Server :: Load Balancing Between 2 VMs?

Oct 15, 2010

host - ubuntu 1004 desktop 64-bit
VM1 - ubuntu 1010 LAMP server 64 bit (without X)
VM2 - ubuntu 1010 server 64-bit (without X)
Virtualizer - Oracle VBox

point me the URL in respect of guides/howto to set up load balancing between 2 VMs, to sync VM1 to VM2. Google search on "howto load balancing linux lamp server on vbox vm" found follow; How to configure a low-cost load-balanced LAMP cluster [URL]

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Server :: Web Load Balancing Using Ldirectord And Apache?

Feb 16, 2010

I already setup the load balancer and two servers behind it with this kind of topology


_ Server 1
request -> DIRECTOR /
Server 2


The problem is when I try to hit the, it sometimes give me a HTTP 200 and sometimes it will timed out. I hit it using lynx -dump. It should return "Hello world!" if success. But if we hit it directly to and, it will return HTTP 200 which means no error and no timeout. Since the Server 1 is the same as Server 2 in configuration, are there somethings I missed here?

Another information is that I set the director using round robin algorithm, so everytime a successful hit returned from server 1, the next one is surely heading to Server 2 right? Based on the Apache's access log, I also knew that the timed out occured only when it is the Server 2's turn to handle the request. Aside from the same httpd.conf and the same httpd version are there any things in the system level, kernel level that should be the same between those two servers?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Load Balancing Server With 2 3G Modems

Jun 26, 2011

I would like to say first and foremost that I have tried to lookup what I can find about this thing I am doing and most of the time all I have found are either un-replied posts or vaguely explained answers but here is what I want to do.I want to setup a small gateway for my new office using two 3G internet providers offering Huawei usb modems. So I would like to have two internet links active per time and have one LAN consuming from the two links. I have seen the phrase Load Balancing all over the place but they all show their examples using ethernet and static IP's. My providers give DHCP ip addresses so is there anything I need to know and can anyone point me in the direction of some tutorial or howto i can follow to do this?

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Server :: Squid Cache With 2 Bandwidth (Load Balancing)

Mar 27, 2010

i Have a Squid Server , i'm Using That for Caching ... i Have 3 Ether on My " Squid Server ". Ether1 : Directly Internet From ISP1 , 2Mbps . Ether2 : Directly Internet From ISP2 , 512 KBps . Ether3 : Connected too LAN . i want All The Files Format with " MP3 , RAR , ZIP , AVI , ... (All Downloads File) " Get From Ether1(ISP1) and WebPages Like " HTML , ASP , CGI , & ... " Get from Ether2(ISP2) i Not Know How to Configure That with My 2 ISP internet.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Piranha Load Balancing Floating IP?

May 15, 2011

This is my first time to test piranha and I can't understand couple things:
1. how to setup public floating IP address between active and backup piranha node?
2. does piranha nodes have to run on public IP?
3. how to connect active piranha node with backup nodes?
4. does piranha only support http and ftp?
5. do I need to create common login for load monitor so that piranha could login to real servers and check the load ?
6. what is the hardware requirement for piranha to run on heavy loading site? I am using VMs all the time.
I am using web gui interface with minor file editing, but I prefer done it with GUI. Currently running Centos 5.6 x86_64.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Using Server For Load Balancing Multi Internet?

Jan 5, 2010

I have OpenSuse 11.1 installed in a system as server (without graphics). We have 3 NICs, 2 of them connected to 2 different ISPs through gateways, as follows:

IPs for NICs: IP1=; IP2= dev=eth2
Gateways: GW1=; GW2= dev=eth3
Third NIC connected into the internal network with and IP= dev=eth0

We added ip routes and rules as follows (used tables created with vim in the rt_table file with numbers 20 & 30):

ip route add NET1 dev DEV1 src IP1 table TB1
ip route add default via GW1 table TB1
ip route add NET2 dev DEV2 src IP2 table TB2


ip route add default scope global nexthop via GW1 dev DEV1 weight WG1 nexthop via GW2 dev DEV2 weight WG2 from the server I could ping Yahoo! and ping any PC connected in the internal network ( Fro PCs I could ping all the IPs of the server but not the GWs neither any web site, I couldn't surf either.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Load Balancing With Proxy Server?

Jul 29, 2011

I am Install Ubuntu Server 10.04LTS and install 3 LAN Card. 1st & 2nd LAN are use ISP1 & ISP2 with public static IP and 3rd LAN connect with Local Switch. How to configure this server as Load Balancing Internet and configure Proxy Server with user authentication and user wise site blocking.

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Software :: Hotspot Server With Credit Card Payment And Load Balancing?

Feb 20, 2011

First time on here and my only previous linux experience is a ongoing Mythbuntu project. I have access to allot of open air event sites where ASDL is pitiful. Mobile internet at these places is generally quite good though. So I have been thinking of building a box that has a dongle from each of the networks and load balancing these connections to be distributed on LAN to AP/AP's. On some site where it would not be paid for by the event so I would also want to charge for access. Is there a hotspot server build that will support credit card charges (I know very little about this bit), limit the amount of bandwidth to each user and do the load balancing bit for me?

This may seem like a poor service to charge for but the alternative is an 8mb satellite or 2mb ASDL which about five offices share. If your on site and your network is bad, this could be a real life saver.To further increase the service if it works well, It would be good for a customer to be able to log on to several servers across the site and still get access. I'm happy to pay for a distribution if it does everything I need. My searches seem to be fruitless.[URL] but there doesn't seem to be any credit card payment support.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Load Balancing Multi WAN On Squid Proxy Server?

Aug 12, 2009

How To: Load Balancing & Failover With Dual/ Multi WAN on Linux proxy server I have 3 WANs connection (2 ADSL and 1 Wimax). And 30 clients on LAN.

eth0 connect with Wimax
ip= 172.23.x.x
eth1 connect with ADSL1
eth2 connect with ADSL2
ip= 10.10.5.x
eth3 connect with LAN

how to do Load Balancing & Failover With Dual/ Multi WAN on Linux proxy server.

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General :: Load Balancing In Red Hat ?

Sep 1, 2010

How to configure load balancing server in Red Hat Enterprise 5.

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Debian Configuration :: Load Balancing Over Two ISP

Oct 16, 2015

I'm trying to set load balancing over 2 ISP link on a router / firewall running Debian Jessie.

There are iptables rules for balancing and forwarding:

Code: Select alliptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j CONNMARK --restore-mark
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m mark ! --mark 0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j MARK --set-mark 10
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m statistic --mode random --probability 0.5 -j MARK --set-mark 20
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i $wan1 -j MARK --set-mark 10

[Code] .....

There are iproute2 rules:

Code: Select allip route add dev eth0 src table WAN1
ip route add default via table WAN1
ip route add dev eth1 src table WAN2
ip route add default via table WAN2

[Code] ....

The packets marked as 20, theoretically routed via table WAN2 via, are lost.

The WAN2 gateway is working if I set as default without balancing.

I disabled the rp_filter module on all interfaces and I installed xtables-addons-dkms.

I also try this but I had trouble with forwarded connexions.

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Networking :: Getting ISP Load Balancing Working?

Jan 20, 2010

I am having a problem getting ISP load balancing working. Currently I can get only one side or the other working. I have been researching and reading Forum threads and other related posts on the subject.. I have read Howto's and


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General :: Multi Wan Load Balancing?

Jul 26, 2011

I want to know more multi WAN configuration in firewall and multi WAN loadbalancing configuration and what firewall or server mostly recommand from linux

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Fedora Networking :: How To Configure For Load Balancing

May 2, 2011

I have 3 machine each one is running ftp daemon(example), and have an application daemon which is monitoring load and can communicate with remaining servers. now for every new connection I can check load of each server and I want to redirect that socket connect request to least loaded server. that load balancer daemon should be able to do this at runtime without breaking any existing communication. This should work seamlessly with any application. How I can achieve it using any combination of Advance routing, VLAN, iptables LINUX.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 32-bit - How To Setup Load Balancing

Aug 3, 2010

I have a 10.04 32-bit virtual ubuntu server. I am trying to figure out how to setup load balancing. Here is how I planned out to do it, I need direction for what software I should use.

---Load Balancing Server (, port 80, public as in port forwarded Load balancer sends traffic to either web server
---Web Server 1 (
---Web Server 2 (

I heard I should use rsync to keep the files concurrent, at this point rsync is the least of my worries. I need to know what load balancer I should use I have tried and failed with crossroads(xr), and balance. I can't seem to find a modern tutorial for either system. I looked at linux virtual server but that is like 5 years ahead of my current knowledge.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Dynamic Load Balancing?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm folding and I need it to only run on 6 cores instead of 8, and I have it set to do that but Ubuntu decides to bounce the load around the 2 extra cores as well, hurting my performance. Is there a way to disable it or set it to work only on 6 specific cores?

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SUSE :: How To Network Load Balancing Cluster

Jan 2, 2010

I have 2 openSuse 11.1 servers. both of this servers serve a static web site. i want to Build A Network Load Balancing Cluster? how i can do this?

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General :: Make A Squid Load Balancing?

Oct 7, 2010

i want to make a squid load balancing. i followed this tutorial [URL]this is my squid.conf (a part)


cache_peer parent 9090 0 no-query originserver name=server_1
acl sites_server_1 dstdomain
cache_peer_access server_1 allow sites_server_1
cache_peer parent 9090 0 no-query originserver round-robin


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CentOS 5 Networking :: How To Enable Load Balancing In Box

Oct 27, 2010

I am using centos with two physical LAN cards. Some times one of our internet link goes down so the entire network stop. Now there are two different ISP internet lines coming into a single computer in their respactive lan cards for load balancing.
Kindly guide me that how can I enable Load Balancing in my Linux Box.

If one ISP goes down the load balancing server will use teh second one and vice virsa.

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Debian Configuration :: Load Balancing Over Uneven Connections?

Jan 31, 2011

A little background: CCNA and A+ I have preformed this task on Cisco routers Linux for 5+ years, mostly with Debian (mostly casual, a few production situations) I need to setup a linux box with Load Balancing over a cable line 8mb down, 1mb up connection and a T1 line. If this isn't possible, at the very least I need Failover (which I have admittedly not researched as fully.) I know Failover is possible, but I would really love to double my upload bandwidth as we host a small website here. Is load balancing over uneven connections possible on Debian?

Side question: If I host a website, when users connect and get responses over 2 Public IP's, what would be the reaction on the users side? Would it get filtered and or blocked by a firewall?

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Fedora :: Firewall Is Not Configured To Do Routing Load Balancing In 14

Feb 15, 2011

I'm having problems with my route rule in Firewall, I have two links that are working, and set the firewall to use multiple links at once. What has happened is that when i look the IPs of the clients, (its have for default the route to Link 2), they are changing or losing the rule route for link 2 and have in Explorer the Link 1 in any site for show me ip address, then after some seconds back to normal. And the firewall is not configured to do routing load balancing. What can be? Exist some configuration of kernel to accept this configuration ? Like ip route source or anything ?

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Networking :: Iproute2 Load Balancing Without Default Route?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm trying to set up load balancing using iproute2 following this guide. I've got 4 dsl links as follows:

eth1 -
eth2 -
eth3 -
eth0 - (main uncapped line)

eth0 is the default route, and eth3 is being used for something else. So what I want to do is load balance browsing between eth1 and eth2. I've added all of the routes in the LARTC guide, but the command to enable the load balancing:


ip route add default scope global nexthop via $P1 dev $IF1 weight 1 nexthop via $P2 dev $IF2 weight 1 obviously involves creating a new default route. Since I'll be using Squid to push the traffic through the relevant line, how can I set up a load-balanced link for eth1 and eth2 without changing the existing default route on the server?

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Networking :: NAT Stops Working When Load Balancing Is Enabled?

Dec 5, 2010

I am using the routing multiple upstream providers solution available on internet using iproute and gwping script. It works great but the problem I am facing is;


ip route add dev eth1 src table ptcl
ip route add default via table ptcl
ip route add dev eth2 src table nayatel
ip route add default via table nayatel


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Networking :: Simple Load Balancing Software What Recommend?

Mar 3, 2010

I have been using Pound and it does exactly what I need for a simple easy dedicated load balancer machine.

Are there any other popular load balancing programs like this people can recommend? HAProxy I looked at also, not sure how good that is...

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Software :: Load Balancing Httpd And Mysqld With Keepalived

Sep 8, 2010

I have 4 servers:

- One is loadbalancer, installed keepalived and ipvsadm - LV1

- One is failover for loadbalancer, installed keepalived and ipvsadm too - LV2

- The other servers was installed httpd and mysqld. (RealServer)

LV1 load balancing for both httpd and mysql. And it's working fine.

VIP for http:

VIP for mysql:

Now I want to setup a website on RealServers , with URL is [url], and this website connect to mysql via VIP, this means real servers will connect to their mysql via load balancer (LV!). I tried to connect mysql via VIP from real server but it cannot.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2 Reverse Proxy Load Balancing?

Feb 3, 2011

we have an ubuntu server (10.04 LTS) with apache2 (2.2.9) and mod_proxy + proxy_balancer enabled.Reverse proxy works greatly, but I can't get load balancing working. Apache connect always to first member.

My configuration is as follow:

ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Proxy balancer://test>


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup An FTP Load Balancing System With Squid?

May 31, 2011

I'm a newbie on Ubuntu, I have a problem with squid proxy. I'd like to configure a system, include:

- a server is named ProxyServer that is installed Squid proxy.
- three servers, are named FTPServer01, FTPServer02, FTPServer03. each server is installed vsftpd.
- Clients are installed Filezilla to up/download resource.

All servers are managed by IP address. When a client request a resource, client connect to ProxyServer, this ProxyServer will switch to one of Ftp servers. I do not know how to configure the squid's config file to setup them.

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Ubuntu :: How To Build 2.6.34 Amd64 Kernel With Load Balancing Patches For Lucid

May 20, 2010

This thread describes how to build a 2.6.34 kernel with load-balancing to cut down the number of load balancing wakeups. Running powertop on my amd64 PC shows that this kernel cuts down the number of wakeups by around 30%.

1. Open a gnome-terminal and get root privileges:


sudo -s

2. Install required packages for building the kernel:


apt-get install build-essential bin86 kernel-package libqt3-headers libqt3-mt-dev wget libncurses5 libncurses5-dev

3. Download the 2.6.34 kernel source file:


cd /usr/src

4a. Download the diff file for the patch from [URL] and save as (eg) patch-load-balancing.diff. Move it to /usr/src once you have downloaded it.

5. Untar the source file:


cd /usr/src
tar xjf linux-2.6.34.tar.bz2

6. Link /usr/src/linux to the resulting folder:


cd /usr/src
# the folder linux may exist as a symlink from previously; if so, remove it
if [ -e linux ]; then rm linux; fi
ln -s linux-2.6.34 linux


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Ubuntu Servers :: Haproxy Or Barracuda For Load Balancing - Also Serve For The Database?

Sep 1, 2011

I am about to build a server cluster with mysql-cluster and a couple of apache webservers. I have found lots of tutorials regarding the setup of haproxy, but i have the option to get a pretty affordable barracuda load balancer. Now, i am kinda new at this. But my main questions are.. Can the load balancer also serve for the database? Is it a straightforward configuration?

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Ubuntu :: Power Top Wake Ups From [kernel Scheduler] Load Balancing Tick And [ohci_hcd:usb4?

Aug 7, 2010

trying to save abit of power where i can, this is from my fileserver/htpc, a zotac gf 9300 itx motherboard and a underclocked e3300 at 100mhz on fsb. is there any way i can lower the amounnt that these processes wake up the cpu?

Code:< Detailed C-state information is not P-states (frequencies)
1250 Mhz 0.1%
1000 Mhz 0.0%
800 Mhz 0.0%
600 Mhz 99.8%


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