Programming :: Not Getting .h Support?

Mar 14, 2011

I got errors during make of the following programs

lar/lar.h:219: error: 'virtual void LARRouteRequestTimer::expire(Event*)' is protected
lar/lar.h:316: error: within this context
lar/ error: 'struct hdr_cmn' has no member named 'ref_count'

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Programming :: Unix Programming - Single Thread Server Can Support Exactly 2 Clients At Once

Sep 28, 2010

A simple TCP based chat server could allow users to use any TCP client (telnet, for example) to communicate with each other. For this question you should consider a single process, single thread server that can support exactly 2 clients at once, the server simply forwards whatever is sent from one client to the other (in both directions). Your server must not insist on any specific ordering of messages as soon as something is sent from one client it is immediately forwarded to the other client. As soon as either client terminates the connection the server can exit

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Debian Programming :: LMMS Not Compiling With VST Support

May 22, 2015

I did see another topic on this forum regarding VSTs in LMMS, but it didn't solve my problem. I am running using the 64-bit testing branch of debian, which may be causing some of my problems. I tried compiling LMMS myself, but I ran into an issue with wine when it tried to compile RemoteVstPlugin.

It seems as though wine didn't install winegcc or any other tools like that. After a while, I did manage to find winegcc and some of the other tools in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wine/bin. I decided to add some symlinks in /usr/local/bin to point to winegcc, wineg++, winecpp, and winebuild. After that, it seemed to give a different error message, but still failed to compile. It now gives me the following error:

Code: Select all[ 83%] Generating RemoteVstPlugin
/usr/bin/ld: Relocatable linking with relocations from format elf64-x86-64 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wine/wine/libwinecrt0.a(exe_entry.o)) to format elf32-i386 (RemoteVstPlugin.Azfbf1.o) is not supported
winebuild: /usr/bin/ld failed with status 1

[Code] ....

I may be missing some dependencies because I couldn't run build-dep without removing skype but I don't think that's the problem. I thought the above problem may have something to do with wine, so I was going to try compiling wine to. I ran into problems with that, and ditched that idea. I really don't know what to do anymore. I can't just disable VST support, because that's why I tried to compile LMMS by myself to begin with!

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Programming :: How Far Quanta And Other IDEs Are Into HTML5 Support

Jun 17, 2010

I pretty much code by hand, but I like Quanta Plus and Kate for scripts HTML and simple programming tasks.Quanta (and other editors nvu, bluefish etc) are geared for html 3 and 4 - help files, tag libraries, templates etc. how far Quanta and other IDEs are into HTML5 support?

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Programming :: Unable To Configure Apache2 With Python Support

May 31, 2011

I'm unable to configure the apache2 with python support. I have done the configuration in the following method, but unable to start the python cgi support: I have installed the libapache2-mod-python it has installed python.load in the mods-available directory. In the apache2/sites-available/default file, I have added the following lines.


when I request for a python script in the py folder. I get a 404 Not found error.

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Programming :: Get Number Of Rows And Columns Support In Screen?

Jul 18, 2011

In linux terminal; how can we get the number of rows ad columns from linux kernel? I tried from environment variables(LINES,COLUMNS) but, I could not retrieve them as my editor program is a child process to linux terminal process.

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Programming :: Iptables 1.3.8 Doesn't Support Mport Anymore?

Feb 27, 2010

For some reason, mport support has been removed from iptables 1.3.8 (was there in 1.3.7). However, multiport support is there. Does anyone here know why and what's the difference between the two in terms of operation? I have written firewall rules using mport. Can it directly be replaced 1:1 with multiport?

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Programming :: GCC Inline Assembler Doesn't Even Support Local Variable?

Jul 3, 2010

It's good that GCC support intel inline disassembly syntax, but it cannot even simply address local variables/parameters properly, making itself stupid and essentially useless, look at the following:

int myfunc(float f){
int x;
float fa[8];
asm(".intel_syntax noprefix
"mov eax, [x]


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Programming :: Python's Thread & Fork Support Is Compared To Perl?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm wondering how python's thread & fork support is compared to perl? Which one is best option among Perl and Python

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Programming :: Httpmethod Of Httpclient Support Downloading More Than 8192 Bytes?

Apr 15, 2010

Can httpmethod of httpclient support downloading more than 8192 bytes?

If not, any other ways?

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Programming :: Header File Which Support OpenOffice Writer At RedHat4

Jun 9, 2010

I need to know the header file used at 'c' to support openoffice writter at REDHAT4. I plan to write a c++ program for something like spellbee game. so instead of giving a txtfile which has a list of words as a source for the game I decided to use some header file. My assumptions are: Since the redhat4 is written through the "C" language and as well as the openoffice writter which is a supporting package at this os too might have the linker right. At openoffice writter we have the spellcheck feature which might had a source from where it checks the words whenever we type something at openoffice writer. So is it possible to use those header file or linkage source at my c++ spellbee game program instead off creating the list about few bunch of words.

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Server :: Driver Support - QME2572 - Qlogic - Card Became Support By The Kernel

Jul 10, 2011

I'm trying to find out when QME2572 (Qlogic) card became support by the kernel. We have a RHEL 5.1 system that is moving to new hardware, however the kernel at this release doesn't support the new hardware, due to the Qlogic card change. I tired the Redhat KB and Bugzilla. Is there a Kernel change list etc I can search. Never really played around with the kernel too much so I'm just after some pointers for looking up this information. Offically its not supported until Redhat 5.3, I'm trying trying to research kernel info so I can tell the customer they have to upgrade.

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General :: Ubuntu Can't Support A Higher Resolution That Laptop Can Support?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a HP laptop which can support 1600x900. But after I install ubuntu 9.10 on it, it can only support up to 1280x700. My laptop has a Nvidia graphics card. And i am using GNOME as my desktop environment.

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Debian :: EXFAT Support Vs NTFS Support ?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm looking to dual-boot Windows 7 and Debian 6 upon its release on my sister's laptop. I want to share a partition between the two of them so that /home points to this directory and the Windows equivalent also points to it (C:Users).

Anyway, I've heard good and bad things about the NTFSMount driver (I think it's NTFS-3G now) and the NTFSprogs project and so I am not so certain what I should believe. I do know that NTFS has relatively high overhead, though I do not recall the source of this assertion, so I am considering the use of EXFAT. An open source EXFAT project is hosted on Google Code at [url] and it utilizes the kernel module FUSE.

I'm quite certain that I've got everything covered on the Windows side -- that is, I know that both NTFS and EXFAT will be suitable filesystems for my required usage.

My issue is that I'm curious which will have superior performance and stability in Debian. I planned on building the package from source and mounting the device in my FSTAB but I have also found a PPA for Ubuntu on Launchpad at [url] that I could borrow the debian/rules from and make a .deb package from.

What do you guys think? Should I go at it with the EXFAT or NTFS partitioning? Is NTFS-3G actually fairly supported at this point? Or perhaps should I consider some alternate method?

I have also considered that the only files she will be sharing are those of music, videos, and pictures so it could be better to just link /home/xxxx/Pictures (Music and Videos, too) to the new partition instead of all of /home.

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Software :: Support For Wi-fi Midi Support In Linux?

May 11, 2011

I would like to know if it is possibile to have support for wi-fi midi support in linux.

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Programming :: Multi-core Support - Control On What Core Will A Thread Run

Oct 31, 2010

Is there any Linux API that will let me control on what core will a thread run? If not, do I have to use assembly language?

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Programming :: Python "support" Included In C Program?

Jul 11, 2011

I am just asking how this works in general. I know Python can wrap a C code, but here it seems Python is already integrated with this C program.Would it be correct to say one would have to understand the C code in addition to py programming in order to accomplish anything useful here?I need to control the program, and especially import its output to some algorithm that accomplishes command and control in the way of bash scripts or whatever.

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Programming :: Metrics Plug-in For Eclipse - Does It Support Eclipse CDT

Sep 17, 2010

The Metrics plug-in supports Java development well at Eclipse.


I would like to know if it supports Eclipse CDT, so I can use it with my C++ project. Any thought? If it doesn't support CDT, is there any good static code analysis tools available for Eclipse CDT?

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Software :: Finding Textbrowser With JavaScript Support Or Elink Javascript Support?

Sep 1, 2009

I need a textbrowser with Javascript Support. I have compiled the elinks stable 0.11x and the unstable 0.12x version mit JavaScript Support (js moz dev). Both browsers can be started and showed websites normaly. But no javascript, even simple tests like [URL] failed. I started elink with ./elink and typed then the url.

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Programming :: 3D Programming - Difference Between JOGL And C++ OpenGL Programming?

Aug 27, 2010

I am interested in learning 3D programming. The thing is, I would hate to put too much effort to learn something that doesn't have future and is dying. My favorite language at the time is Java. My goal is professional programming.

So I have several questions:
1. Should I learn JOGL or start learning C++ and do C++ openGL programming?
2. Is there a big difference between JOGL and C++ openGL programming?
3. Is it worth to learn openGL? Does it have a future?
4. Is it a big difference between openGL and directX coding?
5. If choosing Java, then JOGL or LWJGL?

Why and what is the main difference between them?

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Fedora :: Mp3 Support In KDE?

Oct 1, 2009

I liked the feel that I got from KDE from my short experiment with Arch. So I decided to use KDE with Fedora, and I like the results.

The only problem I'm finding with it is that I can't find a way to get mp3s to play with KDE apps. I can get Banshee to play them with gstreamer. The problem is that no matter what method I use to get KDE apps to play the files (like Amarok), they won't work.

I've tried the following commands.

su -c 'yum -y install kdemultimedia-extras-nonfree id3v2'

Gives me an error saying that kdemultimedia-extras-nonfree doesn't exist.

su -c 'yum install xine-lib-extras-nonfree id3v2'

This installed perfectly, but mp3 playback still does not work.

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Fedora :: Does 11 Support NFS?

Oct 21, 2009

I don't see nfs listed in /proc/filesystems. Does that mean it is not supported? Is it possible to make it available for Fedora 11? You know, assume I don't want to compile my own kernel?

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General :: Support Cd Rom - Why

Apr 10, 2011

My linux want support my cd rom why?

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Ubuntu :: End Of Support For 9.04?

Sep 26, 2010

Does anyone know? I have 9.04 as originally installed on my Dell netbook. It works great and I hate to change it although I realize I will have to one day. I do not see anything on the Ubuntu site as to an end of life date - it could be next month.

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Fedora :: 3D Support Using Generic ATI V.11

Jul 5, 2009

I've heard back and forth about whether the generic ATI drivers in Fedora 11 provides functional 3d of installing F11 (64) i was impressed by the initial capability of the generic drivers but no 3d support as Desktop Effects could not be enabled.( using ATI Radeon HD 2400 ) what are the usual tips and tricks to get 3d functionality in this environment?

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Fedora Networking :: Does Support 802.11n

Dec 9, 2009

Are there any chipsets and Fedora drivers that support high speed wifi ( 802.11n)

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Fedora :: Virtualizing XP On 12 With 3D Support ?

Dec 25, 2009

Can I virtualize XP on Fedora 12 with 3D support using say KVM? If so, how can I do this? I have a GeForce GTX 260 vid card which is supported by Fedora 12.

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Fedora :: MP3 Support For K3b & Xmms ?

Dec 30, 2009

I know this can be a touchy subject but I would like to find MP3 support for K3b & Xmms, I am a big fan of the Banshee music player and have used it with MP3 support provided by FLUENDO [url] in many Linux distro's. I can play mp3s in Banshee thanks to FLUENDO, however when I open k3d or Xmms I am presented with an opening message that an mp3 plug-in for those apps cannot be found. Can anyone suggest any packages that will enable mp3 support in these applications?

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Fedora :: How Old Of Hardware Does Support?

Jan 5, 2010

Just how old of hardware DOES Fedora support? They have to draw the line SOMEWHERE.

As an example,would it be the stuff on a PII? PIII? 486? Or what?

IOW; if I were to take the latest release (F12 in this case) how far back in "hardware history" could I expect to go w/o support issues.

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Fedora :: Adding MP3 Support To 12

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to convert my own CD's that I own into .MP3 format for my Sony 16GB MP3 Walkman. I did some looking on Google and found these free/nonfree repositories that you can add and then update YUM, etc....well I still can not get it to work. I am rather new to Linux. I am trying to use Audio CD Extractor under applications/sound & Video. It does not work in Rythmbox either. What do I do now? I am trying to use Linux day in and day out and no longer use Windows.

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