Software :: Ubuntu 10.04 GLText Clock Configuration

Dec 8, 2010

This one seems to have been done to death, but I still can't seem to get a clock going. I had done it in Jaunty, but no matter how I configure it, it's not working in Lucid! One issue I've found in the many threads and how-to docs is that everyone says that it's only a matter of adding the options to this line in /usr/share/applications/screensavers/gltext.desktop:

Exec=gltext -root
However, my gltext.desktop looks like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/lib/xscreensaver/gltext -root
Comment=Displays a few lines of text spinning around in a solid 3D font. The te$

I've tried adding my time options to "Exec=..." and then to "TryExec=..." lines, with single quotes and double quotes, but to no avail. Am I doing this in the wrong file?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change The GLtext

Nov 16, 2010

I tried changing the GLtext following various threads [URL] and others, but i cannot do it. The text insist on staying the same. It displays my kernel. My OS is Ubuntu 10.10. Does anybody have a clue? It has become really frustrating... In older versions of Ubuntu I could easily change it following the procedure offered by these threads.

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Ubuntu :: Proper Syntax For The Gltext Screen-saver?

Apr 28, 2010

Code: Exec=gltext -root -front -text 'The Ozz Microsystems %l:%M:%S %p' Is the proper syntax for the gltext screen-saver? If it is, why don't it work with 10.04 RC?

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General :: Use The Xscreensaver Gltext To Monitor System Information?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to get the X screensaver gltext to monitor my system temp and maybe some other stats. Writing a script that puts together the stats periodically is no problem, but the main thing I'm running into is that gltext doesn't refresh - whatever text I feed it stays there.So, for example, I run this command:$ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/gltext -text "`cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature`"and get a gltext window showing:temperature:60 CI can manipulate it and format it as necessary, but as my CPU heats up and cools down, it doesn't update, even if I include time variables that do.I have a script that feeds gltext the time as the first line and the temp as the second line - and although the time updates continuously as the time changes, the temperature value remains the same as whenever the screensaver started.

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Debian Configuration :: Clock Readjusted After System Crashed - Cannot Reboot

Dec 20, 2010

I have recently come across a Debian installation page for powerpc: viewtopic.php?t=20481. It got me motivated to fix the Debian I have on my iBook G4. I have a Debian Lenny installed on my iBook G4 -- but I have been having some sort of problem (mostly likely due to hardware) which causes the system to crash. After the latest crash, the clock on iBook has been readjusted. For this reason, I cannot reboot Debian completely.

Every time I turn on the computer it begins the booting process but before I get to my desktop I encounter numerous error messages concerning my clock. After either OK'ing or canceling these error messages, I get to my desktop but the system by then is either frozen or else not working at all. Worse, I can't even turn off the computer since the upper right corner of the desktop is completely blank and I have no menu to turn off or reboot the system.

It took this computer to a local Apple store and they ran many different hardware diagnostic tests on it. They concluded there's "technically" nothing wrong with the computer. But they said although the system has successfully passed all hardware tests, there may still remain some complicated but slight hardware glitch/es which the hardware diagnostics could not pick up.

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Ubuntu :: Conky Clock And Top Panel Clock Not In Sync

May 27, 2011

I'm using a very simple conky script to diplay the date and time on my desktop. I've noticed that he conky clock is a few seconds early compared to the time displayed in the right hand side of the top panel (Natty). I guess both displays are based on the same "internal" time, so I'm left wondering how this could happen, and how to sync back the clocks.

It seems that Conky is in sync with the system date, while the panel clock is 2 seconds late (on my system). Checked with while true; do date; sleep 0.1; done

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Have Clock In Center Of Task Bar Centered Clock In U11.04?

Aug 2, 2011

Just curious as to if it is possible to have the clock in the center of the task bar centered clock in Ubuntu 11.04?

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Debian Configuration :: Bad Superblock On Ext4 Filesystem - Everytime - Computer Powered Off - Clock Resets To 1999

Jan 15, 2010

I added an ext4dev filesystem to my hard drive as /dev/sda3 and mounted at /share with the goal of putting all of my multimedia files on it and sharing it through NFS. I followed this guide: [url]

Of course, this was from lenny (hence the -dev). The partition was fine, and I mounted it numerous times. I also performed a dist-upgrade to squeeze. I shutdown that computer with the usual 'shutdown -h now' and disconnected the AC power cord from it, because I wasn't planning on using that machine for awhile. As far as I could determine, everything was fine before I unplugged it.

Every time that computer is powered off, the clock resets to 1999 because the battery is bad. So I am used to getting the "last mount time is in the future" error.

Three weeks after halting, I powered the computer back on. It was unplugged until this point. I got an error message when it attempted to mount /dev/sda3

I then removed its line from /etc/fstab, rebooted. and tried to check it, but I just keep getting the same error-- even with the '-b 8193' option.

The machine is still using the 2.6.26 kernel from lenny. I am building a new one right now (2.6.30), hoping that the problem is caused by the ext4dev/ext4 module. Otherwise I don't know what to do.

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Hardware :: Interface To A Quartz Clock That Can Be Used For A TOD Clock?

May 2, 2011

Does anyone know of an interface to a quartz clock that can be used for a TOD clock?? I want to interface it to an Arduino board. Can be GPIO or USB.

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CentOS 5 :: Get Rid Of Virtual Clock And Use Physical Clock?

Sep 2, 2011

I had cloned a centos 5.6 installation from virtualbox virtual machine to physical box. Everything work fine. However, the time showing in os using date command differs from bios time by roughly 4 hours. I am running ntp services which sync the time with another centos server on the network. It appears that some services are using virtual clock and some use physical clock. How do I get rid of virtual clock and only use physical clock?

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Ubuntu :: How To Set Clock To GMT+2

Aug 25, 2010

I live in Helsinki. The time zone is GMT+2. I tried to set the clock in BIOS but Ubuntu's clock is still 3 hours late. Why? And how to fix it? PS. I want command-line solutions, not GUI.

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Ubuntu :: Second Clock On Panel?

May 11, 2010

I noticed that there is a clock in my notification area. This isn't really a problem but it looks pretty right next to another clock.

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Ubuntu :: Clock Isn't Showing Up?

Mar 8, 2011

I've finally returned to Ubuntu after leaving it in 2005 because of compatibility issues, but now I'm back and am hoping to stay. My experience with Ubuntu has been great by far and I can safely say that it has improved since '05. Anyway, I'm just wanting to fix this minor little occurrence I just had. You see, the Ubuntu clock and weather isn't appearing anymore. It was there and I don't even remember seeing it removed until now. I don't recall doing anything other than browse the web at the moment and I do recall the time being there before I did some surfing. Anyway, My name is still listed in the upper-right corner of the screen still. Just not the time. Did anyone else have this problem and know of a fix?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot See Clock After 11.04 Upgrade

Apr 29, 2011

After the upgrade I cannot see the time, which usually appears at the top-right part of the screen. When I click on it and get the calendar, I can faintly discern the numbers that are there.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Blank And Clock Goes Off

Mar 1, 2010

I was just surfing the web the screen suddenly went blank and then the clock went off.

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Ubuntu :: Change From 24 Hour Clock?

Apr 2, 2010

No clue how to change the 24 hour clock format in Lubuntu 10.04 Beta.

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Ubuntu :: Clock 3 Hours Behind On Boot Up

Jun 10, 2010

Everytime I boot up my computer the clock is 3 hours behind. I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and had it on another computer and never had this problem before.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Does Not Auto Clock Down CPU When Idle

Jul 7, 2010

When I'm on windows 7 my core i3 processors automatically clocks down when not much CPU power is needed. Somehow I have the idea that ubuntu 10.04 doesn't auto clock down my CPU when idle. I can tell by the short life my full battery has on ubuntu. Only 2hours compared to 5 on windows 7. Is there a way to manage this? So that the CPU automaticly adjusts it's clock settings?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple OSs And The System Clock?

Aug 4, 2010

I triple boot with XP on the first partition, sidux on the second and third and Ubuntu on the fourth. sidux controls grub2. When I boot into XP or Ubuntu, my clock gets set ahead 4 hours to UTC time (I'm on Eastern daylight time).

Is there a way for all three OSs to display the right time?

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Ubuntu :: Weather On Clock Panel

Aug 23, 2010

The weather for Dar es Salaam, Tanzania never changes. Its always 32 degrees and always sunny. To who can I report this bug to?

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Ubuntu :: Add A Clock To The Main Menu?

Aug 26, 2010

Is there an app which adds a clock to the main menu? Otherwise is there another unobtrusive clock?

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Ubuntu :: Alarm Clock Program Goes Off?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm looking for an easy to use alarm clock program that I can suggest to new users. The two I have tried so far have fallen short of my expectations. "Alarm Clock" from the Ubuntu software repository starts out okay, but when the alarm actually goes off, getting it to stop seems pretty unintuitive. Click on the Alarm Clock icon, then click a Stop button in the new window that pops up. Sounds easy enough except that the icon used for "Stop" is just this grey square, so for users who are not familiar with linux or this program, it isn't even obvious that it is a button. I had one user actually uninstall the thing in order to get it to shut up. Preferably one should be able to silence the alarm by click on the alarm icon (or right clicking, if a 'doze' behavior is preferred) The other one I tried was alarm-clock-applet, which wants me to locate an alarm sound on my filesystem. Uh, no.

Does anyone know of a simple, basic alarm clock system that anyone can just sit down and immediately use without having to 'get in to the head' of the developer? Are the KDE alarms better? Am I missing something about either of these programs which would make them easier to use?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC Clock Is Off (in Display)?

Dec 2, 2010

The run timer in the lower left corner in the VLC window is off by a factor of 1.5553333...It displays 3 minutes elapsed, and 4:40 has elapsed on my stopwatch.edit:I just calculated the error for a 2 hour recording, and it worked out exactly - the clock is off by a factor of 1.5553333, for this captured format.

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Ubuntu :: How To Cook A Penguin Egg Using KDE Clock

Feb 19, 2011

I'm in front of the computer and my wife just asked me to time 9 minutes... I thought I could do it with the KDE clock, but apparently not. I'm sure there are plenty of complicated calendar programs that can do that, but what's the simplest way to do it ?!?

PS1: you have 7 minutes left to answer

PS2: if you want to really know how to cook a penguin egg, the answer is hidden on my site...

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Ubuntu :: Clock Applet Not Updating

Feb 20, 2011

I used gconf-editor to change the format of the date and time displayed on the panel (I wanted sort-able strings for pasting into a table of OpenOffice base, since base can not automatically insert the current timestamp value into a column with the create time of its table row).which is not the default formatting, and the gconf-editor dialog does not show a separate attribute for setting the format of the date separately from the time format. Where is the format string for the date portion of the current date and time value ?

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Ubuntu :: Have A Window Decoration Like A Clock

May 12, 2011

I have my toolbars (top and bottom) set to autohide to save screen real estate, but I need to have a clock so I always know what time it is (my clock widget keeps disappearing). There's actually tons of real estate going to waste on the top window bar. I know the program I'm looking at, and I know where I am. I think it would be cool if we could just get rid of the top bar thing, or at least make it 1/3 the size.

Otherwise, I'd like to have a clock on it, at least, since it's completely blank all the way across to the right side of the screen.

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General :: How To Adjust Clock In Ubuntu

Mar 3, 2010

I want to adjust clock in ubuntu. When I installed it it asked about location and setting if for asia it automatically take the clock, but that timing is not correct. It showed 10 pm when actually it was 5pm. After installation I tried it to adjust but it could not be automatically took that previous timing.

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General :: Ubuntu Clock Is Wrong / Can't Change It

Sep 20, 2011

I have a strange problem with my Ubuntu Natty virtual machine running under VirtualBox on OSX.One day last week, my clock on the top bar in Gnome stopped displaying the correct time (I'm not running Unity). I'm on GMT, so right now it should be 9:31, but it's showing 3:31, so I think it's something to do with TimeZones. If I go into the date and time applet, the time is initially wrong but after a second sets itself to the correct GMT Time. The timezone is correclty set as London and it makes no difference if I unlock and set it again or select manual or automatic from internet time.

From a bash prompt, the "date" command shows: "Tue Sep 20 03:33:35 CDT 2011".If I run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" I am correctly set as London. Upon exiting the commnand I'm shown the correct London time, but then typing "date" again shows the CDT time again.The clock is correct in OSX. This has been working fine for a month or two - I think it stopped working after an update last week. Any ideas?

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Ubuntu :: Clock Applet Date Format?

Apr 28, 2010

I could find nothing on it. I want to change the date format for the clock in the upper right corner of the screen so that instead of reading [Wed 28 Apr, 11:51 AM] I will say [Wed 11:51 AM].

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Ubuntu :: Remove Clock From Indicator Applet?

May 11, 2010

the indicator applet on Lucid has a clock, so that I now have two in my panel: the clock applet and the one in the indicator applet. I prefer the clock applet and would like to get rid of the clock in the indicator applet.

It should be possible, since the clock only shows up on my desktop PC, not my laptop.

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