OpenSUSE Install :: 11.1 On Eee PC 1005HA - Configure Function Keys Support For Volume Controls And Wireless?

Oct 26, 2009

I put together a step-by-step guide of how I installed openSUSE 11.1 on my ASUS Eee PC Seashell 1005HA Netbook. I planned on going back and re-installing using my own guide to check for mistakes, etc. but I never seem to get around to it, so I'll just post what I have and let you guys comment if you run into issues. Side notes: This guide assumes you want to wipe out Windows XP and run only openSUSE. Sorry, I'm a Gates hater.

I still haven't figured out how to configure the function keys support for volume controls and wireless. I'm hoping the "eeepc kernel module" mentioned by malcolmlewis here: Suse on my Asus 1005HA - openSUSE Forums will do the trick.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: USB Soundcard Volume Controls With Laptop Volume Keys?

Oct 29, 2010

I've got my xubuntu 10.10 install just about perfect on a little acer aspire d250, apart from a small sound useability issue: In the interests of simplicity and resource usage I removed pulseaudio. After a bit of fiddling I got it so that my USB soundcard (ProDac) is recognized and automatically set as the default soundcard when plugged in. Any sound applications automatically use the USB sound if it present, no need to around with pulse. The only problem is that my netbook's volume control keys still only control the master volume of the inbuilt soundcard, and have no effect on the usb sound. Does anyone know of a way to change which sound device these keys actually effect? I'd like to write a little script so that when the usb device is detected the keys are remapped.

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Fedora :: Can't Change Global Volume Using Applet - Function Keys / Resolve It?

Jun 14, 2009

Sound is my #1 issue on F11.
Most of the time I can't change the system wide volume setting by pressing the function keys on my laptop (the volume indicator doesn't even show up). When that happens (and I havent't been able to find out why and under what conditions that happens) the volume applet on my panel also becomes useless. Useless meaning that I can slide the slider up and down with no effect on the audible volume. I can still change the volume within the individul applications (rhythmbox, totem, ...) with success.
Adjusting the volume via gst-mixer or pavucontrol does also works as expected. It's really just the volume keys and the panel applet that refuse to cooperate.

About this system (pretty standard intel_hda, no problems with F10)code...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Getting The 11.2 On 1005HA?

May 13, 2010

Im trying to get installed on my Asus 1005HA(B.Ive tried

Unetbootin 11.1 - HTTP Installation Network method doesn't work with this
Unetbootin Gnome ISO of 11.2 - Can't remember exact error, but it doesn't work.
Unetbootin Network unetbootin - Same as above
Gnome 11.2 + Network with Official USB Installation Guide using DD and if+sync command

So, I have basicly tried everything, but all have failed. So, how can I get 11.2 on my netbook/comp.

P.S.Don't have usb dvd reader, thats why I need usb methods.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Intel Motherboard H67MA-E35 (B3) - Sound Is Poor And The Volume Controls Just As Bad

Sep 11, 2011

Got this new motherboard and it's running 11.4 of Opensuse and it works great. Even got the DVI working with the monitor with help of instructions I found here. However the sound is poor and the volume controls just as bad. According to the motherboard docs it has THX Tru Studio sound pro, a Intel H67 (B3) chipset. Six audio ports. And the chipset integration by Realtek ALC837. I have tried to find this information in the sound setup with no luck. What was selected was the Intel model (no other specifics was found). According to the Alsamixer it says HDA Intel PCH and the card and chip is set as PulseAudio. What should the sound card be set to other than Intel?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Acer Aspire 4810T Laptop - Hardware Brightness Keys System Slowdowns, Software Controls Don't Work

Mar 14, 2011

I have an Acer 4810T laptop with Intel graphics. I run openSUSE 11.3, and am about to upgrade to 11.4. But both systems still have a very bad bug with screen brightness. The Fn+Arrow keys do change screen brightness, but after using them the system is rendered extremely sluggish and unresponsive. This sluggishness is most pronounced with a very important Wine app I need to use. The only way to fix the sluggishness is to reboot. With 11.4, the problem is worse because the system boots and automatically partially dims the screen, thus making it even more necessary to change the brightness. Neither Gnome nor KDE are able to change the brightness via their power managers. This means that I can't dim my screen automatically upon disconnecting the A/C power.

I have read many experiences from Ubuntu and openSUSE users, who all have the same problem. I have tried both intellegacy and the new intel drivers, and they both have the problem. I have read that some users have improved the situation by upgrading or downgrading the BIOS. Others have been experimenting with kernel patches:


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Ubuntu :: Use Super Keys As Volume Up And Volume Down In Karmic?

Mar 17, 2010

In Intrepid Ibex, I was using the left Super key as Volume Down and the right Super key as Volume Up, because it was just so convenient.

However when I go to the "Keyboard Shortcuts" window in Karmic, it doesn't let me assign the Super keys to anything. I mean like, I can use the Super Keys along with other keys, but not by themselves.

Is it somehow possible to use the Super keys for Volume Up and Volume Down in Karmic?

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Ubuntu :: Volume Controls - Lower Or Higher Settings

Dec 20, 2010

I have a keyboard with media buttons on it which work fine. I do have a question about the 2 buttons for lower and higher volume. Pressing the higher volume button increases the volume with a maximum of 18 steps, where step 0 = mute and step 17 is maximum. I wonder if it is possible to increase the number of steps to make the volume change not so big per step. Now I have one step which is a bit too loud, and one step lower is not loud enough.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Volume Controls (adjust Change Increment)?

May 11, 2011

Is there a way I can change the volume increase/decrees increments

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Software :: Difference Between Fedora And Ubuntu (pulseaudio) Volume Controls

Feb 3, 2011

Newer versions of both distributions are using the new pulseaudio volume control (I'm not referring to pavucontrol but the main volume control accessible via the volume icon in the panel). However, even though both distros' versions have the identical interface, they clearly do two different things. I've searched for this topic before and have come up with nothing; makes me wonder why no one else seems to have an issue with this.

For Fedora (12 and up) the main slider for the sound card's volume does just that, although the sliders for individual applications use the same "scale." If I drag an application's slider higher than that for the sound card, the "main" slider moves along with it.

In Ubuntu (Lucid and later) the main slider is the same as Fedora's, but the individual applications are scaled differently. Dragging an individual application's slider all the way to the right (100%) sets the maximum volume of this application to that of the sound card, whatever that happens to be at the moment.

In this respect, Ubuntu's individual sliders are relative to the (arbitrary) value set for the sound card, but Fedora's individual sliders are "hard-wired" to the main slider. I'm wondering if it is possible to make Fedora's volume control behave like Ubuntu's, i.e. is there a configuration setting, or is this designated in the source code? I'm sure there is a heated debate over why things are this way in Fedora, however with the new pulseaudio systems, the minimum value for the main slider for my sound card is pretty loud and this makes most audio unlistenable in Fedora, at least through headphones without an on-board volume control.

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Software :: Sony Vaio Running Mepis Has No Fn Controls For Volume

Feb 6, 2011

I recently installed Mepis (Lenny I believe) on my vaio n320 and was extremely excited that my Fn keys seemed to work right off the bat. I could adjust brightness just fine, but when I attempted to control the volume, nothing happened. I can adjust the volume from the mixer, but no Fn key.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 10.3 Network - Configure Ethernet Connection Or Wireless Card

Oct 2, 2010

I installed 10.3 (after buying it a couple of years ago and letting sit on the shelf) and can't get it to configure my ethernet connection or my wireless card. Yast doesn't include a list of available cards, and the error I get in installation-network setup is that the kernel isn't present. The machine I'm installing this on is a Lenovo, in which there isn't a discrete ethernet card (it's in the motherboard), but my wireless card (a Cisco LINKSYS 802.11G) is a discrete card. Because I'm divorcing Microsoft for a number of valid reasons, I don't have Windows available on that box.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change The Channel Gnome-volume-control Controls?

May 26, 2010

How do i change the channel gnome-volume-control controls? I want it to control pcm but it controls master front. There used to be a setting right in the sound preferences but i think it disappeared with the 9.10 upgrade or at least i can not find it anymore. I've looked on the at gnome alsa mixer while changing the volume and master front gets controlled while pcm is always set to max. The problem with this is that master front does almost nothing to change the actual volume.

If i control pcm with the alsa mixer the volume range is fine. I've found a manual for gnome-volume-control on [URL].en and the pic there actually looks like i remember it looking. But i can not get to that screen. What i have looks completely different. Its a window with the tabs Sound Effects | Hardware | Input | Output | Applications. But there is no sight of any channel settings and the only slider there does the same as the applet one.

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Fedora :: Volume Control Keys On Keyboard Don't Control Volume Anymore

Oct 29, 2009

Volume up, volume down and mute keys on the keyboard don't control the volume any longer.They worked before. Hitting the keys brings up a progress bar widget with the volume level unchangeable, set at 0% (which is not accurate at all).It looks like the key mappings or key bindings are working, but there is a disconnect with actual functionality. The volume cannot be changed or muted anymore from the keyboard.

This worked just fine in KDE on Fedora 11 before upgrading KDE components yesterday with Yumex. I am now using KDE 4.3.2 I don't think that it's a coincidence that it stopped working after doing an update.
I updated the kernel and nVidia drivers too, but this problem exists when I went back and tested with the previous kernel, so I don't suspect the kernel upgrade. No info in Xorg.conf about the keyboard. Is there a setting that I am missing?

Sound works just fine. I can listen to whatever source I like. This is not a problem with the sound drivers as far as I can tell.I just want to be able to control the volume with the keys on my Logitech Illuminated Keyboard, model Y-UY95. Is anyone else experiencing this?I can adjust the volume with Kmix 3.5 or GNOME Volume Control V2.1

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Debian :: Install On The Eeepc 1005ha?

Sep 28, 2010

i just installed debian on my base unit and now i would like to install debian on my eeepc 1005ha.

what debian supports the ath9k wireless?

also can i down load an installer iso and unetbootin the usb to intstall from the stick?

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Ubuntu :: Num Pad And Function Keys Won't Work?

Jul 3, 2010

I recently put Ubuntu on my HP G series laptop that originally had Windows Vista and ever since some select function keys (i.e. dim/brighten display) and the num lock/num pad won't work. Why is this and can I fix it?

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Fedora :: Install And Configure PEA Support So All Memory Is Recognized?

Aug 20, 2010

First of all I'm not a very experienced linux user, I have installed fedora 13 on my HP Laptop and it has 8Gb installed, (confirmed in Bios) grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

MemTotal: 3088492 kB It's less then 8Gb

googling about it it seems that I ineed PEA support for my kernel. It seems that fedora 13 should install this if needed, correct me if I'm wrong. uname -a Linux #1 SMP Fri Jul 23 17:27:40 UTC 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux If PEA support was installed I think PEA should be seen after .fc13.i686 in the output. How can I install and configure PEA support so all my memory is recognized?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configure The Touch Sensitive Volume Level Control?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a acer aspire 8735G-6502 this bad boy [URL]: Acer Aspire 8735G-6502 18.4-Inch Widescreen Laptop: Computer & Accessories I am trying to figure out how to configure the touch sensitive volume level control. It works somewhat, but only increasing volume. Xev does a strange job detecting the key codes, and assigning keyboard short cuts does the same thing. In fact when moving ones finger in a downward, volume decreasing motion it picks up only strange upward finger motion.

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Fedora Hardware :: Modify Function Keys 'fn'

Nov 11, 2010

Fedora 14
HP Mini 210

I have just bought a HP Min and installed xfce Fedora 14.

However, I would like to modify the way the function keys are pressed. Currently I have to press the 'fn' key down and then press a function key.

The function keys also have a second action. For example, Brightness up and down, volume control, play, fast forward, mute, wifi, etc.

However, those secondary actions only requires a single click.

As I use my HP for doing a lot of programming using emacs. I need the function keys for compiling, book marking, cleaning, uncommenting, etc. Is slows me down having to click on an extra 'fn' key.

I am wondering if it is possible to change the actual function keys to be a single click instead of having to click on the 'fn' all the time. And change the secondary action volumen, brightness, etc, to using the 'fn'?

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wireless Doesn't Support Scanning

Nov 10, 2010

I am using an HP G60 laptop with a built in wireless NIC but am unable to get the wireless connection working. I have followed the advice in the sticky messages above and have included the information below. I know the wireless modem is working as I have got a spare USB wireless dongle running on the desktop (ironically - I can only get it working where it is not needed!!!). The same dongle will not work on the laptop. So it is a config thing and not a hardware issue On a trivial level, left clicking on the Network Manager icon shows the "enable wireless" greyed out. Desktop and laptop are running SuSE 11.3 and KDE4.4.4. I have tried the traditional method as well as knetwork manager and have no success with either. Here are the technical details. Hardware compatibility list provides


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Debian Multimedia :: Re-mapping Function And Multiedia Keys

Dec 10, 2014

I have a Logitech K830 wireless 'Living Room' keyboard for general use under Debian/Gnome. The function keys (F1-F12) operate in conjunction with the FN key. Various multimedia options are alternately available by pressing the function keys (F1-F12) without the FN key.

I want to make the function keys primary (not requiring FN). 'xmodmap -e "keycode 172 = F11"' reassigns F11 as expected, but xev reveals multicode output for some keys that I cannot similarly remap. The (de-tabulated) table shows xev output for press-events. Single F(n) keycodes are followed by the equivalent multimedia keycodes (e.g. F2[+FN] key is also 'Minimize window'[without FN]).


FN+F1 0x0167 0xffbe, F1
Adjust backlight ---- -- ------, --

FN+F2 0x1068 0xffbf, F2


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OpenSUSE Network :: No Internet Connection On Asus Eeepc 1005HA?

Aug 23, 2009

Within a dual boot option two os are now available on the asus eeepc 1005ha,

(1) the windows xp system and in addition (2) the linux 11.1 version of opensuse.

After and also during the installation process of the linux 11.1 os, an error message had occured:

No network found!

I tried to fix it by changing some settings (network manager on/off), but no

improvement could be achieved. Some people argue to wait for a kernel

update higher than *.27.*

Somebody knows something how to fix the network (eth0) internet connection?

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Debian Configuration :: Reverse Notebook Function Keys To Default (no Fn)?

May 17, 2011

The top row of keys on my notebook are currently assigned to various media functions (brightness, volume, play, stop, etc.) These keys are rarely used, and it would be better if they were assigned to the function keys (f1,f2,f3,...) by default, rather then using the fn key to access them. Locking the fn key down is not an option. What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: [lucid] Can't Adjust Screen Brightness Using Function Keys?

May 3, 2010

I have just upgraded to xubuntu 10.04 and although some function keys are working (like volume control), the screen brightness function keys aren't (the screen brightness is at top level and can't be reduced)Notes:I am using a Compaq 610 laptopThe brightness keys are working on Ubuntu 10.04 (live session)How can I fix this?, and at least is there any other way to adjust screen brightness?

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Ubuntu :: Function Keys & Keyboard Shortcuts Stopped Working?

May 17, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10. All of a sudden several of my function keys stopped working and several keyboard shortcuts that I had setup involving function keys stopped working as well.

For example, when I go to preferences->keyboard shortcuts and try to set "Toggle fullscreen mode" to Alt+F11, the text "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" appears where it should just say "Alt+F11". Pressing Alt+F11 does nothing.

All of my function keys somehow got mapped to XF86AudioBlahBlah and no longer work. How do I undo this? I recently installed ffmpeg and gtk-recordmydesktop but I don't think I installed anything else.

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Programming :: Sending RSA Public/private Keys Into Calling Function?

Sep 9, 2010

My calling application will accept only strings and interger. we are replacing RSA bsafe library to openssl. using RSA bsafe, we have generated the private and public key in BER format. Then convert the keys, BER format into ASCII format to send the calling function. (these everything done by using RSA supplied bsafe library) same way i have to right using openssl..i m now able convert the RSA public and private key into DER format

rsa = RSA_generate_key(1024, 3, NULL, NULL);
size_t size;


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Logitech Wireless Keyboard And Shift And Ctrl Keys

Mar 2, 2011

So Ive had this issue off and on for a while now, but have never really looked to see if others have had it or how I can fix it. Essentially the problem is that kde seems to randomly decide that I am holding down the shift or ctrl key.Im using a logitech cordless desktop s510, running openSUSE 11.3 x86_64. Ive had this problem on and off using a couple of different logitech keyboards. The most often time when it happens with the shift key is when im coding, and the control key when Im running a keyboard shortcut.

I can usually fix the issue by holding down the key that kde thinks is pressed for like 5-10 seconds and releasing, however sometimes I have to unplug and then replug in the usb adapter for kde to get things right. This doesnt happen if im running a non-graphical terminal (thouhg I cant say whether it happens in gnome as I dont have gnome installed) so I am thinking its related to kde. The keyboard can be plugged into other computers and they dont act the same way.

This gets esspecially annoying when Im coding (because of all the symbols) and generally when the issue occurs. I think it may have something to do with the key being pressed for over a certain length.

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General :: Keyboard - Swap Fn (function) And Control Keys In System On A Macbook Pro?

Jan 24, 2011

I don't care if this is done in the bios or a kernel module or software. Is there any way at all to do make the 'fn' key act as 'control' and the 'control' key act as 'fn' in linux running on a macbook pro?

PS. You can do this with software in OSX with the application KeyRemap4MacBook.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Configure Wireless From YAST> Network Settings?

Jun 24, 2011

I am trying to configure a wireless connection from YAST under the Network Settings tool.It doesn't seem to do anything. My USB wifi device is detected in YAST > Hardware and I am using the module it says Hardware is using. It doesn't seem to save the module under YAST> Network Settings> Network Card Setup. Is this tool broken or useless? It seems setting up WiFi should be easier than this. YAST should work shouldn't it?

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Ubuntu :: Volume Controls Not Working After Enabling Num Lock Or Caps Lock?

May 2, 2010

There is a very strange problem I've been having. When I enable either Caps Lock or Num Lock the media controls on my keyboard cease to work. I have Googled this one to death but found nothing. This problem existed in Xubuntu 9.10 and now still exists in Xubuntu 10.04. The keyboard I use is a Logitech Elite Keyboard. I would love to be able to use the Caps Lock and Num Lock without the worry that I am disabling the media controls

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