Server :: Courier Making Unreceived Email Available To Download

Mar 2, 2010

I have had a mailserver die when it still had email that the users hadn't downloaded. I have build a new server an tried to copy the mail across but this caused a issue where users were unable to download any new email.

Is it possible to make the old undelivered email available for download?

old server name (dead) I can get to the data but not start the server. new server name

Both systems were running qmail with courier.

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Server :: No Route To Host Error When Trying To Download Email

Sep 24, 2010

My domain [URL]... has recently been moved to a new server. Since then, I have not been able to download email. Email sent to the domain can be seen in /var/spool/mail/akwebsoft, just as on the previous server. However when I go to download the email, I get the following error message (in part) in my fetchmail logfile:


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Server :: Qmail With Courier IMAP Server - Can't Receive Mails

Aug 25, 2010

I setup a qmail on a Debian 5 Lenny server with courier-imap server. I can send mails but cannot receive mails. I altered /etc/init.d/qmail as follows.


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Server :: Courier IMAPD Taking Lots Of Server CPU?

Feb 2, 2011

I am having weird issues with courier IMAPD, the load goes like crazy at times and users mail client just hangs! The server is having 4 GB RAM Dual Core and around 700 users connected to 143 (via netstat) and I see around same amount of imapd's in process list. Mailbox stays in SAN (fiber).

load is high: 105.52, 173.12, 113.05
Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp 02/02/2011
avg-cpu: %user %nice %sys %iowait %idle
8.93 0.02 1.58 8.06 81.40


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Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to get my server back up to snuff. I'm using Debian Squeeze right now and I'm up and atom with apache, mysql, php, pureftpd, ssh, and I have squirrelmail installed.

My dilemma comes with the mail part of the whole ordeal, Postfix and Courier are installed, have their keys made, and for what I assume, are configured correctly. HOW do I make new virtual users? My domain points to this machine as well as my MX record for

I need IMAP and POP working. And upon the creation of new email users, will SquirrelMail interface with Postfix and Courier? When I installed SM I set it up for use with Courier.

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Server :: Email Notification - Heartbeat To Send Email When The Slave Server Becomes The Master?

May 3, 2010

Have someone used Linux heartbeat to send email when the Slave server becomes the Master? I've read I can configure the MailTo under.

But I really don't know how to do it. I basically need my primary server to send an email when it becomes inactive and all the activities are manage by the secondary node.

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Server :: Courier Or Dovecot For IMAP?

Mar 18, 2011

Does anyone know if there are only personal preferences between the two IMAP servers or does one of a slight advantage over the other? I've used Dovecot only in the past but my package manager loads tons of MySQL libraries with Dovecot which is a problem since that's not authorized on my server right now. I can either install it from source or try another application like Courier.

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General :: Making Multi Tape Backup Wish To Send Email

May 27, 2011

I have s script that standard users use to back up usb drives to lto4 asks for a JobNumber and sends an email upon success.I recently expanded it to use Multiple specific Q is if the system reaches the end of the tape it happily mentions in the terminal that one needs to put in a second tape.what i would like to do is send an email that --It needs a second tape.( it presently sends an email upon successful compleation - so you see the only way a person knows that they need a second tape is if they

1-- know that the drive they are backing up is < 800GB (lto4)
2-- they do not get a completion emails and the think to walk to the basement and see the request for a second tape.
I wish for an email that would tap them on the shoulder that : " you need to put in a second tape "so -- if i know the exact syntax that shows in the terminal - which is:Prepare volume #2 for `/dev/st0' and hit return:then can i test for that somehow?

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Server :: Reject_unknown_recipient_domain For Courier Mail Server

Feb 4, 2010

Im looking for a way to block emails that come into the mail server for users that are no longer on the domain. I see a lot of messages in the maillog for emails coming in for people that are no longer active users on the domain.


Using spamassassin if that matters.

Using Active Directory on a windows server.

I found postfix uses this "reject_unknown_recipient_domain" in /etc/postfix/ but I am unsure where this would be used in courier.

Ive seen some hints here. But not sure how to adapt this for domain users.


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CentOS 5 Server :: Courier IMAP Won't Compile To RPM

Dec 19, 2009

how to install Courier IMAP server and they all say the same thing, but they keep giving me problems.URL... is a link to the page I'm working on.I created the user, edited sudoers manually since I can't effectivly use visudo in the terminal since I don't know how to save. I also made sure that I restarted after I edited it in order to make sure it took effect. I used su compileuser and just logging in as compileuser and opening a terminal. After I made the user and edited that file, I created the directory mentioned and ran the command to create .rpmmacros. After that I got to work on wgetting the files and installing them and what not. The first one compiled and installed and so did the last one. The command "rpmbuild -ta courier-imap4.6.0.tar bz2" would not go though properly. This one I need to run as a non-root user and I've tried using every way possible to be as distant from root as possible, but it still gives me this at the end.

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Server :: Courier - No Such File Or Directory When Testing IMAP And POP

Jul 28, 2010

Using the following software:
Ubuntu Server 8.04
SquirrelMail 1.4.13
Postfix 2.5.1
Courier 0.59.0 (Courier-IMAP 4.3.1)
Apache2 2.2.8

I've installed a mail server per the instructions at [url].

Neither POP nor IMAP test successfully with the user that I just added after following the setup instructions.

This doesn't make any sense. I added the user to the mysql database:


And after I did that, I ran the postfix reload command. If I try to log in as, which is the user I created during the setup and configuration process, it works fine.

I checked the virtual mail account's home folder, and under the folder, I only see a folder for firstuser. I'd create one for testuser manually, but I don't know if that'll work since it seems to contain a particular folder structure of its own.

Is there some other command that I have to run? I don't recall having to do anything additional when setting up firstuser.

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Server :: Postfix + Courier + Squirrelmail Tutorial - Can't Get Into Mailbox

Jan 1, 2010

i followed this tutorial to the "T", [URL]. I am not able to login to the mailboxes with squirrelmail, it says "connection dropped by imap server" I used the whole address as a login just like it said to do. I can sucessfully authenticate with outlook express but it throws an error that say's [URL], no such file or directory. i can telnet into it remotely but when i type ehlo [URL] it just keeps showing all the 250 lines and wont let me generate a message.

from what i saw on the comments on the tutorial and googling there are many other people with this problem, however i found no solutions. This is fresh work and i have not touched any config files since finishing the tutorial

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CentOS 5 Server :: Mailqueue Filling Up - Postfix/Courier/Spamassassin

Feb 2, 2010

In the last week email delivery had slowed down to taking approximately 24 hours and investigation has revealed that there were 45000 emails in the mailqueue. I flushed the mailqueue yesterday but mail delivery is slowing down again because emails are again being queued by the thousand.

The mails are mainly spam sent to ficticious users at a genuine domain hosted on the server.

My setup is running Courier IMAP with Postfix, Spassassin is installed along with Amavisd-new but I just don't understand why this has suddenly become a problem based on my setup not having changed for the last 6 months.

Should these spam emails be being discarded by spamassassin before reaching the mail queue? Are my discard score settings too high (6.9)?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Adding Authentication Modules To Courier-imap?

Jun 4, 2011

I am administrating a server with CentOS installed. It came with qmail and courier-imap preinstalled, and Plesk.I need to manually add email accounts outside of Plesk, because my 1-domain Plesk license only allows the creation of one email address (yes, it sucks).

When I say add email account I mean creating a new email address, have email for that address be stored in its maildir, and have a corresponding imap (and hipefully also pop3) account that will be able to read that mail. All this with virtual domains.I've already found out how to create the new email addresses for qmail, so that email for the new email address is being delivered correctly. Now I need to create the imap/pop3 accounts for courier.

For the qmail part, I create a folder in in /var/qmail/mailnames/ and a maildir called Maildir inside it. This is how the first mail address was created by Plesk and i'd like to maintain the same structure. As I've said, the qmail part is already working, I need to get the courier-imap part to work. Ideally, it should accept login with both short (i.e. myuser) and long (i.e. user names.

Currently the only authentication module that is enabled in courier-imap is authpsa, which is Plesk's authentication order to add more authentication modules, do I just need to add them to the authentication module list in /etc/courierimap/imapd, or do I need to reinstall courier-imap with support for such authentication modules? I thought I would only need to add them to the list, but I've noticed that the /usr/lib/courier-imap/authlib/ folder only contains a binary called "authpsa". Does that mean that other authentication modules are not even installed? If so, can I install them without reinstalling courier?

The second question is, what would be the most recommended authentication module that would make it easiest to create new email addresses/accounts from the command line? I need to be able to write a shell scripts capable of creating a new email address with all that is needed, and I'd like to keep this script as simple as possible, so for example I'd avoid mysql-based authentication as it sounds rather complicated. And the last question is, if I do need to reinstall courier-imap, how can I install a package without recompiling it? Will my one existing mailbox keep working?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Postfix Mail Server And Courier-imap/pop

Feb 23, 2010

Setup my postfix mail server and courier-imap/pop. My postfix server now is working with tls and saslauthd, I can send/receive email inside my domain as well as outside. However, I need two separate smtp and imap/pop3 server, I mean two machine - one with smtp function and one with imap/pop3 function working together.

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Ubuntu :: Making Synaptic GUI To Download Netbeans Again?

Mar 30, 2011

I installed Netbeans using the Synaptic GUI and it worked ok. Netbeans is now corrupted. I used the Synaptic GUI to completely remove it. That worked. I used the Synaptic GUI to download it again. It claimed to do it in 2 seconds and it is back to my corrupted Netbeans and practice projects. Obviously an efficiency move to reduce downloads because it was already archived somewhere by Synaptic.

How can I make the Synaptic GUI really download all of Netbeans again? I am not going to attempt to solve Netbeans mysteries. If there is no easy way to make the Synaptic GUI download, I will reinstall Wndows XP and my software for it, bring them up to date and reinstall Ubuntu 10.10 on another partition, bring it up to date and reinstall Netbeans. The only advantage of that method is that it works.

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OpenSUSE :: Sending Email Using PHP / Start An Email Server In Order To Get Application To Work?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm attempting to send email with a PHP application I got from a textbook. Do I need to start an email server in order to get the application to work?Using SuSE 11.2

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Server :: Allow Unsubscribed Email Address To Send Email To Mailman List?

Jul 1, 2010

is there a way to allow unsubscribed email address to send emails to mailman list without having to manually set a filter for that email address?

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Software :: Apache Virtual Host Send Email Without Email Server?

Jun 3, 2009

Debian 5, apache 2.2 I've got Apache up and hosting multiple sites. Each site will have a php contact me page that will simply dump an email to a fixed address. What program should i be using to accomplish this? I've used nullmailer before but that assumes you have a fixed smarthost somewhere which I don't.

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Server :: Block Email From Certain Group To A Specific Email Address?

Apr 29, 2010

Is there a way of allowing only certain domain to send e-mails to certain specific e-mail address. I am using Sendmail, and I have an alias which translate to certain members of staff within my organization. I don't expect e-mails from outside our domain to be sent to this alias e-mail address.

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Server :: Routing Inbound Email To Multiple Email Servers?

Dec 21, 2009

I have recently setup a new mail server and have simulated sending and receiving on the new email server. The new email server will replace the primary one.I would like to setup the new email server in parallel with the existing one.This way i can observe issues that might occur and be aware of what could go wrong. I want to received mail to be delivered to both mail servers at the same time.I would like to use postfix, exim i find a bit to difficult to understand.I have thought of using transport maps, the only problem is that you can only forward mail to one server at a time using transport maps.I think recipient_bcc_maps and sender_bcc_maps could work, i would just like ideas of how i can do this.

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Ubuntu :: Making Wget Download More Than 1 File At A Time?

Mar 7, 2010

i download files from megaupload and hotfile. is there any possibility of making wget download more than 1 file at a time? or do you suggest any other download programme? i have ubuntu 9.10

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Server :: Dropping All Email For Specific Email Address?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a user who was getting constantly spammed so I deleted their email account but it's still coming in and trying to get delivered, how do drop all email for a specific email address?

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Slackware :: Making A SlackBuild Script Download From A Repository Instead Of A Tarball

Jan 1, 2011

how to modify an existing slackbuild from to check source out of a git repo instead of downloading a tarball? Slackbuild in question is 'scantailor'.I could just change the 'info' file to point to a git snapshot URL, but I would have trouble with the version numbers and tarball checksums needing manual updating, no?

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Ubuntu :: Email Should Not Download?

Jun 28, 2011

I am thinking of trying Kubuntu. I assume it uses kmail. I want to know , can I set it up that I can read my mail , but it must stay on server and not download to the HDD ?

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Software :: Setup A Mail Server - Virtual Users With Postfix - PostfixAdmin - Courier - Mailscanner - ClamAV On CentOS 5.5

Dec 26, 2010

I am trying to set up a Mail Server -- Virtual Users with Postfix, PostfixAdmin, Courier, Mailscanner, ClamAV On CentOS 5.5 using this guide. These are the version and softwares I have used till now:-


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Ubuntu Servers :: Buying Domain / Hosting Web Server / All Domain Registers Come With Email Or Just Email Forwarding?

Mar 29, 2010

I am thinking about buying a domain name and hosting my web server.

I have seen pricing from $8 to $30 a year. Any favorites from fellow ubunters? Also this whole "whois" thing scares me, if I am correct my information I enter when buying the domain is enter into some big pool of information. People can find this information out and dig up important information. url Can I prevent this with private Whois or how do I set it up? This website examples some of my fears with this whole WhoIs thing, url whois/Private-Whois.html Does most/all domain registers come with email or just email forwarding or both? How does that work? At this moment, my only question about Web Hosting is how do I get Website Statistics as in: Stats, web analytics, web traffic stats and more? I will be web hosting through Ubuntu 9.10 gnome.

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Fedora Installation :: Find A Download For The Desktop Version - SERVER X64 Download

Jun 5, 2010

This is our first time choosing and installing linux. Our other servers are all windows 2008 x64. We were told to install fedora 13. I can only find a download for the desktop version and we're looking for the SERVER x64 download. Could I please get a link?

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Server :: Making A Minor Server For An Mmorpg Game That Will Run In House Network Only?

Oct 23, 2010

My Computer options arent great, but i am going to be starting the process of switching all the computers in my house to linux, i wanted to see if i could make a server to connect all of them for file sharing, but mostly for world of warcraft in the would only be 10 computers accessing it at once. i would basically want to know what the best form of linux would be, the programs id need to have, if it could be done on a desktop based machine, or if id have to use my server. if i would need different hardware or if the linksys hardwired router going to be enough connection. i guess the filesharing would be more the pressing need, especially if it is possible to create a server and convert the connected computers to linux through use of the server

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Server :: Setup RAID 1 On CentOS 5 Server For A Zimbra Email Server

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to setup RAID 1 on a CentOS 5 server for a zimbra email server.I get a partion schema error. Can I do this?The server is a HP Proliant ML150 G3 server with two 80GB HDD.

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