General :: Install PcAnywhere From The Terminal?

Mar 16, 2010

this is probably my third day doing ANYTHING with a linux box. I am basically trying to install pcAnywhere from the terminal. I followed their directions and successfully got java downloaded and installed.

[root@callcenter1 ~]# java -version
java version "1.6.0_18"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_18-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 16.0-b13, mixed mode)
[root@callcenter1 ~]#


I also found the file throught he file browser and right clicked it/open with java, it gets all the way through the installation and then i get an error that says JVM not found.

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General :: How To Install Deb From Terminal Using Apt-Get

Aug 5, 2010

I have a .deb on my computer and I want to install it from terminal. It has dependencies so I want to you apt-get install to solve these as dpkg -i didn't deal with dependencies. I tried sudo apt-get install package.deb but that didn't work.

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General :: Unable To Install Anything From Terminal?

May 13, 2010

have been trying to install a couple of things using terminal and no matter what i try it tells me package could not be found. I hav talked to others who are running same version as i am (ubuntu 9.10) and they work fine, I am using the codesudo apt-get installand nothing works any ideas why

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General :: How To Capture Terminal Info During Install

Apr 13, 2010

I do a lot of beta testing on vario ustros and encounter a problem during initialinstalls .does one capture the screen display during installation when an error occurs?The display usually doesn't stay on long enough to copy the information, even when moving into an error console (such as Alt-F3).often doesn't have the install data, especially errors.Screen capture programs are not up and running at that point.I've tried taking a picture of the screen with a digital camera but the results were not very good.

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General :: Terminal - Install VMWare Tools In Linux?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm using VMWare and a Linux Mint guest OS.How can I install the VMWare Tools? The file is called've tried running this in the terminal, but it doesn't work.


I can't seem to remember what command I had to use.

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General :: Ubuntu Install From LiveCD Brings Up CLI Instead Of Terminal

Mar 27, 2010

I've tried a couple of times installing Ubuntu on an old laptop but after the boot-up bar has done its thing, instead of the Terminal opening I get a Command Line Interface. I ran a test of the cd and it came up okay. Hardware is: Sony Vaio PCG FX205K,128MB, 850Mhz PCU.

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General :: Possible To Use A Command In Terminal Window To Download And Install Drivers?

Apr 1, 2011

How do I install Drivers for logitech c100 webcam in kiwi 10.08?

I am dyslexic. Is there a command for install webcam drivers that I can copy and paste to terminal window?

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General :: Unable To Install Software From Terminal Or Synaptic Packet Manager

Feb 9, 2010

i m not able to help any software due to my proxy settings. my proxy block all the download links. not able to install software from terminal or synaptic packet manager

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General :: Install Logitech C100 Webcam Drivers In Kiwi 10.08 Using Terminal Window?

Apr 1, 2011

Is it possible for me to use a command in terminal window to Download and Install drivers for Logitech C100 webcam. If so can I copy and paste because I`m Dsylexic.

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General :: Terminal Emulator For GNOME With Display Features Like Mac OS X Terminal?

Mar 5, 2011

Is there a terminal emulator which works well in an Ubuntu desktop and provides the following features which Mac OS X's Terminal application has? Re-wrapping text when the window is resized.A Clear command which clears scrollback (as the shell clear does not) and does not clear the cursor's line (typically containing a prompt).

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General :: Make Linux Terminal Transparent With Terminal Command?

May 10, 2010

Is it possible to make terminal (xfce4-terminal) transparent from bash script?

Maybe by enabling compostion?

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General :: Launch A Terminal By Clicking On The Terminal Icon At The Top Of The Screen

Apr 22, 2010

I have a favorite REXX program called fv2. When I was a Windows user I had an icon for fv2 on the Quick Launch bar. Click that icon, and the program ran. Now, as a Linux (Ubuntu) user it is necessary to go through several steps to run fv2.

1) Launch a terminal by clicking on the terminal icon at the top of the screen. What's that area called? The GNOME panel?
2) Enter: ~/Desktop/RexxScripts
3) Enter: regina fv2

I run fv2 several times per day and would really like to have the convenience of a clickable icon.

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General :: Terminal Proxy Or Screen Without Terminal Emulation?

May 26, 2010

How can I make terminal applications immune to terminal emulator close, but still able to use all virtual terminal features?

egin{UPDATE}I want my terminal application remain alive and accessible if I accidentally close terminal emulator. This functionality is provided by screen and tmux, but they have issues with colors and they flush screen.Yes,I can run the shell inside screen, but I do not want the shell remain alive unless there is some other program running.

end{UPDATE}I see this must be something like screen, but without VT100 terminal emulation, something which will just apply whatever application does with "terminal proxy"'s terminal (like outputting something to stdout/stderr or using stty to set terminal options) to the terminal this proxy runs in.

// I know about screen and altscreen on, but it makes either this (screen with TERM=screen):

or this (screen with TERM=rxvt-unicode):

while I want this (rxvt-unicode without screen):

I have figured out that everything looks fine if I compile rxvt-unicode with USE=-xterm-color (in fact vim looks like on the second picture even without screen if I add this USE flag) and set TERM=screen-256color, but I do not like this workaround because it actually changes colors and I can't be sure that it will always change them only this way:

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General :: Run Programs From System Terminal Without Blocking Terminal?

Jun 19, 2010

Right now when I start a program from a terminal I can't use that terminal instance again until I close the program.

I am a new user of linux, and I want to know if there is a way to execute a program/application from a terminal without blocking the terminal until the program ends.

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General :: How To Redirect A Terminal/tty Output To Other Terminal/tty

Dec 14, 2010

I tried to find a good subject but it was the best of mine, anyway I'll explain it here.
some time I do some thing like installing a new application in Linux terminal of my office PC but it take a long time and I have to go home during its installation or configuration process that it is not good to cancel it.My current solution is abandoning the process until next day. I wanted to know is there any way to redirect an input and out put of a terminal to another one, if it works I can continue my abandoned process by ssh to my Linux office PC and redirect that terminal to my new remote sshed terminal from my home.

Thank a lot for any help.

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Ubuntu :: Install GIMP Via Terminal - SPM Or USC - Error - Not Being Able To Install Libpoppler-glib4

Sep 1, 2011

I am on 10.10 using Gnome 2. When I go to install GIMP via Terminal, SPM or USC I get an error about not being able to install libpoppler-glib4. Odd thing is I have the updated version.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Commands In Terminal Don't Works After Install

Mar 28, 2011

My commands like


etc dont work in terminal. This is my first attempt trying openSUSE and I have been using ubuntu, linux mint and backtrack 4 r2 before.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install A .deb Through Terminal

Oct 3, 2010

I just installed ubuntu (the most recent version, i dont know its number), and i've got some basic questions:

How to use sudo command?

what is sudo command?

How to navigate into a folder in terminal (like when you have Windows xp os there would be something like Mycomputer/Localdisk/ProgramFiles/Lol/Lol.exe)?

Can you give me a site that lists all the commands that ubuntu has?

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Ubuntu :: Install Tor Through Terminal?

Nov 17, 2010

I've always been a Microsoft *****, in that my main operating system has always been Windows. I have decided that it is time to learn Linux, as I am in college working to become a network administrator, and realize that Red Hat and Ubuntu servers will probably be something I work with in the future. At any pace, being a beginner has its draw backs, namely that small mistakes are preventing me from doing things. why I cannot install a program named Tor through Terminal. I get error messages back from Terminal saying it failed, used older files, or a mixture of both when imputing some of these commands.

Link to site: [URL] (Tried to follow instructions of option two)


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General :: Difference Between A Login Terminal & Non-login Terminal?

Jan 17, 2011

difference b/w a login shell and a non-login shell ?

I know that when we use su - <username> we are getting a login shell & when we use su <user-name> we are getting a non-login shell.

Do we get any additional privileges when we have a login shell compared to a non-login shell ?

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Debian :: How To Install A .run File From The Terminal

Sep 6, 2010

I have this file and rather than executing it in the terminal from changing properties, I want to just install it from the terminal, since Debian always insists for a super user privilege, and I can't login as root in the X-Server. This is a catch 22 imo, though nevermind that. It seems that in attempt to replace the .exe files of Windows OS, other safety features impede such. This leaves beginners with such a disposition, how do I get this dam .run file to run... hihi. This is not the first time I've 'run' into such a similar issue, and the pro geni of this system seem to think that these issues are slight.

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Debian Multimedia :: Only Terminal After Kde Install

May 29, 2011

Iv installed debian 6.0.1 and tried to install the kde desktop. it installed ok but when i boot up now i just get a terminal. Iv tried starting x but apparently its already running which kinda makes sence since the terminal IS a bit gui (you can use the mouse to select some menu buttons at the top) Iv made sure xorg and kdm and all that jass in installed and up to date but nothing seems to work.

I saw in an ubuntu forum that someone with the same problem solved it by renaming their home folder then making a new one with "the correct permissions" however i have no idea hgow to do that from the terminal and alot fot eh commands they talked about dont seem to work which i was surprised by since i thought it was all bash? (ie startx, service, sudo are all invalid commands for me apparently)

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Fedora :: Can Install Programs Other Than Using The Terminal

Oct 21, 2009

How can we install programs other than using the terminal. To be honest, I liked this system and I got used to it, but the problem is someone who wants to use Fedora but has no idea on how to use the terminal, so is there any other way for installing programs?

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Fedora :: Install .RPM Packages With The Terminal?

Mar 2, 2011

I did install Fedora 14 on my netbook (Asus 1001PX) a couple of weeks ago, it worked nice. But when i try to install .RPM packages the "normal" way so do i get stuck at the window where it says something like "Package Installed". No matter how many times i try to click on the "Close" button, so is the "Package Installed" window still open. Atleast i can install .RPM packages with the terminal.

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Terminal After Upgrade?

Jan 24, 2010

I eventually got round to moving my AMDX4 machien from 11.1 to 11.2. I have done this to a coupl eof other similar machines so was not expecting any problems.

However I now have a problem. In runlevel 5 I have an xdm logon screen, but neither the keyboard or mouse work. I can ssh in from another machine and changing to runlevel 3 i have a keybopard and can log in. But sax2 does not respond to keyboard or mouse, so the machine is not really usable.

What package should I reinstall? Or what else can I do?

PS Not attempting to run gnome, kde or dfce; plain fvwm and X

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Seem To Install From The Terminal?

Apr 4, 2010

I downloaded the latest version of java but I can't seem to install from the terminal. Can anybody out there walk me through the process?

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Ubuntu :: How To Install GnoMenu Via Terminal

Oct 9, 2010

I am having a hard time trying to install "gnomenu". Can u give me the commands and generally what do I do to install it via the terminal?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install It Using Terminal

Oct 26, 2010

I m using Google Chrome.Its great to work with it.But I m facing problems in installing extensions like informenter in firefox.I have already downloaded the informenter.xpi for it.But I don't know how to install it using terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Commands - Install .tar.gz ?

Nov 30, 2010

Unzipped the folder in home/folder wordpress-3.0.2.tar.gz and now have a file called 'wordpress' Can someone walk me through the terminal commands to install from here.

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Software :: Install Pidgin Via Terminal?

Apr 6, 2010

I want to install pidgin2.6.6.

When I want to install pidgin via terminal it shows:

XXX@XXX-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install pidgin
[sudo] password for XXX:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


Recommends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-good but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages

When I tried to install the dependencies,some of the dependencies can not be installed.

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