Networking :: Vsftpd 2.0.1-6 Auth Tls Clients Not Connect?

Apr 10, 2010

This is as far as FireFTP can go to make a connection.


220 Welcome to Steve Test SFTP service.
Proceed with negotiation.

All the basic vsftpd.conf advice followed:




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Server :: Vsftpd With SSL Auth But Force Plain Data?

Aug 26, 2010

I'd like to enable SSL authentication in vsftpd.conf but still somehow force plain data transfer; even if the client is capable of SSL data transfer. The way I understand the config, if I set ssl_enable=YES then if client wants to use SSL for data transfers, it can. I wish for force plain data transer, but still have SSL enabled for login. Is this possible with vsftpd?

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CentOS 5 :: Winbind Auth With PXE Booted Diskless Clients

Apr 29, 2010

In short we are booting Centos 5.4 over PXE to a bunch of diskless clients. Once they are booted - we can login (as local root account) and RDP to windows machines using rdesktop as we require.

The next step of the project is to get user authentication to the Windows Domain controller working for the PXE image.

To do so - we continued with our physical install of Centos 5.4 (used to create the pxe image with rsync as per the wiki page for diskless clients) by following through this page. AD auth works perfect on this box (it has a local HDD install of centos obviously).

Once we rsync'd the changes over to the pxeboot location - and rebooted one of the diskless pxe clients - we get issues.

The issue is that winbind seems to start - however the file "/etc/samba/secrets.tdb" cant be read. We tried removing this file that the PXE clients use and recreating it using

touch /etc/samba/secrets.tdb

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Ubuntu Networking :: VSFTPD Can't Connect PASV On WAN?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm having a peculiar problem. I have VSFTPD working and everything works great on my local network! The only problem is that I can't get PASV mode to work over the WAN.

I've tried everything:

- making sure the pasv_enable, pasv_min_port, and pasv_max_port variables are set in vsftpd.conf

- punching holes in Shorewall for these ports via rules

- setting up port forwarding for these ports in my routers (although this might be unnecessary)

The problem, is PASV mode works fine when I access from either router (my server is behind two routers but not from my WAN IP. Could this be a problem with my ISP?

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Server :: Vsftpd - FTP Clients Work - Ftp://xxxx In Mozilla Does Not

Jan 13, 2010

I have an FTP server which is linked to a user account in a chroot jail and I have disabled anonymous access (anonymous_enable=NO). I can FTP into this server from Windows command line FTP client and every other FTP client I have used with no problems.

However, I have been trying to access it via a web browser (firefox) using ftp://<server name>. This connects and prompts me for my login details, which I enter as I should. But then I get a 425 connection error.

In my /var/log/secure log, I see the entry: -

Why is Mozilla Firefox trying to connect as an anonymous user when it has already prompted me for my login details?

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Networking :: Clients Can't Connect To PPTP Server

Dec 30, 2010

I'm trying to get a pptp server up and running. The server starts just fine, but encounters errors when a client tries to connect.


CTRL: I wrote 32 bytes to the client.
Dec 29 23:27:48 frankenstein pptpd[9402]: CTRL: Sent packet to client
Dec 29 23:27:48 frankenstein pptpd[9403]: CTRL (PPPD Launcher): program binary = /usr/sbin/pppd


I assume the failed read line is the culprit. I am currently running on a test machine. There is no firewall. I read on this error points to a firewall misconfiguration, but there isn't one.

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN Server Up And Running But Clients Can't Connect

Sep 28, 2010

I've been the las 4 days setting up my first VPN (OpenVPN bridged). The server is up and running OK but when I try to connect I've got this message in the client log.


TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
TLS Error: TLS handshake failed


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Networking :: Xinetd To Fork New Instances Of Foo So Multiple Clients Can Connect To It

Aug 3, 2010

Suppose I have a server, foo, that runs on port 5555. I can make one connection to it at a time on that port. I want xinetd to fork new instances of foo so multiple clients can connect to it.

Here's a configuration entry:

1) How does xinetd fork a new instance of foo when a previous instance is already listening on port 5555? Wouldn't the new process fail to launch because port 5555 is already in use by the previous process?

2) Suppose five clients connect simultaneously, and xinetd forks five instances of foo. When the clients disconnect, does xinetd leave all five instances running?

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Ubuntu :: Auth.log CRON - Receiving In My Auth.log File

Jan 10, 2011

Lately I have been receiving this in my auth.log file. It seems to be repeating over and over, and I didn't know if was anything normal or something I should be worried about...


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General :: Configure Sshd To Connect ONLY With Public Key Auth?

Jan 12, 2010

How i can configure sshd to connect ONLY with Public Key Auth?

currentStatus : If you have no key. then you can log in with your password.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Connect Via FTP (vsftpd)

May 17, 2011

I have installed vsftpd and I configured the whole package and everything worked. But, after a reboot, it doesn't work anymore. Vsftpd is running. When I do "telnet localhost 21" the machine gets connected to localhost. It also succeeds when I type "" (my internet IP address) or "" (external IP address). So the connection is fine. I configured vsftpd to allow only given users, in this case the user bourne. Everyone else isn't allowed to use vsftpd. My main account is stan. So when I connect to the machine via SSH, I'm logged in as 'stan'. When I try to log in to the FTP server with "ftp localhost" and I fill my own username I get an error message saying permission is denied, I don't get a chance to enter my password. When I fill in the username 'bourne' it asks for a password, I enter it, and I get the message 'login incorrect'.

But now it's getting weird: When I switch to the user bourne in the shell by 'su bourne' and enter the same password for FTP, I get logged in as bourne. Then, when I enter 'ftp localhost', fill in the username 'bourne', enter its password, the login is succesfull! It doesn't matter where I connect to (local IP, external IP, localhost, or computer name) I get connected with the user bourne as long as I'm logged in to the shell with this user. Otherwise it doesn't work. Does anyone know why? Below is the config file of vsftpd:


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Red Hat / Fedora :: VSFTPD: Can't Connect From Localhost

Aug 20, 2010

I set up a ftp server using VSFTPd. Remote connections are working fine. I can connect then create, rename and delete folders. I can upload files without any issue. BUT, each time i connect directly from the server (with the command "ftp localhost") i can't upload files either delete them. The only thing i can do is create folders. I'm getting error code "553: could not create file" when trying upload files. I triple checked the rights, everything is OK. I disabled SELinux (even if i don't like it). The weirdest thing is everything's working fine from remote host.

Below my vsftpd.conf:



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Server :: Vsftpd: Can Connect Remotely But Not Locally?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm running vsftpd-2.2.2 on Slackware 13.1 and I'm behind a NAT with a dynamic IP. I'm using pasv_address, which makes it necessary to have a crontab that checks whether my IP has changed, and if it has, edits the conf and restarts vsfptd. It's hackish but it works. I have also enabled FTPES on the same port that normal FTP runs. I have allowed only the 5001:5003 ports and I am aware that the recommented is 50 ports. However I never had an issue with the transfers since I'm the only user and have at maximum two simultaneous transfers.

I can connect remotely with FTP and FTPES with every client I tried but I'm having issues locally. FileZilla refuses to connect on FTP and FTPES. WinSCP can connect on FTP but not FTPES. Issues are gone if I enable pasv_promiscuous, which the manpage strongly recommends not to use unless "you know what you're doing". I don't. Why is this happening? And, can I fix the local connections without resorting to pasv_promiscuous?

Here is my config and log files from a failed local attempt.





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Ubuntu :: Only Authorized Clients Can Connect - GDM?

May 2, 2010

When I input xhost
pt@pt-laptop:~$ xhost
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
wWo is gdm? Is he a hacker?

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Ubuntu :: Synergy Will Not Connect To 10.04 Clients?

Jul 15, 2010

I've been using synergy for a while and love it. I recently upgraded both of my desktop PCs at home from 9.10 to 10.04 (both x64 ubuntu studio). Now, Synergy doesn't appear to want to work. I've tested with both the cli command referencing a config file on the server and using quicksynergy on both machines and it just doesn't connect. I verified on my "server" that synergy is listening on port 24800 (can telnet to that port from the client machine). I manually disabled the firewall on both machines as well and it doesn't seem to make a difference. It never gives an error on the client, it just never makes the connection. I've tested this with 2 separate 10.04 clients. I also brought one of these boxes (a laptop) to work where I use Synergy between 2 windows boxes. It won't connect to those either.

I've tried connecting both using hostname and IP address (both worked in the past on 9.10) and neither work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Connect To FTP Server Running Vsftpd

May 29, 2010

I just made a Ubuntu Server install in a virtual machine and am having trouble setting up FTP to transfer files. I've installed LAMP and vsftp. The web server works great, but FTP gives a connection refused error locally and remotely from the host machine. 'Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".' nmap localhost doesn't list FTP as open even though I have vsftpd set to listen. I've tried restarting vsftpd with no luck.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Login Incorrect And Unable To Connect In Vsftpd

Apr 15, 2009

When ever i try to login to my ftp server(linux, fedora) through filezilla or cuteftp then its giving error even if login details are correct. Its are working fine locally but remotelly its giving error when ever i try to connect to it using external ipaddres or domainname. the error is as follows Status:

Connected with [URL]. Waiting for welcome message...
Status:Connecting to ...
Response:220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
Command:USER test

But if i try to connect to ftp server via brower(internet explorer or mozilla). ITs working fine.I dont know what is the reson behind this. few days back it was working fine through filezilla or cuteftp. proxy setting are also fine. its the same which i was using few days back.

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Will Not Allow Any Clients To Connect ?

May 17, 2010

I've done this before, maybe ten times. This time is different. I don't know why, but Samba will not allow any clients to connect.

I've done:
- installed samba
- setup the samba shares
- have a samba user/passwd
- authentication = users
- punched in the samba stuff for firewall
- workgroup is set right

What the heck? I cannot get any client to connect. Not even the server machine can connect to itself through a client. What am I missing here???

Just for the record, I'm trying to connect to \SERVER:



I removed a whole lot of comment lines in the config file.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 NFS Server - Clients Cannot Connect

Jan 2, 2011

Upgraded two machines to 11.3 in the past 2 weeks. NFS is broken on both, in different ways. The problem I'll mention here is that the nfs server is running, but clients can't connect.

The server is running:
tinderbox:~ # /etc/init.d/nfsserver status
Checking for kernel based NFS server: idmapd running
mounted running
statd running
nfsd running

It has a valid export list:
tinderbox:~ # showmount -e
Export list for tinderbox:

The export exists:
tinderbox:~ # ls -lR /usr/local/share/
total 4
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Jan 2 12:10 common

total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 2 12:10 test.txt

But attempts to mount the export are unsuccessful, both from the local machine:
tinderbox:~ # mount.nfs /mnt -v
mount.nfs: timeout set for Sun Jan 2 12:14:19 2011
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'addr=,vers=4,clientaddr='
mount.nfs: mount(2): Connection timed out
mount.nfs: Connection timed out

...and from an OpenSUSE 11.0 machine.
moira:~ # mount.nfs /mnt/tmp/ -v
mount.nfs: timeout set for Sun Jan 2 11:52:17 2011
mount.nfs: text-based options: 'addr='
mount.nfs: Unable to connect to, errno 110 (Connection timed out)
mount.nfs: mount to NFS server 'rpcbind' failed: timed out, giving up

I've had NFS running on my local network for over a decade, and never had problems like this before.

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Ubuntu :: No Torrent Clients Will Connect To Any Peers?

Jun 6, 2011

I've used Transmission for about a year now, and i haven't had any problems with it. But a couple of weeks ago it suddenly wouldn't connect to any peers. It gets peer list from tracker, then nothing happens.Ive tried using different clients (Vuze and Deluge) and the same story goes for both. Ive tried restarting the router in case of any DNS crap, getting nothing.Ive installed Firestarter only to create an exception for traffic on the torrent ports (even though it probably is pointless)Now both google and myself seem to be out of ideas. Does anybody have something i could try out and possibly fix this. Everything points to some software issue...

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Ubuntu :: All Ftp Clients Fail To Connect To Any Server?

May 11, 2010

At some point my Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop install has stopped being able to connect via ftp to servers. I have several servers that I have accounts to and I have several ftp clients installed on my system, including gftp, Filezilla, and command line ftp tools. None of them can connect to any of my servers.

Here it is from the command line:

> ftp
ftp: connect: Connection refused

I can connect fine with my netbook running Ubuntu, only my desktop has this problem, and of course I use my desktop for development. Do I have a firewall running or something that's blocking my outgoing requests over port 21?

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Software :: Connect To Via Xdmcp Or Freenx From These Clients?

Jun 25, 2010

We have a lab at our school that has DevonIT thin clients. We want to connect to Ubuntu via xdmcp or freenx from these clients, and we want users to be able to connect to our Novell file server from these clients. I can't find instructions on how to install the client, which I found at It is a tar.gz file. I'm not new to Linux, but rarely install apps from source. Could someone walk me through it, keeping in mind I do not use the command line much? [URL]..

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Networking :: Auto Auth Connection Doesn't Work?

Jul 29, 2011

i have wired connection(auto auth) , it was working till yesterday , but now its not working simplicity its not receiving to enter my name and password , its mikrotick hotspot .

ubuntu 11.04

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix And Prevent Clients To Connect To Port 25 Without Authentication?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm a NOOB setting up Postfix but managed quite well by following the Ubuntu Server guide. I have managed to set it up using SSL but testing a mail client like thunderbird I can also connect to port 25 using no authentication. Connecting using SSL on port 465 by editing "" file works but 25 i still open.

1. How do I prevent clients to connect to port 25 without authentication?
2. I guess I have to have port 25 open in order to receive mail from the outside world?

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General :: Connect Internal Sendmail Server For Roaming Outlook Clients?

Nov 12, 2009

I have CentOS 5 + Sendmail within the local network with Smarthosting settings. How my Laptops users will connect my local Sendmail server for sending / receiving e-mails while out of the office network. I have router but no firewall in place in local network.

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CentOS 5 :: Connect To The Ftp Server - Error "buffer Overflow Detected ***: /usr/sbin/vsftpd Terminated Error:Could Not Connect To Server"

Sep 24, 2011

every time I try to connect to the ftp server I setup i am recieving this error Response:*** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/sbin/vsftpd terminated Error:Could not connect to server

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Server :: Starting Vsftpd For Vsftpd: 500 OOPS: SSL: Cannot Load RSA Certificate?

Feb 10, 2011

Any clue? I'm using the same key for root login and it works fine (also works fine for SFTP but i hate using that cause its extremely slow)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Trying To Copy To Remote SSH Server With Key Auth Already Turned On

May 16, 2011

New machine, need to append my to my remote SSH box, cannot use ssh-copy-id because I cannot specify the port I've got the machine running on.

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Fedora :: Unable To Connect From Clients Computers To Mail Server For Receiving Mail?

Oct 15, 2009

I have installed F11 on my server bythis article! I have problem with certificatewhen I connectin from clients computers to my mail server for reciving mail! I have warning like this

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Fedora :: Installed Vsftpd By "yum -y Install Vsftpd",disabled Anonymous Login And Set?

Feb 5, 2010

I have installed vsftpd by "yum -y install vsftpd",disabled anonymous login and set .When I use a linux client's file browser to login using a user account "ftpacc" by ftp://ip_address, its location is "/" instead of /home/ftpacc".When I use a window client to login, its location is "/home/ftpacc"

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