Software :: Virtual Host Bandwidth Usage Monitoring Apache

Mar 11, 2010

I've got an apache server running several virtual hosts. I have them separated by domain name, and they all come into the same IP address. I'm looking for a way to monitor the bandwidth that they use. The only feature that I'm really looking for is a breakdown of which domain is dishing out how much bandwidth. got three visitors this month. And spent 200kb in serving them. got fifteen. And spent 1mb in serving them. got 4000. and spent 400mb in serving them.What I would like to see is a report, could be a web page could be a file. Ideally with graphs. Showing:
3[400mb worth of dots]

I don't need it to show me how many visitors or from where or anything like that. I am just looking for a side by side comparison of how much bandwidth each domain is using.Is there some application for this or something. Everything that I've found has been for information on a single site (awstat and friends can show me information for multiple sites, but as far as I know it won't show me information comparing them) I haven't found anything for nagios, but perhaps there is something out there for it, or a sneaky way to make a nice plugin that would do this.

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Ubuntu :: Bandwidth Usage Monitoring With CONKY?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm using CONKY on Ubuntu 9.10, and trying to display network usage statistics for my 3G internet. I want to display something like the following:


UP : xxxMb DOWN : xxxMb
Past Week:----------------
UP : xxxMb DOWN : xxxMb
Past Month:---------------
UP : xxxMb DOWN : xxxMb

I have the following script for .conkyrc


${voffset 4}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}TELKOM 3G (${addr ppp0}) $stippled_hr${font}
Down: $color${downspeed ppp0} k/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeed ppp0} k/s
${downspeedgraph ppp0 25,90 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph ppp0 25,90 000000 00ff00}$color


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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitoring Bandwidth Usage On Lan?

Jul 6, 2011

Since this is my number 1 place for asking questions, I figured I would go here first. So I live in New Zealand where good internet doesn't exist yet, and I'm in a flat with 3 other people and we get 40gb a month which hasn't been lasting more than 2 weeks. It is somewhat of a mystery where all our data has gone, so I need a way to monitor usage. We use a variety of operating systems including linux, xp & windows 7 on my pc, and xbox 360. Is there any kind of integrated solution I can use to monitor everything with password protection so it can't be disabled? I have tried looking in the router, but it doesn't give me many statistics, and I think it combines lan with wan usage. At this stage I don't have the money to make a linux box to put between the router and the switch that can monitor everything, but if it comes to it, I will shell out for one.

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Networking :: Bandwidth Monitoring - Each Person Usage?

May 8, 2009

I have a server rack that I lease out to others. I need a way to monitor each persons bandwidth usage. How can I do this without installing software on their machines or disrupting traffic flow? I have no access to the router, as it is owned by the colo company. I do have access to the switch and firewall, as well as my machines (linux) on the rack.

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Debian :: Network Bandwidth Usage Monitoring Application?

Jun 7, 2010

I just wanted to use a network bandwidth usage monitoring application. Scenario: I am using an EV-DO based USB broadband modem with a limited GB plan. For additional data usage they charge per MB. Currently I use either wvdial (mostly) or pon to start the connection. So if there is any network monitoring application which could log time used and data used for the session, it would be great. Actually debian has too many different network monitoring applications, But I am not sure which one suits well for this purpose.

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Networking :: Bandwidth Monitoring - Log Based On Usage / Consumption?

May 10, 2009

Can you suggest bandwidth monitoring software for GUN/Linux that will log bandwidth based on usage/consumption.

Not options:
- slurm or any other "real time" bandwidth monitoring
- /sbin/ifconfig <interface> | grep "RX bytes" or the like

What do you use to monitor your monthly, daily, hourly bandwidth consumption (assuming that you do).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitoring Networked Computers Bandwidth Usage?

Mar 25, 2011

Back in school I remember using an application that would identify active IP addresses on a network, and basically show you a log of activity. We actually monitored another lab and went in and showed them what we saw (all the machines had IP addresses on the monitors.) We could see websites, bandwidth, etc.

I'm trying to find an application that would do this again. I've been trying to monitor my networks to see what machines are performing unauthorized operations. ISP is showing high bandwidth usage and there is no way checking email and browsing is using this amount, 200GB a month! Something is going on here.

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Networking :: Tools For Monitoring Network Bandwidth Usage Of Program/port?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a third party program (tightvnc) which I want to monitor and detect if it loses a connection with a client. I don't care if the client has the program open but isn't doing anything with it, I only want to know if the actual TCP connection is lost.

Since TCP takes forever to die on it's own I was thinking the best way to detect if a connection is lost is by bandwidth the bandwidth on the tcp port allocated to the VNC connection. Are there any tools built in to redhat (RHEL 5.2) which I could use to do this? Since I don't have full control of the operating system I would prefer to use built in tools rather then trying to get a new tool installed.

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Server :: Apache Virtual Host To Limit The Concurrent Connections Of Virtual Hosts?

Jul 3, 2009

apache virtual host to limit the concurrent connections of virtual hosts? Taking into account the host of each virtual user's home directory can also have more than one subdirectory, which should be restricted to a subdirectory. Is beyond the control of the operation of these sites in a subdirectory. Best local restrictions or limitations to the overall situation.

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Server :: Tunnel Apache Virtual Host To An Internal Apache?

Jan 24, 2010

I am upgrading my server and I have a lot of sites. Since I cannot take my server down for a few days, maybe a week until I manage to migrate all the sites to the new machine, I figured I could migrate them one by one. After migrating one, I would somehow tunnel the requests of that name virtual host to my internal machine. When everything is migrated, I would then switch the machines, update ip's and stuff and everything will work just fine.

However I cannot seem to find a way to do this tunneling. is this at all possible? If not, what alternatives do I have?

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Server :: Apache With Virtual Host ?

Oct 5, 2009

On my server I have connected domain: which is installed in /var/www/first

For that domain I have installed virtual host.


I dont know why, when I will put address instead of server redirect that domain to folder /var/www/.

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Debian :: Apache Virtual Host On A Different Port?

Apr 19, 2011

Just set up a virtual host on a different port: 50085. accessing this port always returns me to 'It Works!' page.

The setup:

1. added 'Listen 50085' in ports.conf

2. added a <VirtualHost *:50085></VirtualHost> the content are the same with the site that works with a <VirtualHost *:80>

3. /etc/hosts contains the ip address and the servername

4. apache server has been configtest ok and restarted.

Anything I forgot to configure? How to troubleshoot --> I don't get any data on error log file.

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Server :: Apache Disable SSL On A Virtual Host

Jan 22, 2010

I'm running Apache with mod ssl, with a php app using ssl.

I've made a virtual host to host a simple static site which I dont want SSL for.

When I try and get to the site it redirects me to [url] which gives a certifcate error and shows the site from example 1.

Config below:

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Server :: Apache Virtual Host Setup

Oct 29, 2009

I have 4 domains registered through godaddy. I have a dell poweredge box with one static IP hosted somewhere. I want the 4 domain to resolve to four different sites. I have already created 4 different sites in apache with four different aliases and has enabled it.

alias /a /var/www/a
alias /b /var/www/b
alias /c /var/www/c

I want to acomplish. ==> xx.xx.xx.xx/a ==> xx.xx.xx.xx/b ==> xx.xx.xx.xx/c

I tried with godaddys forward with masking option. It works but I can't hide xx.xx.xx.xx/a in the links. Whats the best approach? One limitation is I cannot use the webhosts name servers. How do I set this up with name based virtual hosting? Do I setup a DNS server in the box?

I do have a dns host name for my box which is publicy accessible. Some

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Server :: Apache With Wildcard SSL And Virtual Host

Apr 28, 2009

I'm using Apache 2.2 to host multiple subdomains using a single SSL certificate (a wildcard certificate e.g. * and, yes, it works! Everything seems to be served correctly and the browsers are pretty happy.

And you can also have the non-SSL sites (virtual hosts on port 80) on the same IP. (That's covered elsewhere)

For those that want similar functionality here's my discovery...

My configuration is like this:



I would have to say that I don't believe that this will work if you are not using a wildcard SSL certificate and having anything other than subdomains under that wildcard.

It is somewhat limited in scenario where this is useful, but for a set of company websites that should be under SSL, this can be tremedously useful when you have a single IP.

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Server :: Different PHP Versions Per Apache Virtual Host

Sep 10, 2009

I'm running XAMPP 1.7.2 on Ubuntu 8.10 (Linux 2.6.27-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Aug 18 16:25:45 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux) and am using the PHP 5.3.0 Apache module as standard. For one virtual host I'd like to use PHP 5.2.X as it is part of a project which has a lot of legacy code which is not compatible with PHP 5.3.0. The virtual host configuration block and the applicable directory directive are as follows -


Checking phpinfo() output on the above virtual host (or using the default virtual host directive and accessing it via http://localhost/[SNIP]/[SNIP]/phpinfo.php rather than [url] shows PHP 5.3.0 is running. After applying minor tweaks such as adding ScriptAlias or SetEnv options the problem persists. I've Googled for a good while and have checked the permissions and the like and tried the advice of other users (XAMPP or otherwise) either resulting in PHP 5.3.0 being used or a HTTP 400 bad request/invalid URI error. I've stuck with the configuration above as this is correct according to the PHP manual.

FYI cgi-bin/php-5.2.6 is a soft symbolic link to /opt/lampp/bin/php-5.2.6 (I've added the FollowSymLinks option to the cgi-bin directory directive in httpd.conf). I've tried installing php5-cgi from the Ubuntu repos and setting it up in a similar way, to no avail. I've also tried copying the executables into the cgi-bin directory, pointing the Action line directly to bin/php-5.2.6 and dropping the -c /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini-pre1.7.2 option in the Action line. I've even tried commenting out the LoadModule lines for PHP which results in a HTTP 400 bad request/invalid URI error. This demonstrates the fact that the PHP CGI use is being ignored.

I've checked httpd.conf and the extra/httpd-*.conf files and ensured all required includes are being loaded. I know that it's probably something stupid on my part which is causing this! Given that I've tried PHP CGI builds in the Ubuntu repos I don't think this is an XAMPP-specific issue.

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Server :: Accessing An Apache Virtual Host ?

Jan 19, 2010

One of our Apache servers, version 2.2.3, is running three virtual hosts on it. However, while two are accessible,,, the third, cannot be reached by any remote host.

I am at a loss as to why this is occurring. To that end, I am including the httpd.conf file as an attachment in the hopes someone can see what I missed, and help correct this issue.

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Software :: Apache Default Virtual Host ?

Dec 22, 2009

How do I define the default virtual host to be served on port 80?

I have different configuration files in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ that look more or less like this:

Plus I have the namevirtualhost:80 in httpd.conf

For some reason if I connect to port 80 using the IP address or an alias not defined anywhere in apache config, the first domain configured (first alphabetically a-to-z) answers the call.

Is there any way to overwride this and set a default site?

Basically I'd like to answer with the right configuration if a precise site pre-configured is called on port 80, but if not I would like to redirect to a "default site"

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Fedora Servers :: Apache Not Recognizing Virtual Host 12?

Apr 17, 2010

I installed apache server on my Fedora 12. Its showing the test page, but when I give the address (0r, it tells that the requested url could not be retrieved.

I have made the following additions to the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Virtual Host In Apache ?

Feb 22, 2011

I am trying to set up an Apache2 virtual host to test sites I make from my own computer.

I used this guide to set up my LAMP and vHost, The LAMP stack seems to be working great, but I run into some problems when I try to set up a vHost

As described in the guide I

1. made a new directory in my home folder /home/[myname]/www/ to put my site in (it currently contains a simple index.html file as a test).

2. In /etc/apache2/sites-available I copied the file "default" and renamed it ""

3. I edited the content of "" to look like this:


4. I enabled the site using the command "sudo a2ensite". I then restarted apache "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload".

5. I edited the hosts file: "sudo gedit /etc/hosts" to look like this:


6. I restarted apache "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload".

Now if I enter "" in my firefox's adress bar I just get the apache2 "It works!" site. What is going wrong to cause firefox to show the "It works!" page rather then my own test site?

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General :: Apache Virtual Host Document Root ?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm now configuring my web server to server different Virtual Hosts based on DNS name. Right now I store my files in /var/www per the default installation settings in Apache.

I want to change the Document Root to /home/username/public_html/ for the second virtual server. What do the permissions need to be in order for Apache to read the files in this location? Would it be best to force Apache to run as this new username instead of www-data?

My Virtual host setup will look something like this

I want to change the DocumentRoot as I am running a chrooted ProFTPd server and want to be able to update webserver files via FTP. I am running Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server (CLI only).

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General :: How To Apache Identify For Which Virtual Host The Request Has Come

Jan 22, 2011

I'm having some basic doubt! Consider 5 virtual domains has configured under a same server. I mean 5 different domains under same IP. Eg. and have IP So when web browser request for name server return IP address Then browser contact IP on port 80. Here comes my question how does apache know that the browser is looking for not How apache differentiate the request for it's virtual hosts? By the way, what is a virtualhost ?

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Server :: Apache 2.2.14 Ignores SSL Cipher In Virtual Host

Feb 23, 2010

I'm trying to figure out why Apache is ignoring SSL Cipher statements when placed inside a Virtual Host. Specifically I'm trying to disable SSLv2 and only allow SSLv3 or TLSv1

In httpd-ssl.conf I have the following


And when I try and connect, I get the expected results.


In my virtual host statement I have


The only difference between the two is the httpd-ssl.conf has -ALL in the CIPHER, and the virtual host entry has ALL. However if I try and change the ALL statement in the virtual host entry to -ALL I get the following error in my logs & get no content.


Why it's not working in the virtual host statement? Unfortunately as many of you are probably aware it's impossible to gain PCI certification with SSLv2 enabled.

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Server :: Name Based Virtual Host For Apache And Tomcat

Jul 22, 2010

I am having two domains. for ex: and These two domains need to be hosted under one ip. Yes by configuring name based virtual host we can do that. But, my question is my first domain( need to be hosted by Apache web server, and my second domain( need to be hosted by Tomact. Is it possible to configure name based virtual host for a scenario like this.

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Programming :: Multiple Virtual Host Configuration In Apache

Feb 20, 2009

How to give mulitple virtual host in apache. I want to access all my sites with ip

For ex :if i want to access it should have the ip with port 80 & for it should have the same ip with port 80

After restarting the apache servers.I am unable to run both the applications in a single time.

For that i gave Include /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/[^.#]* in apache2.conf. But still its not working.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache Virtual Host Redirect To Default?

Jul 1, 2009

I've created a virtual host and when I try to access it it displays the root of the Default Server. Running Fedora 11. This works fine in our Fedora 8, same configuration.
Default server is set to
Listen 80
virtual server


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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Virtual Host Unable To Connect

Jan 18, 2011

I've set up a server running Ubuntu 10.10 (desktop) with apache. Problem is: When I try to configure multiple virtual hosts I can only access the first one. I'm sure that I'm missing something basic in my setup, but I cannot seem to figure out what.

What I want is simply two virtual hosts, one only available on the LAN where I can test my php files and one "live" available from the outside.

Heres what I've done:

Installed Apache2.2
Copy /etc/apache2/sites-available/default -> /etc/apache2/sites-available/dev
Modified "dev" config DocumentRoot and Document to point to /var/www/dev
Modified "dev" config VirtualHost to <VirtualHost *:1337> (port change right?)
Modified "default" config DocumentRoot and Document to point to /var/www/live


Live works fine, but dev cannot connect (as if there is no server there).

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Ubuntu :: Lost With Apache Www-data Virtual Host 403 Forbidden?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm lost I can't get past the 403 forbidden errorI have a directory /home/russ/public_html with a single index.html file

HTML Code:


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Server :: Apache 2.0 - Setup SSL Client Authentication On Only One Virtual Host

Aug 18, 2010

I was trying to setup SSL Client authentication on only one virtual host. Here is a brief excerpt sample of my conf file for the virtual host:

<VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:443>
SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O} eq "something"
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 2

But when I try to check for syntax errors tells me SSLRequire not allowed here I do not want to add SSLRequire on the main httpd.conf because I only want it for one virtual host. The rest of the virtual hosts do not need it.

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Server :: Apache Refuses To Start Using PerlModule And Virtual Host

Nov 12, 2009

I'm trying to install two instances of OCS Inventory on the same machine using virtual hosts in apache. The apache configuration for it is in it's own file and it works fine without any virtual host. If I add it apache refuses to start without giving any error message. I narrowed it down to some lines loading perl modules, and if I comment them away apache will start again. Some of the modules work, but some of the ones specific to OCS Inventory will not work. I can't understand what the difference is between loading it in a virtual host or not, it doesn't make any sense to me!

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