General :: How To Delete Unreadable File
Aug 19, 2010how to delete unreadable file? As you can see at attached picture, there is two unreadble files at root directory.
how to delete unreadable file? As you can see at attached picture, there is two unreadble files at root directory.
Many folders within a subdirectory some of which have lots of data in and some of which have only one specific file called produkt.fil inside.I need a command to find and delete those folders that contain ONLY the file produkt.fil - if other files exist (doesnt matter what they are) then they should be left alone. Note: produkt.fil exists in all of the folders always.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I ls -l /etc/passwd, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root /etc/passwd When I login as myself, and rm /etc/passwd, it asks: rm: remove write-protected file '/etc/passwd'? If I say yes, will it actually delete the passwd file?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I delete a file if it happens like this.
-????????? ? ? ? ? ? temp.cgi
I have been trying to get my message modem to read .g3 files under ubuntu (now 10.04) for over a year now, and have tried absolutely every application I can find to no avail.The output is always garbage.Every application tried gives the same result, but the fax is perfect on Windows, but I don't have a Windows machine any more.
I am unable to upload the .g3 file as it is an "invalid attachment" but have saved it to url.I have (hopefully) attached the resultant output from gimp, which is exactly the same with tkusr and efax. The fax is the weekly Debt collection agency touting for business (no, I don't owe them any money - yet)
I believe they all use a common file, something like g3topbm or g3topdf.If I try g2topbm on the command line: every second line has an error e.g: g3topbm: bad code word at row 202, col 5 (len 14 code 0x32), skipping to EOL
The .g3 files are created by a USR message modem which stores the files for later download ('cos the computer gets switched off at night.)
Why is there no Delete when I right click like there is with Windows in ubuntu? Pretty much everything else is there like new folder and so on Is there some way to add it? Also why when i delete something does it not ask me if I am sure that i want to delete that file?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have one of those ultra reliable Ubuntu servers in the corner that I never have to logon to because it never needs anything. I needed to check up on it today and my root password would not work. I am absolutely sure I did not forget my password and because I am the only Linux guy in the office I am sure some nimrod didn't get his fingers in the machine. I attempted to enter GRUB recovery mode but when I hit ESC it says something about no disk and goes into the booting process. I attempted to use a desktop version live CD, but the file structure is unreadable, I assume due to the security of the server system. Before I rebooted it the server worked fine, Apache and PHP were working away. Now the whole thing is a 50Lb boat anchor. How can I reset the password when I cannot enter GRUB menu or use a live CD?
View 9 Replies View Relatedwe assume that we have 2 folders with the name 1 and 2 . The folder 2 is inside 1 . Also, in folder 2 we have file with name "file.txt". And we are in folder 1 . How can we delete the file.txt in one command line ? I mean without using the code below:
cd 2
rm -f file.txt
cd ..
when i try to delete, it says can not move to trash,so, how do I delete it permanently?In windows is shift+del
View 2 Replies View Relatedafter so many times deleting staff for mistake.I am unable to get it back from my external hard drive.I use Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and I have all my staff on external hardrive.
Z:----> Media -----> FreeAgent Drive
After delete I knew was her
, I did all the search I can possible think of.and i dint have any good look can any one please help me out on this issue?.
i wanna ask on how to delete a file or a certain file in linux by using php or in other word by using web browser. example i want to delete the file inside /var/www/cgi-bin/ with browser.
View 14 Replies View Relatedlooking to delete the last 6 lines of a file with sed. figured out how to delete the last line..but i want the last six.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was creating a few scripts, I am trying to create a restore script to restore files that have previously been moved to a folder I selected. When moved I stored the original path for these files all in one text file.
I want to know if anyone can tell me how to delete the line from the file after using it restore the file. I have used the grep command to search through the file "pathName" to find where the file was stored but now want to delete that same line.
I am facing a basic problem in RHEL 5.2. Some of files in a mounted showing ? in place of owner and group owner.
root# find /data/abc -nouser
listing those files.
How to delete those files because
root# find /data/abc -nouser -exec rm -rf {} ;
showing error access is denied.
I am trying to find and delete a file using this Code: find . -type f -name ph2964781400100954291.jpg -exec rm -f {} ; It does not work, I think because by default on my distro rm is iterative.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have external USB HD 500 GB, by mistake folder with 13 GB deleted, using some windows recovery tools, i got it back, but the deleted folder still take and fill space on the HD!!
any idea how to remove or edit it under linux ?
I have a file that contains 100 ligns, i need to write a script that read 70 lignes and redirect those 70 ligns to another files and these 70ligns have to be erased in the first file
when i write this command
head -70 somefile.txt>test.txt
sed -n 70p somefile.txt>test.txt
i have these 70 lines in the text.txt files
but these 70 lines have to be deleted inthe first file somefile.txt
seems like i got a hacker on my server who placed a "western union fishing" site on it.i am not able to delete the directory with the root user.
root@laforge:/var/www/html/> ll
total 12
i've got a file with sorted words - one on each line.How could it be possible to delete thouse lines that have words of length 1 or 2 (1-2 letters). I guess a good way it will be with AWK, n its fuction length(), but getting it, i dont know how to delete those very lines.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a log file which is continously being accessed. Now I want to delete the first line without disturbing the file.Is it possible? The Issue is the log file is being provisioned with ^@^@^@ characters in the first line occupying huge space.So I need to get rid of that. I dont have time to work with root cause but just a script to reduce this space.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm confused about "hard link" feature. I've been learning from my UNIX Academy DVDs training that hard links to a file can be many and each of them is an effective filename for the associated data. So let assume that we have some very sensitive data in a file and we want it to be deleted and file has 20 links. I "delete" a file, but in fact I deleted only one "name" of it. My understanding from the training that data is still there until we delete the last associated hard link. But how can I find the names of all of them? If we have the names, they can be removed one by one. Or may be there's command that can trace all the "names" and remove them at once?
View 14 Replies View RelatedWhat's a Unix/Linux one-liner that will let me delete all but the most recent N revisions of each file?
I've got a bunch of files with revision numbers as part of a legacy asset-management system:
I want to keep the last three of each, so in the above list the command would delete bar.r7.js, bar.r8.js and foo.r1.js.
When trying to delete :
I must say that the tar file contain only soft links...not real files...
i am having following lines in a file called test.
subscribe parser for dinesh
extend size for dinesh
subscribe parser for anish
unsubscribe parser for dinesh
extend size for arvind
I want to delete all lines which contains the string "dinesh". Is it possible.
[serv@local subsys]$ rm -rf nagios
rm: cannot remove `nagios': Permission denied
I have ubuntu 10.10 installed I have 5 more NTFS partitions in my disk other then Home & root My problem is, when I try to delete a file or folder it says "Cannot move file to the Rubbish Bin, do you want to delete permanently? The file "Nisarg" cannot be moved to the Rubbish Bin." I have more 2 NTFS partition on portable hard drive. On It trash is working fine.My home and Root folder also haven't this problem.
View 14 Replies View Relatedi use ncftp for some bash script action. how to delete oldest directory and oldest file using ncftp commands?
View 3 Replies View Relateddelete a file on a remote server using shell scripting.
View 14 Replies View Relatedis there any way so that we can restrict root to delete a file/directories and What is extended file attributes.
View 12 Replies View Relatedhow to delete a file or folder via apt-get remove but my written any rates and stops also tried rm and the file name again failed some sort of ideas otherwise I'm with Nokia n900
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