Red Hat / Fedora :: Transferring Files To Microsoft Server - Will SCP Work?

Jan 22, 2010

I am running a linux server and am familiar with scp somewhat, and have used it successfully in the past. But that was talking to another linux server. Thing is, here I need to talk with a Windows server. How do I do that. In addition, their server may require a VPN, which seems to add another layer of complexity.

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Ubuntu :: Server Crashes When Transferring Large Files

Feb 6, 2011

Every time I attempt to transfer over a large file (4 GB) via any protocol, my server restarts. On the rare occasion that it doesn't restart, it spits out a few error messages saying "local_softirq_pending 08" and then promptly freezes. Small files transfer fine.

Relevant information:

Ubuntu server 10.10
Four hard drives in RAID 5 configuration
CPU/HD temperatures are within normal range

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Server :: Configure Master / Slave Dns Using SSL Authentication While Transferring The Zone Files

Jul 11, 2011

In our Server they configure Master / Slave Dns using SSL authentication while tranfering the zone files, i dont have much idea about ssl authentication for Dns, how it will works

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Fedora :: Transferring Files From Another *nix Os Onto Fedora Yields Admin Lock On Random Ones?

Jun 26, 2010

What is the easiest way to make it so that these transferred files will not be completely locked out and require me to go and change them one by one sohat i can access them without having to go root. Also the "apply to all subfolders and files" doesn't work. Also trying to set the SELinux rule to "userspace" doesn't do anything else. Basically i was trying to do just that transfer my $home folder over to fedora but now it's being a bit odd towards me with making everything require root access and not letting me read/write all files and folders within them.

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Fedora :: Can't Get Webcam To Work Microsoft Lifecam Vx3000 - Just Shows Up As Green

Nov 28, 2009

My microsoft vx3000 lifecam just shows up as green.

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Software :: Php - Transferring Files From Redhat 9 Web Files To Centos 5.5

Mar 28, 2011

I have once tried transferring files from Redhat 9 web files to Centos 5.5 /var/www/html/ directory. Ok... LAMP is installed and working fine. httpd / apache is running and mysqld is installed without root password. Now I wan't to transfer it again to secure the database from Centos 5 to fedora 13. But when I tried browsing the web to check the web files I can only see these:


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Fedora Security :: Connecting Machine To A Microsoft VPN Server Using RSA Authentication?

Jul 28, 2011

Has anyone got experience connecting a linux machine to a Microsoft VPN server using RSA authentication? What puzzles me perhaps most about this topic is the absolute dirth of information. If it is not possible, can anyone tell me why?

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OpenSUSE :: Transferring Files From One O/S To Another On The Second Partition?

Aug 22, 2011

I have two different Linux operating systems (on two separate partitions) on my laptop. One is open SUSE and the second is PCLinuxOS and I frequently have to update files and folders from one to the other (the consequences of trying to keep both current!). When I am using openSUSE and want to access folders/files on the other OS, openSUSE asks for SU authorisation to access the other . . ./home file. Until recently, I could open ALL of the folders on the (other) /home file but now I can open some folders but not others. The Dolphin screen shows a warning at the bottom that "Could not enter folder /media...... " ! I can then only access the folder by going into the menu and using the 'File manager -Super User' mode ..AGAIN.

I suspect this action is necessary because I have had to previously open these specific folders in 'Root mode' to be able to 'paste' the moved file! I would like to avoid this (double) 'messy' action - how to change/avoid this My system is a 32bit openSUSE 11.4 with KDE 4.6.0 and the 2nd OS is also KDE 4.6

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Files From One OS To Another On The Same Machine?

Mar 20, 2010

I've resolved to move onto Ubuntu, but I haven't done so quite yet. One question that sprang to mind was the transferral of files from the Windows OS to the Linux OS on the same machine, if it's possible. I'm thinking something like the dual partition, though I suppose Copy/paste wouldn't work.

Another possible solution was using dual partition and then Windows SCP, but everything I've read on the topic indicates that SCP works by finding the (different) host address of the computer; thus it would read my machine as one, even if I'm running Ubuntu on it as well.

how to transfer these friggin' things.

Part of the reason for my query is that I am quite strapped financially and am unable to backup my files on an internet service or on discs.

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Files From Windows?

Mar 13, 2011

I want to convert my wife's computer from MS XP 2003 to Ubuntu 10.10. I have saved "My Documents" to an external hard drive. How will I go about transferring these files to Ubuntu? Do I just pick individual files and go to "Save As"? Can I just transfer them en mass?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cant Get Iphone To Work Beyond Transferring Pictures

Mar 27, 2010

I cant get my iphone to work with Ubuntu beyond transferring pictures. I have tried ifuse, isky, gtkpod etc. nothing seems to work, and many of the times I run into errors messages when following the tutorials. Ubuntu 64 bit 9.04 acer aspire 8730

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Ubuntu :: Deluged Stops Transferring Torrents / Get It To Work?

Aug 19, 2011

I've been trying to get some help with a problem I'm having in Deluge. I started on the Deluge forums but am not really getting much help, so I figured I'd post here and see if maybe someone has an idea of what's going on. code...

I'm running Deluged and using the Web Interface. I start the computer up and download the first Torrent (or set of Torrents) fine. After they're done, if I add any more Torrents then it won't transfer them at all. It shows no Seeders. Peers go up and down like they're trying to connect but losing connection. 20-45 minutes later, it starts downloading. Until I updated to the PPA version, it would download slowly but after updating now it downloads full speed. If I kill Deluged (Rather than waiting a possible 45+ min for it to start) then it starts downloading at full speed right away.

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Ubuntu :: Copying Hangs When Transferring Files?

Dec 10, 2010

when I try to transfer files between flash drives, it starts to copy normally and then after few seconds it starts to lag. Transfer rate drops with each second by 0.2 MB down until 5 MB/s where it completely hangs. This happens to every single flash drive I put in and this is annoying because I have external HardDrive connected over USB port and I keep all my data in there, so when I try to transfer the files from the hard drive to the flash drive - it lags and hangs. Same thing if I want to copy from internal harddrive to flash drive. Although everything is fine when I copy from the flash drive to the internal harddrive and everything is fine when flash drive or the external harddrive is alone (no other flash drives or something is connected).

I am also using Ubuntu 10.04. I have tried transfering files on my netbook running ubuntu, because I thought that it might be a USB port issue but the same thing happened on the netbook too...

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Files Between 2 Remote Servers?

Aug 13, 2011

I've tried FXP and rsync, none worked and I can't find much info on how to get them working, just alot of google results with people in the same situation as me!

I want to transfer files from 1 remote server to another remote server... a fairly easy task in which I'm sure there's an easy solution, I just can't find it.

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SUSE :: Transferring Files Using FTP In ASCII Mode?

Nov 5, 2010

I am trying to download a EBCDIC file from z/Os to UNIX using FTP in ASCII mode. The problem I am seeing is; when UNIX FTP Client issues a get; UNIX CPU goes to 100% CPU utilization when transferring a file in ASCII mode. I have done packet traces using wireshark and noted that z/OS Server is translating the file to ASCII before putting it on the wire, however when UNIX FTP Client gets the file I believe that the UNIX FTP Client is again translating the file to ASCII causing the 100% CPU utilization. I need verification that this is what is happening, and is there a way of getting around this other then transferring the file in binary mode then doing a EBCDIC

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General :: Transferring Files From Windows Machine?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a linux box that I plan to use primarily as a server. I also have another machine that dual boots Windows/Linux.I would like to have a way to backup my filehe Windows/Linux box onto the Linux server. In other words, I am assuming the hardrive on the Windows/Linux box could fail at any time and I want to have a backup of important files.Should I set up an ftp server to do this? Are there any security issues that I need to be concerned about if the files contain sensitive information etc?

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General :: Transferring Large Files Using Scp With CPU And Memory Considerations?

Oct 5, 2010

I want to transfer an arbitrarily large file (say >20GB) between 2 servers. I have several considerations:

Must use port 22 (ssh) because of firewall restrictions
Cannot tax the CPU (production server)
Memory efficiency
Would prefer a checksum check but that could be done manually
Time is not of the essence

Server A and Server B are on the same private network (sharing a switch) and data security is not a concern, Server A and Server B are not on the same network and transfer will be via the public internet so data security is a concern, My first thought was using nice on an scp command with a non-CPU-intensive cypher (blowfish?). But I thought I'll refer to the SU community for recommendations.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Home Network - Transferring Files

Mar 2, 2010

I am looking to set up a home network server on an old PC. I want to be able to access files on the network hard drive in the PC, stream video or music from the "server", and use the computer as a regular desktop connected to TV as a monitor. I tried setting up an FTP server and that worked for transferring files but failed to get a good connection for streaming or fast transfers.

Was less then 1MB a second. I tried setting up a shared folder but ran into several permission errors between the host PC and the laptop that that connected to the shared folder. which way to go with this to get what I want out of it. I know if can be done just not sure how to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Bluetooth Not Transferring Files To Nokia N900?

Aug 11, 2010

The computer and phone are paired, and transfer starts, but after 4096 bytes it says:Transfer finished with an error: Error sending object. I'm running 64-bit Lucid and Maemo 5 on the phone. Here are some of the things I've tried, following the docs, and the errors I get:

~$hcitool info 3D:F7:2A:60:7A:40
Requesting information ...


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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Crashes 11.04 When Transferring Files <1gb?

Aug 9, 2011

I've got a quadcore PC, 2gb ram pc running ubuntu 11.04 with samba set up on a shared folder - the plan is to share files and media between myself and my housemates. However, I do not have the router attached by ethernet, I am connecting to the router (in another room) by a d-link wireless dongle.

I can access the share without real issue from my windows laptop and other computers in the house share I'm part of, and I can happily transfer a text file here and there, but it seems to be anything over 20mb will not go. All the files I am trying to transfer are >1gb and it's driving me mad.

After some decent transfer rates of around 1mb per second it just freezes up. The screen attached to the actual server goes blank and the host becomes unreachable by ping.I'll be happy to provide any command results or anything to get this working. any assistance would be welcome!

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OpenSUSE :: Installing FileZilla / Transferring Files To/from A Windows Machine?

Aug 27, 2010

I have been using gFTP to transfer files to/from a windows machine, but have run into a problem and wanted to try FileZilla. Using YasT (Package Search) I found and selected "filezilla - A GUI FTP and SFTP Client", and proceeded to attempt to install it. The outcome is:

Attempting to install FileZilla under YasT:

Download failed: File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium url.

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Ubuntu :: Data Loss When Transferring Large Number Of Files?

Jul 20, 2010

This problem is not exclusive to Ubuntu, I've experienced it in Windows and OSX as well, but it seems that almost every time I transfer a large number of files (i.e. my music collection) between my desktop computer and laptop via my external hard drive, I end up losing files for no reason. I usually don't notice the files are missing until later on, because I am never informed of any data loss. Now, every time I make a large transfer of files, I just do it two or three times to ensure that I don't lose any files.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Transferring M4a Files To IPod Touch With Amarok

Mar 10, 2011

I downloaded Amarok 2.4 today and am attempting to use it to sync my music to my iPod Touch. .mp3 files transfer perfectly, but for some reason any .m4a file is being reassigned a .mp4 extension and being relegated to the 'Video' app on the iPod. I do realise that an .m4a is just .aac audio in an mp4 wrapper, why Amarok and/or the iPod is deciding to treat them like a video instead? It's doing it both to my own ffmpeg-encouded .m4as as well as unprotected .m4as from the iTunes Store (relics of my time on Windows). Anyone know what might be going on with this? Ubuntu 10.10 NE, Amarok 2.4, iPod Touch 2G (... possibly 3G, but I'm pretty sure it's a 2G) running firmware 4.2.1

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Route To Host - Filezilla And Transferring Files Generally?

Aug 14, 2011

Desktop, laptop, both static IPs, can ping each other no issue. 10.04 LTS.Am attempting to transfer files using Filezilla (which worked when I tried it about two years ago!) and the overall response is 'No route to host'. I have scoured the interwebs and have found no solution. Pretty sure I'm putting in the correct details.

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Ubuntu :: Microsoft VX5000 Webcam Does Not Work ?

Jan 4, 2011

I plugged my Microsoft VX5000 Lifecam into my Ubuntu 10.10 system and expected it to fire up and work like a charm. Well I had high hopes for the new year but I see it's not going to be easy. I tried to use Skype and Camorama. It just does not see the web cam. When I plug it in, I see the little blue light come on for a second then go off.

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Ubuntu Networking :: When Transferring Large Files Using Scp Between Desktop Running Maverick And Other Servers?

Nov 12, 2010

sometimes when transferring large files using scp between my desktop running maverick and other servers running Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS, I get the following error message: 77% 258MB 11.3MB/s 00:06 ETAReceived disconnect from 2: Packet corruptI've found a seemingly related bug report on launchpad here: but the provided "ethtool" fix did not help. I'd be most grateful for any ideas on how to solve this issue. Some more info:Linux lotus 2.6.35-22-generic-pae #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 22:16:51 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linuxlspci | grep eth -i00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 02)

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Ubuntu :: How Well Does Microsoft Office 2007 Work Under WINE

Jan 21, 2010

how well does Microsoft Office 2007 work under WINE? My mother is a school teacher for younger children, so she really only needs Microsoft Office 2007 and a browser. For the life of me, I've never met anyone that gets more viruses and problems with her computer. So I'm wondering if I can switch her over to Linux and use Microsoft Office 2007 in WINE. OpenOffice isn't a possibility, I'm already pushing it asking her to learn how to use Linux. (I know it isn't hard, I use it myself, but she will fight to the death about using Microsoft Office) So how's Office in WINE?

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Ubuntu :: Microsoft LifeCam Doesn't Work After Reboot?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a Microsoft LifeCam webcam. It works great under Ubuntu 10.04... Until I reboot. After the reboot, Cheese reports no device connected. I have to get down behind my PC, unplug the webcam and plug it in againThen it works... until the next reboot.

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General :: Can't Access Microsoft Files Windows?

Oct 14, 2010

installed ubuntu on hard drive by mistake, can i access my microsoft files or recover them?

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Server :: How To Use Postfix To Send Mail Through Microsoft Exchange Server?

Dec 25, 2010

I recently had the need to relay SMTP mail through our organizations hosted MS Exchange server. I had to do a little troubleshooting, so I wrote a concise summary of the procedure I followed.

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