Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Crontab And Daylight Savings?

Nov 12, 2010

I recently set up some new cron jobs under Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit (all the latest patches as of Nov. 11th) and just happened to check right after one was supposed to run and it hadn't run yet. Checking the logs I found the previous cron job ran exactly one hour later than it was supposed to. Is there something going on with Ubuntu 10.04, cron, and daylight savings where cron pretends daylight savings never happened or something?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Daylight Savings Changeover - RTC Not Being Rewritten

Jul 7, 2010

My system was powered down at daylight savings changeover. Like many Linux users, I keep my RTC on local time so that I can still boot XP on the odd occasion. With my older Linux distros, ntpd would correct the system time during the next boot, and the altered system time would be copied to the RTC on shutdown (by hwclock). This no longer seems to happen. During boot, ntpd corrects the system-time, and the users sees the right time, but the corrected time is never copied to the RTC. The issue only becomes a problem if the system is booted without access to any ntp servers - in which case the system time is visible uncorrected.

I was under the impression that the kernel's 11-minute save-RTC mode should preserved any NTP corrected system-time to the RTC. And failing that, a shutdown triggered hwclock --systohc should have also corrected the RTC. How come neither work for openSUSE (11.2)? Another issue is that having initially booted without an internet connection, ntpd refuses to re-resolve the the ntp servers and has to be manually restarted. Shouldn't ntpd have a roadwarrior option to retry resolving hosts? - this would save having to manually kick it via the command line or cron.

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Slackware :: Timezone Adjustment For Daylight Savings Automatically

Apr 2, 2011

We just had daylight savings change (the clocks went back one hour at 2am). he machine that was on at 2am adjusted it's time on it's own. All the other machines (5 of them) were off at 2am are still on the 'old' time.Wwhat's the best way to ensure I don't have to adjust these manually next time daylight savings change? Maybe "ntpdate -s time.nist.gov &" in rc.local?

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Debian Configuration :: Daylight Savings Time - System Suspended

Apr 13, 2011

I seem to have run into the bug where my system was suspended when the DST change occurred (Not off so it didn't do it on reboot, not on so it couldn't do it then). I can't seem to find any way to do it manually. Is there any?

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General :: Crontab Not Working \ Edited Crontab File Using Crontab -e?

Apr 27, 2010

I am using Linux 64 bit Redhat Linux. I am trying to setup simple crontab as follow...1. Edited crontab file using crontab -e2. Listed the file once to verify it using crontab -l. This will display as.. 18 5 * * 2-3 ksh $HOME/testScript.sh > $HOME/testscript.out3. Logged in a root and restarted cron deamon using "/etc/init.d/crond restart"As per my understanding now my testScript should start running at 5:18 am Thuesday

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General :: Possible Disabling Crontab Job Without Deleting Crontab Description Entry

Jun 23, 2011

is it possible disabling a crontab job without deleting the crontab description entry (by crontab -e)?I could also accept to change the entry itself. Now it's:0 0 * * 0-6 /home/me/cron/script.csh

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Slackware :: Iwl3945 Power Savings ?

May 6, 2010

I'm having problems trying to turn on the power saving on my intel 3945ABG wireless chip with the iwl3945 module. if i remember correctly, i used to be able to have the power levels adjusted before with previous releases / kernel (i started caring about power savings back again after getting a new battery).

keying 'iwconfig wlan0 power on' returns Error for wireless request "Set Power Management" (8B2C): SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.

And 'iwpriv wlan0 power' returns wlan0 no private ioctls

Is there something i'm missing or does the chip/module doesnt support power saving features?

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Ubuntu :: Daylight Saving With Maverick - Wrong Time?

Nov 11, 2010

I recently updated my Lucid to Maverick. I am running ubuntu on Lenovo Thinkpad w500. I am facing problems with day light savings. I changed couple times to reflect the correct time. Inspite of my correction, it is still displaying wrong time. Attached is the image of my error.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Auto Reconnect After Power Savings Mode?

Aug 17, 2011

I am running a version of Ubuntu 10.4 with XFCE loaded (actually Qimo, a distribution for kids). I am using a pci wireless card with a broadcom 43XX chipset and WPA2 authentication using the Broadcom STA driver. In an account with privileges I set the auto eth1 (which is what my wireless card comes up as) to connect automatically, and make available to other users.

When I switch to the kid's account, the wireless connects just fine. Then, if the computer is not used for a period of time, the powersavings mode kicks in. When the computer is woken up, the wireless connection does not attempt to reconnect. If you right click on the networking icon it doesn't even show any available connections, even though it can be found by clicking edit connections. The only way I can get it to reconnect is to restart the machine (I will admit that I did not try to restart the networking service, I will try that tonight).

Any ideas? This has been driving me nuts for a few days now. The users during the day are non technical and can't deal with these kind of issues. I can post more details about the setup (as recommended by the sticky post) tonight. I am at work at the moment and can't get to the machine from here - because it has removed itself from the network again.

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Server :: Any Way To Disable Daylight Saving On RHEL5?

Mar 6, 2010

My RHEL5 server is sync with NTP server. But we dont want to follow Day light saving. Is there any option to disable it. Like in windows you can uncheck the option if you dont want to follow day light saving.?

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General :: Automatic Conversion To Daylight Saving Time

May 3, 2011

What should I have to do if I want to back again to the previous conf of automatic Conversion to Daylight saving. Also I noted that the o/p of the zdump -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo | grep 2011 was

/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo Thu Apr 28 21:59:59 2011 UTC = Thu Apr 28 23:59:59 2011 EET isdst=0 gmtoff=7200
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo Thu Apr 28 22:00:00 2011 UTC = Fri Apr 29 01:00:00 2011 EEST isdst=1 gmtoff=10800
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo Sat Aug 20 20:59:59 2011 UTC = Sat Aug 20 23:59:59 2011 EEST isdst=1 gmtoff=10800
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo Sat Aug 20 21:00:00 2011 UTC = Sat Aug 20 23:00:00 2011 EET isdst=0 gmtoff=7200

and changed to be
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo -9223372036854689408 = NULL
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo 9223372036854689407 = NULL
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo 9223372036854775807 = NULL

After adding the new rule
Note : these are the I made to disable auto conversion to daylight saving. I created a text file named nodst at usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa
Then type the following:
Rule egypt 2011 2013 - Apr 29 00:00 0 s
Zone Africa/Cairo +2:00 egypt BRE%s
Then issue the following command
zic nodst
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo /etc/localtime

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Ubuntu Servers :: After Using Crontab With /etc/crontab / Giving Error "can't Find Command Root"?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a question about using crontab with /etc/crontab...

I had a cron job that I needed to run as root. At the time I thought that sticking it in /etc/crontab would be a good idea. However, I used the crontab command to edit /etc/crontab, which I guess is not standard procedure? Specifically, I configured /etc/crontab as my local user's crontab (i.e. sudo crontab /etc/crontab) then added my cron job as I would a local user crontab (i.e. sudo crontab -e).

Originally, my cron job looked like this:

30 * * * * root /my/batch/script &> /dev/null

After adding the new cron job I started seeing errors. Something to the effect of "can't find command root" or something similar. So I removed the 'root' user definition from the cron job and the job started running fine. However, because this is /etc/crontab, there are other system related cron jobs that have been defined to run under the root account (e.g. "17 * * * * root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly" runs as root, etc.). So these pre-existing system cron jobs, which up until now have been running smoothly, are now generating "can't find command root" errors. But I think that the system cron jobs _are_ successfully being run someplace because logrotate seems to be working.

So what I _think_ is happening is that /etc/crontab is being run twice: once as the system crontab, and once as my sudoed local user's crontab. When I run crontab -l I see nothing, but when I run sudo crontab -l I can see the contents of /etc/crontab. I am reluctant to delete my sudoed local user's crontab, because then in the process I would be deleting the system crontab, and I do not know how I should restore the system crontab's contents. (I am still not sure as to the most appropriate way to edit the system crontab).

How can I get out of this mess? I want /etc/crontab to go back to the way it was before--running _once_ as the system crontab. As for my new cron job, I'm willing to reconfigure it anywhere so long as I am still able to run it as root. Any ideas? (I am using Ubuntu 8.04 Server LTE)

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Software :: Scheduling Backup In Crontab When Put This File In Crontab To Schedule The Backup Program It Wont Run?

Apr 9, 2011

I have installed an application manager(monitoring application) on my linux server. Now, i need to have backup schedule for my application. The application itself has executive file to backup database.But when i put this file in my crontab to schedule the backup program it wont run!50 09 * * * root /opt/ME/AppManager9/bin/BackupMysqlDB.sh

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Fedora :: Write A Crontab Entry Using "crontab -e"

Jul 21, 2011

I was trying to write a crontab entry using "crontab -e"

0 0 * * * cp /var/log/httpd/domains/mydomain.net.log

crontab is giving me this error:

"/tmp/crontab.XXXXfMOnRS":2: bad minute
errors in crontab file, can't install.

I've tried a dozen different values for the minute, but it's still giving me the same error.

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General :: Difference Between /etc/crontab And "crontab -e"

May 29, 2011

What is the difference between the crontab located in /etc/crontab and the crontab that can be edited using crontab -e?

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Ubuntu :: How To Use Crontab

Sep 1, 2010

How to use crontab? i need to set crontab to execute a file every 1 minute

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Crontab To Work / Fix It?

Jan 10, 2010

Let me first start by introducing myself. I'm completely new to Linux. I've always argued Windows was better, even if I secretly thought not. Anyways the time has come to make the transition (I'm moving into computer forensics so I need to learn linux )

SO i'm trying to use crontab -e. I've installed gnome scheduler as I'm not comfortable editing in command line yet.

I've setup blackjack to start everyday at 23.30. The command line I've entered is /usr/games/blackjack and this works perfectly fine in command line.

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Ubuntu :: Crontab Commands Won't Run?

Jan 21, 2010

Edit: commands like Firefox works after I set it to display properly. I still can't get personal scripts to run, though.I can't seem to get crontab to run my commands. I add

* * * * * /home/username/script
but it doesn't seem to work. The script works itself in the shell

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Ubuntu :: Schedule A GUI App With At Or Crontab?

Mar 2, 2010

I want to schedule a Java program to run at a certain time, which will open a GUI progress monitor while it runs, and then terminate when it's done. I can execute it fine from the command line, but I it doesn't seem to work when I schedule it with crontab. In fact, I can't make any gui by scheduling it, not even something like gedit or firefox.

I know it's pretty rare that someone would want to do this, but is there any way to schedule a GUI app?

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Ubuntu :: How To Restart Gdm From Crontab

Jun 16, 2010

I'm having problems trying to restart gdm from crontab and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Basically what I want to do is a 'logout' every morning before I get to work so that by the time I get to my computer I would just have to log back in and have a fresh gnome session.

The command I'm using to restart gdm is:

/usr/sbin/service gdm restart

If I run this command from a terminal as root it works.

To edit my crontab file I'm doing:

sudo crontab -u root -e

And adding the following line to it:

25 08 * * 1-5 /usr/sbin/service gdm restart

My understanding is that this should restart gdm every day of the work week (Mon-Fri) at 08:25. But for some reason this is not happening.

I also checked that my cron deamon is running by:

~$ service gdm status

gdm start/running, process 27156

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Ubuntu :: How To Run .sh File Using Crontab

Aug 4, 2010

I have a .sh file which i want to run using crontab at a specific time with root privilege.

I put an entry in root's crontab as the following:

sh /home/vivek/ifconfig/college.sh

But, the file do not get executed at a given time.

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Ubuntu :: Some Of Crontab Don't Run / Get It To Work?

Aug 19, 2010

Figure out why this /etc/crontab won't run correctly?
Is it possible that it don't run because the cron deamon is not running? code...

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Ubuntu :: Rsync - .sh And Crontab

Feb 14, 2011

I'm currently trying to have crontab to automatically backup files from ramdisk. It works perfectly when I run it myself by simply cd:ing to scripts directory and type ./save_world.sh.

The problem is, that crontab DOES (at least it looks like it) run that command every one minute. /var/log/syslog does show it executing that line every one minute without any errors. I'm currently very confused what I did wrong here. I have tried rebooting, fiddling with crontab line, tried sudo crontab -e but nothing seems to work.

My script is called save_world.sh and it is located in /home/phoe/minecraft/rpg/


My crontab -e has one line and it is following:


I haven't determined any specific time yet, because I'm just trying to get it work first.

Snippet from /var/log/syslog:


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Ubuntu :: Crontab Job Not Executing

Sep 1, 2011

I am a xfce user. I have a list of wallpapers and I wanted to change them every 5 minutes Initially I was using a simple command in crontab entry to change it, Quote: */5 * * * * xfdesktop --reload it was working but it would crash xfdesktop process after few changes and the screen would be all grey. To solve this issues I wrote a simple script which would check if xfdesktop is alive and if yes it would call xfdesktop --reload else start xfdesktop I called this script idesktop & its path is ~/.bin/idesktop


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Ubuntu :: Can't Create A New File Using Crontab

Apr 15, 2010

A couple days ago I noticed cron stopped working and now I can't create a new file using crontab -e. When I hit crontab -e I get the editor but after saving nothing comes up under crontab -l and the file is blank when I reopen it. I don't have a cron.allow or a cron.deny.

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Ubuntu :: Crontab Stopped Working / What To Do?

Apr 20, 2010

Have just started to use look at crontab. I could use Scheduled Tasks as well as crontab -e in terminal.

I must have changed something because now Scheduled Tasks just seems to load then dropout. Loading a task through terminal is accepten (crontab -e) but doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Using Crontab To Restart Pidgin?

May 23, 2010

Pidgin likes to randomly crash on me, and sometimes it takes me awhile to notice. So I thought why not make a script and cron job to see if pidgin is running and restart it if needed. Sounded easy but having all kinds of problems. Here's my cron line...
*/1 * * * * /home/justin/chkpdgn.sh >> /home/justin/test.log 2>&1
I run "tail -f /home/justin/test.log" to keep an eye on the cron output.

Here's the chkpdgn.sh script...
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
echo "$SERVICE service running, everything is fine"
echo "$SERVICE is not running"

Running that works fine when I do it, but when cron does it pidgin never starts and I get this error...
pidgin is not running
error: line 15: bad flag alias index: 0
error: line 15: bad flag vector alias
error: line 16: bad flag alias index: 0
error: line 16: bad flag vector alias
That goes on for quite awhile up to like line 60000 and pidgin runs but doesn't show up in the me menu. Any way to restart pidgin when it crashes?

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Ubuntu :: Making Script To Be Run With Crontab

Jun 29, 2010

Not strictly being applied to an Ubuntu distro but Linux all the same.Our company run a database server referenced by a number of mail servers; the database server is very soon to be replaced since it's old, decrepit and not as secure as it should be - indeed, when it decides it's had enough, the MySQL process will simply stop.You can restart MySQL if you need to quite easily; using Putty, I'll connect to the box and run the command:/etc/rc.d/ init.d/mysqld restart

Using /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld status you can get a response of either mysqld (pid 8354) is running... or mysqld is stopped - how can I use this information in a script so that mysqld is only restarted if every thirty minutes a check comes back to say it's stopped? this current server is replaced by someone who knows what he's doing in a few weeks but this will ensure less disruption to those who rely on the current incarnation...

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Ubuntu :: Output Redirect With Crontab?

Sep 16, 2010

My Problem: The output redirection auf a script works if the script is called in the terminal but not when its called via crontab.

My Situation: I have 2 scripts:
echo backup a to c
rsync -a -v --progress --delete --exclude=.Trash-1000 /path/a/ /path/c/backup/
echo backup b to c


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Ubuntu :: Crontab Script Not Running / What To Do?

Dec 8, 2010


I opened "crontab -e" in the Terminal and in nano I copied and pasted the first line of this copied script, leaving all the notated lines out. Each time I manually run changer by clicking and selecting "Run" it changes my Wallpaper but this does not happen automatically no matter how many times I reboot.

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