Red Hat / Fedora :: SElinux Error And Lock Out

Sep 24, 2010

I have accidentally locked myself out in the following manner. I have Fedora 13 with SElinux. The whole hard drive was encrypted at install with Fedora's standard method. Upon logging into a non-root account called "hoss", I set the policy (in gnome) System menu -> Administration -> SElinux administration -> User Mapping -> added the logged on user as a SElinux user with only user_u privileges. After reboot, I successfully log in as hoss, but now I get an error when trying to open the SElinux administration, any open office program, or any task requiring elevation with root password (the prompt never comes up). What is worse is I did not set the ability to login the console as root. This user now does not have write privileges to any of root's documents. I cannot access the hard drive from a remote source because it is encrypted. Is there any way whatsoever to now elevate myself to root to reconfigure SElinux? When I open the SElinux administration Should there not be a prompt that gives me a root password to be able to correct SElinux by removing "hoss" from the list? As of right now this account seems to be totally unable to be elevated to higher privileges. I cannot even use the Add/Remove software feature to apply patches to SElinux without a root password. Elevating to su in bash is also blocked.

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Fedora Installation :: Error: Can't Create Transaction Lock On /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock (Permission Denied)

Nov 22, 2010

I just downloaded OpenOffice 3.2.1 from the weebsite. I followed the instructions precisely and everytime ended up in the same error message - 'error: can't create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock (Permission denied)'. I am using Fedora 13.

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Fedora :: Get SELinux And Wine Error

Jan 2, 2011

I get the SELinux and wine error. How can this be fixed?

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Fedora Servers :: SELinux - Find A List Of All The Booleans For SELinux (10) Using Getsebool -a

Feb 23, 2009

You can find a list of all the booleans for SELinux (Fedora 10) using getsebool -a My question is, is there a reference online that describes each one. Most of obvious but it's one of those "I have to know because it's there situation).

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Fedora :: F13 Akonadi Crash (InnoDB: Unable To Lock ./ibdata1, Error: 11)?

Nov 18, 2010

I have been working with F13 since last summer and Kontact/Akonadi worked fine all this time. Two weeks ago, more or less, Akonadi started to crash every time I tried to start it. Therefore I can use Kmail but without geting access to my contacts, since I put them on a resource controlled by Akonadi.

Just now I have updated a lot of KDE modules, include Akonadi, but the result is the same. Hereafter you will find the entire akonadi-selftest-report:[URL]..

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Fedora Servers :: Dreaded Vsftp "500: Cannot Change Directory" Error Not SELinux Related?

Sep 12, 2009

When I try to login as a user, I get the dreaded "500 OOPS: cannot change directory:". Almost every posting I can find related to this problem was due to SELinux being enabled. My SELinux is operating in permissive mode. So why can't it open the home directory when I log in as the tarheelnk user?

[root@server1 home]# ls /home/ -l
total 36
-rw------- 1 root apache 7168 2009-09-11 16:24
-rw------- 1 root apache 7168 2009-09-11 16:30 aquota.user
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 2009-09-11 10:07 lost+found
drwsrws--- 4 tarheelnk apache 4096 2009-09-11 14:58 tarheelnk

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Server :: SELinux Permissions \ Getting The Error Described In This Bug?

May 20, 2011

I'm getting the error described in this bug. The fix is described in the bug:Code:The following additional SELinux permissions were found to resolve the situation:

allow httpd_t winbind_helper_t:process signal;


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Security :: When Sending The Mail A Selinux Error Is Coming?

Aug 19, 2009

i configured sendmail with squirrelmail in RHEL5.3

it is working fine. i can send the mail and receive the mail .

but when i try to send the mail a selinux error is coming[but mail is sending successfully ]. i don't under stand this message.



SELinux is preventing sendmail (system_mail_t) "read" to eventpoll (httpd_t).

Detailed Description:

SELinux denied access requested by sendmail. It is not expected that this access is required by sendmail and this access may signal an intrusion attempt. It is also possible that the specific version or configuration of the application is causing it to require additional access.

Allowing Access:

Sometimes labeling problems can cause SELinux denials. You could try to restore the default system file context for eventpoll,

restorecon -v 'eventpoll'

If this does not work, there is currently no automatic way to allow this access.Instead, you can generate a local policy module to allow this access - see FAQ(url) Or you can disable SELinux protection altogether. Disabling SELinux protection is not recommended.Please file a bug report (url) against this package.

Additional Information:

Source Context system_u:system_r:system_mail_t
Target Context system_u:system_r:httpd_t
Target Objects eventpoll [ file ]
Source sendmail
Source Path /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail
Port <Unknown>

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Software :: OpenSSH W/ Selinux Compile Error On CentOS 4.8?

Mar 16, 2010

$ ./configure --with-md5-passwords --with-selinux --with-pam
Host: i686-pc-linux-gnu
Compiler: gcc


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General :: Error: Security Context Requested, Bu No Selinux Support! Aborting

Apr 19, 2010

I try to install IPsec-Tools on Slackware 13, but I get an configure error: configure: error: Security Context requested, bu no selinux support! Aborting. I'm linux newbie and I'm following a slackware-basics tutorial, I did as in the tutorial, but the configure stops and aborts:

# CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i486 -mcpu=i686"
./configure --prefix=/usr

What can I do? How can I enable/install selinux support? I guess it's related with AH and ESP protocols, which in my kernel are defined as modules (m). If so, how can I enable them?

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Fedora :: SELinux Will Not Allow Tor?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm running into some problems setting up Tor on Fedora 14. I have followed the following guide to a T (although I realize it is for Fedora 10) believe the problem is SELinux... but I'm not sure. Has anyone had any success running Tor in Fedora 14 without it bugging out? If not, is there some sort of Unix alternative?

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Ubuntu Servers :: E: Could Not Get Lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - Open (11 Resource Temporarily Unavailable)

Mar 25, 2010

When i connect windows server 2003 from ubuntu these error displayed .When i installing the tsclient, by executing these following command from a Terminal window:

sudo apt-get install tsclient

When i run these command the following error displayed.

E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)

E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Freezing \ When Tried To Turn It On Some Of The Lights Came On And The Caps Lock And Num Lock Started Flashing?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a HP Pavilion dv4 that is 4 months old. Yesterday it suddenly seemed to restart then once I logged in it turned off. When I tried to turn it on some of the lights came on and the caps lock and num lock started flashing. Since then I have not been able to get it to work correctly.It once seemed to turn on but died again after the login window.I tried to use my live cd but the same thing happened. It started loading once, but then shut down again. Every other time it stayed dead minus the lights

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Ubuntu :: Sudo-apt Get Not Working - Not Get Lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock Resource Temporarily Unavailable

Jun 12, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 on an old Sony Vaio laptop. I was following some of the steps here..[url]

The step "Enable Full DVD Playback(Dual Layer DVD Support)" did not finish correctly doh and now I can't use 'sudo apt-get' for anything or the software center or using the 'Update Manager' does not work.

The update manger says it may be caused by an update not finishing correctly which sounds correct as explained above. The apt-get command gives me back the following....'Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock resource temporarily unavailable' 'unable to lock administration directory /var/lib/dpkg is another process using it?'

I tried the obvious restart but that hasn't worked.

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Ubuntu Installation :: E: Could Not Open Lock File /var/cache/apt/archives/lock

Feb 25, 2010

my problem is the terminal:

E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) , are you root?

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Ubuntu :: Could Not Get Lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - Open (11 Resource Temporarily Unavailable)?

Apr 3, 2010

I have pidgin2.5.2. I want to install pidgin2.6.6.How can I do that?E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

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Ubuntu :: Volume Controls Not Working After Enabling Num Lock Or Caps Lock?

May 2, 2010

There is a very strange problem I've been having. When I enable either Caps Lock or Num Lock the media controls on my keyboard cease to work. I have Googled this one to death but found nothing. This problem existed in Xubuntu 9.10 and now still exists in Xubuntu 10.04. The keyboard I use is a Logitech Elite Keyboard. I would love to be able to use the Caps Lock and Num Lock without the worry that I am disabling the media controls

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Ubuntu :: Load Live CD / Caps Lock/scroll Lock Flash?

May 27, 2010

I have just burned the latest CD using infraRecorder, as per the instructions on this site, however when I boot from this CD, it spends about 5 minutes moving the red balls across my screen, then all of the sudden it just freezes, and my caps and scroll lock lights start to blink. I've had a look in the forums already but there's nothing about this happening on Boot of the live CD.

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Ubuntu :: Num Lock Doesn't Work / When Pressing Num Lock And Typing Numbers, Nothing Happens?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm wondering why the num lock doesn't work in Ubuntu anymore? When you press the "num lock" key, you're supposed to be able to input the numbers along with + - * / and decimal point. When I press num lock and try typing numbers, nothing happens.

I've done a google search and this is a well known problem that nobody has fixed. In Windows it's never a problem.

Seems such a shame that the great Ubuntu and Linux are so good for stability and speed, but can't get a simple num lock working.

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Ubuntu :: When Laptop Freezes / It Shows Caps Lock And Scroll Lock Lights Blinking

Oct 31, 2010

I am having a very annoying problem with my laptop.I am experiencing many freezes.When my laptop freezes, it shows the caps lock and scroll lock lights blinking.At first I thought it was a problem with flash (here is original thread: URL... )In the original thread, I thought the freeze's were being caused by the flashplayer, but it apparently isn't the case.The last time I experienced the freeze, I was playing around with the compiz desktop effects.

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General :: Error - No Lock File Found In /var/run/

Jun 22, 2010

I have a problem when I try to service nagios start, error is the following; No lock file found in /var/run/ So when I verified the sample Nagios configuration files whit /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg, get: -bash: /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios: No such file or directory

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Networking :: ERROR: Lock Directory /var/run/samba Does Not Exist

Jan 20, 2010

When i try to share a folder from linux ubuntu desktop i am facing a problem a error reported are as follow:

loaded services file OK.
ERROR: lock directory /var/run/samba does not exist
ERROR: pid directory /var/run/samba does not exist

or i have no permission to open samba

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Fedora :: NTP Is Blocked By SElinux?

Jul 18, 2009

How can I solve the problem?

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Fedora :: SELinux Does Not Like Wine

Jan 18, 2010

There are several options available, such as "Ignore Alert" and "Turn off memory protection". What are the consequences of choosing one or the other?I'm new to Fedora and I'm not familiar with SELinux. Can someone please give me guidelines (or explanation) on how to deal with SELinux alerts?

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Fedora :: How To Permanently Disable Selinux

Jul 14, 2009

I came across the following method of how to permanently disabling selinux and it's notifications. Although changing enforcement from the gui into permissive mode does most of the job, the notifications still pop-up when some applications are started.

So to disable it do the following:

open terminal as root and execute:


And then change the SELINUX line to SELINUX=disabled


This is it. Now reboot the system and selinux will never bother you again.

If you are not a Fedora user and you are using this forum just because we are cooler here then you will not find the /etc/selinux/config as in the fedora releases. What you need to do is to edit the kernel boot line and add selinux=0 at the end:


Reboot the system

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Fedora :: Selinux On Encrypted Root?

Oct 2, 2009

After my cloning problems this morning were resolved, I have been able to complete conversion of the clone to run from an encrypted root partition. However, I have been unable to enable selinux when running from the encrypted root. /etc/selinux/config contains the settings that work on my unencrypted system


and it is not disabled from the grub bootline, but the encrypted system always comes up with selinux disabled. Attempting to enable it with the command setenforce 1 fails, and to add insult to injury, the selinux administration-gui shows that it is enabled and enforcing. The cloned, now encrypted, system was cloned via rsync -aHXv, so the selinux contexts/attributes have been maintained as near as I can tell. I did have to disable selinux while performing the rsync of the /selinux directory in order to get it to copy and I am wondering if there was still some issue with this method.

I know some of you are running from encrypted root fs's and was wondering: Do you have selinux enabled and is it functioning properly? Any suggestions as to how I might jumpstart it or force it to run? Maybe I should boot into the system and uninstalling/reinstalling selinux?

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Fedora :: OOo Will Not Run With SELinux - Edit Menu

Nov 18, 2009

I just upgraded to fedora 12 via clean install with old /home partition and deleting old config files, and here is my issue. I need to edit the menu, and I need to set SELinux to permissive. OOo will not run with SELinux enabled for some reason, and besides, all my systems use SELinux in permissive. These two options no longer exist in the menu

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Fedora :: SElinux In Permissive Mode

Dec 4, 2009

I made the Selinux inactive with easylife how can I reactivate it.

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Fedora Security :: SELinux Context For Cgi-bin?

Oct 20, 2010

I'm attempting to get MapServer running on my Fedora 13 computer. I was able to install with the package manager, and the executable (mapserv) was originally placed in /usr/sbin. But I need it in /var/www/cgi-bin to work on the webserver. So I copied the file to the right location. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the correct SELinux context. Here's the message from the troubleshooter:

SELinux denied access requested by /var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv. /var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv is mislabeled. /var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv default type is httpd_sys_script_exec_t, but its current type is httpd_sys_script_exec_t. Changing this file back to the default type, may fix your problem.

How's that for circular logic? Does anyone have an idea what the correct SELinux context for a cgi-bin executable might be?

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Fedora Security :: Selinux Not Enabled?

Nov 10, 2010

Trying to keep selinux enabled. When I start SeLinux Troubleshooter from the menu, which is inautostart as well, It tells me SELinux not enabled, sealert will not run on nonSELinus systems".How do I get SELinux permanently started then

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