Ubuntu :: 32 Bit On 64 Bit Performance Difference?

Apr 11, 2011

I am currently using the 32 bit version of Ubuntu on my 64 bit laptop. My question is, does using a 32 bit version on said hardware reduce its performance (i.e will battery life be reduced, system be under more load, etc.)?

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Ubuntu :: Performance Difference Between 4 GB And 16 GB USB 2.0 Hard Drive

May 26, 2010

I am currently running Ubuntu 1004 but I have the OS installed on a USB 2.0 hard drive because my normal hard drive caved. However I am having problems because there is a SEVERE lag on my system. So my question is if I buy like a 16 GB USB 2.0 and use that instead of my 4GB one will it make a performance difference? My laptop is the Dell Latitude D600(1GB RAM, 1.6 Ghz Processor, ATI Mobility Radeon 9000) and I AM NOT in the market for a new laptop or a new hard drive. Edit: What about buying an external hard drive and using that instead of USB's?

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Programming :: Performance Difference Between 32bit And 64bit

Apr 10, 2010

Now, I'm ready to run my program, and my code is based on 32bit version. So I run the program on Ubuntu 9.10 32bit. And I got running time for 48s. But that's a bit slower than I expected; the program has bunch of File I/O processing but the result(48s) just doesn't make sense compared to given initial data set. So I just run the same program and same initial data set on Ubuntu 9.10 64bit ver. Then, bang!! it took 1.4s to finish the job.

Do you have any thoughts what kind of fact might make this significant difference? The differences b/w those two OS are "32 vs 64" and 32bit version has Java SDK, Eclipse, Apache2, Mysql, PHP, CGI, and python. We-server service is running but because I'm not really running web server. Did the result come from these background programs?

-- I tested it on the both OS in the same situation as possible as I can.

-- BTW 64bit one doesn't have those programs. I just installed on my external hard drive, so it's literary PURE one. (32bit one also in the same HDD)

-- I run these Ubuntus on VMware

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General :: Difference In Performance Between X86 And Amd64 Distros?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a 64-bit computer but 64-bit distros have been giving me huge problems when using 32 bit apps or trying to install 32-bit libraries, so I think I'm going to just switch to 32 bit. Will I notice much of a hit in performance? This computer is mostly used for web and games, nothing particularly cpu-intensive (no graphics rendering, etc)

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 - Difference In Graphics Card Performance

Apr 22, 2011

I have installed several different distro's over the last coupled of weeks and have finally as intended come back to 11.4. Last time I installed it my pc was fitted with an older nvidia card and I installed a newer 200 series and got it to work with X11 using the nvidia driver. This time I did the install with the new card in and things haven't gone the same way. I have finished up with the os drivers on my system, nouveau and "swrast (No 3D Acceleration) (7.10)". Performance wise it's way way behind the nvidia driver.

Glxgears for instance runs at under 1/2 the speed even at a lower resolution. I suppose I could still configure to suite my monitor but given that difference in performance would you? I have done what I can easily do with repositories but no signs of nvidia drivers. I can download one as I did last time but from what I have read previously the above drivers may mean that I have to recompile the kernel. A simpler solution might be to re install with my old card in. Can't say I'm too keen on either option. Some distro or the other had a driver helper and installed the nvidia one perfectly.

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Hardware :: Performance Difference - Dual Versus 3 Channel RAM

Apr 12, 2009

There are 3 channel DDR-3 RAM kits available on market.Would its performance be better than dual channel RAM kit, apart from RAM capacity? I'm planning to build a new box testing server consolidation on virtualizaion running Xen/Vserver/OpenVZ as software. All servers running 64bit Linux OS. My new planning is to get 2 sets DDR-3 1333/1600 4Gx2 kit. I may consider 3 channel kit dropping the total RAM capacity to 6G if it has better performance. Besides can mobo support dual channel RAM also allowing 3 channel RAM to work on it without sacrifying performance?

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Ubuntu :: Ondemand Vs Performance - Increases The Clock Speed To Performance When The CPU Is Under Load

Jul 31, 2010

I just wanted to know if having my laptop set to ondemand, will this affect performance in any way? I realize it increases the clock speed to performance when the CPU is under load, but does the time it take to go from ondemand to performance affect speed? Will there be any noticeable difference between the two setups? I have a dual core intel at 2.2GHz when in performance. When ondemand is set with no load it downclocks to 800Mhz.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Extremly Bad Performance?

May 28, 2010

I'm havng some seriously bad performance why i try to do any work on ubuntu.. big issue..i think it's in ubuntu 10.04 and need's some serious work!here's my list.


anyone experiecing the same issues? runnin ubuntu 10.04 64bit fully updated on dual 2.4 9700m 720gigs 4gig ram... i think it's fast enough for ubuntu or simple browsing..

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Ubuntu :: Flash Performance Bad In Fullscreen?

Jan 16, 2010

Why does flash perform so badly in fullscreen mode but not when out of it? [URL]... that is a 1080p flash video that runs completely smoothly for me when not in fullscreen mode, but after entering it the frame rate drops significantly. Am I the only one affected by this? Is there a way to fix this?

My computer is 64 bit and is running flash 10.42

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Ubuntu :: 8.10 - IBM ThinkPad R32 Poor Performance

Feb 8, 2010

i'm trying to run ubuntu 8.10 intrepid ibex on an old hand-me-down laptop that i got from a family member, and i've noticed that the performance is actually much worse than it was on windows xp professional (32-bit).

first of all let me give you my specs:
ibm thinkpad r32
intel mobile pentium 4-m 2.0 ghz
ati radeon mobility m6 (i think this is actually the mobility radeon 7000 igp) with 16mb ram
256 mb ram (pc-2100)

i understand that these are very low performance specs, but it feels like the computer is running very sluggishly even for those specs. the computer ran just fine in windows xp, but is extremely sluggish in ubuntu. it seems like it detected all the hardware just fine, but i feel like it may not be utilizing the cpu and/or video to the extent that it should be. a couple of places where it really seems to struggle is when first opening new programs, viewing flash intensive web 2.0 type webpages (i.e. videos), and listening to music/podcasts (with rhythmbox).

it seems like rhythmbox really kills my performance more than anything else, but the performance is poor all around compared to xp, and i feel like that shouldn't be the case. like i said, i understand that the specs are poor, but it feels like it's not even living up to those specs. i know that 8.10 is old and outdated now, but it's what i had laying around and i figured that it might perform better on this old deprecated laptop than 9.10 would anyway. am i wrong in this assumption? would 9.10 perform better for me?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Getting Better Performance Out Of HTPC?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a custom built PC with a AMD 9650 2.3ghz quad core, 4gig of ram, nvidia geforce 9500gt graphics card. With windows 7 my movies look immaculate but I want that from Linux. My first problem consists of lines in my players. To test out the performance I am playing Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Complete Blu-Ray. The video file has been ripped and placed on the HD. MPlayer has lines everywhere, VLC is very good but line every once in a while, XBMC plays bout as well as VLC. The first part that confused me was how MPlayer was worse off. I have followed all the stickies and this is a fresh install of ubuntu 9.10. The Second problem I am having is getting my onboard audio to work. My board comes with 8 channel audio support but my 2 side/back speakers wont work. I have messed with the application settings and the actual settings in Sound Preferences.

Here is a link to my board specs



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Ubuntu :: Performance Slows Down After 2-3 Days?

Jul 7, 2010

I hope somebody has a solution to this annoying situation: right after restart my system is very fast (at least for me), but after few days it slows down to the point when using it becomes a waste of time. As soon as I restart everything is OK. Usually I keep open 1-2 Open Office files, couple large PDFs, and some Firefox tabs at the same time, nothing special. No gaming/video on this rig, just basic internet and text processing. Here are my specs:

9.10 Karmic
Kernel Linux 2.6.31-22-generic
GNOME 2.28.1
Memory: 433.1 MiB
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3200+

Am I wrong thinking that I have enough juice to keep these windows open? Maybe there is a way to tweak something?

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Ubuntu :: Moving Tmp To RAM - Performance Increase

Jul 15, 2010

I've found this page: [URL]

I've followed several suggestions on my system and overall performance is better.

My question is related to the following:



Move your temporary files /tmp folder to your RAM if you have loads of memory. This will also provide you greater privacy. Edit /etc/fstab and add the following line to it

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 0

Is this not normally implemented since some users don't have a lot of RAM?

Also, would it make that much difference if the system didn't have a lot of RAM to work with?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get The Best Performance/quality On 10.04 Box

Jul 24, 2010

I'm trying to get the best performance/quality on my my 10.04 box and i have a few questions regarding 'sync to vblank'. My first question : I see 'sync to vblank' in 3 different locations.

- In compiz display settings
- In NVidia XVideo settings
- In NVidia OpenGLX settings
What is the difference between the 3 ?

Second question : I used to have problems watching movies where the picture seemed to be cut in half ( i'm not a native english speaker so i don't know the technical term). After reading some forums, i enabled sync to vblank everywhere i saw it. That solved the movie problem. But maybe that was overkill ?

So i did some benchmarking and noticed the following :

When i disable 'sync to vblank' in compiz my compiz benchmark drops from 60 to 30. But then my movies look worse.When i disable 'sync to vblank' in NVidia OpenGlx my GlxGears framerate jumps from 300 to 36000.I didn't notice anything when changing vsync in the NVidia XVideo setting. System specs below.

Ubuntu 10.04 64b
Nvidia GT 230 1536MB
NVIDIA Driver Version : 195.36.24

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Ubuntu Installation :: SD Partitions And Performance?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm doing a fresh install on my netbook and have purchased an 8GB SD card to expand storage space. I'm curious as to which directories can be mounted on the SD card without affecting performance as the write times and such are much lower on the card. I know that /home and /tmp can be mounted there.

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Ubuntu :: (About Live Cd) Which Version Has Best Performance?

Dec 27, 2010

I have 9.04 on a live cd. Is it worth upgrading the cd for live usage? Would there be any performance improvements?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Performance After Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10?

Dec 29, 2010

I am having a lot of performance problems since my upgrade my ATI board does not get properly supported (tried a lot but nothing really helps)my keyboard typing is horrable : i have to see at each click of it got accepted ; cannot type text properly screen performance is bad - often the screen greys out and back to color (probably because of driver)


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Performance Slow And Laggy

Apr 21, 2011

Just installed 11.04 on my netbook (eee1015pem) and its laggy! Went from super fast 10.10 to slow and laggy 11.04.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Slow Performance In 11.04?

May 25, 2011

Just curious if anybody else had experienced Firefox being slightly sluggish in the new release of Ubuntu? I'm running 64-bit Ubuntu on a Dell laptop (Inspiron 1445) with a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 on it. I haven't touched or messed with any of the settings.

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Ubuntu :: How To Improve System Performance

Jun 4, 2011

Basically I'm wondering if there is any way to lighten Gnome and Ubuntu I would like to keep Gnome if possible. I am a pretty experienced linux (or for you hardcore GNU fans GNU/Linux) user having used it for almost 4 years and I just built my Arch system but have found that alot of the functionality that I've come to love about ubuntu isn't in the default Gnome package but that Ubuntu's Gnome is heavily modified so I want to switch back but do to my lack of modern hardware I can't run Ubuntu as smoothly as I want.

Below is my current hardware.
Intel Pentium III 733mhz
512mb of ram
8gb Hard Drive
and a Dvd Drive
Nvidia Geforce 6600 265mb pci gpu
100 watt power supply

I am also a Developer so I know I can compile the Kernel my self and remove some not needed junk and optimize it. But I was wondering are there some Highly intensive processes that don't really need to be running? The only thing I would be using Ubuntu for is Web Browsing, Coding, Gimp, Text Processing and probably Music; thats really all I need I don't do much else besides that.
Basically all I'm trying to do is lighten Ubuntu and Gnome without putting 3 days worth of work into it.

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Ubuntu :: 11.4 - 3D Games Performance Really Choppy

Jul 11, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my new laptop, and the performance of games is really choppy.

Graphics: Intel HD Graphics
Laptop: Lenovo Ideapad z570 with i5 2nd gen.
3D games such as Supertuxkart and Armagetron Advanced keep pausing for 1 second every 3-4 seconds.
2D games however seem to work fine.

Could this be a problem with drivers? My older computer, another one with intel integrated graphics, ran these games excellently (with ubuntu 11.04).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Enhance MP4 Performance

Jul 27, 2011

I've installed an older Intel/Compaq Evo machine with a single core 2.0 Ghz. processor and 2 GB of DDR ram in our livingroom, for movie viewing purposes. I'm intentionally using Xubuntu 11.04 without 3D to keep the used resources down to a minimum. There are no 3D games on this machine either since I'm using it strictly for watching movies on our TV. The graphic card is integrated with the 845 chipset/mainboard. It does receive up to 64 MB of Ram though which is drawn directly from the onboard 2 GB DDR. The following links provided me some linux related info. about this chip but I honestly have no idea how to use that since the intellinux site is set up horribly (IMO).

[URL]So with a 2 Ghz. processor, low resources, 2 GB of DDR, of which 64 MB is dedicated to the graphic chip, I figured that playing movies wouldn't be a problem .. and it's almost not. I can play wmf, avi, mp3, and other codecs without any problem at all. Even BlueRay works fine as long as they're AVIs. But as soon as I try to play an MP4 movie the experience gets very unpleasant. No crashes, just endless stuttering and sometimes lack of audio. Is there perhaps some way that I can improve that performance permanently without buying another graphic card? The machine is an ultra slim form factor so I can't even add a narrow format card to it.I'm stuck with the embedded 64 MB chip but I'm hoping that someone here can help me to get the most out of it

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Ubuntu :: VNC And Gnome-rdp - How To Improve The Performance

Sep 1, 2011

I am running a ubuntu desktop machine as a server and use VNC from my windows machine to login via a LAN to the ubuntu machine. The login session is very sluggish and frustrating. I installed gnome-rdp to see if it would be better but I don't know how it works or what to do and if there is something else I can do to improve the performance. I have 3 gig of ram and the server is a dual celeron machine

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Ubuntu :: Changing UI For Fast Performance

Sep 1, 2011

I am newbie to ubuntu. I wanted to change the ui so that my netbook would run faster, I was using compiz and when I clicked out of the app to switch to firefox my screen flashed and now I have nothing but the desktop wallpaper no toolbar, no launch menu the super dosen't even work now.

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Networking :: Ubuntu VS Windows 4-to-1 Performance?

Mar 10, 2011

Ubuntu V 10.10, vs Windows 2k server. Comparable hardware. From a XP workstation on the same gigabit switch. Share uses Samba.

I start a copy of a 2GB file from the workstation to my Linux share, and then to my W2k server. The copy to the w2k machine finishes in less than 60 seconds, the copy to my Linux machine takes 4 minutes. I am a windows veteran, but a Linux newbie. Are there settings I should look at, or something faster than Samba?

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu On A Penstick Best Performance

Nov 8, 2010

I have installed Xubuntu on a penstick and have read many tweaks about performance and wanted to ask this forum for its opinion on how much should be added to RAM via /dev/shm and or tmpfs?

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Ubuntu :: Having Poor Wireless Performance On Eee1000ha?

Jan 7, 2010

I am running karmic and have wireless performance which is terrible on the EEE 1000HA I see it as low as 1mbit at times and others at 24mbit and briefly at 48 and 54mbits. running an Internet speed test with wireless I get pathetic speeds as low as 15Kbps, Its 5 feet from the wireless router ... and other machines that are wireless in the same area show 54mbits and perform great ... any one solve this problem with the asus EEE1000HA running on karmic?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Software Raid5 - Very Low Performance?

Mar 5, 2010

I recently installed a new home backup server with Ubuntu 9.10 x86_64 using the alternate CD. I used the CD's installer to partition my disk and created a software RAID 5 array on 4 disks with no spares. The root file system is located outside the raid array.

At first the array performed nicely but as it started to fill up, the io performance dropped significantly to the point where I get a transfer rate of 1-2MB/s when writing!


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Ubuntu :: Performance Drops While Playing Games?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm currently running Windows 7 but I would like to switch to Ubuntu. I would like to know if I will see any performance drops while playing games under linux through Wine. I play cod2 and cod4 and I achieve 125 fps constantly, will I see this drop under Ubuntu through wine?

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Ubuntu :: Extremely Slow Swap Performance

Jun 24, 2010

I'm getting horrible (unusable) performance every time swap is accessed. This was compounded by the GEMS leak and a few other memory leaks, but now under normal non-leaky memory usage swapping is still intolerable. For instance swapping out ~300mb when I opened a new program with RAM full resulted in the system nearly freezing up for about 3-5 minutes (however long it took to brew a cup of coffee and come back to the system just finally unfreezing).

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