Slackware :: Way To Preserve Audio Fidelity When Ripping?

Jul 6, 2011

Which ways do you use and on what settings do you rip audio cd's to preserve the best fidelity?I installed rubyripper but the multitude of options and formats is a bit baffling for a noob. Basically I want a rip thats closest to the actual CD and not a wav file.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ripping Audio CDs Besides Rhythymbox And Audio CD Extractor?

Apr 9, 2011

What is available for ripping audio CDs besides Rhythymbox and Audio CD Extractor?

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Ubuntu :: Ripping Audio CD As AAC?

Oct 29, 2010

I tried sound juicer for this purpose but I don't know how to set the bitrate in that. By default it rips at 128k I guess but I need to rip at 320 kbps. I also downloaded neroAacEnc and tried to use it with k3b by adding an entry in external encoding tools with command neroAacEnc -if %f -of %n.

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Fedora :: Ripping Audio CD's Into ALAC?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm wondering if it's possible to use Sound Juicer to rip CD audio into ALAC (Apple Lossless)?

I noticed you can edit/add profiles but I wouldn't begin to know how to do this...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ripping Audio From Bin/cue?

Jun 7, 2010

I've got a bin/cue duo that contains 1 data track and some audio tracks I wish to rip. However, I can't get to the audio tracks. I've tried mounting the bin/cue with AcetoneISO, but it just shows me the data part. I've tried converting the files using

bchunk foo.bin foo.cue foo

and it converts to 2 files, an iso and a cdr. The .cdr file, as far as I can see, cannot be opened by anything. And so I turn to you, dear fellow Ubuntu-ers for assistance. How can I get to the audio files in the image and rip them?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Program For Ripping Audio To 8Kb/s MP3?

May 10, 2010

I recorded many useful lectures this year. They are now on my HDD an with their 196Kb/s mp3 compression they take almost 30Gigs of space.good GUI Ubuntu 10.4 program for ripping them to smallest size possible (I don't care about quality - they are voice recordings) 8 Kb/s would be nice. But all programs I have tested since offer me only higher qualities.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ripping Audio From BBC IPlayer Flash Stream?

Nov 3, 2010

I am looking at ripping the audio from a very old episode of 'In Our Time'. The episode is so old that it predates the podcast (which of course, would solve all my problems). I would like to use something like icecream or VLC to rip the audio from the 'Listen Now' link on this page. Unfortunately I am having a hard time finding the actual URL. The player itself is a Flash widget, so it is something more complicated than looking for OGG, mp3 or RAM file extensions in the page source. If there are some nifty command flags I should add when invoking icecream on the command line, I am all ears.

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Slackware :: RC1 K3B Hangs After Ripping To Flac?

May 18, 2010

Looks like k3b is hanging after finishing ripping an audio cd to flac.

Doing a "ps -ef |grep flac" shows that the external flac child-process it invokes has ended.

This was working prior to BETA1, though I'm not sure if it was the k3b updates in BETA1 or anything subsequent that broke it.


Found a similar report on Ubuntu forums for 10.04 but using the lame encoder. As k3b used the 'external encoder plugin" for both lame and flac it looks like the same issue and it's clearly not slackware specific.

Ubuntu bug report (no info as of yet): [URL]

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Slackware :: Slackware 13.1 VIA VT1708S Audio Driver - Get Working Without Rebuilding The Kernel?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm trying to bring my Slackware system back to life as my XP HDD is dying... I've got everything working except for my audio. I got a new motherboard (ASRock P43DE3) and it has a VIA VT1708S as the onboard audio. Is there any way I can get this working without rebuilding the kernel?

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Slackware :: Audio CD Is Not Mounting

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to listen to an audio cd but when I try to find it, either through an ikon on the desktop, (XFCE), or through a media player, -Amarok - vlc, the file manager, (Thunar), nor even ultimately the Terminal, can I find anything in the CD-rom drive when a music CD is played in it.I can easily copy the contents of the CD to my home directory using cdparanoia.When I place a CD with an ISO image or a DVD from Linux Format, for example, I have no problems opening or browsing them.I had also run alsaconf and it completed easily. But still nothing shows up, and the superblock error is still there.

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Slackware :: Cannot Play Audio CD On 13.0 KDE 4.2.4

Feb 24, 2010

I use Slackware full-time on my personal machine, a Lenovo T61, and I've used Slackware happily for the past 15 years. I've always been able to find answers to my questions by searching, but this time I'm stumped and find myself posting my first question ever to a help site. Recently installed Slackware 13.0 out of the box, which has KDE 4.2.4. I've added myself as a regular user, and made sure I'm a member of the audio and cdrom groups. I've configured sound with alsaconf and alsamixer, and sound works fine when playing digital files (audio and video). I can mount data CDs and DVDs, and read them with Dolphin. When I insert an audio CD, I can't get any application to see it, except for the "Last plugged in device" widget, which only gives me K3B as an option to rip the CD - no option to play the CD. If I allow K3B to launch, that application can see the tracks. KDE 4 does not have good support for playing audio CDs. I've seen various suggestions for fixes that relate to udev, HAL and adding actions. I'm out of my league here, as I'm a casual user, not one who can dive into these details. My guess is that udev is OK because K3B can see the audio CD. When I look at /usr/share/apps/solid/actions, I see the following:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2871 2009-03-26 07:42 test-predicate-openinwindow.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2385 2009-04-02 23:16 k3b_videodvd_rip.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 861 2009-04-02 23:16 k3b_create_data_project_from_blank_medium.desktop


There are no actions that appear to relate to start playing a CD, so I think this is where the problem lies, but I'm not sure, and if it is, I don't know how to fix it. Things have gotten a lot more complicated over the years...Playing an audio CD should be a simple task, and I'm embarrassed that it's taking so long to debug this problem.

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Slackware :: K3B Can't Burn Audio CDs?

May 28, 2010

I had this issue in Slackware64 13 but I had hoped that it would have been fixed in 13.1. I have my permissions setup correctly, I can even burn DVDs just fine, but every audio CD I try to burn in k3b gives me an unknown error with regard to cdrtools (254). It gives me this error at about 200mb of writing every single time, even when simulating the burn. Here is the error log that k3b puts out.

TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB02 (/dev/sr0, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL) [DVD-ROM, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Jump, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite, DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW] [SAO, TAO, RAW, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, RAW/R16, RAW/R96P, RAW/R96R, Restricted Overwrite, Layer Jump] [%7]


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General :: Slackware 13 Can't Play Some Audio

Jul 4, 2010

I recently upgraded to slackware 13, and I discovered that the only things I can do audio wise is play audio CD's and adjust mixer volumes. I have a DELL C600 with a Maestro 3i soundcard. I am able to use the laptops advanced volume controls and I even played with the builtin KDE4 mixer over and over again. I have also unloaded and reloaded drivers. Is there a step I am missing? I even tried to test a wave file with "aplay", and that program locks up until I hit ctrl+c.

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Slackware :: Audio Signals Too Short In K3B?

May 2, 2010

I just noticed, that the fanfare that signals a successfully finished burn process in K3B is interrupted after the first three tones. How can I get back the fanfare in full length?

I am on Slackware64-current with all updates up to 2nd May, 2010.

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Slackware :: How To Get Red Book Audio Playback

Jun 18, 2011

Sounds like a trivial thing, but how do you do it? How do you play a plain red book audio CD? I have tried xmms, audacious and mplayer. The only success I have had (if you can call it that) is with the latter, mplayer. Using the command:

mplayer -cdrom-device /dev/sr0 cdda://3 -cache 6000
I get the warnings:

Cache not filling, consider increasing -cache and/or -cache-min!
Cache not filling, consider increasing -cache and/or -cache-min!

The program plays the audio, but there is a huge latency prior to starting the playback, making it very cumbersome to change tracks and having to wait. I have tried with various cache values as well as using the "-cache-min" argument, to no avail. What values are certain to work?

As for xmms and audacious I get the errors:
Audacious: When trying "audacious /dev/sr0"

unix-io: read failed: Input/output error.
MADPlug-Message: Rejecting file:///dev/sr0; cannot read from file.
unix-io: read failed: Input/output error.
unix-io: read failed: Input/output error.
XMMS: When trying "xmms /dev/sr0": No error

It simply does nothing except starting up and not playing. My system is a 32-bit Slackware 13.1.0 on a fast x86. I have tried with different audio CDs.

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Slackware :: Send Audio Over Network

Jun 24, 2011

I have a laptop that I want to connect to my stereo via USB, and I want the other computers on my network to be able to send sound to it somewhat transparently. By "transparently" I mean that I want to be able to send literally any audio that would go through my local speakers to the stereo via the network. As far as I know, PulseAudio can do this without rebuilding any multimedia packages. No one really has anything good to say about PulseAudio, though.

As of now I'm ready to wipe the laptop (Pentium 4) and put pretty much anything (*nix) on it. I know PulseAudio is pretty easy to get running on *buntu, so I might end up doing that. I just want to be able to turn on the laptop and connect the stereo (in any order) and without doing anything else, have it ready to go on the network. Of course, I'm willing to put in some work to get it running. I prefer Slackware and FreeBSD, but the machine will literally just be there to send sound to the stereo.

Someone on suggested NAS as a solution to a similar problem; however, I can't find anything useful regarding how to configure it, troubleshoot it, etc. I've only found random threads on the web by people who know how to use it or by people who can't find any resources for it.

Anyway, I'll be busy setting up PulseAudio to see how that works out. I can always wipe the laptop later, and I have a Kubuntu boot on my main laptop that I don't really care about.

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Slackware :: Can Not Chat Video And Audio

Sep 12, 2010

has anybody tried out This is a web based instant messaging service, it lets users chat on AIM, Google Talk, MSN, MySpace, Skype, and Yahoo. My problem is, that I can not chat video and audio with it under slackware. I have video camera, it works for example in Skype (with the propriatare software of Skype), but with not.

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Slackware :: Audio CDs In KDE 4.x - Bunch Of .cda Tracks

May 28, 2010

I've run into something very interesting over the past several months with audio CDs and KDE 4.3.1. Background: I've got two computers running Slackware 13 --stable with Vincent Batts's KDE 4.3.1 packages. One of them is a desktop running Slackware64 and the other is a laptop running 32-bit Slackware. The two computers are running almost the same software too. I like to listen to audio books that I get from the library on my MP3 player. The vast majority of them are CD audio (as opposed to MP3 books), so the disks simply have a whole bunch of .cda tracks on them when I view them in Windows.

HOWEVER, when I view them in Dolphin or Konqueror, I get several folders offering the files in different formats. For instance, there's a folder for the individual tracks as .wav and another for .ogg files. The folder that I really like is one called something like "Full CD," which offers the whole disk in one file in four different formats. That's the one I like. I can get the whole disk in one OGG file so that an entire book is just 12 files on my Sanza. The only thing that seemed strange was that it took for freaking ever to "copy" from the CD to my hard drive.

I think I figure out what's going on! I think that Dolphin is actually calling K3B when I click on the audio CD and when I "copy" from the CD to the hard drive, it is actually encoding the .CDA files. The Problem(s)Until recently, the burn (if that's what it is) was slow on the 64-bit machine, but it worked. However, in the last week or so, it seems that the last few bytes of data to burn are taking forever (like an hour or more) to do so. I hear a strange clicking from my drive, so maybe that's the whole problem. I'm going to get a new drive and see what happens. The burn works well on my 32-bit laptop, but it doesn't recognize audio CDs when I insert them like the 64-bit desktop does. I need to open Dolphin and type 'audiocd:' in the toolbar for it to recognize the disk. Then everything works well. So: Am I understanding what's actually going on with audio CDs? Why does my desktop computer recognize audio CDs when they're inserted, but the laptop doesn't?

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OpenSUSE :: Where Is CD Ripping In 11.4?

Apr 26, 2011

I see that we don't have either KAudioCreator nor Grip in openSUSE 11.4? Why not? What cd-ripping tool is supported now?

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Hardware :: VIA VT1708S Slackware Audio Not Working?

Dec 23, 2010

i cant get the audio to work i am on slack 64 bit. i did run alsaconf and it sees my card. tryed turning up volume but no sound at all

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Slackware :: Audio Hijacked By Video Card?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm putting this here because it's so weird nobody will think of it, and I need help. I installed Slackware 13.1 a couple of months back. Today, I decided I wanted to hear something. But the video card's hdmi thing took over as the sound device. lsmod sees more snd modules than you've had hot dinners (all ac97 stuff & hda_intel stuff)ls /dev/dsp* just showed /dev/dsp1The sound is some crappy little ac97 thing (CMI9761A) and the video is an ATI/AMD hd4650. I got the ac97 'back' by removing agpgart from the /etc/rc.d/rc.modules script :-o, Now I have /dev/dsp (only) and sound works

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Slackware :: Audio Output Only On Headphones On Laptop?

Oct 10, 2010

I want to make the audio available only on my headset and to turn the laptop speakers off. In windows, when i plug in the headphones, the speakers automatically turn off and audio is output only on the heads but that's not the case with slackware. I was looking in alsamixer and the audio and video configuration, but no success.

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Slackware :: Can't Find A Way To Play Audio CD From Cd Icon

Apr 28, 2010

don't let the subjective title distract you. But I am finding kde 4 a bit of chore. I cannot find a way to play audio CD from cd icon. When I insert a CD the only option I get is to extract the cd but not play it.

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Slackware :: KDE4 Can Only Play One Audio Stream

Apr 2, 2010

Every KDE4 application seems to take over the sound card. If I'm playing a song in Amarok and launch Dragon Player, the song stops. If I'm playing a song in an xterm using "mplayer -ao alsa" and then launch Dragon Player, the song stops. Most annoying of all, if I'm playing music in _anything_ and then a notification sounds in Kopete, the music stops.However, if I launch two xterms and play two different MP3s by running "mplayer -ao alsa" in each one, both songs play. So software mixing is working with my sound card.

This made me wonder if KDE is outputting music through OSS instead of ALSA. Well, KDE's audio backend is set to xine, and xine is outputting through ALSA. Under System Settings->Multimedia->Audio Ouput, the only devices I see.

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Slackware :: Use One Of Machines For All Kinds Of Audio Applications?

Jan 2, 2010

I'd like to use one of my machines for all kinds of audio applications, including home recording (MIDI and analog). Now I am looking for a suitable audio/recording interface. I've searched the web, but didn't find a lot of current information. Most of what I found is outdated.

RME Hammerfall seems to be brilliant, but exceeds my budget. MAudio 2496 seems to be excellent in quality, but a bit limited in connectivity. ESI Juli@ appears to be even better, but the parts exposed to the outside of the computer case don't seem to be overly robust..And that seem already to be all PCI devices supported by ALSA for my purpose! (MAudio Audiophile 192, e. g., is reported not to work that well).

Now I thought, I could avoid all this hassle by choosing a USB device. However, situation seems to be even worse. Terratec DMX 6Fire USB is not supported, at all, MAudio Fast Track Pro is limited to USB 1.1 and 48kHz (I want 96 kHz, at least!) only and requires a patch for 24 Bits. And so on...

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Fedora :: CD Ripping Software?

Jun 13, 2010

When I used to use Ubuntu. I had the choice between RipOff or ripperX. What's available in the fedora repos?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No MP3 Ripping From CDs

Oct 26, 2010

I'm a newbie to Suse and determined to stick with it.Mp3s play in amarok, option to rip cd to mp3s as well. However empty folder created with no MP3. I tried K3B and error re: need MP3 Mad MP3 library. I have read various forum posts and can't pinpoint where the issue arises.I have gone through steps on multimedia repos and restricted formats. I will submit details of my system shortly, but in meantime wonder if there is a simple solution I am missing not done.

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Ubuntu :: Ripping CDs Faster?

Mar 26, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.10 64-Bit Desktop Edition, and I am looking for a faster way to rip CDs, without having to resort to Windows. I try to rip a CD, but it takes 20+ minutes just to get the files copied, then another 5 or so minutes to burn the cd!I have a new SATA interface CD/DVD burner, so I know it is not the hardware.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: CD Ripping To Mp3?

May 25, 2011

I've been doing some searching on the internet about how to rip my cd's to mp3 within ubuntu. I seem to find that LAME isn't a good way to convert the files. I saw the sticky within the forums and RubbyRipper is recommended, but the installation seemed a bit confusing to me. Everything else I found through my search was considerably old. I'm using Karmic Koala. Any suggestions? (This is also a sticking point for people I try to convince to switch over to ubuntu, btw.)

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Ubuntu :: CPU At 98% Long After Ripping CD?

May 14, 2010

The fan on my laptop is constantly running after ripping a track from CD. Entering "top" into terminal reveals this:

top - 12:20:13 up 1:01, 2 users, load average: 1.21, 0.96, 0.49
Tasks: 128 total, 3 running, 125 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie


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