In Ubuntu 10.04, there is a certain file that appears highlighted in terminal. When I try to cat the file, it says there is no such file or directory. How can I see what's in this file? Is this a symbolic link?
someone once told me that use can pass a file to grep and use that to search the contents of another file. if that is the case I'm not entirely sure why the following isn't working for me.
I have an ISO CD image file and want to extract it's contents to a folder. I know there are ways to mount the image and stuff, but it's complicated. I'm looking for a GUI tool to open up the contets and extract needed files. On windows I would use WinRar to do this. K3B only allows me to burn the stuff, Arch does not work with ISO files :(Is there a similar tool on Linux, preferably from KDE world?
I have a .bkf backup file, created by the Backup utility that Microsoft provides with Windows XP. Is there a way to read the contents of the file using a non-Microsoft OS, preferably Mac OS X or Linux?
As the topic title states, I would like to know the preferred way of viewing the contents of a Berkeley DB file. The machine the file is on is running SuSE 9.3, with perl 5.8.6 and php 5.2.0 installed. (I'm not sure if stating that was necessary, but my understanding is that the more information I can provide you, the better. The purpose to this question is this: I have been requested to look into coming up with some form of Geocoding software for one of my company's clients. Specifically, I've been requested to look into trying to obtain Census tract/block information.
I discovered the Perl module Geo::Coder::US, which uses Census input (TIGERLine files) to create a Berkeley DB file, then reads said file to produce its own output. However, the output from Geo::Coder::US only provides latitude and longitude information.At the moment, my only interest is in popping the Berkeley DB file generated with the import script packaged with the Geo::Coder::US module. I'm trying to see what the contents of that DB file are, so I can determine if the information I'm after is even in there in the first place.
I want to know if there is anyway I can extract the first few contents of a zipped file and then the next fixed and so on? For example, suppose I have a zipped file containing 1000000 natural numbers and I want to extract the first thousand numbers and then the next thousand numbers (1001-2000) and so on till I reach the end. Is this possible?
I am looking for a way to be mailed a new file when it is created in a certain directory.I have found tools that will notify me when a file is created, such as iWatch with iNotify, but is there a way to actually be sent the new file when it is created.It is only a short text log file, but I would like to read it in my inbox rather than have to login and open the file each time an event is logged.
For example, I run a program called "luck" and it outputs a sentence like "good luck". Then "./luck -> logfile" will save the output content to logfile.But when I run another program called "hello" and it outputs a sentence lie " Hello world".Then "./hello-> logfile" will save the output content to logfile and wipe the previous contents.Is is possible to keep both sentences in the logfile? Just like
I am not especially cli adept so could someone tell me the best way to use the diff command to get the difference between a string of text and the contents of a file instead of between the contents of two files?
Being new to this area .I have been assigned a task which i am unable to do . Can any one please help me .
I have requirement where i have input file XYZ_111_999_YYYYMMDD_1.TXT and with header and series of Numbers and Footer.
I want to create a mutiple output files with each file having a seperate code which is stored in text file and create XYZ_222_999_YYYYMMDD_1.TXT . and add date in the contents next to series of numbers .Like this
I want to be able to check the contents of a text file for a specific string and remove it from the file from the command prompt. I would basically be searching through a number of files and if a specific string is found I would like it removed automatically. pretty much a find and replace, were the replace is nothing. any one got any ideas on how you would do this. I already have the search part sorted just need to be able to remove the string I don't want from the multiple files.
We have some large files with sampling data in it. Don't want to delete these files. But want to quickly overwrite the file with 0s and/or 1s and preserve the original file size.
Now I want to append contents list2.cfg to list1.cfg(It ispposible using cat list2.cfg >>list1.cfg) but I want to check if content of (record) in list2.cfg is present in list1.cfg then dont append it otherwise append it.
/root/.local/share/Trash/files/I have a tar backup file in there and can't get rid of it. I've tried from root with Nautilus, the files disappear for a couple of seconds and then reappear.
Code: touch /var/www/index.html | echo "echo some contents" >> /var/www/index.html but would like to do this without having to specify the directory again with echo, and maybe even use linebreaks / tabs on the echo in. Anyone know a neat one liner?
How to list the contents of a folder to a text file. I'm trying to list all my music, including all subfolders, etc. to a text file, but I can't remember the command.