OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Sound (pulseaudio) On 11.2

Apr 25, 2010

I cannot get sound to work with my new installed Opensuse 11.2. If I check yast (sound card configuration), I can play a nice testsound. However, Kde (I am using kde 4.4.2) does not issue any sound at all.


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: 11.3 - PulseAudio Sound Server (Output Conflict)

Sep 27, 2010

I'm using pulse audio sound server in opnsuse 11.3 and latest version of flash player, The problem is playing video or sound with flash player in firefox, Once I play something in firefox sound output it seem like closed to other applications like amarok.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Flash / Foobar And Pulseaudio: Sound Not Working

Jan 25, 2011

I've been trying to use Wine to make Foobar work in Linux. The program does work, but it doesn't make a sound. For the rest, is works perfectly. I'm having the same problem with any Flash application I try to run: everything works, but without a sound. Amarok, however, doesn't have this problem.Somewhere I found that such problem might be related to Pulseaudio. So I tried going on the Pulseaudio configuration under "other" in the sound panel in YaST, but it tells me that Pulseaudio is not installed or cannot be configurated. I tried installing the package via Terminal, but it tells me that patterns-openSUSE-kde4_pure-11.3-22.1.x86_64 conflicts with pulseaudio given by pulseaudio-0.9.21-10.1.1.x86_64. I would have to delete it, if I wanted to install pulseaudio.Now I don't know where to put my hands. I am not good at this I'm not even sure I would solve my trouble installing pulseaudio, anyway. I'm using a sony vaio VPCEA3C4E with openSUSE 11.3 KDE installed trough USB key.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound From Pulseaudio?

Jun 7, 2011

I seem to be having a problem with my sound. Every time I start my computer, I hear the sound played at the login screen and the sound played when I login. Right then, every time, the sound cracks up and stops before it finishes. Running "ubuntu-bug audio" shows that ALSA works fine but pulseaudio does not. For reference, "pacmd list" says that there are 0 sinks, 0 sources and 0 caches.

Edit: Solved by a really stupid mistake: loose 3.5mm audio cable. Don't do that. your sound and you're on a desktop computer, go, right now, and check to make sure that you haven't made the same mistake as me.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound With Pulseaudio But Hear The "ready For Login" Sound After The X Server Starts

May 28, 2010

I hear no sound with pulseaudio, but I hear the "ready for login" sound after the x server starts. OS: Ubuntu x86 10.04


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Debian Multimedia :: My Sound - ALSA Or Pulseaudio?

Jun 18, 2010

I am using a couple of Debian Distro (Sid and Lenny) add some Ubuntu into the mix. I made the switch because I was amazed and satisfied with Debian --> once installed, everything works. For me that's okay for o so many years now. I don't question a lot because it just works and I do my job on it satisfactorily. Namely programming the LAMP style programming. Lately I have been using Debian to communicate over the internet -- using Skype and Pidgin and other such things, not to mention listening to music, watching movies, just using the default applications when I originally install Debian.

Along the way, I need to configure something -- that is desktop related -- like the screen resolution of a new LCD monitor replacing the old one and such. Now about my sound -- I'm not touching it because it is working. But that is not the case always. Now I have a constant error -- it is irritating. Rhythmbox don't make a sound always when I have open a web browser (iceweasel, chrome, epiphany) and a site with multimedia object on it -- like a video or something. So how do I correct this? How do I know, too what I am using -- ALSA or Pulseaudio?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 - Sound Device Using PulseAudio?

Mar 13, 2010

I installed "Theocracy" on my 9.10 Karmic system. The installer asks for a sound device, dev/dsp is the default and I didn't change it. When I now try to start the game, I get the following error:
Unable to open sound device: Device or resource busy
Execution of /usr/games/theocracy_base/theocracy.real failed!
What is the sound device when using PulseAudio on Karmic?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Any Way To Have Sound Applet Without PulseAudio?

Dec 25, 2010

Yesterday I decided to remove pulse (mainly because Skype was unable to work with it) but suddenly the sound icon is gone. After some searching on the net I understood that it was part of pulseaudio, but now I feel a bit lost. Alsa works like a charm instead, but since I also want to use ubuntu to record sound I'm not sure if it will work, and also I have a sound source for my HDMI interface and don't know how switch if I want to.
Machine: laptop HP dv6 pavilion 3070eh

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mpd And Pulseaudio = No Sound When Playing In Mpd

Aug 14, 2011

Just like the title says, when I use mpd with pulseaudio, I get no sound but clients appear to be playing (ncmpcpp and gmpc). Other players such as vlc or mplayer work just fine. If I go under the mixer, I get "no application is currently playing or recording audio" under the "Applications" tab when playing through mpd. In contrast, when I'm using mplayer or vlc, both show up in that tab. It behaves as though pulse is simply not configured to work with mpd.Here is my config (edited out any commented line for brevity):


$ cat /etc/mpd.conf | sed '/#/d'


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pulseaudio: Removed USB Speakers Now No Sound

Apr 4, 2010

I took out some USB speakers that had been working for many months because I needed them on another PC. I plugged the audio out (lime colored female connector on back of Ubuntu PC) into my stereo receiver's VCR audio in (Red and white jacks), no sound. Yes, the cable is fine (same cable I took off the other PC which was working fine), and the receiver is set to VCR. I recall having to go through some hoops to get the USB speakers working way back when. The Pulseaudio volume control shows left and right pulsating bars when I have on Pandora, but sound is obviously not being sent to the right output. I also tried the optical audio out on the PC into the receiver's DSB optical in but again no sound.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Whenever Install Pulseaudio Again Lose Sound All Over Again?

Apr 8, 2011

I tried to change to 5.1 from stereo and lost sound entirely. To get sound back I had to uninstall pulseaudio, but that gives me sound only on my right front speaker and sub.Whenever I install pulseaudio again I lose sound all over again.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pulseaudio Not Recognizing Sound Card In Karmic

Jan 10, 2010

I had sound in Jaunty, and I just upgraded to Karmic, and everything else is working 100% ok. Except for sound. I have no sound at all if I use any other driver than OSS. I have pulseaudio installed but it doesn't recognize my sound card.

Here's the output from pulseaudio -vvvv:


and aplay -l


and hwinfo --sound


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Enabling Pulseaudio Equalizer Garbles Sound

Jan 26, 2010

I installed the pulseaudio equalizer today on my Karmic desktop using the instructions at URL...When I enable the equalizer via the GUI checkbox, my sound instantly becomes garbled. When I disable it the problem disappears, but then I can't use the equalizer, which was the point of the exercise. I found some suggestions about editing /etc/pulse/, but the parameters concerning module-hal-* don't appear in my I also have read through a couple of Audio Troubleshooting guides without finding this particular symptom.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Finally: Digital AC-3 Surround Sound With Pulseaudio ?

Oct 29, 2010

Here is the update to the old thread that somehow disappeared "HOWTO: A52 Encoded 5.1 Surround Sound Awesomeness with PulseAudio and ALSA on Hardy" thread (archived here). See also this bug report.There are two steps here: add the a52 plugin, and tell pulseaudio to use it.

Step 1:
Go to a terminal and do the following:

sudo bash
echo "pcm.a52 {[code]....

Pulse should come back on its own unless you disabled autospawn.Now pulse should be aware of your digital surround output. Go to System -> Preferences -> Sound. Click on the "Hardware" tab and change the profile to one of the 'Digital Surround 5.1' profiles. Play some sound (I like to test with and enjoy!If it doesn't show up, it probably means that alsa didn't create it correctly. To test if alsa sees the a52 device, type:

aplay -D a52:0

If it errors out (audio open error: No such file or directory) then that means it did not like your asound.conf settings. You might learn something by looking at the output of 'sudo alsa reload' or just 'aplay'.[code].....

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Debian Multimedia :: Alsa, Pulseaudio, ION2 & HDMI Sound Output?

Apr 29, 2011

I have recently acquired a Lenovo Q150 machine and attempting to use it as a HTPC. I've been reading that with this platform a newer kernel is required to make wireless, sound and a few other tweaks work correctly--so I bumped up to testing repositories to upgrade to the 2.6.38 kernel.[URL]...

The audio on this device has been more than a pain. I'm currently using XBMC to play media on this device and after setting the outputs to custom: plughw:1,9 sound is played correctly. I found this out by using alsamixer, selecting the sound card with the F6 key (Nvidia 1) unmutting all outputs, quiting, and running speaker-test -D plughw:1,X where X is the sub-device from the output of aplay -l until sound could be heard from the receiver.

Now my problem is that applications like mplayer, and iceweasel won't output any sound. I'd prefer not to use the optical out on the device and would like to send sound over HDMI. Has anyone had any luck getting it to work as it should?

I've also installed pulseaudio, not too sure if this is really needed. I've also used module assistant before upgrading to compile alsa from source, it worked but i just decided to upgrade the kernel instead of dealing with m-a every time an update comes through. Linux floppy 2.6.38-2-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 7 04:28:07 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

apt-cache policy alsa-base
Installed: 1.0.23+dfsg-2
Candidate: 1.0.23+dfsg-3


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: PulseAudio & KDE In 11.4: What Are The Consequences?

Mar 15, 2011

In the 11.4 product highlights it says: "...availability of PulseAudio in a Plasma Desktop session by default", but what does this mean to the average KDE user? The SUSE-Wiki has no entry for pulse nor pulseaudio.

While basic sound works fine out of the box for me, I am confused between Phonon, KMix and PulseAudio. Each does something else:KMix is now entirely useless, right? Phonon only allows me to select which sound device is used for which input. PulseAudio allows me to select indivdual volume per Application through pavucontrol, but it does not replace phonon nor Kmix There is no KDE Plasmoid/Systray thingy for configuring volume with PulseAudio? Is there no single application/plasmoid to handle all sound options in one go?

I think it is pretty bad that pavucontrol is not even installed for KDE-users by default, and it took me a while to figure it out. Or is there another application that a KDE-user should rather use by default?

I mean things work fine, such as using Phonon to automatically choose my Bluetooth headset for voice communication while music and games at the same time automatically use the speakers for output. Changing volume with pavucontrol works, but why do I need separate things for that?

This is not meant as a rant! I am just wondering whether the PulseAudio/KDE-Integration is just work-in-progress, or whether I am missing something important here entirely. After all, 11.4 and KDE 4.6 looks pretty polished to me overall, and so the audio situation sticks out as odd to me.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: VLC With PulseAudio And 5.1 / 7.1 Multichannel

Mar 16, 2011

I tried Disabling PulseAudio via Yast (didnot remove the packages), and the channels came back in KMix, but then the native apps of KDE, if I can call them so, like Kaffeine started playing 5.1 movie tracks in stereo! In VLC at the same time I had to choose manually 5.1, but then stereo tracks didn't played. Enabled PulseAudio back. Selected Analog Surround 5.1 Output (Phonon->Speaker Setup), backend is GStreamer. Installed the VLC Pulse support package (vlc-aout-pulse). Selected Pulse as the Output Module in VLC. Now Kaffeine plays 5.1 and stereo tracks properly as well as VLC now Automatically switches to 5.1 playback if the track in movie is 5.1 and also plays stereo tracks properly. I guess with PulseAudio we will need all audio/video apps to have some kind of PulseAudio support (built-in/plug-in) or else we will face probs. Now I need them all channels (master, front, centre, rear and LFE). Especially I need LFE (bass) which is too high by default, and I run alsamixer to minimise LFE channel, but as soon as I play a movie or music it is back to 100% automatically.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Setting Mic In PulseAudio?

Jun 16, 2011

When I first installed 11.4 I was unable to access the usb webcam mic on Skype. I use Tumbleweed and after a couple of KDE updates I was able to access the webcam mic in Skype. I did this by setting the webcam mic as the first device to use in either pavucontrol or systemsettings>multimedia>phonon>audio capture. There have been many KDE updates since then and now I am back to having no mic in Skype. I will set my webcam mic as described above but pavucontrol will no longer save my changes. It is permanently stuck using internal audio analog stereo as the first capture device. My webcam mic is listed but it is four down on the list and Skype will not access it.

How can I get pavucontrol to save my preferences?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype - Pulseaudio - Sound Output Or Input Does Not Work At All Doesn't Work

Sep 11, 2010

When I installed my 64 bit system of Ubuntu 10.04 the sound worked very well and I were very happy. The problem started however when I installed Skype which uses pulseaudio. As soon as I start skype (or any other application that uses pulse, HoN for example) the applications sound output or input does not work at all. If I have pulseaudio started in some way, applications that I suppose do not use it like spotify or flash player stops to produce sounds. And when I type "pulseaudio" in the terminal it gives me this:


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: 11.1 - Mythfrontend Conflicts With PulseAudio

May 12, 2009

Woke up this morning and updated my main myth machine, and now mythfrontend won't start. I get this message:

2009-05-12 07:57:50.003 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0'
2009-05-12 07:57:50.006 Primary screen 0.
2009-05-12 07:57:50.008 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: ***.***.*.***
2009-05-12 07:57:50.010 Using screen 0, 1680x1050 at 0,0
2009-05-12 07:57:50.069 AudioPulseUtil, Error: Failure to suspend: Invalid argument
2009-05-12 07:57:50.070 AudioPulseUtil, Error: Failure to suspend: Invalid argument
2009-05-12 07:57:50.070 ERROR: ***Pulse Audio is running!!!!***
2009-05-12 07:57:50.070 ERROR: But MythTV was not able to suspend it. EXITING!

So, I googled about, and found this thread on a mythtv dev mailing list:
No Start with Pulse Audio (Changeset 20310) | MythTV | Dev
Apparently, the new mythtv .21-fixes is incorporating the .22 pulseaudio check. Myth checks for pulse and exits if it can't kill it. I had sound issues with 11.1 before, and tried to remove pulseaudio but created bigger headaches for myself by doing so. Interestingly, if you log into a mythtv session from the xdm, mythfrontend will run. So, pulse isn't loaded at the session level. But, I'd like some other workaround that allows me my normal desktop at the same time!!

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Pulseaudio In KDE 4.4 Only Notifications Work

Mar 22, 2010

About two weeks ago I enabled KDE factory repo to get the latest KDE 4.4. Everything was fine until a recent update, which caused sound working only in some applications. Sound now works when tried in System Settings and Yast->Sound, but it does not work in Firefox, VLC, Skype, and so on.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: 11.4 - How To Bypass Pulseaudio In MPlayer

Mar 12, 2011

I have the restricted format software installed via one-click-install. I found that in 11.4 mplayer would fail to start playing a MP3 clip, but succeed on the second and subsequent tries, but only within a short time afterwards. A quick examination showed that this was because mplayer was firing off an instance of pulseaudio, which stayed around for a while, then exited. This was not acceptable for a clip played from a cron job so I found the way to bypass pulseaudio for mplayer was by putting this line in ~/.mplayer/config:

Worked fine afterwards. I don't know if this affects the ability to output audio from other apps while the sound device is in use, but I don't have that situation, so this workaround suits me.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Streaming Desktop With VLC And Pulseaudio?

May 1, 2011

I am trying to stream my Desktop through VLC. Video isn' t a problem but audio is.The problem is with the upgrade from 11.3 to 11.4 I got pulseaudio again.I can't find a way to stream all local audio channels with VLC and pulseaudio.I tried "padsp vlc" and used oss:///dev/dsp which kinda works but the audio is very very low as in useless.I also tried setting up rtp/multicast pulseaudio but I couldn't get it working.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: 11.4 KDE: Too Many Pulseaudio Aplets In Task Bar

May 29, 2011

I have openSUSE 11.4 KDE 64-bit. Right now I have 20 identical pulseaudio applets that each looks like a circuit board or a PCI adapter on my computer's taskbar. I tried uninstalling then re-installing pulseaudio and the package that choose device (padev?) many times but this problem remains.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Keep Skype From Muting All Other Applications When Using Pulseaudio On 11.4

Mar 13, 2011

I recently upgraded to 11.4, but skype seems to mute all other application streams when a call is active. I can manually unmute them, but it is rather annoying especially when listening to music in the background using Amarok since everytime a new track starts it creates a new stream and is muted again.

I installed pavucontrol just to see if it had more options then kde's built in multimedia settings, but it doesn't (just has the cool how loud is the volume currently). I like the individual application (stream) volumes.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Pulseaudio: Can't Get Realtime Or High-priority Permissions

Nov 30, 2008

I can be granted permission, and I'm in the proper groups, but pulseaudio tells me I can't get permission.. I wanted to see if anybody else had this problem / knew of a solution / isolate whether it is a pulseaudio, policykit, whatever problem, before I post a bug upstream.

[Sun 07:25 AM] ~ $ rpm -qi pulseaudio | awk '/Version|Release/ {print $1$2$3}'
[Sun 07:25 AM] ~ $ groups


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Media Players And Pulseaudio Use Huge Ammount Of Cpu?

Mar 22, 2010

In suse 11.2 when play a video file the media players eats up to 50% cpu and pulseaudio another 18-20% with compiz turn on, when i turn the compiz off media player goes down to 7-8 % and pulseaudio 1-2%. With audio files the picture is different - 2-3 % sometimes 7% pulseaudio and there is not matter if compiz is turned off or on.Is there some kind of configuration should be done ?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Latest Phonon Doesn't Work With Pulseaudio / Sort It?

Mar 18, 2010

After update to latest phonon (4.4.0-37) - with kde 4.4.1., it doesn't recognize pulseaudio anymore. I am using xine backend, but I can't find 'PulseAudio Server' device entry in phonon configuration

Is there special pulseaudio configuration so phonon will regonize it? code...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype On Ubuntu 10.04 - Sound Devices - Recording Is "PulseAudio Server (local)" - Doesn't Work

May 22, 2010

I just installed skype 2.1 beta 2 (the deb file) from the skype website, but the only option I see under Sound Devices -> Recording is "PulseAudio Server (local)" This doesn't work for me, as the skype test calls don't actually record anything I say. I use skype a lot and FINALLY got it working under karmic, but I needed to upgrade to lucid and now it's broken.

When I open Sound preferences and look at the Applications section, Skype shows up as recording when I run its test call... but no sound is recorded? How is it possible that my sound card picks up something recording but doesn't actually record it when I'm in skype?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Output One Playback Stream To Multiple Devices Simultaneously With The Current PulseAudio / Phonon Setup?

Jun 9, 2011

Is it possible to output one playback stream to multiple devices simultaneously with the current PulseAudio / Phonon setup? The PulseAudio mixer only has radio buttons to choose one device per playback stream. I believe the hardware is capable of this, since I remember doing that before we had PulseAudio. How can I duplicate an audio stream?

Here's one application scenario: I am travelling with my family, all crammed in small hotel room. My wife and me want to watch a movie on my laptop without waking up our kids. I just happen to have one analogue headphone available and one wireless USB headset with me. (Of course, the low tech solution is to bring an 3,5mm Y-cable to attach two analogue headsets, but I would really love to use the USB headset together with the analogue one.)

Another similar thing that bugs me is that my laptop's built-in speakers now always seem dead when an analogue headphone is plugged in. This is mostly what one wants, and before PulseAudio, one had to manually switch them off which was generally annoying. However, the downside is for example with notifications.

For example, before PulseAudio, I could configure Skype to always ring over the laptop's built-in speakers, regardless of whether the analogue headphones were plugged in. This is no longer possible, since PulseAudio does not distinguish between built-in speakers and built-in analogue port any more, while old Alsa did. So in my office, where some analogue headphones are plugged into the docking station, I never hear Skype ringing if I don't wear the headphones.

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