Security :: Iptables: Verify Traffic On Port To Check If It Is Legitimate For That Port?
Apr 18, 2011
Is there any way to verify if packets being trafficked over a certain port are valid for the service you want to use this port for?
One obvious example that probably clarifies my question:
When I open port 443 (outgoing or incoming) for https/ssl traffic, I don't want this port to be used for say openvpn traffic.
Thus: when someone wants to surf to a website with https, it should be ok but if someone wants to connect to his home openvpn server over that same port, it should be blocked.
Im running a web server on port80, but i want traffic coming from ip 212.333.111.222 on port 80 to be fowarded to port 9020 on the same server that my web server is rinning at that is my sshd port
I've a server, and I want to drop all the traffic going out with other source port than 80 (apache) and 22(ssh). The reason is I want to prevent my machine sending packets I don't know (i.e. my server scanning networks or making DDOS attacks without my knowledge). The problem are the updates. If I do what I've said, the updates will not work. I want to allow updates, so I need to let DNS traffic (port 53) and the traffic of the updates to go out.
The problem is the source port. This traffic uses a dynamic port (I think like HTTP). Is there any way to specify a source port to do this? If a have a static port to do this, I would drop all the traffic going out with other port than 22,53,80 and this port.
I'm using a Debian servers, as router/firwall.. I've two ethernet interfaces into the server, one for wan and one for lan. The i use SNAT so my LAN clients can access the internet throgh the debian router. That is working... Now i want to be able to access servers on the LAN site from the WAN site, and i wanna use port address translation (PAT). I have a FTP server running on a lan server, so i'm trying to portward port 21.
When people try to access my FTP from the WAN site, they are redirected to the local FTP server, and they are promted for crendentials, but when the credentials are typed, and the local ftp server should answer the wan request, the connections dies.
The wan clients are being promted for credentials, so they are redirected to the local lan server, but after that the connections dies, so i think there is some kind of nat problem, when the local lan server is trying to respond to the wan request..
If I forward port 80 to port 3128 for squid with an iptable rule, does port 3128 have to be open on the firewall or is this all routed behind the firewall?
I have a mail server on which I would like to block port 25 on my eth0 for everyone except our external spam filter. the problem is that I want our users to be able to connect via port 10025 which is forwarded to port 25, which then is blocked...
I've recently installed 10.10 server edition, and I must say it was a pleasant suprise, it's just the way I like it. I use it as a squeezebox-server. But I've run into a problem with the firewall. I did a portscan, which told me there are more ports open then I've told UFW to open. Among which port 25 and 119, when I telnet from another PC to those ports, the connection gets accepted, although there is no answer to any commands (as expected, there's no mail server running). Iptables print-outs also don't mention anything about the respective ports or a daemon that could be responsable, and the same applies to "ps -e" or "ps aux".
Iptables seems to be working, when I remove the rules to allow samba to work, I can't reach the shares, and when I insert them again I can reach the shares. "sudo ufw deny from any" as last rule doesn't change anything either (deny incoming is default (although I never issued the command "ufw status verbose" says it is) so it shouldn't, but ports 25 and 119 shouldn't be open either).
I'm trying to open port 119. I already have a few ports open. I've used webmin to open both incoming and outgoing ports. iptables --list --numeric gives me:
I want to do port mapping on a linux machine using iptables.I have a service listeneing on port 2000 udp and I want to add iptables rule, which will map incoming packets on port 2001 to port 2000, so that service will accept the connections.The idea is that I don't want to change the default port for the service, but to make internal port redirection from (2001 to 2000), so the default service port will be filtered by iptables, and the other port will be open to the outside. The internet host connects to the linux machine on port 2001. The linux machine change destiation port from 2001 to 2000 and the service (on the same machine) process the packets and accepts the connection.I tried adding the following to my iptables rules, but it didn't work out:
I have a question, on my firewall at work I am seeing a constant flow of denies from many different source IP addresses, of tcp/udp destination port 53372 & 53375.What in the world is that, and why these two ports over and over
I'm simply trying to make a little restriction on www packets under two rules:
1. Allow inbound/outbound www packets (works!)
2. DROP inbound traffic to port 80 from source ports less than 1024. (DOES NOT WORK!)
Now, technically, when i use hping to test my rules, hping3 -S -p80 -s 1023 I should NOT receive any packets. However, i still receive packets, which means my rule that says less than 1024 does not work. (see below)
And this is my iptables rules in shell-script so far:
I've got two virtual machines running, the first VM (VM1) has two network interfaces, one bridged with my real lan, one a private subnet. The second VM (VM2) has one nic, only on the private subnet.
I have VM1 acting as a router for VM2, giving access to my real lan for internet access. The problem I'm having is I cannot get VM1 to forward ports 80 (http) or 222 (ssh) to VM2 from my real lan.
Here is the script I've cobbled together from various (foreshadowing!) locations:
I would like to allow incoming and outgoing connections when I'm connected to a wired connection, but drop it otherwise. I noticed that ufw can't block outgoing traffic because of will I give iptables a try. I'm unsure if dropping packages that are outgoing will work, the rule after the block rule will allow all outgoing connections.
This what the rules are intended to do, unsure if that is actually the case. Allow all loopback traffic. Allow ping replys Allow incoming on port 12345 if eth0, deny otherwise. Allow outgoing on port 12346 if eth0, deny otherwise.
Code: iptables -A FORWARD -j DROP iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 0 -s -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
I'm using iptables with modules ip_contrack_ftp to be able to use passive ftp. It works well as long as port 21 is being used as listening port. Is there any way to make it work when I configure my ftp server (vsftpd) to listen on an alternative port, lets say 21001 or something? The helper module only seems to be working properly with the standard port, so I was wondering whether there was a way to "tell it" that another port is being used? I mean, of course I make a rule in fw to allow traffic to the alternative port.
But once it's time to start passive connection, then the iptable module cannot handle it properly. I could solve the problem by making a range of passive ports in the ftp-server configuration and allow the incoming traffic to them, but then using helper modules doesn't make any sense. I just want to allow the traffic to the listening port and then want the ip_contrack_ftp module to take care of the rest. This is what I do today - but only port 21 seems to be working. Is there a way to do this with a non-standard ftp port?
I am currently running Debian 6. I would like to know if there is a way and how i would go about blocking a certain IP range from connecting to my server within a certain port range. Say for example.
i want to block ip range 123.123.123.* from connecting to my server on the ports 33000 - 43000. But, i want to allow them to connect on any other port range, and i want to be able to allow connections from my server to the blocked ip range on those same ports. so, blocking incoming only on the above port range.
I am at a loss how to prevent Denial of Service attacks to port 25 and not block legitimate connections from 2 Barracuda 800(s) and block smart phones such as iPhones/Blackberrys/iPhones that use the server for email. Presently for port 25 RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
The 2 Barracuda 800(s) make port 25 connections all the time, plus users with smart_phones have the incoming server type: IMAP
Is there a way to keep Denial of Service attacks from happening with iptables rules without causing blocking to the Barracuda(s) that make constant port 25 connections & smart phones that poll? I was thinking if I allowed the Barracuda(s) in these lines -s (barracuda)24.xx.xx.xx -d (emailserver)24.00.xx.xx -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
Where the source would be the Barracuda going to the email server. It would be allowed, then I am left with how to allow other connections like Smart_Phones that connect via Port 25. I am thinking if I put rules in place doing connection counts in a minute it would result in errors connecting to the server and people would start complaining. Plus any limiting may result in blocking real traffic. Then would I need to allow the ISP range in the above example to accept port 25, I am still left with how to drop a flood/denial of service attack.
I am setting up tomcat server on my Centos 5.5 machine. I've been advised to run tomcat on 8080 as non root user and redirect traffic to it from port 80.
I searched and found the following iptables commands for this:# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT -to-ports 8080 # iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPTI have a doubt:
Tomcat is not accessible via port 80 without the second command. But the second command opens 8080 and makes it accessible over the internet (tomcat is accesible via both: www.<website>.com and http://<ip address>:8080). This doesn't seem right. Is there some simple (iptables) way to redirect traffic "internally" from port 80 to 8080 without having to open 8080 to the internet.
I'm trying to limit access to port 8443 on our server to 2 specific IP addresses. For some reason, access is still being allowed even though I drop all packets that aren't from the named IP addresses. The default policy is ACCEPT on the INPUT chain and this is how we want to keep it for various reasons I wont get into here. Here's the output from iptables -vnL
Note the actual IP we are using is masked here with Until I can get everything working properly, we're only allowing access from 1 IP instead of 2. We can add the other one once it all works right. I haven't worked with iptables very much. So I'm quite confused about why packets matching the DROP criteria are still being allowed.
I'm trying to open port 8080 on my application server. I've included it in my iptables; however I still cannot access through ssh nor putty and it doesn't show up when I netstat either.Here is my iptables-config:
-A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i eth0 -s xxx.xx.x.0/24 -j ACCEPT
sudo ssh -L 750: username@ does exactly what it's supposed to do, but how do i edit / remove this rule?Is there some config file where i can alter the forwarding? How does it get stored?Im using Ubuntu 10.10Server Edition (allthough i recon it would be pretty much the same across all versions
I'll explain this in one sentence: Is it possible to program a port-binding shellcode in which people across the Internet can connect to, without being thwarted by the router blocking their data because the port its bound to doesn't allow port-forwarding
I have set up a user to login remotely to our Red Hat 5 server via SSH. A rule in our department firewall enables this user to login from a single static ip address. The ssh port on our server is 22. I am able to login to port 22 from locations within our department firewall. Our administrator says the firewall configuration is unchanged. The remote user had been successful logging in. But now the remote user gets a Connection Timed Out message, before being asked to authenticate by the server.
I regenerated security keys, but the remote user still gets the connection timed out message. (I can login locally with the new keys). I suspect either a firewall or an authentication problem--inclining a firewall problem. Am I correct? Is there a Linux command to check whether port 22 is available or blocked, prior even to authentication, for login from the user's remote location?
I want to do a simple port redirect, i.e. whatever comes trough whatever interface on port AAAA will get redirected to port BBBBI thought that iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING --source 0/0 --destination 0/0 -p tcp --dport AAAA -j REDIRECT --to-ports BBBBhowever it doesn't work, e.g. nc -v -w2 -z localhost AAAA gives:
nc: connect to localhost port AAAA (tcp) failed: Connection refused while nc -v -w2 -z localhost BBBB
I want to verify that serial port libraries are installed in my system.I know that it is installed at /usr/local/lib. But I dont know what all files are to be present in there, so to ensure that the same is installed properly. Iam using suse 11.1.
I have a mail server i need it to send message via port 587 not port 25, i make some changes to my postfix server which i use and it is already successed making a telnet to 587 port like it :
I've got a Slackware 12.2 system that I'm trying to get to accept traffic on a given port, let's say 34521. When I use, to see if that port is responding, it is not.
I've put in an iptables entry to accept traffic on that port, is there anything else I need to do?
I have "Server A" with real internet ip (eth0) and lan ip (eth1) There's also "Server B" with lan ip (eth0), I'm running an Apache Web server on "Server B", so I want to redirect all traffic from IP port 80 (Server A) to port 80 (Server B), using the following rule:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j DNAT --to This actually works pretty good, from internet I can browse ttp:// But the problem is that if I check the Apache logs, all incoming connections seems to come from instead of showing the real source ip addresses (internet ip's) so this is screwing up all my web stats, I've been looking for hours and hours on how to make a transparent redirect, but can't find any info, I know there must be a way because my old WRT54G router which uses iptables could do it.