General :: Permissions When Using Dd Across A Network

Jul 20, 2011

I am struggling to get dd to restore a disk image across a network. I imaged a hard drive using dd to an external drive but no longer have that drive. The image file itself is on another machine and the only drives I have are the single internal drives of each machine so I am trying to run the command over the network


The permissions on /dev/sda appear to be correct - root has rw access. I assume the problem is that the credentials for the remote account "user" are being used for "dd". Is this a syntax problem or do I have to change the permissions on sda to give write access to everyone? I don't know if changing the permissions affects only the running Linux or if anything is written to disk so I'd prefer not to make changes until I'm sure I'll be able to restore the image.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Trouble With Permissions On Mounted Network Drives

Jan 15, 2010

I use Suse 11.2. I mounted 5 folders from fstab. 2 of them work but 3 do not. The 3 folders that do not work let me enter them, and they let me see everything. I can even create or delete a folder on them, if I am just browsing with konqueror. The problem is that I have a program that will not read them. It's a program made for my company and apparently it will only read folders that have all of their permissions set to read and write. The program will read the first two because their permissions are set to Owner, Group, and Others, can view and modify content. (The network folders are all windows server 2003 computers). The 3 folders the program will not read are set to Owner can view and modify content, but Group and Others are "can view content" If I try to change those permissions even in root, it tells me that access is denied.

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General :: RW Permissions On External HDD - Chmod: Changing Permissions Of `whatever': Read-only Filesystem

Mar 15, 2010

I have a problem with my external hdd, I mounted it manually and in the mount table it says ive got rw permissions. But when i try to change permissions it says:

chmod: changing permissions of `whatever': read-only filesystem.

This is my mount table:

[root@localhost ExtHDD]# mount
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 on / type ext3 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
none on /sys type sysfs (rw)


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OpenSUSE Network :: Permissions - UID Has To Be Set For RW Access

Jul 16, 2011

I'm mounting a cifs share via fstab, and using both the uid and gid for the permissions when mounted (I did try with just gid set too..) My user account is part of the 'users' group.

gid=users; I get read only
uid=nobody, gid=users; read only
uid=veehexx, gid=users; RW access.

Why is that? surely if permissions are set to use groups rather than users, then it should work. How do I get around this? All my knowledge is based in the Microsoft camp - if a user is in a group, then you can assign that group to a resource and it will work.

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General :: Change Folder Permissions Without Changing The Permissions Of The Files Within The Folder?

Aug 11, 2010

How do I change folder permissions without changing the permissions of the files within the folder?

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OpenSUSE Network :: NFS V3 Inconsistent User Permissions?

Feb 2, 2010

#suse's /etc/fstab
/dev/sdb1 /windows/FAT vfat users,uid=1000,gid=100,rw,utf8=true


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Software :: Set Access Permissions On A Network Interface?

Aug 24, 2010

Suppose a command:

$ ethtool eth5
Settings for eth5:


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OpenSUSE Network :: MySQL Create User/permissions?

Jan 13, 2010

MySQL gets installed with root user by default, root user can administer every mysql database installed in the system. Question is how to create a new user that will not be able to administer all the databases in the system the way as root user is? Can it be done using webmin?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Don't Have The Right Permissions With The Client To Rename Files

Jan 30, 2011

I just performed a fresh installation of openSUSE 11.3 and ISPConfig 3 on my server. I read through the article "The Perfect Server - openSUSE 11.3 x86_64 [ISPConfig 3]" and followed the instructions closely. Everything went smoothly.

I went into ISPConfig 3 and set up a DNS zone, email mailbox, FTP client, and website all for a client I created, hoping to use the client as the main account for a web site I want to host on my server. After I finished with this, I logged onto the server through FileZilla using my newly created client's information. It took me to the "main directory" with the folders cgi-bin, log, ssl, tmp, and web. When I open "web" I see an html file named "index.html."

I tried loading a mock website into the folder, also with an index.html file, and the files transferred over properly except the mock index.html file. The program changed the name to index.html.1. I tried to delete the original index.html file but was not allowed to. I then tried to rename it to something other than index.html and kept receiving a 550 Rename/move failure message. Can anyone point me in the right direction or help me resolve this issue?

I'm thinking perhaps I don't have the right permissions with the client to rename files, but since that's the account I want as the "owner" of this web site, I need to change the permissions so I can. I tried changing the ISPConfig 3 "Limits" for the account to SSH-Chroot Options "NONE" thinking that might be the issue.

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Server :: SAMBA To Share Network HDD With Permissions To Clients?

Jan 12, 2011

In my work I want to build up a Linux based network, where windows and linux clients are going to share a Thecus network drive.Each client will have specific permissions for accessing the samba shares. I have installed Ubuntu SRV 10.4 with gui and webmin.

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Server :: Setting File / Dir Permissions On NFS Mount Different From Network?

Jan 25, 2010

I have two NFS mounted dirs that the users want specific permissions set upon creation of dirs/files, independent from any other machine on the network.

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OpenSUSE Network :: User Permissions And Auto-mount On Windows Drive

Feb 11, 2010

I'm running OpenSuse 11.2. I've got it running mostly the way I want and it connects to my wireless internet no problem. I have a external hard-drive on my Windows machine setup as a share folder. I can mount the drive with:


mount // /home/james/mnt/win However when I do mount like this it doesn't give my any read/write privliages on the drive. Also on a slightly different issue but still mounting related I have my HDD partitioned into four main drives (not including swap etc). They are my Windows drive, a seperate storage partition formatted for Windows, my main linux drive and a seperate parition for linux storage.

I want to have my Windows drive, my Windows storage drive and my linux storage drive all mounted on boot. I tried adding these to fstab, and they mount fine but again I have no read/write permissions. My fstab looks like this:


/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD2500BEVT-35ZCT0_WD-WXE908AE4273-part5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD2500BEVT-35ZCT0_WD-WXE908AE4273-part6 / ext4


Lastly I would like my Windows Share drive to mount on boot but I have been advised that I would need to write a shell script for this, to do network checks as obviously I won't always be connecting to my network.

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OpenSUSE Network :: SAMBA - Changing Default Permissions On Files And Directories Created From Windows Clients

Mar 9, 2010

I have a fileserver running openSUSE 11.2 and samba services for file access from MS Windows based workstations. My question relates to changing default permissions on files and directories created from the windows clients.

Following are extracts of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file :

Even with the above entries, sometimes there are files and directories created by the windows clients having permission

Probably my lack of understanding in ACLS.

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Ubuntu :: Change Permissions For File / Add These Lines Without Changing Permissions?

Oct 16, 2010

Finally I managed to install my printer/scanner drivers.The last thing I need to do is to add the following two lines to 40-libsane.rules (which is a read only file):# Brother scanners ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes".How can I change permissions for this file or add these lines without changing permissions?

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Ubuntu :: Permissions For Rsync And BackinTime - Setup 2nd HD With Correct Permissions?

May 31, 2011

Problem: permissions for rsync and BackinTime. Setup: Ubuntu 11.04, Two internal HD, #1=main, single boot, #2=backup drive. Question: How do I set up my 2nd HD with correct permissions? Background: I had previously a dual boot XP+10.04 with a 2nd HD formatted as NTFS. With this I was able to use my rsync and backintime to my 2nd HD with no issue. My new set up is EXT4 on both HD.

(I even tried to reformat my 2nd HD as NTFS, but that didnt fix the issue) I followed [URL] to mount the 2nd HD and get permissions. But now when I run backintime i get this error: [E] Error: rsync: opendir "/home/myhome/.ssh" failed: Permission denied (13) I did my requisite reading for a newbie, and am stuck. I ran backintime as root, and it backed up ok. How do I run my user version of backintime? (i.e. How do I fix the permission issue?)

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Ubuntu :: Reset Apache 2 Permissions To Default Permissions?

Mar 16, 2010

Is it possible to reset apache 2 permissions to default permissions I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 command line server, would webmin give me this access ?

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General :: Samba File Permissions For Multiple Groups In The Same General Path?

Nov 4, 2009

I'm using my Linux (SLES 10) server as a File Server at this point. I need to set File Permissions to nested folders differently to different groups. For example:

homesharedengineering* should be read only for groupA
homesharedengineeringadmin should be read & write for groupB Plus read only for groupA
homesharedengineeringautocad should be read & write for groupC Plus read only for groupA

I've been using Webmin and Putty to set permissions but Putty only allows me the Default Group, it won't allow me to set several groups on the same directory. Webmin seems to allow me to add multiple groups (Webmin --> Others --> File Manager --> Info & ACL tab will provide extended abilities) but when I add multiple groups, they don't seem to take effect? I'm wondering if my setup at the 'Share' level or at the hierarchy of my folder structure (unix based) needs to be set specifically?

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Server :: Benefit Of S-permissions And T-permissions?

Nov 9, 2010

i want to know what is use or benefit of using s and t permission?i have used them but could not understand its uses.please explain me with suitable example.Also tell me about umask command to flag on s and t.

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General :: How To Change The Permissions

Nov 2, 2010

How do I set all *.java files in the current directory and all its sub directories to have read permission to all users?

I also want to set all files of at least 1 kilobyte in size in the current directory and all sub directories to have a group of admin.

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General :: Cp + Not Want To Overwrite Permissions?

May 26, 2011

How to use cp command without to overwrite target file permissionsFor examplecp /tmp/file /home/fileI dont want to change chown and chgrp on /home/file

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General :: Localhost 403 - How To Set Right Permissions

Jul 11, 2011

My DocumentRoot is set to /var/workspace/www

drwxrwx--- 110 radek www-data 4096 Jul 11 11:34 www

Firstly i had 777 permissions on that folder (and all files inside), but i don't like it, because everyone can see it and change it.

As Apache runs under user www-data:www-data, i tried to set the group and permissions:

sudo chgrp www-data www -R
sudo chmod 770 www -R

After i done that, http://localhost started to show 403 - Forbidden. It just looks like apache is taken as "other" (from owner, group, other) in words of permissions.

What should i change (permissions, owners, whatever) to keep all files visible and changable only for me (user radek) and executable by apache?

As i can see, there's one Apache process running under root and many others under www-data.

radek@me:/$ ps -Af | grep apache
root 13165 1 0 11:37 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 13173 13165 0 11:37 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 13174 13165 0 11:37 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start


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General :: Add New User With Same Permissions?

Oct 26, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu on a machine at work and wondered how i can add a new user with the same permissions as the "main user"? I added a user via the "users&groups" gui but sorting permissions looks tricky.

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General :: SAMBA-can't Set Permissions

Jun 25, 2010

I can not manage file/folder permissions for created shares. I need get access from Win system to Linux shares. Actually I have access to its, but only to read folders and files. I tried to change permissions in create mask = 0765 and set it to 0777, but no success.

1.Added user
# adduser samba
# smbpasswd -a samba #set his password
# smbpasswd -e samba #activating it
2. Installing SAMBA service


Folder /media/DATA/VIDEO not browseable and cant't enter it on Win system. It located on USB External HARD Drive, and attached to Linux system.

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General :: Ssh Won't Connect With Too Many Permissions?

Jul 11, 2011

I connect through ssh (putty) using a user authentication public key stored on the ssh server in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Permissions for ~ are 750. When I change them to 757 I can't connect anymore - connection by key is not accepted by server. How is this possible?

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General :: Permissions For Unzipped File?

Jan 29, 2010

How can I unzip file/folder in a way that it sets permissions of my choice to the unzipped contents instead of setting them for root:root?

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General :: Setting Permissions On Unzip?

Apr 2, 2010

I wanted to assign ownership of my choice to my zip file while unzipping so I am using the command:

unzip|awk -F": " '{print $2}' | xargs chown

I also want to give 705 permissions to all directories and 777 to all files on unzipping?

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General :: Get Administrative Permissions In Ubuntu?

Jul 7, 2010

my dvd-rw was not working. but i had to install linux. so i installed ubuntu from the iso using demons tool. But when i am opening the terminal to create an user,it's prompting that only root have the permission to create an user. i am trying to use "su" command but it's showing that authentication failed. How can i become the root?

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General :: How To Install VIM With No Root Permissions

Jul 12, 2010

I've got some troubles when I try to install Vim on Linux while I don't have a root account. The error information is shown below: How can I solve this? Can I install it in another directory other than /usr/local/bin/vim?

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General :: Recursively Set Read-only Permissions?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a very large and deep directory. I would like to make all of it read only. The problem is I guess I have to distinguish between files (which will get a=r) and directories (which will get a=rx).How can I do that?

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General :: Unable To Cd To Directory Which Own With Permissions 777?

Oct 26, 2010

This is on a customized Ubuntu 10.10 LiveCD. I have a directory which the default user "ubuntu" owns, and the permissions on the directory is 777. I'm unable to cd into the directory as ubuntu user. However as root user I'm able to access it. What could be the reason? I'm able to view the directory in nautilus.Note: I originally copied the folder over from an NTFS disk.

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