Programming :: Update Software From Internet Code Examples

Jan 13, 2011

I've been thinking to adding the ability to update some code I've been working on from the internet. So basically writing some C/C++ code that on startup of the software looks across the next to a server to update itself. However I have no idea how to do this, can anyone point to to linux tutorials or examples which show how to do this?

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Programming :: Make These Code Examples Work On Web Browsers?

Mar 7, 2010

I have tried numerous versions of �Hello World½ examples over the web to display the text on a web page. All the examples work on my local machine in the application viewer, but they donït work when from a web browser. I have tried both Firefox and IE.Some of them include:[URL]

at com.sun.deploy.util.DeployAWTUtil.invokeAndWait(Unknown Source)


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Programming :: Selenium Java Code Into Equivalent Php Code?

Mar 30, 2011

I need to rewrite the selenium java code into its equivalent php code.

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Fedora :: Nvidia Cuda Sdk Examples Won't Compile

Sep 13, 2009

I'm tyring to compile the CUDA SDK examples on Fedora 11. Only a few of them compile. The rest fail with messages like:


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Ubuntu :: /usr/share/doc/conky/ Has No Examples Folder

Jan 28, 2010

/usr/share/doc/conky/ has no examples folder... so I am wondering if I messed up the install (I used sudo apt-get install conky) or if this was removed recently and where to get it from if that is the case.

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General :: Sys_open( ) ,sys_read( ) Et Al Examples Of System Level Programs?

Oct 26, 2009

Are the programs written on schedulers ,thread library , process management, memory management, et al called systems programs ? How are they different from the programs that implement functions like open() , printf() , scanf() , read() .. they have a prefix sys_open, sys_close, sys_read etc , right ? Is there any difference of hierarchy between the programs that implement system calls and system level programs like that implement thread library, process management , memory managemnt etc..

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Ubuntu :: Conky Code To Record Internet Traffic?

Feb 5, 2011

this is the conky code I found, that displays on conky the way I like, problem is everything shows as 0bytes, and stays that way.

# A comprehensive conky script, configured for use on
# Ubuntu / Debian Gnome


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Compile GTK Code After Update To Natty

May 14, 2011

After updating to natty I cannot compile any Gtk+ code, no matter what I do I get linker errors. This is not a problem with the way I'm building it, I'm familiar with the correct usage of pkg-config.

Even this code will fail to link:
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
gkt_init(&argc, &argv);
gtk_main(); }
(Compiled with the standard commands to compile Gtk+ stuff)

I always get the following output:
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `g_source_get_time'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `g_get_monotonic_time'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `g_simple_async_result_take_error'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `g_slist_free_full'

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Update Dpkg Error Code (2)?

Aug 22, 2011

Im experiencing issues updating. here is the error update is giving me:Reading database....60%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:files list file for package 'liborbit2' is missing final newlineE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)A package failed to install. Trying to recoverNothing happens at this point.

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Programming :: Use SSE(2,3) In C/C++ Code?

Jun 6, 2011

I am working on a project with a lot of vector math and I'd like to find a way to speed it up.eading about SSE, but I've found no explanation on how to actually use it in code (was looking for some kind of hello-world example, complete with compilation instructions).Does the gcc compiler automatically make use of SSE, if you add the -sse(2,3) option on the command line? Or are their specific functions/libraries you need to call?

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Programming :: Code That Will Never Execute

May 23, 2011

Is there, by chance, a fancy name to describe code that must be in a program but will never be executed? In one of my (Haskell) programs, I have some error-handling code that must be in the program to keep the compiler happy (due to the type checking). However I know that, due to the logical structure of the program, it is impossible for the code to be evaluated. I am curious if there is a technical name given to code that must exist but cannot be executed.

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Programming :: GLX Code Won't Run Anymore?

Jan 14, 2011

I went to compile some "oldish" glx code. The code compiles great but when I go to run it I get a crash. With X Error of failed request: BadMatch (in .....running ddd causes my whole system to lock up when I call the glx function XOpenDisplay. After a few attempts I thought I'd download a demo from the net, I choose nehe opengl tutorial 2, I compiled and ran but even on a net tutorial I get the same error

XF86VidModeExtension-Version 2.2
Got Doublebuffered Visual!


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Programming :: Translating Code To OSX?

Jul 20, 2011

I have the following code:

function dx {


So essentially, it finds dx files, sorts them by numbers at the beginning, then performs the dx function I made (loops over all of the #-protein.dx and #-water.dx files).

It works fine when I'm running it on Ubuntu 11.04. However, when I try to run it on OSX, I get the following error:

mh320m01:DA_R02 janickij$ ./
find: illegal option -- t
find: illegal option -- y


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Programming :: How To Share Code With Others

Jan 5, 2010

I work as a linux sysadmin, and are now and then developing scripts that might be of use for others. I'd like to be able to share these, and for less trivial projects maybe create a central repository or something that others may upload updates/patches to etc.

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Programming :: How To Combine ASM And C Code

Apr 10, 2010

I have a little test program consisting of a NASM source file and a C source file.How do I turn them into a single program?

section .data
msg db 'Hello, World!', 10


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Programming :: Three Lines Of Code - What Do They Actually Mean

Feb 23, 2011

whichever source code I go through I find these three lines of code written what do they actually mean and what is their function?


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Server :: Mysqldump Export Type Update / Command Line Or By A Simple PHP Code?

Jan 2, 2011

I noticed in phpmyadmin that we can export a database in type update. Indeed we have update... in place of insert.... is there anyone know if it possible by a command line or by a simple PHP code ?

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Programming :: How To Use Bash Variable In C Code?

Feb 16, 2011

I want to write a c program with some shell scripts.Now For a simple C program. I am Setting a variable called val2 in bash, now I want to use bash variable val2 in C code. How do I do that?The above doesn't work (coz its spawning a different memory space and when shell script ends the variable dies with it as per my research but how do I keep them in same memory space)Also Is there any Good reference where they teach how to integrate C and Bash Together?

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Programming :: Alternative For Code: Wc -l Using Grep?

Mar 23, 2011

Can you find an alternative for Code: wc -l using grep?

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Programming :: Code To Add 5 Numbers In Assembly?

Mar 28, 2011

Looking for code to add 5 numbers in assembly? I want to use array for input of those 5 numbers. No problem if the output is 1 digit(0....9).

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Programming :: Converting C Code To Assembly

May 17, 2011

I've been converting some C code to assembly for my homework; it was going well but I'm having trouble with a for loop for hours. I could not understand where is the problem and decided to ask. I'm posting the part where I'm having trouble of my C-code and assembly-code; every other part of codes act same and the variable values are same. I'm waiting this two codes to act same, but they don't.

mov ebx, [result]
mov eax, [i]
mov ecx, [ebx+eax]
mov [j], ecx
mov [ebx+eax], byte '.'

mov ebx, [result]
mov eax, [i]
inc eax
mov cl, [ebx+eax]
cmp cl, 'Z'
je _continue

mov ebx,[result]
mov eax,[i]
inc eax
mov ecx, [ebx+eax]
mov [k], ecx
mov ebx, [result]
mov eax, [i]
inc eax
mov ecx, [j]
mov [ebx+eax], ecx
mov ecx, [k]
mov [j], ecx
inc dword [i]
jmp _loop


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Programming :: C Code Not Running As Expected / Cause Of It?

Apr 27, 2010

I was wondering why this code only returns me the same value ten times instead of valuate the conta+0.1 value code...

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Programming :: Error In Graphics - Run Code

Jan 2, 2011

i want to run this code


i have error in graphics. i have C++ 2005

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Programming :: Calling Fortran 95 Code In C?

Apr 15, 2009

I'm trying to call some Fortran 95 code in C, but I'm having problems with integers not having the same value in C as in Fortran, and changing values upon each run of the program. I think it has to do with the integer type, but I don't know how to fix it. I'm running Gentoo x86. Here are the files I've got:



#include <stdio.h>
extern int qux_();
main() {


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Programming :: Cannot Compile C++ Code In Terminal

Feb 13, 2011

I am unable to compile C++ program in terminal. Whenever I try to add "#include<iostream.h>" it shows an error and thats why I can not use "cout" and "cin" functions. I installed g++ for this but the problem persists.

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Programming :: Cannot Open .dbf File Via A Code ?

Jun 12, 2011

I created a dbf file via a code but the file does'nt seems to open.


Code is running file and the file emaster.dbf and etran.dbftoo is created in the home directory but it does'nt opens(Libre Office 3 can't open it).

How to open the file.? I want to add information to the database file(Dbf) file. But until it opens how will I achieve my purpose?

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Programming :: Can't Compile F77 Code Using Gfortran Or G77

Nov 17, 2009

I have legacy fortran 77 code that used to compile seamlessly using g77 on an old machine. I've tried to recompile it on a new machine (old one is dead) using the original makefile, but the linker fails under g77, while there are persisting syntax errors using gfortran. I have two source files readmixed.f and subroutines.f. Under g77 the object files are produced using


$ f77 -c readmixed.f -o readmixed.o
$ f77 -c subroutines.f -o subroutines.o

but the linking fails with


$ f77 readmixed.o subroutines.o -o readmixed
subroutines.o(.text+0x0): In function `norm1_':
: multiple definition of `norm1_'
readmixed.o(.text+0x3987): first defined here


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Programming :: Code For Few Warning Messages?

Oct 2, 2010

For the following compilation warning message I need to create some sample program in C for self study. Also I am looking for some good web link where all the C warnings are described.

1. Warning #47: incompatible redefinition of macro "entity" . Undefine macro before
2. Warning #167: argument of type is incompatible with parameter of type
3. Warning #175: subscript out of range


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Programming :: Code For Generating A Pop-Up Window In C

Aug 4, 2010

Unfortunatelly since i have no background at all about GUI programming, i dont know even the keyword for that i want to generate a pop up window from my program (written in C) which show a message and an OK button. in my opinion, maybe i should use directly the Xlib library and not the GTK or QT library for example so the program can work almost on every linux system. A code snippet/hint for the pop-up window then?

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Programming :: Execute Code For N Time?

Apr 23, 2011

I'm doing a program and I want it to execute some code during n seconds. For example e put a command in the shell like this 'ls % 10' and the program should run the command ls for 10 seconds.I'm trying something like this:

pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {


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