Server :: Disk Dump - Creating Virtual Directory
Apr 14, 2010
I'm quite new to linux, but I've managed to grasp some basics. Now my intention here to create a virtual directory, which I resorted to creating an Image File so that I can mount it and have my folder have a dedicated storage. I will mount this image as a loop device. Well it's not much of a problem, but I would like to know whether this is suitable. Say I want to create a 25GB Image.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/disk-img/25GB.ext3 bs=1G count=25
Is this recommended? I'm using block size as 1G which is really huge, so I was wondering, if this is actually recommended. From what I read, some said that it's only advisable to use 4096k or lower, but what I found was that these suggestions are very dated (year 2003), and it is now 2010, so I would like to know if it makes any big differences.
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Jul 7, 2010
Using CentOS 5.5. I have a handful of users that I need to have connect to my server via sftp and start in the same directory. for example, user1, user2, user3, etc.. will connect via sftp and upon connection will all be in the /some/dir/path/ftp-root directory.I know one way is to create these users all with the same 'home' directory, since by default a user starts in their home directory when connecting via sftp, but before just doing that, I wanted to find out if that is really the appropriate method to use? alternatives? Is there some setting on the sftp server end that could direct all users to one starting directory so that these users don't have to have the same 'home' dir? I'm using the sshd daemon that comes with CentOS 5.5 (with all current updates/patches)
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Jun 4, 2010
My laptop boot up time increased considerably (10 seconds) after allocating a virtual drive for virtualbox guest. The guest installation did not work so i removed it along with the virtual disk. Now everytime when i boot to ubuntu, after inputting my password in the login screen, it takes much longer to load the system. And during the loading time the disk activity indicator light blinks indicating the harddisk is actually busy loading the system.
I decided to search around for a possible answer and force reprofiling ureadahead does the trick Now boot time is back to what it used to be
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Oct 21, 2009
How to create a dump of an existing file and how to restore it with command line?
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Mar 28, 2011
use Term::ANSIColor;
####TIME DETAILS ######
", ' bold green on_blue' );
$hrstorun = ;
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Oct 7, 2010
I'm working on a script. fter it has installed and removed packages, I need to configure a ton of settings. In GNOME, I understand that those settings are kept in "/home/user/.gconf". Can I create a virtual machine and configure the system through the GUI to my liking and then dump all of the settings, so that I can load them on another machine? Is it as simple as copying the directories?
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Mar 27, 2011
I would like to have dump backup just my home directory but am having problems the command I am using wants to back every thing and takes hours upon hours it has been running for about 10 hr and only 21% is done. This is the command dump -0u -f dp_hd /media/CENTON USB/ /how can I get this to back up only my home directory
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Oct 27, 2010
We have some servers that run in very harsh environments (research vessel) that need to have high-availability.We have software RAID 1 for some measure of resiliency, along with proper data backups (tapes etc), however we would like to be able to break out a new server and re-image it (including RAID setup) from a known good copy if the hardware completely fails on the production box. Simplicity of the process is a big plus.I am interested in any advice on the best way to approach this. My current approach (relatively new to Linux administration, totally new to MDADM) is to use DD to take a complete gzipped copy of one of the RAID'ed devices (from a live CD): ode:
dd if=/dev/sda bs=4096 | gzip -c > /mnt/external/image/test.img then reverse the process on the new PC, finally using Code:mdadm --assemble to re-create and re-build the array.
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Jul 10, 2009
I've just discovered that crontab is creating a new file in the root directory every time it executes a cronjob, and it doesn't erase over the old file so there are thousands of files in the root directory, they have the same name as the script file (appended with a numeral) but are all is what one of the cronjob's looks like[URL]
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Aug 8, 2010
I've got a Centos 5 machine running with a raid 1 SSD hard drive combo, as I don't know how or even if it's possible yet to wipe the free disk space clean I need to be careful to not fill all the free disk space. As I don't want to fill the free disk space too quickly and was wandering if it is possible to pipe the result of a mysqldump to a FTP client only writing it to the ram and not writing it to this disk.
I've done a bit of research on the subject and have found the two following commands:
Code: mysqldump < mysqldump options> | gzip > outputfile.sql.gz
Code: tar cf - / | ncftpput -c /usr/local/backup.tar
I would like to combine the two to make something like this:
Code: mysqldump mysqldump_options > | ncftpput ncftpput_options -c SERVER_IP backup.sql
I haven't actually tried my code as it seems too easy and I'm sure I've got something wrong! If this command is even correct will it prevent the sql file from being written to the hard drive to my local machine?
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Jul 29, 2010
I have 4 virtual disk on AX4-5i. RHEL for some reason shows 16 partitions in /proc/partitions. I got lot-lot of IO errors in dmesg. Some of those 16 partitions "work", others just give (on using fdisk for example): Unable to read /dev/sdb. On EMC I have 4 ports, so it might be somehow releated to this.
[root@db ~]# /etc/init.d/iscsi restart
Logging out of session [sid: 1, target:, portal:,3260]
Logging out of session [sid: 2, target:, portal:,3260]
Logging out of session [sid: 3, target:, portal:,3260]
Logging out of session [sid: 4, target:, portal:,3260]
Logout of [sid: 1, target:, portal:,3260]: successful
Logout of [sid: 2, target:, portal:,3260]: successful
Logout of [sid: 3, target:, portal:,3260]: successful
Logout of [sid: 4, target:, portal:,3260]: successful
Stopping iSCSI daemon:
iscsid dead but pid file exists [OK]
Starting iSCSI daemon: [OK]
Setting up iSCSI targets: Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]
Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]
Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]
Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]
Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]: successful
Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]: successful
Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]: successful
Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]: successful
[root@db ~]#
I've googled and read docs but got no idea what to do. Any experiences with EMC/RHEL/iSCSI - I just don't understand where those 16 (and half of them not working/giving lotof errors) come from? For example Citrix Xen on similar network conf can see/use same EMC thoughr iSCSI nicely. SO there should'nt be network/auth issues (not using CHAP btw). I got feeling that problem is on RHEL iscsi conf side.
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May 19, 2011
I am running Debian under virtual container. I need to set max size of directory for each of vsftpd virtual users - because they are virtual, I cannot use user quotas. I was wondering, if I could create images with filesystem and mount them, but I cannot access /dev/loop device from container. Is there any other way, how to set max directory size in virtual container
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Jul 16, 2011
I created LAMP server with a wordpress site. I created a sites-available file for the wordpress file pointing to the wordpress directory. Within my server it goes to the site properly. However I also made this server a DNS server, had another test pc use it as a DNS server and it only got the default apache page unless I added /wordpress to the url which makes it point to the directory within /var/www/ that it belongs, but then the wordpress links don't work and this is not what I want it to do anyway. I do not understand why it is working properly internally but not externally. It makes me think maybe the sites-available file is not allowing outside access appropriate permission to use it or something. Can somebody please point me in the right direction I have been working on this for weeks and I am starting to get really frustrated with it. Tell me what config files can help you figure out my issue. Also I eliminated the default index.html file so it wouldn't use it, then placed the index.php file from wordpress in /var/www/ root but in that configuration it doesn't load anything by default but will still work if you point to /wordpress. I believe I have to make some change to my apache2 configs to allow outside PCs to be pointed to the right root directory for the virtual host like is being done internally, I just don't know where to start.
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Jun 29, 2010
I would like to configure and SAN disk. But I do not have a physical SAN disk. Is it possible to create and configure a Virtual SAN disk and work on it with virtual machines?I have around 400GB of space in my Laptop.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have used Dump Command to dump the application files. For Full backup the level 0 is working fine. For incremental backup I used the level 1 or 2 it is getting the error as
DUMP: Only level 0 dumps are allowed on a subdirectory
DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
The code I used
#Full Day Backup Script
#application folders backup
#test is the username
now=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y")
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Oct 7, 2009
I want to generate core dump files from my program when it crashes. Its a pretty big process and has about 10-11 threads in it.I have followed the documentation to enable core dump by setting ulimit to unlimited etc. I quickly tried "A demo program creating a core dump" from the following webpage, which succeeds in Segfault and dumping a core file in the directory that I configured.However, I tried running my original program and caused it to crash. I did this by making calls to kill(), raise() or the same null pointer access as shown in the webpage above. In each case, my program crashed but did not generate a core dump file. Am I missing something?My program is in C++ and my environment is Redhat 9.0 (kernel 2.4.20)
Going through the "Why do I NOT get a core dump?" section on the same webpage as above, I can see two potential problems. One - there are issues with the suid/sgid (bullet # 6). I am not able to change any settings with suid because my system does not contain either /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable or /proc/sys/kernel/suid_dumpableTwo, my program has threads in it and the bullet # 8 is the problem.
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Nov 4, 2009
I have Installed centos 5.3 and enabled virtualization on it. now i want to create virtual mechine , while trying this im getting following errors :i have used virt-install command then it has asked some questions and i have answered them of what ram , location e.t.c .. after that a warning came reagarding partition , then an error came like : input / output error during read on /dev/xvda i have ignored this error and continued installation at last i have got an error:like LVM operation failed : vgcreate failed for volgroup00 , the installer will now exit.
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Dec 9, 2010
i created a db_dump from PostgreSql-8.2 and trying to dump it into PostgreSql-8.4 new install. 2 of the 3 databases are fine, except for minor issues, but the 3rd database is giving me the following error message when i start a service calling on it, assist: "database disk image is malformed"
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Sep 7, 2010
I am still new in linux (Redhat) i used dump command to backup the root of the linux server: #dump -0u -f /dev/st0 / the command is achieved. how to restore this dump.
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Jun 1, 2010
I'm having some trouble creating a VM of Ubuntu 10.04. I've downloaded the ISO. I've created a new VM using the VM Assistant. I selected "Use operating system installation disc image file" and chosen the ISO. When I run the VM, it sits at the following screen:
I've selected Virtual Machine > Install VMware Tools. Nothing happens.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
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Apr 14, 2010
I am trying to setup a VPN using OpenVPN to allow a secure connection between my smartphone and my LAN. I have been reading an OpenVPN book and some tutorials on how to setup the server side, but I'm stuck at how to create a virtual device. The OpenVPN book says when installing OpenVPN the installer (or aptitude to be more precise) should ask me if it should create a TAP/TUN device. The thing is, it doesn't ask me anything at all. It just installs, that's it.
Most tutorials simply tell me to create a new device in the network/interfaces file. Where is the difference? What should I do now? I like having options, that is one reason I like Linux, but this does confuse me. My second question is about the IP range of the virtual adapter. Should it be in the same range as my LAN, or should I use something entirely different?
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Dec 8, 2010
[URL] using Ubuntu on Virtual Box and creating SWAP partition on /dev/sdb1. I tried this guide and getting error
Code: [URL]
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Dec 24, 2010
i have jsut installed hypervisor tools and was trying to setup xp in a virtual machine.. but i keep getting this error unknown OS type hvm
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Jun 5, 2009
I need to discover more detail error kernel panic in my linux box, some body know any way do dump in kernel Linux?
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Jan 11, 2011
My application team is asking me to generate the kernel-dump.
Here are details about my server.
OS: RHEL 4.7/32 Bit
Kernel Version: 2.6.9-89.0.23.ELsmp
Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520@ 2.27GHz
Hardware: HP Proliant 380G6 series server.
I am using Electric Cloud applications. Sometimes it creates some kernel panic and immediately got rebooted. Kernel-debuginfo rpm is not installed. In some thread, I read the kernel-debuginfo rpm's version should match with the kernel version. In my case I couldn't even find the exact version of kernel-debuginfo version.
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Mar 9, 2011
I want to create a virtual serial port in Fedora. I'm using Java code to communicate over a serial port. I want to test this code with out any serial devices connected.
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Dec 29, 2010
I am using RHEL 4.7 (32bit) on HP Proliant 380G6 series server. We are using Electric Cloud Agents on these servers. Nowadays we are facing some memory issues and its creates some kernel panic and then restarts the server. When i reported the issue to my application team, they asked me to come with the core dump. I googled it enough, then i set ulimit value as unlimited. (previously it was 0, then i made a entry in /etc/profile file as follows
ulimit -c unlimited) But still whenever my server restarts due to that kernel panic, it couldnt generate the core dump. My application was installed on /opt
The attached document has the kernel panic logs
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Mar 15, 2010
Having done a short DoD wipe of hard drive (Dareks Boot & Nuke),I installed Windows XP on the first half of the drive and again zeroed the other half of drive for installing Debian.Please see attachment of screen shot for command lines input and output.After doing a grep for non zero characters on the second half of the drive(sda2)I was puzzled to find a grep command line search for non zero characters actually turned some up. I have no idea why they are there or what if anything they mean
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Oct 18, 2010
Is there any command available inorder to read the server crash dump files?
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Jan 12, 2010
Need confirmation if the following scenario works for making my client and server as identical?
My local(source) Linux server @
My remote Linux client @
On the local system :
#df -m
Filesystem Mounted on
/dev/hda3 /
/dev/hda1 /boot
tmpfs /dev/shm
On the local system , issue the followings to make client and server as identical :
#dump -0uvf - /dev/hda3 | ssh root@ -c "restore -rf - /"
#dump -0uvf - /dev/hda1 | ssh root@ -c "restore -rf - /boot"
#dump -0uvf - /dev/shm | ssh root@ -c "restore -rf - /tmpfs"
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