Slackware :: Boot Hangs When Udev Encounters Webcam?

Jul 10, 2010

I have just installed slack-13.1 on an acer aspire one netbook from a usb stick by booting the install kernel with noudev. I was able to do a complete install including lilo but upon rebooting my boot hangs when encountering my webcam.I see enough info to note the id as 0c45:62c0. This is a microdia webcam which I may be able to do something about later but in the first instance I'd like to be able to boot my system. The bios is very basic and there is no way to disable devices.

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OpenSUSE Install :: During Boot Hangs About 4 Min At Udev?

Mar 17, 2010

During the boot process the machine (Fujitsu Celsius M470) hangs about 4 min at udev:loading drivers. After that it continues and I can work with the OpenSuse 11.2 system without problems.I activated the debug log in /etc/udev/udev.confthen I see that it is doing a lot in that time, at the end I see the message:udevadm settle timeout queue contains: a long list of pci/usb entries (no entries in any log for this)

in the logfile I find:udevd-work[1071]: '/sbin/modprobe' (stderr) 'FATAL: Error inserting ipmi_si (/lib/modules/ No such device'there is no ipmi. how can I deactivate the loading of this module?

udevd-work[412]: '/sbin/modprobe' (stderr) 'FATAL: Module input:b0019v0000p0001e0000_e0,1,k74,ramlsfw not found.'
Mar 17 11:35:36 mira udevd-work[418]: '/sbin/modprobe' (stderr) 'FATAL: Module


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CentOS 5 :: Udev Hangs On Boot For A Long Time, Suspect Pam_console_apply?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm hoping someone knows about this one... I'm running the latest CentOS 5.4 with kernel 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5 (x86_64).When I boot the machine, it gets to the udev starting bit, hangs for like 5 minutes, then prints a message "Failed, will continue in the background." Then it boots OK after that.I tried booting again with the kernel option (from grub) "udevdebug", and what I saw when it tried again was a million messages saying it was waiting for "/sbin/pam_console_apply" to return, but I guess it wasn't returning... ;) Again, after 5 minutes, it gave up and finished booting.Now, this host is an LDAP client.

I figured that may have something to do with it as it is likely that pam_console_apply tries to make an LDAP lookup, which is wrong, because networking hasn't even started yet. If I disable LDAP (by removing ldap lookups in nsswitch.conf), I get no pam_console_apply errors from udev and it boots quickly. But that's a bummer, I need LDAP on this box, and I don't want my boot time to be 7-8 minutes. ;)Presumably before, when LDAP was enabled and it waited 5 minutes and then notified me that it will "continue in the background", that it was eventually successful after networking started. LDAP otherwise works fine on this box, just like all the other servers we have.This is new behavior, I've not seen it with CentOS 5.3 and below. Has anyone seen this? Any hints on what I can do to avoid it? It seems like a pam bug or something, but I don't know for sure.

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Fedora :: 11 Boot Time / System Hangs For A Very Long Time On Starting Udev?

Sep 25, 2009

When booting Fedora 11, my system hangs for a very long time on starting udev. Sometimes I get an I/O error. However, my hardware is fine. I do eventually get in to the system.

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Slackware :: Udev Rule Not Starting Gpsd During Boot?

May 29, 2011

I'm trying to configure gpsd 2.96 to start automatically from udev rule on a Slack 13.37 box.1. I've compiled and installed gpsd from sources and made sure it starts manually.2. I've copied the /lib/udev/gpsd.hotplug and /lib/udev/gpsd.hotplug.wrapper scripts in their places from the source tree and made them executable.3. I've copied the gpsd.rules file from sources into /etc/udev/rules.d4. I renamed it 99-persistent-gpsd.rules to run late in the bootup process.5. I've copied the /etc/default/gpsd file from sources and made sure it has the right settings inside.

Now, for the results. If I plug the gps usb dongle in while the system runs, it starts gpsd if it is not started, and it connects to it just as it should. But if I start the system with the dongle in, gpsd doesn't get started during boot. I can't find any relevant message in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages for boot time. There is stuff there from when I plug the dongle in while the system is running though. It's like udev ignores the rules for it at boot time.Is there something in the Slackware boot scripts that would prevent running those scriptssd.hotplug.wrapper which in turn runs /lib/udev/gpsd.hotplug which is a Python script)?Here is the contents of 99-persistent-gpsd.rules (ignore the comments referring to Debian, it was meant for a Debian box). My usb gps adapter is the first one - the Prolific chipset one:

# udev rules for gpsd
# $Id: gpsd.rules 5861 2009-08-03 13:41:01Z bzed $


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Slackware :: Udev Start In Current Provokes Kernel Crash Because - Wrong - Boot Option

Dec 24, 2010

I switched today to slackware-current on one of my desktops to play with it and ran directly into a problem.

Since ages my lilo.conf has two entries for slackware. One for runlevel 3 and one for runlevel 4.


Since the upgrade this is no more possible because I get a kernel panic as soon as udevadm trigger is called. The stack says something about an unknown boot option. Because that i removed the append lines from my lilo.conf and i was able to boot the system. The crash happens when udev is called from within the ramdisk and afterwards. I tried both.

My question is now. Is this a bug in udev or expected? I have this setup since at least 5 years and had never problems with that. What do I have to do to be able to select the runlevel at boot time?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.1 - Installation Hangs On Starting UDev

Dec 21, 2008

I want to try the new 11.1. When I start the installation (x86_64 DVD), the startup is hanging. The last message is "Starting udev...". Keyboard is completely frozen, only reset button is working. Mobo is an Intel DG965WH with 4GB RAM and ATI Graphic card (ASUS1950pro). My opensuse 11.0 runs without any problems.

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Slackware :: USB Boot Hangs On Acer Aspire One

May 31, 2010

I have installed the 13.1 usbboot.img to a usb stick and tried to boot up an acer aspire one aod751 but it hangs when it come to the onboard webcam.I am guessing that there is no driver for this webcam.There is no way to disable the usb cam in the bios setup.Is there a command that can be given at boot so that there is no attempt to load the driver for this webcam?

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Slackware :: Boot Process Hangs At Audio Driver - No Sound / Get It?

Jul 13, 2010

When my system boots it hangs at


and hangs for another 120 seconds. In X11 I have no sound at all even after running alsaconf with no errors. My sound works perfectly in Ubuntu, so it's not a hardware problem. Are the two problems related or are they two separate things? Any help here would be hot.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hangs At "Starting Udev..."

May 24, 2010

where the install hangs at the "Starting udev..." and nothing seems to be able to get the system to run the install. I have tried starting the install with edd=off, apci=off, noapic, apci=ht, and a variety of other options listed on posts. I have tried versions 11.0, 11.1, 11.2, and 10.2 with no success with any of these. With 10.2 it does not hard lock the system so I am able to Alt-F4 to see some debugging info and I am getting the following "it[1] trap divide error rip:2b6b0c281123 rsp:7fff9e95fdf0 error 0". With any of the version 11 installs the system completely hard locks with "Starting udev..." I have verified the installation media of all distros, re-downloaded the iso files, and burned using the slowest setting all with the same results. I have gone into the bios of my machine and disabled the APCIMCFG, High Precision Event Timer, SW Mem Hole Remap, and UnGanged Enabled. I have also tried to enable this IOMMU option for the memory but still nothing. I have tried using just one of the SATA drives by unplugging the other 5 and same results. I did notice that from time to time I see something from squashfs.ko saying "Clocksource tsc unstable"

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Slackware :: Disable Or Configure Udev For Initrd?

Nov 8, 2010

I've recently updated my Slackware 13.1 system to the Slackware current. Although I have created my "initrd" image without specifying the "-u" option to "mkinitrd" it still starts up "udev".

That is causing me some difficulty because I am using "dmraid" to detect my RAID arrays. I had created my own device names such as "/dev/sdr2" for my root partition. With 13.1 I had no problem, since "udev" was not started by the "initrd" unless the "-u" option was provided. The current version seems to start up "udev" even without that option.

Is there a way to disable "udev" in the "initrd", or is there a way to specify custom "udev" rules for an "initrd"? I tried placing a "10-local.rules" file in the "etc/udev/rules.d" directory of the "initrd-tree" but that file had no effect on the device names generated by "udev" during the "initrd".

Here is my script that creates the "initrd".


ROOTDEVNAME="/dev/sdr2"# Name of root device
LINUXVER=""# Linux modules version
CLIBVER="2.12.1"# C library version
ROOTDIR="/boot/initrd-tree"# Location of root filesystm


It will be helpful for me to understand "udev" issues related to an "initrd" because I will eventually try to use "mdadm" instead of "dmraid". So far I have only been able to get my system to boot from the RAID array using "dmraid" and I often run into new problems when I update Linux. Still, Slackware has proven to have the best support for booting from my RAID array because of the user community, documentation and flexibility.

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Slackware :: Udev Not Creating Usb/hiddev* Nodes?

Dec 3, 2010

Are there any prerequisites which much be met in order for udev to create /dev/usb/hiddev* nodes?

I have two Slack 13.0 systems, each connected to a APC UPS via USB, one of which creates a hiddev0 node and the other doesn't. apcupsd can't find the UPS unless this node is present.

The "working" system has been stable in its current configuration for so long that I honestly can't remember if I had to tweak anything in this regard. I've verified that it doesn't use any local udev rules to create this node, and to the best of my knowledge there are no external scripts or processes which would create it either.

The non-working system has a similar configuration - no local rules and/or scripts which touch usb devices or nodes.

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CentOS 5 :: Udev Hangs After Upgrade To CentOS 5.4?

May 7, 2010

I have encountered the same problem as indicated in this post: "udev hang after upgrade from 5.3 to 5.4"[URL]... I'm testing the upgrade path to centos 5.4 on several virtual machines prior to upgrading our production systems. I have upgraded centos 5.2 --> centos 5.4 and centos 5.3 to centos 5.4. In both cases udev hangs after the upgrade. The following message is displayed on the console: "Starting udev: Wait timeout. Will continue in the background [FAILED]"

I found another related post: "udev hangs on boot for a long time, suspect pam_console_apply"[URL]..So, I booted by VMs using the "udevdebug" option to grub and received the same error message - "udevd-event [###]: run_program: Waiting ## seconds for output of '/sbin/pam_console_apply /dev/..."

In my /etc/ldap.conf file "bind_policy hard" is commented out. I added a line "bind_policy soft" as described in the post and my VMs booted fine. NOTE: This problem is not encountered with a fresh install of CentOS 5.4 and the "bind_policy hard" option in the /etc/ldap.conf is commented out as in the upgraded systems. What is really causing this problem and how do I get it addressed? I have a couple hundred systems to update from various releases of CentOS 5 to the latest current version 5.4. It would be nice to get this bug squashed..


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Programming :: Sort Command Output Differs When Encounters?

Mar 18, 2010

Here is what I am doing I have a file, a.txt for example, with following contents:

coreutils install
cpio install
cpp install
cpp-4.3 install
dbus install


So it seems like the sorting algo. for dpkg --get-selections is different than sorting algo. of 'sort' command when it encounters "-" (hyphen). How can I sort the original file (a.txt) in such a way that it produces the output file ,b.txt, exactly the same.

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Slackware :: Submit An Enhancement Request - Envar PATH When Run By Udev

Apr 7, 2010

The value of envar PATH for processes run by the udev system is "/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:.". If peer review (that's you!) agrees it is a poor choice how can I submit an enhancement request? The man pages do not say anything about bug reporting. Here are reasons why it is a bizarre choice:There is no /gnu/bin directory on as-installed Slackware. /usr/local/bin is empty (or very nearly empty?) on as-installed Slackware. Processes running under udev run as root; having "." in PATH is not good practice when running as root. Processes running under udev are likely to be doing "system" work so executables from the sbin directories are likely to be used. For example, udevadm itself is /sbin/udevadm. Presumably this PATH is set by udevd itself; it is not the PATH in effect when udevd is started by rc.M. AFAIK udevd's PATH is not configurable. The workaround is for processes initiated by udev to set a sane PATH for themselves, perhaps "/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin". EDIT: seen on Slackware 13.0 32 bit. EDIT2: rc.udev is run from rc.S, not rc.M as stated above

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Slackware :: Write Udev Rules For USB Hard Disk Drives?

Aug 16, 2010

I just bought a USB hard disk and when I plug it in it gets mounted as owner root and group root. I tried writing a udev rule for it based on the following guide:Nothing seems to work, it always mounts as root. Slackware 13.1, KDE, Dell Optiplex GX280, Western Digital Passport USB 320 gig drive.I am a member of the plugdev group, so it seems to me a rule should not even be necessary.

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Slackware :: UDev Playing Hide And Seek With EthX Device

Feb 24, 2010

Some times I boot up, and udev has labelled what is usually eth0 as eth1. Of course, my rc.inet1.conf is configured for seeing internet at eth0, so no connection, quite obviously. Then I reboot and the device label is back to "eth0". Actually I'm still not able to get connected, even at eth0, despite my nameservers being OK, and the default route gateway being all OK. PS. I have a static ip address.

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Programming :: Bash Daemon Encounters Syntax Error After Midnight?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a daemon script which wakes up every 5 minutes and checks the health of started processes. It works fine during the day but throws a syntax error just after midnight.Here is the log:

(02/22-23:49) Check all started processes
(02/22-23:54) Check all started processes
(02/22-23:59) Check all started processes


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Slackware :: Watchport V2 Webcam Not Working Slackware 13

Nov 20, 2010

I am fairly new to this and I cannot get a watchport V2 webcam in working slackware 13.

It seems to be recognised;

Bus 003 Device 002: ID 1608:4001 Inside Out Networks

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Slackware :: Triggering Udev Events: /sbin/udevadm Trigger --type=failed

Mar 14, 2010

Noticed this on boot up the other day, but it doesn't seem to have a negative effect. Everything appears to be running just fine.

"Triggering udev events: /sbin/udevadm trigger --type=failed"

Is this something that needs to be resolved or ignored?

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Ubuntu :: Slow Boot With Udev?

Nov 6, 2010

my ubuntu wait about 25 seconds on bootdmesg:

[ 0.815389] udev[90]: starting version 163
[ 0.904058] sky2: driver version 1.28


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Ubuntu :: Udev[488] Can't Read File On Boot?

Jan 11, 2010

In Ubuntu 910 on my Asus EEE-PC1005HA, I notice that during boot, when the screen is dark between the plain Ubuntu logo and the animated purple screen, there is a brief message:udev[488] cannot read file (rest of message goes by too fast for me)This doesn't seem to hurt anything. My system has been working just fine for a long time. I don't know how long the message has been there. Perhaps it merely lengthens boot time? Should I care? If I should care, where might the message be logged (so that I don't have to photograph the screen)?

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Ubuntu :: Crash And Won't Boot, Cdrom, Udev?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm writing for my brother who was running Karmic on a Microtel desktop.He'd been having trouble with blank cds (data cds and dvds didn't cause this problem) crashing his box so he uninstalled and then installed udev package.Now when he tries to boot the box goes into a memory test and then reboots into the memory test over and over. He tried to check the installed kernels to choose one that might boot but there are none listed (he pressed "esc" to see the list-it's empty).He tried booting from a live cd and that won't work either. The cd drive spins but nothing else.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 40-second Boot Delay: Is It Udev

Feb 3, 2011

This morning I had the courage to run an apt-get autoremove which took some 275 packages off my hard drive, and now I am experiencing a delay of about 40 seconds at boot, after grub, before the plymouth splash appears. The cursor blinks on a black screen while the hard drive churns away. Finally two error messages appear too quickly to be read, and then the bootsplash kicks in. I can find the instant in the dmesg where the delay happens, but can't locate the cause. Here's what my dmesg looks like:


The laptop is an Acer Timeline X 3820TG, with the dual GPU "switchable graphics." These dual graphics cards have given me enough trouble in the past that I wouldn't be surprised if they were the problem. But the hard drive action sounds like a 'fsck,' and seems to be contemporaneous with the dmesg notice that the root partition is mounted.

Incidentally, my boot wasn't all that fast before; I would not be surprised if this delay was preexisting, but used to happen after the plymouth boot screen was already on screen. Still, if I can get rid of this one ugly delay, I can have a fast (c. 10 secs) boot time.

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Hardware :: How To Disable Udev For Faster Boot?

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to make gentoo boot faster and in my searching I came across this article One of the things they did was revert to a "persistent, old-school /dev directory so that boot doesn't depend on udev". I would like to know how to do this, but when I searched for disabling udev all the forums say that its a bad idea. All I want to know is how to make a static /dev directory.

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Red Hat :: 50-udev.rules Causes Start_udev To Hang On Boot?

Aug 14, 2010

I've been having problems with start_udev on my machine post kernel 2.6.18-162 on my CentOS machine. A previous install would work on the old kernelut not the newer ones. I recently did a completely fresh install of CentOS 5.5o see if maybe there was a orruption in my install when it upgraded,t I still have the problem of udev hanging on startup.Using the rescue option on the disk, I've managed to track the problem down to the 50-udev.rules file. Through trial and error, I moved all the .rules files out of the rules.d directory, and added them back one at a time to see which one(s) caused the system to hang, and which ones it carried on booting as normal with. The only one that causes it to hang is the 50-udev.rules.

From what I can tell, this rules file is responsible for letting udev check various pieces of hardware. I think that it is failing whent runs modprobe on a pci device address.Only problem is I don't understand the rules file syntax, so I don't know if I can simply comment out or change a line in this file to skip the device that its looking for.Can anybody help me track down the specific device/line that is doing this?(I've kept the file out of the folder for now and my system appears to continue operating, but I get the occasional problem that for all I know could be due to udev not having a complete start up).

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F10 Boot Stops At Starting UDev

Mar 29, 2009

I have done a fresh text-only installation of Fedora 10 on a Dell Dimension E521 for the purpose of setting up a server. After installation I ran yum update to bring the system up to date. After the update, I rebooted the computer, but the boot process froze. I recycled power and pressed "I" after the Dell BIOS screen and the GRUB bootloader appeared. I selected the most current version, edited the kernel line by deleting "rhgb quiet" and replacing it with "3." After making this change, I continued with the boot and the computer stopped at "Starting udev:" I have two fedora 10 revisions showing in the GRUB bootloader, the original installation and the update after running yum.

I repeatedly tried rebooting both versions and, after about 30 attempts, the computer finished booting and got me to the command prompt. Reading through the forums indicated there might be some issue with my nVidia GeForce 6150 onboard video and fedora 10. So, when I got to the command prompt, I followed the instructions in the forums [URL] to load the rpmfusion drivers. This appeared to be successful and when I looked at /etc/X11/xorg.conf it appeared to be correct for the new nVidia drivers. After loading these new drivers I tried rebooting. Unfortunately, I have been trying now over and over to get back to the command prompt, but simply can't get past "Starting udev."

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Fedora :: Udev Warning Message At Boot Time?

Aug 11, 2009

i'm heaving the following message at boot time: "Starting udev: udevd[114]: unknown key 'DEVTYPE' in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-cups-libusb.rules:6", i guess it's something about usb printing support but i am not sure, and i don't know how to fix it, does any of you guys know what this exactly means and how to fix it

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CentOS 5 :: Failing On Boot At 'Starting Udev' On ESXi4?

May 12, 2010

Have just installed 5.4 64 bit on an AMD64 x2 system with 4 GB ram running ESXi4.Text based install went fine, but on reboot starting up it gets as far as 'Starting udev' and just hangs. Checking the performance in ESXi it appears to be using 100% cpu.I have left it for half an hour and it does not progress and the only thing to do is to power cycle the VM.I have searched and found a few suggestions for kernel parameters but they did not make any difference. I can't even get in to a command line as it doesn't boot up far enough.I have reinstalled it several times and also checked the MD5 of the downloaded file and all appears Ok.

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Debian Configuration :: Udev Warning Messages At Boot After Upgrade?

Apr 23, 2011

I've done an upgrade from lenny to squeeze.Now, I'm getting a lot of udev warning messages at the boot time.Knows someone howto remove them?

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