Programming :: Writing Unix Shell Script To Pass File Name/path/creation Date?

Oct 7, 2009

I'm new to UNIX scripting; I�m stuck with the following I have an Oracle SQL script that takes three parameters

1- File Name
2- File Path
3- File creation date

Under UNIX I have a folder where files will be placed frequently and I need to upload those files to Oracle, what I need is a UNIX script that can do the following

Loop through Directory "/home/applmgr/snktmp"
Picks only files
Pass the file name to parameter &1


Is the above possible? I already knows how to call the Oracle Script from UNIX Im only stuck on writing the UNIX part where it List the files attribute(name,path,date) and store them to parameters ,Looping until the last file in the directory If the above is not possible,then how can I create the below from the command line

Filename{concatenation Mark}filePath{concatenation Mark}creationdate
Filename{concatenation Mark}filePath{concatenation Mark}creationdate
Filename{concatenation Mark}filePath{concatenation Mark}creationdate
Filename{concatenation Mark}filePath{concatenation Mark}creationdate

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General :: Adding A Files Creation Date To It's File Name?

Sep 17, 2010

I have some basic experiencing creating simple scripts/making directories/changing permissions/etc. but I'm stumped on this one.

I have two linux boxes. I have a script set up on box 'A' to SCP into box 'B', grab a copy of a database backup and store it on box 'A'. It looks like this:

scp root@X.X.X.X:/blah/blah/blah/dump.23.gz /home/blah/DB_Backups/

I have generated a public key on box 'A' and placed it into the authorized_keys file on box 'B', so a password is not required and the file copies over successfully when the script is run. On to my problem...

I need to know what date the 'dump.23.gz' file was originally created when I'm viewing it after it's been copied to box 'A'. If I ls -l on box 'A' it only shows me the date it was created on box 'A' when it was copied.

What would I need to add to my script to append the backup's original creation date on box 'B' to the filename so that when it gets copied to box 'A' I know when the backup was created on box 'B'. I'm sure this is probably confusing. I've done lots of searching and can only find information on how to append the current date and time to a file name. I need to append it's original creation timestamp to the filename when it copies over.

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Programming :: Pass A Path As A String To A Variable?

Apr 17, 2009

I'm trying to pass a path as a string to an array, but its evaluating it as a command instead. I want to take the literal string "/mnt/accounts/user/temp/*.jpg" and assign it to an array{1}, but when i echo the array variable, it displays it as



I just want it to be the actual text "/mnt/accounts/user/temp/*.jpg" which i will be combining with other text to create a longer path elsewhere in the code.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Replace Jpg Files Last Modification Date With Timestamp Creation Date?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm looking for a method for modifying some jpg photo files last modification date with the corresponding timestamp creation date of each file.The reason is that shotwell import pictures in folders according to last modification date which is stupid on my opinion.

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Programming :: How To Write Own Shell In Unix

Sep 16, 2010

I wish to create my own shell for my operating systems project in college...

My professor has asked me to make sure that my shell can execute at least 30 or 40 commands... I have around a month's time

I have seen endless source codes in the net, I'm not able to understand any of it

How do i get about doing it?

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Programming :: How To Pass Sed Address By Shell Variable

Aug 2, 2011


I am somewhat confident that there is a neater way.

Question: Does anybody know the answer?

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Programming :: Pass A Shell Variable To An AWK Command?

Dec 23, 2010

I have the following code :

if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then


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Programming :: Pass Variable From One Shell Script Into Another

Oct 2, 2009

I have some messy code that I wrote a while back and I am trying to organize it. The program opens xpaint and uses xwit and xte to draw packman and so on. I want to split it all up I am going to add more to it. Basically like i would want drawing packman in one function i guess you could call it and then coloring him or the background in another

pkill xpaint
res=`xwininfo -root | grep geom | sed -e 's/^.*try ([0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*)+.*$/1/'`
Xoriginal=`echo $res | cut -d 'x' -f 1`
Yoriginal=`echo $res | cut -d 'x' -f 2`

X=`echo "($Xoriginal/2)-400" | bc `
Y=`echo "$Yoriginal/2" | bc `
bob=`echo "$Y/2" |bc `
echo $X
echo $Y

/usr/bin/xpaint -size "$Xoriginal"x"$Yoriginal" -popped &
sleep 4
paintersMom=`xwit -all -print | grep XP | cut -d ":" -f 1`
canvasWin=`xwit -all -print | grep Untitled | cut -d ":" -f 1`
#toolres=`xwininfo -id $paintersmom | grep geom | sed -e 's/^.*try ([0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*)+.*$/1/'`
#canres=`xwininfo -id $canvasWin | grep geom | sed -e 's/^.*try ([0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*)+.*$/1/'`

#echo $paintersMom
xwit -id $paintersMom -move 0 0
xwit -id $canvasWin -move 0 0
xwit -root -warp "$X" "$Y"
sleep 4
for((i=45; i < 315; i++))
xte 'mousedown 1'
ang=`./deg2rad $i`

movex=`echo "$X+$bob*c($ang)" | bc -l`
movey=`echo "$Y+$bob*s($ang)" | bc -l`
xwit -root -warp "$movex" "$movey"
xwit -root -warp "$X" "$Y"
xte 'mouseup 1'

#xwit -id $paintersMom -focus -raise
#sleep 1
#xwit -id $paintersMom -warp 30 390 #// fill in command on tool bar
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1
#xwit -id $canvasWin -warp 221 40 #// color selection
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1
#xwit -id $canvasWin -warp "$(($X-150))" "$Y" #//location on pac man
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1

#xwit -id $canvasWin -warp 62 44 #// selecting color black
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1
#xwit -root -warp 62 120 #// selecting back to canvas
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1' #// color canvas black
#sleep 1
#xwit -id $paintersMom -focus -raise
#xwit -id $paintersMom -warp 27 108 #//click back to pencil
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1

Here for example $paintersmom is would be in the drawing of pacman but I would also want to use it when I colored him in.. but I would want both processes in a different shell script.

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General :: Shell Scripting Text File Creation ?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm just starting out with shell-scripting, but having a problem with making new text files with the touch or cat > commands.

What I've been doing is touch testfile1.txt

Also, I've tried cat > testfile1.txt (text)

Console reports "bash: text1.txt: No such file or directory. Consfusingly, it works fine in the home-directory. But if I move the file to where I want it, I can no longer view, edit, etc. it.

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Programming :: Keep Original Mod Date Of A File And 'date' It Back To Same File?

Jul 12, 2010

I would really like to preserve a file's original modified date and pass it back to the file as the same attribute after a script has worked on it. I get a lot of JPEG files from different places on the Net which I either turn around and upload or burn to disk, and having the "original" date of either download or last mod in a graphics app would be for me, in the long run, a lot more helpful when deciding, for instance, which files to "recycle" or pass on backing up more than once.I've tried doing this on my own every now and then. Where I run into problems is that it appears "stat" and "date" use different formats for date information, and I can't seem to puzzle out how to "translate" one to the other satisfactorily for the latter command.

Just to give an example:
stat foo.jpg |grep Modify gives me
Modify: 2010-07-12 06:28:56.890625000 -0400

Passing that string as-is to date foo.jpg, I get the errordate: unknown option -- 0 and the usual semi-courteous suggestion to Try 'date --help' for more information.Somehow my TexInfo database got screwed up somewhere along the line and info dategives me the short article on date input formats, not the full documentation for the command

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General :: Pass File Content Through URL Using Shell Script?

Jul 16, 2011

I am calling a URL from shell script and passing few argumants,Here i have to pass file content as one argument.How can i pass file content through URL.

content=`cat /Users/test1.txt`
open http://localhost:8080?filecontent=$content


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Programming :: Writing A Shell Script That Logs Some Actions?

Mar 26, 2010

I need help creating a script that makes a log file in wich to save information about every user that uses the ftp command (information like username and date) and the server to wich he is trying to connect.

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Programming :: Invoking UNIX Shell Commands From HTML Webpage

May 11, 2010

I have a few questions regarding HTML, UNIX and Javascript. I've been tasked with creating a fairly simple webpage that takes a few inputs. Each input must correspond to an argument in a UNIX command running on a server.On a UNIX server we have a script (.ksh) that takes 3 arguments. The result of the script is a data file which is FTP'ed to an external server. Let's forget about the FTP portion for now. I would like to know where I should begin.What I know so far:

1) I will need HTML to create the webpage. Skill level is high
2) I will need Javascript to make my webpage more interactive. Skill level is high.
3) I will need to understand the UNIX environment. Skill level is high.

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General :: Change Windows Path To Unix Path?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a path c:windowsackup I need this string to be changed into /windows/back/up I used the command -bash-3.00$ echo windackup | sed 's/\//g' but the output is windbackup

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General :: Find The Tag Value In Xml File Through Unix Shell Script?

Nov 3, 2010

the below tag is in the xml file. Now i want to find and extract the value of application name test1 and test2 one by one in the unix shell script. how to do this

<application name="test1">
<application name="test2">


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General :: How To Look At History File In Unix Shell For User?

May 28, 2010

How to Look at history file in unix shell for a user, find 5 most often used commands.

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Programming :: Writing A Shell Script For Running A Package From IRAF?

Jan 10, 2011

I want to run gallist pkge from iraf for several times.. The step for running that

is:>xgterm &
>ecl &

artdata>epar gallist (I set some parameter) then by writing gallist iraf terminal the pkge is run:


I want this pkge is run for 1000 time and all output result are collected in only one file.

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General :: Shell Script File - Pass Multiple Parameters To Interpreter?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a Python script that I run which needs to execute under a special environment, so I would run the program like so from my working directory (~/project/src):

python shell

This opens up an interactive shell for me to start typing my own commands.I have another set of administrative activities that I would like to house in another directory (~/project/admin). The is really finicky about running from the working directory. So, to make this whole thing work, I made a script which starts off like so:

#!/usr/bin/python ../src/ shell

There are a couple problems with this. The first is that it doesn't work:

/usr/bin/python: can't open file '"/../src/" shell': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

How do you specify multiple parameters to the interpreter?How do I change the working directory?

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Programming :: Writing Shell Snip To Import CSV Data Into Bash Array

Jan 5, 2011

I have been trying to write a simple snip of bash shell code to import from 1 to 100 records into a Bash array.

I have a CSV file that is structured like:

And would like to get this data into corresponding arrays as such:

View 9 Replies View Related

General :: Write Shell Script To Check The Modified Date Of A File ?

Jun 17, 2011

I have two linux servers, they are backup together.

1. Server 1 have 3 files with name: file1, file2, file3 in the path: /etc/sysconfig/network-script/.

2. Server 2 have 3 files with name and path are the same as server 1.

- How to make a script to copy 3 files at server1 to overwrite on server2. But before overwrite, this script will check and compare the last modified date of these 3 files(on server1 and server2). if the modified date of file1, file2 or file3 on server1 is newer than 3 files on server2 then overwrite process will do, if not, will do nothing.

- see my script as below: it works find now but just overwrite. not check last modified date.

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Fedora :: Rename JPG Files To Creation Date

Sep 2, 2009

I have a list of .jpg files from two cellphones that I would like to rename to the file creation date... but so far I can't seem to find a suitable script (or anything remotely close to what I need).

These are jpg's snapped on cellphone cameras, so no EXIF data exists.

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Ubuntu :: List Files By Creation Date?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm looking for a terminal command that gives me the latest created folder in a directory tree.


ls -lR --sort=time --reverse

this i almost good, but a) it gives me files (rather than folders only), b) it sorts the files by folder (rather than just giving me a plain list of everything) and c) it takes way to long.

what i want:


2010-08-01 ./path/to/folder/a
2010-08-03 ./path/to/folder/b
2010-08-06 ./another/folder/c


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General :: Trackpad Writing In Chinese On Unix?

Jul 14, 2010

I've seen the trackpad tool to write chinese characters on macs, is there any such linux clone? Or are there any projects that anyone knows of which are trying to create that for linux?

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General :: Merge Files By Creation / Modification Date?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a folder with hundreds of .txt files (logs of some java application) that I have to merge in to one single .txt file. This application produces a new log file everyday:

day1: logFriday10September2010.txt
day2: logSaturday11September2010.txt
day8: logFriday17September2010.txt
and so on...

I could merge the files easily with "cat" and ">>" however, the problem is that I have to do it by taking into account the date (creation or modification) of the file.

If I simple use the cat command the output file will receive for example, all Fridays in a row, then all Saturdays, etc. and in that way I'm not considering the date.

I've searched for the options of the find command, since the files after creation are not modified...I try to use this for example:

$ find . -newer <some old file>

but that lists me all files after that <old file> and not by correct date.

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Software :: Change Creation Date Of .mpg / .avi Videos In Digikam?

Feb 16, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and have been using digikam to get my photos and videos in order. A lot of the creation dates are messed up, but I have been using the "adjust time and date" tool in Digikam to ge the photos set to their correct creation date.

However, when I try to do that on a .mpg or .avi I get an error that reads "Unable to adjust metadata in ****.mpg" I've tried opening the videos in other programs, like avidemux and cinelerra, I even tried opening the properties section of the videos. I haven't been able to find a way to modify the creation date of videos.

Is there a way to change the creation date of videos on Ubuntu? I would prefer to use digikam, but at this point I'm open to anything. Do I need to download a plugin? A program? Use a command line command?

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General :: Write Shell Script That Takes A File Path As Command-line Arguments?

Dec 14, 2010

How can i write a shell script that takes a file path as command-line arguments.and it should report whether the path denotes a file or a directory.

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Ubuntu :: Creation Date For Directories Isn't Stored Or At Least Couldn't Find It?

Feb 19, 2010

i'm trying to make a script that gives one output if a directory in /home is older than one month, and another if the directory is less than one month old. I looked around and saw that the creation date for directories isn't stored, or at least i couldn't find it? How is this possible to do then?

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Programming :: Possible To Pass File D Escriptor Without Sockets / Streams?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a problem passing a file descriptor from one process to another.

I have two processes A and B. Both are running in different network and
filesystem namespaces, so it is impossible to use unix domain sockets or
net sockets to pass a file descriptor from process A to process B.

The usage of STREAMS is also impossible, as you can see in

[quotation begin]
Linux doesn't have STREAMS, which are the System V way
of doing this task. ...
[quotation end]

Are there additional possibilities for file descriptor passing like
using named pipes or something like that or does anybody know
a good workaround for this problem ?

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Programming :: Writing File In Perl/cgi?

Apr 10, 2010

I'm not able to write to a file using my perl cgi script which is as fallows:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
print "Content-type: text/html


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Programming :: Grep Multiple Values In Single Pass Through Log File?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a huge binary log file. There are lets say 4 id's that I want to find in a log file. I know that those 4 id's will be present in the log file and I also know in what order they will be present. I want to find 1st id from the log then 2nd id and then third id and so on..

Simple/inefficient solution is: Loop through the id's and then grep in the log file. Problem with this solution is for each id grep will search from the beginning of the file.

Better/efficient solution would be: Sine I know the order in which id's will be present in the log file. Loop through id's, grep 1st id and then move on to grep 2nd id and so on...this way I can grep all id's in one pass. Is this solution possible ?

I have 500000 + values to find in log files and I have to find efficient solution for it.

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