for about 10 minutes, then shut down. After I rebooted, it stays on for somewhere near 3 minutes.

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Debian :: Computer Shuts Down Unexpectedly?

Jun 10, 2010

Since when I installed Squeeze I'm having this problem. You know how disturbing it is. I don't know if this is related in any way, but when I play music or watch video and do other things at the same time it looks like this happens more.

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Ubuntu :: Synaptic & Software Sources Shuts Down Computer?

Apr 25, 2011

today i started getting this on my laptop:when starting synaptic package manager or software sources from system administration, neither app do launches and the computer shuts down.i have been using ubuntu on this toshiba laptop for about three years now.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04.2 / XP SP3 Dual-boot Computer Shuts Down While Booting Either OS

Jun 15, 2011

UPDATE2: As of 2 weeks ago, it won't boot at all. UPDATE1: HDD booted OK, but I don't know how to copy the GRUB file. Could this be a hardware temperature problem? I have just replaced a Hard Drive, & had to reinstall XP & 10.04.2LTS from scratch, (it was a TOTAL failure) The system now will not boot into XP, or either of the 2 Linux kernels or the recovery modes, without several attempts. ( I'm using a LiveCD now.)

POST is good. GRUB loads, but when I select an OS, it powers off. Windows shows the splash for a few seconds, then shuts down. Yesterday, I was able to boot into Linux after booting into Windows, but today Windows won't boot either. On examining the GRUB menu (e) the first line in the Linux records is 'recordfail' I will attempt to boot from HDD now, & post the GRUB output here. EDIT: If I run MEMTEST first, up to Test6, it boots normally.


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Slackware :: Hal Daemon Stalls And Logout Shuts Down Computer

May 22, 2010

1) When my computer boots up it stalls when HAL daemon loads. This did not happen until I plugged in a defective hard drive. Anyone have any idea of how to go about fixing this?

2) If I open the session manager system setting, and untick "confirm logout" my system will shutdown instead of logging out. With the option enabled my computer logs out normally. I don't need the confirmation and find it redundant and feel like Linux is holding my hand and that's why I use linux because generally speaking I don't like an OS that wants to hold my hand, metaphorically, I mean.

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Software :: Creating User Account Which On Login Shuts Down The Computer?

Aug 12, 2009

I want to create an unprivileged user account, say 'shutdown', which can be used only to shutdown the system. I followed the instructions in ut when I login into the system, I get this error 'Cannot execute /usr/bin/sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now: No such file or directory'.These are the configurations that I did

shutdown localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now


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Debian :: Monitor Shuts Off About 2 Seconds / After Passing Grub2 Menu While Computer Remains Powered

Aug 20, 2010

after a successful installation of the latest debian testing amd64 kde CD-1 iso, the monitor shuts off about 2 seconds after passing the grub2 menu while computer remains powered.

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Ubuntu :: Randomly Turning Off Computer?

Jul 16, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu 10.4 trouble free for the last week or so with the exception of one problem. Without warning, my computer shuts off. When I turn the computer back on, it skips the log in page. The turn off is very abrupt and happens without warning. It happened twice when I first installed the OS and has not happened at all until today when it happened twice again. Is this a common issue. It seems like a very odd way for a computer to crash.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Keeps Freezing And Or Randomly Shutting Off

Feb 17, 2010

Randomly; my computer will freeze up. I can move the mouse but I cannot click on anything. This has happened at least 20 times today. Occasionally my computer will totally just shut down. My computer has been almost completely rendered Useless. I do not know what to do or even where to begin. The sooner we solve this problem the better. I do college online... so this has a major impact on me and my work and progress as a student.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Consistently Randomly Freezes?

Apr 16, 2010

After 6 months or so I noticed my 9.10 install getting sluggish and it started to freeze habitually. I let it go until one day it consistently froze at the startup login screen. I installed 10.04 and the problem continued - After first installing it worked for about 6 hours without a crash, and then once again the problem developed into consistently freezing at the login screen.

I tested with some USB Live sessions and my live sessions never froze, even when active for a whole day. Remembering some I/O BAD SECTOR error messages from my 9.10 crash, I determined the error may be with the hard drive so I bought a new Hitachi SATA hdd (needed more GBs anyway). I installed 10.04 on the new hdd (H and after 6 hours again it crashed. When it crashes the screen freezes for about 3 seconds and then the graphics wildly split and it's just a jagged gray screen. However, as time has gone on over the past 2 days, the freezing situation has been better in that it hasn't come to the point where the computer consistently freezes on the login screen. The time before it freezes has varied from 10 minutes to 6 hours.

I think it's maybe a software issue with the nvidia drivers. I'm having trouble diagnosing this bug or providing information. I've included the output of lspci -vvv I have the nVidia GeForce Go 6100 graphics card

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Ubuntu :: Computer Randomly Starts Refusing SSH Connections?

Jul 20, 2010

The ssh server is running Xubuntu 9.04. It was working before. Then I tried SSHing today and it gave me a connection refused. The computers I've tried SSHing from were running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04, MacOS, and Solaris 10. None of them would connect. The ssh server is running the latest version of openssh-server (according to apt-get install). I'm assuming something in /etc/ssh/ got changed but I'm not sure.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Randomly Goes To Weird Screen And Stops Working?

Dec 3, 2010

I am asking in the wrong place or anything like that, I tried to understand the Tutorials, but I am only human Oh and I am not a native speaker of English, So I also apologize for that...Okay enough apologizing, I will assume that you are all nice people and wouldn't have made fun of my stupidity anywayAs I said I am new to Linux and also to my PC. I bought it a couple of weeks ago and I tried to install Windows on it, but it was displayed in only 16 colors ( I assume this is not connected to my current problem but it might be...) and I couldn't fix that so I installed Ubuntu 10.4.something( It asked me if I wanted to upgrade to the newest version...) . Since then I have been really happy, I only had minor problem with the chat software but after I googled it I found a solution and I even used the console for the first time in my life.

The problem with the chat software is back now, but I don't care about that.My Computer randomly stops working and the screen goes all weird. It switches between a mix of white and black bars, something really colorful and a black screen with text ( I have the feeling it's different text every time) I am not sure what happens after that, because I always turn it off and restart it. It won't react to anything when it is in this weird mode. I don't think there are any special situations in which it happens and I can't reproduce it, it just happens when I don't want it to happen. A friend who uses Linux said it might be a temperature problem, he only knew what I just told you. I am not sure if there is a connection between the time the computer has been on and the time it shuts off...I really like Linux and I would love to use it without ith when I said that I got my PC new ( it was used though) I was trying to say that I don't know whether this is a Ubuntu problem or not

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General :: Computer Randomly Completely Freezes

May 16, 2011

Well i've been having a problem that my computer randomly completely freezes. A while ago, it happened again, but i wasnt able to log back in anymore, getting this screen when gdm tries to load URL...

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F13 Slows Down Randomly So Computer Is Unusable

Sep 17, 2010

I'm new to Fedora/Linux trying it out because I'm becoming hacked off with Windows taking so much time to do anything. The problem I have is that every now and again the computer slows down so drastically that the mouse movements are jerky, response to clicks/key inputs take about 2-3 mins to get a response and the only solution is to press and hold the power button. I'm running a Packard Bell Dot M/U. It has mobile celeron 1.3GHz 64 bit, 3GB ram. Intel wi-fi, atheros LAN (i think), HDMI output. I believe that it is v similar to an Acer Aspire 1410 (but not 100% same).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Randomly Freezes And Caps Lock Light Blinking

Feb 11, 2010

I installed Linux yesterday alongside windows vista. Everything went very smooth. I restarted the computer multiple times without issue, and the menu would pop up asking me which os to load. Everything was good. But today I attempted to boot up my computer and nothing happens. The screen just stay black. The lights come on on the laptop, but nothing else. Either I try to boot it and it goes on then off quickly, or it just sits there, still on, with a black screen. I don't know if this is related, but when I was messing around with ubuntu yesterday after I installed it, it would randomly freeze and my caps lock light kept blinking on and off. I was forced to restart when this happened and then everything would be ok.

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Ubuntu :: Always Shuts It Down By Itself?

Jan 20, 2010

I've installed VMware server 2.x on my windows XP SP2 and installed Ubuntu 9.10 on the VMWare. I have noticed several times that the ubuntu machines shuts it down (not sure the time pattern but it could be that it shuts down after a certain minutes idle). As a result of that, I always have to restart it.

I checked the event log viewer, it looks like there's always a segfault just before it shuts down. I've pasted the last few lines of event log below.

Jan 19 10:28:16 jfernandez-ubuntu kernel: [ 32.648005] mtrr: base(0xf0000000) is not aligned on a size(0x15a0000) boundary
Jan 19 10:28:21 jfernandez-ubuntu kernel: [ 37.748105] type=1503 audit(1263914901.917:2: operation="open" pid=1229 parent=1228 profile="/usr


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Shuts Itself Down Low On Graphics / What To Do?

Aug 4, 2010

Ubuntu shuts itself down and displays message that it is running low on graphics, giving me options to run in low graphics mode or to troubleshoot. I have been given the following advice but have no idea what to do:

You are using the open driver i915 as you are using an intel based video

Sounds like you need an xorg.conf file to define the display a little better as udev is not detecting. Here is a sample file you can start with: (Refers to a URL that led me to this forum)

You can ignore any sections and entrys regarding keyboards as udev is
pretty awesome at picking those up

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