Audio sync method. "Stretches/squeezes" the audio stream to match the timestamps, the parameter is the maximum samples per second by which the audio is changed. -async 1 is a special case where only the start of the audio stream is corrected without any later correction.Searching the net makes one believe that this command is just some sort of magic.People just put it in the line and it just works. Isn't that nice?
It says nothing about how to change the TIME the audio starts syncing. Like do I want it to start 5 seconds delayed? Or what about 5 seconds sooner?What if the audio gets more out of sync as the video goes on? Can I slip it a little at a time? What? No magic?No one mentions a file that already has badly synced audio.So what -async 1 really does is simply start the audio at the beginning of the file. LIKE AS IF THAT ISN'T STANDARD PROCEDURE?So what is the exact solution to syncing a messed up video? And why can't it just do the proper "timestamp" sync in the first place?No docs, no info and you are left out in the cold.
How to sync audio and video which is captured from a aeperate camera device and a microphone,how to relate timestamps to audio and video to syncing.I m capturinfg video at 30fps and audio 160 samples everytime so how these 2 should be related to sync and playback at a time
I've been trying to use cheese to record greeting from my kids to grand parents etc. But every time I record a video, the video is choppy and the audio sync is off. I've used the one in the (F11) repos and built it from source. It behaves the same using other distros as well. Is this par for the course with cheese, or is it my hardware?[URL]... Any other applications/methods to record audio & video while providing a video.
I have a problem with avconv. Most of the use cases work spledidly, but when I need to crop a segment and then splice multiple segments together, I get problems.
The process I use is this:
1. Raw recording of short segments in high-quality AVI, These are produced by avconv, some as screencast and some by combining a PNG file with flac audio from audacity.
3. Splicing of the segments using MP4Box or oggCat. (I used to do this in ffmpeg, but I have not figured out how to do it in avconv.) This works.
In some cases I need to crop the segments, using the copy codecs and the -ss and/or =t options.
If I crop the AVI segments (between 1 and 2) the sound is clipping (this also generates a spree of error messages `Non-monotonous DTS'). If I crop mp4/ogv segments, (between 2 and 3) the remaining video, after the cropped segment are out of sync. I get the same problems with both OGV and MP4 playing them in vlc. Playing the mp4 directly in iceweasel works as it should.
I watch alot of news videos and within 1 - 2 minutes the video and audio become out of sync. The video is lagging the audio. I'm using 10.10 32 bit with Shock Flash 10.1 r102 on Firefox. Will the 10.2 beta flash fix this problem?
After upgrading to 11.04, video and audio are out of sync by about one second when playing movies in VLC, or opening a clip on the web. Reinstalling does nothing.
I am on Squeeze. In the past I have successfully extracted audio from video files. Recently when I try it I get an unplayable file, just some brief noise nothing more. Mplayer on the other hand plays every video and audio file out there. Is there something wrong with mplayer? I installed mplayer from the repo. I haven't compile mplayer since before Lenny.
I have a couple of .avi clips in which the sound plays 2 seconds before the video, so I need a software that can re-sync the sound correctly with the video with affecting the video/audio quality, what program can I use? What is the name of this feature in video editing programs? I am using Ubuntu 10.04. I noted that the Multimedia & video forum have only threads about problems in playing videos & cards drivers problems.
my goal is to record video using a canon powershot camera, edit the avi file on my ubuntu 10.04 computer, then upload the rendered file to videos.
problem is that when i cut the video, the audio is no longer in sync with the video, it's off by about 1-2 seconds. this happens with both openshot and pitivi, so i suspect that it's caused by a bug with the codec. (files are avi with mjpeg codec). after searching launchpad, this is apparently a "known issue". that's great but for now i need a workaround.
i do have an old g4 powerbook with imovie hd v6 on it that i can use, but i'd prefer not to because:
1. the powerpc mac is much slower than my new dual core laptop 2. imovie compresses my videos too much so the rendered file is lower quality 3. i simply prefer openshot to imovie
i was thinking of preprocessing my avi files by converting them to another format with a non-buggy codec on linux. i downloaded ffmpeg, but not sure how to use it and what format to use. would mpeg2 be a safe one to use?
I'm just curious if anybody knows how to change the default settings in gnome-mplayer from it using video0 as the video input (which is my built-in webcam), to say video1 (which is my external usb tv tuner). There is no gui option for this.
My issue is not being able to use it for analog video, though it's not a huge deal because I figured out the same very thing for tvtime (video0 to video1). It'd just be another option.
I'm thinking of installing openSUSE-11.1 Gnome on a Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo 7400M laptop because the wireless in Gnome is much more user friendly than KDE3/KDE4 in openSUSE-11.1. The idea is to give this laptop to my 84-year old mother and things need to 'just work' for her (she currently has a desktop running openSUSE-11.1 KDE3 that uses a WIRED interface to the web).
I refuse to update this laptop to openSUSE-11.2 nor 11.3 (nor other recent distributions) because every kernel update after the 2.6.27 kernel has broken the Intel i855GM graphics drivers for that laptop. There are many bug reports and none have fixed the problem for this Fujitsu-Siemens implementation of the i855GM graphics.
Hence I am looking at Gnome.
I booted the laptop to a Gnome openSUSE-11.1 liveCD and wireless is easy and works great. But audio is very very VERY bad. It is incredibly user unfriendly and it does NOT work well. I assume that is because pulse audio in openSUSE-11.1 was very immature.
I note these updated packages in the openSUSE-11.1 update repository:
So my question is, did the updates to pulse audio (in the openSUSE-11.1 update repository) fix the pulse audio situation? Are there ANY helpful views on this?
Currently my wife is using this laptop with KDE-4.4.4 (and openSUSE-11.1) so I can't just install Gnome and play with it without taking the laptop away from her for a while (note the hard drive is too small for a dual boot of KDE/Gnome).
I use gnome-mplayer 1.0.0 and Totem Movie Player 2.30.2 to view videos Both read subtitles well from srt files. But both are not able to read {a6} command in the srt files.
NOTE:- {a6} command serves the purpose of putting the subtitles on top of the screen, making it possible for subbers to display lyrics/additional footnotes on top, while at the same time, having the dialogues to show in their usual position.
Is there are way to force either of them to read the special commands properly?
I can't install gnome-mplayer on my openSUSE 11.2 I used the " 1-click insall" I also tried manully installation, got below errors # rpm -ivh gnome-mplayer- gnome-mplayer-lang- error: Failed dependencies: MPlayer is needed by gnome-mplayer- is needed by gnome-mplayer-
This should be a very elementary question. I have a URL like http://SERVERNAME/file.wmv. When I enter it in "Open Location" in gnome-mpLayer it connects to the server and plays the stream. But when I run
mplayer "URL"
in the terminal I get a crazy endless loop of
Playing URL. Resolving SERVERNAME for AF_INET6... Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: SERVERNAME Resolving SERVERNAME for AF_INET... Connecting to server SERVERNAME[]: 80... Cache size set to 320 KBytes
I think my usage of mplayer in the terminal is correct, since I can watch other URL's.It's only this specific one that doesn't work (I am not authorized to write the URL because they want it to be private.So my question is: Does anyone know why I get this loop? Or is it possible to see how mplayer is called by gnome-mplayer and what output messages it generates?I use gnome-mplayer and mplayer 1.0rc4-4.4.5 on Ubuntu 10.10.
When I play large HD videos in mplayer, the video and sound frequently get out of sync, and the video plays a little strangely (occasionally speeding up and occasionally slowing down).
I think it's because mplayer is only running on a single core. As I've got a quad-core processor, it seems inefficient. I've seen that there is theoretically a way to get mplayer to work with multicore setups, but it requires compiling with different options. That'd take me a little while to work through.
Ideally there would be a pre-compiled version in the software centre, or a player which has support built in (again, ideally in the software centre). Is there such a thing available?
im creatind dvd's from others hd movies and ive seen theres an option to adjust framerate in audio, but ive never using that and i dont see the difference, when i play the video i see audio is syncronized with the video.for example, for a movie with 23,97 fps i converted to PAL (25fps) and i dont do anything to the audio, and it plays sicnronized then ¿Its neccesary to sync audio, and how its done with ffmpeg?
i do somethin like this: ffmpeg -i source.mkv -target pal-dvd -acodec copy mydvd.mpg (is audio fps syncronized because of the target?)if i dont use target, should is use sb like this?.: ffmpeg - i source.mkv -r 25 -vcodec mpeg2video -acodec ac3 -r 25 output.mpg
I'm trying to diagnose a weird problem ... maybe someone has an idea where to start. I'm having a problem with flash videos. The video part displays as if the fast-forward button is being held down; audio sounds correct.
I'm thinking "synchronization error" (duh!) but I'm not sure how to start to diagnose the issue. I'm running OpenSUSE 11.4 x64, and the problem shows up in both chrome and opera.
im a little familiar with opensuse..but when i formatted my pc after the installation of opensuse i realized i missed all the audio and video i cant even listen to mp3s let alone watching videos.i remember there was a forum post explaining how to install all the audio and video -well mostly- codecs..could you explain how i can install audio and video codecs?
after installing opensuse 11.3 i am finding that i cannot recieve any audio with video with any application.
i can hear certain types of audio, it seems any audio that is not attached to video. i can hear the welcome chime through my speakers after i log in to opensuse and i can also listen to .mp3 files played with amarok. i can watch videos with multiple players, videos videos etc., but there is no audio happening with the video.
i am thinking now this may actually be a hardware problem, since it seems to persist with different software, and only with audio attached to video. i'm thinking maybe there is a problem with my graphics card and its driver (or a lackthereof), although i'm unsure of why i can still watch video. i don't receive any error messages or anything, nor have i attempted to manually install any drivers for my existing hardware. i tried cranking every volume control i could find, including the system volume, but still no volume with video (its weird, its like i can hear it a tiny bit when i crank it, perhaps this is just the internal system beep speaker trying to fill in for the gfx card?).
the card i'm currently using is an nvidia card and although its not exactly old, i have read about some problems with nvidia being reluctant to produce drivers for linux in the past. after some brief googling of nvidia and linux, i was surprised to see that nvidia has an entire portion of their site devoted to unix/linux and open source drivers (perhaps they're doing better now).
is there any way that i can troubleshoot this problem, or do you think the solution is simply purchasing another graphics card from a vendor that has a good reputation for linux support?
I use jpilot on opensuse 11.3 64bit to sync pim data with my Palm Treo 680 via bluetooth. This worked fine until today. Now I get the following error message when I try to sync: Syncing on device bt: Press the HotSync button now dlp_ReadSysInfo error Exiting with status YNC_ERROR_PI_CONNECT Finished.
The last successfull sync was on the 20th October and today is the 24th October. I did not change any settings in jpilot or on my palm device. So I guess there must have been an update of opensuse which causes this error. But I do not now how to look up the updates during this period or how to undo them. Was there an update between the 20th and the 24th Oktober, which might affect either jpilot or bluetooth functionality?
I used K3B to rip some of my DVDs (using the Xvid codec) onto my laptop to take away on holiday with me. This worked fine for 2 of the DVDs but the 3rd one ended up with the audio out of sync with the video. Fortunately VLC comes to the rescue with the ability to offset the video and audio tracks.Is there a way to re-encode the ripped files to permanently fix the offset.
I would like to remove the audio tracks from various video clips (.avi, .mpg. .wmv, .flv, etc.).I Googled and found lots of ways to strip off the audio and save that sound as an mp3 file, but I have found nothing that would allow me to remove the audio and save my video clip (silently)