Programming :: Sed Bash Command - Not Print Backslash In Perl

Jul 11, 2010

This pretend to be a script for rename a lot of files automatically. So I put the list of files in an array named @lista. But, as you can see, at the end of the command I use a sed filter to print out a backslash for those files that have spaces in their names, so the path for those files could be rightly interpreted.

But there's no way I could print a backslash. It works well when I use the Perl's sed substitution s///, but I need every path in the array to be fixed.

I'd like to add that the bash command works perfectly well alone. I mean outside the Perl script.

This is de command line with the sed filter:


And this is what it brings:


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Programming :: Find And Replace A String In A File Using Perl Command From Bash Script?

Feb 14, 2011

I wanted to find and replace a string from a perl file. I have written a script in bash which runs the following command.

perl -pi -e "s/$findstring/$replacestring/" testfile
where as $findstring = print F_WC_TMP"$line
and $replaceString = $line = join ' ', split ' ', $line; print F_WC_TMP"$line

But when I am running the above command, i think it is replacing the $findstring with the above mentioned string and hence it contains a $line, it is looking for the variable $line and not finding the exact string. I am confused about how to search for a string that contains $ in it and replace it with another $string.

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Programming :: Perl About System Command / Fails If The Standard Shell Is Dash And Not Bash?

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to fix a perl script, and I really suck at perl. But I think this problem will be easy for people who know it.

The problem is, I have an old setup script someone wrote many years ago. It fails if the standard shell is dash and not bash. The only way I've gotten it to work is to point /bin/sh to bash. I looked thru the script and it uses "system" many places, and I think that's the problem.

I searched for it and found this link:url

My plan is to include this function:

sub system_bash {
my @args = ( "bash", "-c", shift );
Then I could simply change all calls to system into system_bash and it should work?

The parameter to the system calls is usually some variable. What if the parameter is a list already? Do I need to test for it somehow, and if it's a list, prepend "bash" and "-c" to the list? How do I do that?

In the script there are lots of places like this:

my $error = system($cmd);
if ($error) {
die/warn "some error message";

Shouldn't there be a return in the system_bash function?

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Programming :: Print Increment Operator In Perl?

Apr 25, 2010

Can one of you point me towards a comprehensive print function tutorial in perl? I was under the impression that everything within quotes will get interpolated - but I am running into exceptions where it is not desirable to run some varaibles under quotes.
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 $idx = 1;
3 foreach $letter (a..z) {
4 print "Letter #",$idx++," is: $letter
5 #print "Letter # $idx++ is: $letter


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Ubuntu :: Lpr Command- And Man -t (bash Command - Print Both Sides Of The Paper Using A Printer?

Mar 29, 2010

I just recently learned about the wonderful little lpr command- and using man -t (bash command) to beautifully print man pages for reference- but is there a way to print both sides of the paper using a printer so equipped?

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Programming :: Bash And Perl - Script Adjustment

May 24, 2010

I wrote this script for bash & perl. If you run it in bash it should work. It changes title - (uuid) kernel - initrd ... to title - uuid UUID=the_uuid... kernel - initrd .... When I wrote it I replaced end of lines by . It's the second $block definition. But now I need to repair it, because I will work with the 1st $block definition. That is not to exclude end of lines, but leave it be untouched. Now when you escape the second $block definition, the code does not work. What I have to do to repair it working with multiline input data?

block="title Sata Mandriva
kernel (UUID=eab515e9-bc3e-4024-9f01-55fddaa0fb1c)/boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux root=UUID=eab515e9-bc3e-4024-9f01-55fddaa0fb1c resume=UUID=e12487ff-6d6f-44c4-9e03-33f545b3b798 splash=silent vga=788
initrd (UUID=eab515e9-bc3e-4024-9f01-55fddaa0fb1c)/boot/initrd.img"; .....

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Programming :: Use Regex In Perl Script To Detect Allowed Words From The File And Then Print Output To The Screen?

Oct 4, 2010

Its my first post in here so please be patient I am trying to use regex in perl script to detect allowed words from the file and then print output to the screen.

As an example : I have text file with orders and returns :


My question: is it possible to make sure that i am ony outputing to the screen orders based on few conditions like Item,order form e.g. online.And is it possible to have multiple matches (Item2 only diplay if ordered online etc)

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Programming :: Easier Way To Color Text In Perl Like BASH?

Apr 8, 2010

I've been trying to figure out a way to more easily color text in Perl like I do on Bash on a Linux box. In bash, what I'll do is set color variables up to equal the escape sequence, then echo out with escape seqeunces to print it exactly how I want it. Typically I'll want a character or a word in a different color, not the whole line. For example

echo -n -e "My face is turning ${RED}red${UNCOLOR} like a lobster." In Perl with the term::ANSIColor module, it seems to just do a line. Am I being dense? Is there a way that I can do it like I do it in BASH that's fairly easy to read after the fact?

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Programming :: Find Out If X11 Is Running From Within Perl OR Bash Script?

Mar 17, 2010

I am writing a script based image manipulator but i need to know if X is running so i can tell if i use CACAVIEW to imagemagick DISPLAY command.

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Programming :: Looking For A Bash / Perl Script To Read New RSS Feeds (XML Url)?

Feb 13, 2011

I would like to find something portable that work on all machines. I have hmtl2text installed, and perl and sh.

Anyone would know if someone already made such thing to read new through the console ?

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Programming :: Manipulating A Date In A Perl Bash Script?

Mar 11, 2010

I've recently inherited a bunch of files at a new job and am trying to figure out some of the problems that have constantly popped up. The one i'm getting a huge headache with results from a bash script that is supposed to change a date format from a client populated txt field to one we want defined a certain way. Everything in the script works fine, except that one function. Below is the line i'm trying to manipulate, with date examples.

sed -e 's/.0000 EA/ EA/' -e 's/ 01012010 / 01-JAN-2010 /' -e 's/ 12312011 / 31-DEC-2011 /'

The one caveat is that the first date is non-static and changes daily. It is, however, always the current date. If it helps, the second date will always be a year away from the first date.My idea was to pull the current date via perl's DATE function, to do it, and calculate a year away without throwing the rest of the bash script off? Any help would be appreciated. I'm sure it's a simple solution but i know absolutely nothing about these scripts and how they were written.

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Programming :: Scripting, Perl Or Bash; Run A Background Process, Get Pid?

Apr 1, 2010

pretty simple. how would you background a process from a script and get its process id at the same time?

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Programming :: Print File Name In BASH

Feb 26, 2009

I want to write a script that returns me name of the files that begin with the specified characters. like

Script out should be

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Programming :: Bash / Perl : Copying Data From A CD/DVD To Hard Drive?

May 4, 2010

Seeking a decent Perl or Bash script or hack used to copy data from a CD/DVD to local or even remote hard drive/storage.

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General :: Backslash Preceding A Shell Command

Mar 21, 2011

Reading a BASH script, I saw a find command preceded with a backslash. It was similar to this:

`find . -type f -name '*.xml' -print > xmlfilelist`

It's impossible to find documentation about this in man pages or on the internet, since 'backslash' are always evoked along with special characters. I also noticed that even though the command was surrounded with backquotes, the result was not affected to any variable. Maybe the backslash's presence is related with this?

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Programming :: Talented Coder To Program Bash / Perl App That Plays SWF On HTML Page?

Feb 10, 2011

Everyone knows that it is like impossible to use mplayer to watch an *.html file. OK.

For instance here is a cool example of lot of streaming for firefox


Anyone is there a talented bright coder, coming from hell -because it is really difficult, to make such console program ?

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Programming :: Bash/Perl Script - Provide List Of Hosts To Choose From And Ssh To Chosen Host?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm not sure if this is best done in Perl or Bash. I'm thinking surely someone else has created something close to what I'm looking for. The results of the script would be that someone would kick off "" r whatever you want to call it, then a top "folder" of options (with hosts contained within each of these top menu choices), then, based on which number corresponds to that top level, they're presented with a set of linux hosts that are relevant to that top level name. Example:

1. VMware hosts 4. Private Domain
2. ESX servers 5. Red Hat boxes


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Programming :: Calling A System Command In Perl?

May 20, 2010

I'm trying to call a system command in perl and am having an issue with it.

Here's an example of a command i'd like to call: Code: sed -i '4 c192.168.1.4' hosts this is the section in my perl script where I create the variable and call it: Code: $doit = `sed -i '$line c$ip $host hosts'`system($doit); The $line, $ip, and $host variables are working fine becasue I can replace that section with "prints" and they come out fine. I imagine the problem is where I am creating the $doit variable.

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Programming :: Assigning Output Of A Command To An Array In Perl?

Nov 25, 2010

I am trying to execute a Unix Command in perl and assigning its output to an array:

@File_List=exec("ls -1 /tmp");
but it is not working. I have tried the perl function system() also but its return code is


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Programming :: Print Command Monitoring ?

Aug 17, 2010

I am trying to write a program that monitors when an lp or basically any sort of print command is issued. If a print command is detected I want to pause that job and ask the user if he / she wants to continue.

This program would run in the background all the time so it can't sit and eat up a lot of cpu. I tried a simple while loop that continuously monitored "ps" and that obviously boosted my cpu to 100%.

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Programming :: 32512 Error Code In Perl When Trying To Run Shell Command?

Nov 29, 2010

when I execute the command from the shell command line - it works and no error code.if I do the exact same command from a perl file - it fails with code 32512.the file is created from the same perl script that runs the command that fails. file permission is 0664.

#! /usr/local/pkg/perl-5.8.8/bin/perl
print "Content-type: text/html


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Programming :: Sed Strange Behaviour With Line Including Backslash?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a small script that takes input from one file, and uses this input to do a find/replace (with sed) to make an executable snmp trap.The input file could look something like this :JOHBURG SOUTH AFRICAOSLO NORWAY..etcThe script takes the input from this file, and preserves all words in one line as a variable (so that the variables are "JOHBURG SOUTH AFRICA" and "OSLO NORWAY", instead of JOHBURG, SOUTH, AFRICA, OSLO, NORWAY.This is working ok (in the given example, I get two variables).sed is supposed to take this variable, and use it to substitute "HITME" with the new variable.

cat tutticodes | while read LINE


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Programming :: Using An Awk Command To Print A Line From A Cvs File?

Mar 4, 2011

I am using an awk command to print a line from a cvs file.the awk command includes an if statement that filter the output-lets say i want to print all the lines that the price field is greater than 30.i have it working when i put the parameters myself.. but when i try to send them with vars it wont work..i am sending the sign of the if statement - can only be: == , < , >it looks like this:

cat file.csv | awk -v sign=">" -v field="2000" '{if($3 sign field) printf "%-12s%-12s%-12s%-12s
",$1,$2,$3,$4}' FS=,

the bold part is the problem , because when i put the sign parameter myself t works great.. i guess its a chars issue but i cant spot it

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Programming :: Perl - Way To Encrypt Command-line Input When User Enter A Password ?

Nov 4, 2010

I need user to input a password through command line in Windows cmd prompt. Is there a way to encrypt the input (such as put it into ......) when user is typing ?

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Programming :: Print Images From Command Line At A Specific Size

Jan 7, 2010

I have a requirement to print images (two to be precise) from the command line of a given size and without losing too much quality.

So, I may have two images, a.jpg and b.jpg which may be 4x4" and 6x4" respectively (the sizes may vary). I need to be able to print both these on a single sheet of paper (one under the other) at a given size for each - so a may be 2x2" and b may be 3x2" - the aspect ratio will always be maintained (or as near as possible!)

I am currently doing this a very messy way (because I don't know any other way!!) - basically I am converting the picture to a given size using a set density using convert and then concatenating the two using montage.

Here is part of my script:


Don't worry too much about the case statement at the end - that is just to be able to select to print either A, B or A and B.

The issue with this is that is doesn't work great if the aspect ratio is not maintained perfectly and also, it loses quite a lot of quality on the print.

I have a very old windows app which I wrote years back in VB (o dear! ) which does the same thing and the quality is fine (I am running it through wine). I want it to be command line though because I want to run it as part of other scripts etc.

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Programming :: Write A Perl Script Which Will Give An Interactive Session To A User To Execute Command On The Server

Feb 25, 2011

I am trying to write a perl script which will give an interactive session to a user to execute command on the server. I have written a small script to do this :

Code: !/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Net::SSH::Perl;
my $host = '';
my $username = 'user';
my $login_passwd = 'test123';


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Programming :: Bash Command From PHP?

Jul 14, 2011

Distro: Centos 5, PHP 5I have done a bit research on running bash commands from php and there was little success. This is my relevant php script

echo exec('pwd');


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Programming :: Bash Ambiguous Redirect - Redirect One Command Output Which Will Be Treat As A Content Of File For Another Command?

Mar 9, 2011

I am trying to grep multiple numbers from file, grep does have the -f option for that.

Code: grep -f <`seq 500 520` /etc/passwd I know this could be done with

Code: for i in `seq 500 520`; do grep "$i" /etc/passwd; done But my question is fare more behind this example. It is possible to redirect one command output which will be treat as a content of file for another command ?

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Programming :: BASH: Get PID Of First Command In Pipe

Aug 11, 2010

I understand that $! is the PID of a command. For example:

Code: #!/bin/bash
myprogram &
echo "PID of myprogram is $!"

I'd like to send the output of "myprogram" to both console and to a log file using the "tee" command but I also want to store the PID of "myprogam". Something like this:

Code: #!/bin/bash
myprogram | tee ./logfile &
echo "PID of myprogram is $!"

The problem is that $! is now the PID of "tee" rather than the PID of "myprogram".

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Programming :: Using AWK Within Bash Command Via Xargs

Mar 24, 2011

I often want to extract some info using awk from a variable/filename while running other things using xargs and sh. Below is an example:
Code: ls -1 *.txt | xargs -i sh -c 'NEW=`echo $0 | awk -F'_' '{print $1}'`; echo $NEW' {}

In the above case I would like to grab just the first field from a filename (delimited by '_') from within an sh command. This is a simplified example, where normally I would be doing some further data processing with the sh command(s).

The error message that I get is:
Code: }`; echo $NEW: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``'
}`; echo $NEW: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file.
I haven't been able to figure out how to escape the awk command properly.

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