Networking :: HTML Files In Ubuntu Shared Map

Feb 11, 2010

i am having a very weird problem with one of my ubuntu shared maps (/home/marc/shared).I am using VMware. Windows 7 host. Ubuntu 9.10 Guest.By right clicking the shared folder (/home/marc/shared) and selecting "Sharing options" i have installed the samba software needed. The installation went fine and samba seems all good.The folder should have read write access.When using windows 7 to browse the network the shared ubuntu folder appears nicely. I use my root credentials to login wich works nicely too.

Now the following strange thing happens:When i create a file e.g. test.php, i can edit it delete it. Actually i can do whatever i want.When i create a file e.g. test.html (mind the .html extension), for some reason i can read it, delete it, but not edit it! Windows gives me somekind of message like "Please check whether if this file is opened by another program".How on earth is this possible? I never opened or used the .html file in another application so i guess it has something to do with write access credentials. Which is weird since i am able to delete the file?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Shared Files To Open / Why Is So?

Jun 15, 2010

Lucid. Two desktops, both Dell 530's.

Desktop A has wired connection to router, was a fresh install of 9.10 upgraded to 10.04. Has printer attached - HP deskjet 845C.

Desktop B has fresh install 10.04 and wireless connection to router. Has problem free internet connection through the router.

Both computers have sharing services installed and a shared folder (called "Public").

I'd like both computers to be able to see the public folder on the other computer, and I'd like computer B to be able to use computer A's printer.

When I try to open a shared folder on one computer from the other computer I just keep being asked for my password. Which password is this? I enter the user password for the computer which is the same on both computers) but that does not seem to work. I've also tried the password for the router, but that does not work either.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows 7 Shared Files?

Mar 20, 2010

I have two computers set up, one is running Ubuntu 9.04 and the other running Windows 7 Professional. I have a bunch of shared files from Windows 7 (which I am normally able to access from any Windows 7 or Windows XP machine on my network) but I can't access them from Ubuntu.I have tried going to Places > Network > Windows Network, but I receive the error "Unable to mount locations Failed to retrieve share list from server"I have also found another recommendation for accessing a windows server, via Places > Connect to Server, but I receive another error message there, "Cannot display location "smb://..." No application is registered as handling this file."Could anyone explain what my problem is and how I could fix it? I really wish I could figure this stupid thing out myself, but it's linux.. it's not meant to be understood by anyone >.<

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Shared Files From Windows Xp?

Apr 8, 2010

When I first start up my 2 computers once the network is established if I try to acces the Ubuntu shared folders from the Win XP machine I get this error:"\localhost not accessible. You might not have permission to usethis network resource.t the administrator of this server to findout if you have access permissions.You were not connected because aduplicate name exits on the network. Go to System in Control Panel tochange the computer name and try again."If I first access the Windows shared files and then go back to the Win machine I get the password prompt and all is well

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Networking :: Browsing Ubuntu 10.10 Shared Files From OSX Snowleopard?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a desktop running Ubuntu 10.10 and several terabytes of files on it. In Windows all I have to do is enable sharing and my Mac will see the shared folders right away and I have no problem browsing them. I read somewhere that it was essentially the same process in Ubuntu which I followed but I am unable to browse. The desktop does show up in OSX but when I click on it from Finder (Path Finder actually) I get a message saying "The server "Foo" may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again."

If I select "Connect to Server" under the Go menu in finder and type in smb://ip-address then I get one step further. I am asked to log in and I just click on guest (my user name and password didn't work) and then I get a list of all the shared folders but when I click on one I get a message very similar to the one above but not identical.

Everything I have found is about 5 years old. Or has anyone had similar issues and solved them? This is the first time I have ever tried any kind of networking in Linux but I am thinking Ubuntu 10.10 may have some sort of software firewall enabled by default?

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Networking :: Can't See Shared Files From Windows Network?

Nov 18, 2010

I have in fact set the folder to shared.I can see my computer or "server" on the windows network.My router is all that ties my network together.And I have a criminal history...okay that last one was a lie.But really I'm stuck here I can't figure out how to let the windows network see my shared folder.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: How To Share And See Shared Files Over Lan

Oct 14, 2009

I am using CentOS 5.3 , kernal version is 2.6.18-164.el5 I am connected with a LAN ( having systems with XP, Fedora , CentOS etc ), how to see shared Folders in CentOS? plus if i want to share things, what is the procedure?

I have tried with by right clicking->properties->share->configure share... etc but on other systems i cant see my shared folder..?

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Ubuntu Networking :: User Can't Append To Files In Samba Shared Folder

Jun 18, 2010

I'm setting up a network between 2 pc's where the one should act like "file server" and a normal pc to surf on internet.called ORLA-DESKTOP and the other pc is called OLGA-DESKTOP a pc connecting to the server and automounting the shared folder to the desktop Both pc's run ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx The shared folder is located on the server in /home/orla/svenson

ORLA-DESKTOP have 2 users "olga" and "orla" in a group called "svenson"
OLGA-DESKTOP have 1 registered user "olga" also in group called "svenson"

users on ORLA-DESKTOP can read/write/append and so on and fully manage everything in the shared folder.But on OLGA-DESKTOP the user can make a file on the pc and then drag'n'drop the file the the shared folder, and can also delete files in the shared folder. but cannot create a file directly into the folder like on ORLA-DESKTOP I have 3 configuration files made. 2 for automounting, Located on OLGA-DESKTOP 1 for samba server configurations located on the server ORLA-DESKTOP

The first one is /etc/fstab


# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).


To sum it all up the real problem is that OLGA-DESKTOP can't append to files in the shared folder. but users on the server have no troubles doing it..

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Fedora Networking :: Access The Shared Files Of Computes With Windows?

Feb 21, 2009

i need to access the shared files of computes with windows on it.i have fedora 8 on my machine..our computers are on the same network of the do i access my friend's shared file.??

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Connect To Win XP Shared Files And Printer?

Apr 24, 2009

I have just got my network to work on Fedora, and now I have run into an new problem... I can't access any shared files or printers. The computer that has the printer and the files I want to access runs windows XP Home edition, and when I boot into XP on my machine, I can access the files and printer. Can this be fixed, or is Fedora incompatable with Windows XP in this case?

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Fedora Installation :: HTML Files Instead Of RPM Files?

Mar 7, 2011

I recently upgraded from FC12 to FC14 due to errors using yum and rpm. I keep running into mirror sites with RPM files that don't install. These site have what appear to be valid RPM files, but if I use wget to retrieve the file and run "file" on it, it turns out to be an HTML file. I understand the fact that if a file is corrupted, it won't install, but I can open these "RPM" files using Mozilla after changing the extension from RPM to HTML. When I open the new HTML file, I'm prompted by the browser to open or save the RPM file. If I save the RPM file pointed to by the HTML file, I can download and install it using rpm -ivvh unless a dependency check fails. how does anyone install using yum if the package is an HTML file with an RPM extension. Here is a link as an example:


If I use wget on this file and then run "file" on it, here is the output:

file HTML document text

If I change the extension of this file to HTML and open it with my browser, I am prompted to download the RPM file which turns out to be a true RPM v3.0 file. Is anyone else having this problem or can anyone point me in the right direction to download the correct RPM file. I am running behind a proxy server and have installed cntlm, configured wgetrc, yum.conf and .curlrc to use the proxy server. I am able to download and install most of the simpler applications where the dependencies are either installed or non required.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Access Shared Windows Files From Fedora System?

Mar 24, 2009

How can I access shared Windows files from a fedora system

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Fedora Installation :: Samba / Network Folder And See Other Computers Shared Files And Share Files?

May 5, 2010

I am used to Ubuntus simple sharing with samba. Just install it, reboot and then share the files.Then do I klick on network folder and see all the shared files on the computers in the network.

How do I install it so I only need to go into network folder and see the other computers shared files.Then, how do I share files?

I hope it's not so difficult and that I have to change i config-files.

I am new to Fedora.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Save Html Files

Feb 3, 2010

I'm trying to set up some basic websites on an Apache 2 server running on my Linux box. At the moment, I have some really basic html files that I want to load into the /var/www directory. However, for whatever reason, I cannot save my html files. First, I thought it was because I didn't have permission on my account, so I switched to localadmin (i don't know if all Linux distros come with a localadmin account, but i know localadmin has "higher" permissions than, but less that root, of course). Even as localadmin, I could not save my html files!

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Ubuntu :: How To View The HTML Files

Aug 7, 2010

I just downloaded libgtk2.0-doc at the gtkmm docs to help me with some programming. I've found where the libgtk2.0 documents are (/usr/share/gtk-doc/html) and I'm not for sure where the gtkmm docs are.

My question is: what is an easy way to view all of these HTML files? I know on Ruby you can run gem-server and you can see all of your RDocs from localhost on your browser. Is there an equivalent to that on Ubuntu for gtk-doc?

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Ubuntu :: Process .html Files As PHP?

Jan 27, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit to do testing for a web site. I have successfully added a .htaccess file to the production site to process .html files as PHP files, but cannot get my localhost to process the files the same way.

Addition to apache2.config:

HTML Code:
<Directory "/home/*/public_html/*">
AllowOverride All
Order Deny,Allow


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Ubuntu :: Apache Not Parsing Php In Html Files?

Dec 10, 2010

why Apache is not parsing php code inside html files in LAMP? Whereas the same is working fine in WAMP..

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Ubuntu :: .html Files Opening In Elinks Instead Of Firefox

Aug 5, 2010

I install a nautilus plug-in which in turn installed the elinks browser and now all of my .html files are opening in elinks instead of firefox so how do I get .htm/.html and other web type files to open in firefox instead of elinks.

I also tried removing elinks from my system but then the files just open in gedit so again how do I associate .html (and other web files) with firefox.

BTW firefox is already set as my default browser in System > Prefs > Prefered Applications > Web Browser

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache HTML Include Files?

Aug 26, 2010

I seem to be unable to use the html

include virtual="test.txt" I have tried following the advice in this thread but it makes no difference. The file is there, but the line is delivered to the browser as-is. Using Lucid and a new install of apache 2.2 from the repository.

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General :: Cannot Post Files To /var/www/html Using FTP?

Nov 25, 2010

I created a local user acount and tested FTP. This allows me to post files to this directory using filezilla. I then created a webftpaccount and set the home directory to /var/www/html. Here are the permission to this directory using ls -l drwxrwsr-x 6 webftpaccount webftpaccount 4096 Nov 23 10:32 htmlhere are the permission on the sub directories

drwxrwsr-x 2 webftpaccount ftp 4096 Nov 14 07:37 myfinanceguard
drwxrwsr-x 2 webftpaccount root 4096 Nov 14 07:37 mylawguard
drwxrwsr-x 2 webftpaccount root 4096 Nov 14 07:36 xpiinc

I can log into the webftpaccount using filezilla client and it lists all the directories.It will not allow me to write a file into the html directory or any of the sub directories.Can someone help me set appropriate permissions on these directories so that I can get this working? I need to get FTP working so I set up dreamwaever FTP tlich and maintain sites.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox 3.6.8 Won't Let Me Upload Files Using HTML Form

Aug 3, 2010

I'm having a weird problem while uploading a file using a standard html form in Firefox 3.6.8(No extensions, except for the preloaded ones : Ubuntu Firefox modifications 0.9Rc2, mouse gesture redox 3.0.2 ). Anytime I try to upload a file whether on my localhost or at a website that offers a form with an input file, it fails. I'm just using test files, like small images. I've reinstalled my firefox, because I got this problem since 9.10 and now that I've upgraded to Lucid Lynx, I still have this issue. That's why I decided to do a fresh re-install using the same package I've downloaded previously when I did the ugprade. However, I still have the same result, the file never uploads to the server.

This happens when I use a simple html form with enctype="multipart/form-data". Though, when I use any other browser, like chrome, chromium, opera they just work fine. At my localhost, this is my code in one page, if you want to take a look, but as I say even with other websites the problem is happening too. Btw, the temp folders have written permissions (777)

PHP Code:

$currentDir = dirname(__FILE__);


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Ubuntu :: Creating Readable File From Multiple Html Files

Oct 2, 2010

Here is the deal: my school purchased a test prep which they distributed to us, the only problem is that it is for windows. When I try to run the exe in wine the program windows pops up but the screen is blank (i can see the menu bar and and the title bar). It appears that most of the information is located in a folder as html files (separated into chapters for each section) with links to all the figures/tables/questions
(also html files). This morning I have been trying to find a way to compile the html files into a format that I can read without having to hunt for each individual html file. I tried navigating with firefox but had to change each individual link before I could do that (very time consuming), I tried using doxygen (the GUI front end) to convert it to Latex/rtf/html/xml (all the formats) but did not have any success (It could be that I am using the app wrong). I tried opening some java applications found within the application data folder in hopes that it would bring up the navigator without success. And even tried installing java in wine (unsuccessfully) to see if that was the missing key to run the program in wine.

My question is, do I just have to fork out the $500+ that it would cost me to purchase the books instead of using the school provided program (free to us)? or is there a relatively simple way to compile these files into a format that could be readable.

tl;dr - have multiple html files for a windows native program that won't run on wine that I would like to convert to a more easily readable format (i.e. chm, pdf, etc), is it possible?the program was legally acquired through my school, I did not download or pirate it. I am not looking to distribute it, just looking to use it for my own studying purposes without spending $500+ or buying a windows license/computer.

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Ubuntu :: Setup Mod_perl With Scripts And Html Files In The Same Directory?

Apr 27, 2011

I have mod_cgi working perfectly. However, it turns out there are features of mod_perl that I'm trying to use. I have followed all the documentation I can find on using Ubuntu's mod_perl install with Apache2. There seems to be some type of problems with the mod_perl's documentation, as it doesn't work as it's defined. However, I found a modification to make it work, but only is designated directories. If I tried to use in a directory with my other HTML files the regular HTML files will fail.

Using these steps (but using apt-get's install rather than compiling the tar ball). I did as follows:


placed this in the httpd.conf file (which was basically the same as "a2enmod perl".

httpd.conf line:

LoadModule perl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
Alias /perl/ /home/web/perl/
<Directory /home/web/perl>
SetHandler perl-script


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Ubuntu :: Build Index.html Into A Full Html Page

Mar 9, 2010

I used wget -r to get all the web pages that were linked from index.html. The pages listed in index.html are all chapters. After using wget -r, all the chapters are now in the same folder on my local hard drive. Is there a way to build the chapters in their proper order into a "long"/"full" web page, rather than simply having each chapter as a link/next link on a previous page?

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General :: Link Files In Different Folder In Html?

Jun 3, 2010

I try to link two page from different folder and directory1. I want to link [URL]

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General :: Recursively Searching PHP Or HTML Files

May 5, 2010

I'm a frequent user of grep. I know that I can recursively search a directory using the -r flag:
// will recursively search all files
grep -r 'some string' *

However, if I want to limit my search to PHP files, the -r flag is suddenly useless:
// for some reason, this only searches the PHP files in the current dir
grep -r 'some string' *.php

Any good way to recursively search a directory and its subdirs for a string but ONLY look at PHP or HTML files (and possibly TXT files too) ? I'm really hoping for a nice, short command that doesn't involve using an exclude file and which isn't really painful to type. I do this kind of search very frequently and have resorted to either searching EVERY file which is really slow (TAR and ZIP files really slow it down) OR typing repeated commands to search *.php, */*.php, etc.

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Server :: Make Changes To SWAT Html Files?

Jan 28, 2010

I want to make some changes to the SWAT browser interface, does anyone know where the html files reside? I am using Ubuntu hardy

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Programming :: Replace Html In Multiple Files (80+)

Mar 2, 2010

I want to change some HTML in my files (80+ so I prefer not to do this by hand). I got a script to replace a string in files, however the HTML I want to replace contains an enter (and tab of 4 spaces) (explanation below) Does someone know how I could update my HTML by using a function in Linux?

I also found sed but don't know how to use it with the enter (linenumbers will not work because they variate)...


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General :: Finding Website Links In HTML Files?

May 29, 2010

I have a website that has a massive list of royalty free stock photos and I want to download all of them. I have bought a membership for [URL] so I am able to download as much as I want from them for the next month.

Instead of going page by page and manually downloading each set of stock photos manually, I would like to automate this process. Here's my idea:

1. Download the website with the links to hotfile [URL]

2. Use grep to retrieve all the links to [URL]

3. Feed the links I recieve from grep into wget and download the works of them.

The problem I'm getting is when I use grep, It retrieves the entire line of html code where "" is shown. So here is an example of one link I receive in the output:


./1776-santa-claus-vector-set.html:<div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">HotFile</a></div>

Is there a way to just have the link shown in the output?

PS: I have everything else working, I just need an automated process of getting all the links.

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General :: Edit Html Files Generated By Mrtg?

May 4, 2010

I'm using mrtg to generate html files. With mrtg , i use indexmaker . Inside html files , i have found some html tag like "<SMALL>some text</SMALL>".

There is the manner to delete text inside two tags ? With bash script?

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