General :: Cannot Find "Trash Icon" At The Lower Right Side Of The Screen In Ubuntu 9.10
Jan 19, 2010
I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed on my laptop. I had "Trash Icon" on my screen BUT I do not know what happened and now it became disappeared. How can I bring it back to its initial position?
I have another complaint:I cannot find the Trash icon. I want to clean up my disk space. I googled how to delete files and I wasn't sure which way was best. I sometimes use the 'trash' and 'empty trash bin' except I cannot find the icon.I assume there is a command for doing that but after googling, there are only a few (OLDER) posts or articles of doing it in older versions of Fedora and they're all Gnome-based. My install is KDE.
How would I use a unix grep regular expression to find any two capital letters side by side and how would I find an expected comma in an expected spot?
I want to move notifications both from pidgin, rhythmbox and other apps to the lower right side so that they are not so intrusive, I don't know if it's possible.
I have a litle problem. I have change the gnome trash icon and when the trash is full it doesn`t change the icon. I am using the Mist icons. I went to /usr/share/icons/Mist but i didn`t find any trash icon there. I was thinking to change all the trash icons from there with my custom icons (empty trash icon and full trash icon).
I have just created an 11.3 64 bit image using susestudio. All seems well but would like to customize the desktop via my script that I have added. My question is how do I remove the home directory and the trash icon from the desktop? Or better said what is the path to removing the symbolic link, I cannot find the symbolic links in the desktop directory. It is empty, I do not see any symbolic links under /home/test/Desktop?
opensuse 11.4---I have the lower panel on the desktop that has a firefox shortcut icon..I want to replace it with a google chrome shortcut--how do i do that
I have a shared system. One half Linux and the other Windows. I recently did an upgrade to Windows 7 and now I cannot access the internet on the Windows side, and I cannot find the driver?? In Ubuntu I can only access via wireless not through the ethernet network adapter. The motherboard is abit nf8v. Sorry, more of a Windows question as to Linux.
A long time ago I was trying to find a way to have the computer icon, the home icon, and the trash icon on my desktop in Ubuntu (like in windows), I got them on fine. When I put them on I used some program that was already on Ubuntu, the guide I used told me it was the equivalent of the registry editor in windows. Now I want to get on this program again to see what I can do?
This is just one of those annoying but superficial things: When I empty my recycle bin, the items fully delete (as far as I can tell) but the icon for the trash remains a full trash can. I have 10.04
Well I'll start off with the recent changes I've made. I have three hard drives in my PC, two of which are formated NTFS. I recently installed Storage Device Manager and changed a few options around so they auto-mount of start up. Well when I did this, and wanted to delete files off those drives, I suddenly was being promoted that I must delete them permanently or not all at (wouldn't go into the trash)
I added the lines to FSTAB: uid=1000,gid=1000 0 1
So for example my secondary drive is:
And also added .Trash-1000 folders in each of the two NTFS drives.
When I delete items off one of the two NTFS disks they go to the trash... I don't get the "delete forever" prompt and I can actually see them in the trash bin.
But when I empty the trash the icon remains that of the "full" trash, despite when I open it there being no trash in it.
From what I gather, there's no way to remove the Trash icon from the Unity launcher, or to hide it; is this true? I noticed that if I delete ~/.local/share/Trash, the file re-appears if I click on the Trash icon in the launcher.
im running fedora 12 and was just wondering how to remove my trash can icon? i have one in the botton left task bar so don't really need my desktop one.
I have opensuse 11.2 with KDE installed and I changed the default File Manager to Konqueror. I cannot empty the Trash when right clicking on Icon in KDE4. If I try, then I get Icon Settings. Howto switch off these Icon Settings generally?
I have installed KDE 4.6.1, on distribution Ubuntu 10.10 . But i have problem with trash icon. Even when i delete a simple text file, trash icon not change, shows empty icon. When I open trash directory location from dolphin, left side shortcuts, it shows empty directory.Is it a bug? Where is my deleted file gone?
I have two (or more) video files that I want to play side by side. I could do that simply by opening them in two seperate windows, but that would also seperate all the controls (play/pause/forward/...). I want to play them in a synchronized fashion so that pause/forwarding/... works on both videos simultaneously so that they always stay at the same timecode and they don't go out of sync. How would I accomplish that in Linux?
This is needed for viewing only, so compositing them into a new video file first should be avoided if possible, but if there isn't an easy way to do that, I welcome answers doing it with composition as well.
Does anyone know how to add a fully working (icon changes) Trashcan to the Desktop Folder View?I don't want the plasmoid/widget on the Desktop or on the Task Manager Panel.I can right click -> Create New -> Link to Location(URL), but the icon doesn't change.If the Desktop Folder View is a plasmoid, I guess I'm asking can a plasmoid (trash can) run inside another plasmoid (desktop view) %-)
Using Fedora 14 with Gnome 2.3 Desktop utilizing Compiz and Emerald theme manager. When I empty the trash, the icon is still the FULL Trash icon. I tried using different Emerald Themes, and different Icon sets, but still the Trash Icon stays full. I checked the trash folder in $HOME/.local/share/trash and found nothing, no hidden files.
I have an EEE PC 1000H, which comes with a 10.2" monitor with 1024X600 resolution. Ubuntu mostly works well on it, but on certain applications I cannot see the buttons that would appear at the bottom of the program. This has happened on the Disk Utility and Gnome Color Chooser
One day when i logged in, my screen resolution became lower. The sistem do not recognize anymore my old resolution (native) 1600x900 . And you can realize that maybe there are problems with the video card, because the system is slower than before in this terms. What could have happened?
I have just noticed a nice feature in Windows 7 - when you drag a window to the edge of the screen (the mouse pointer must touch the edge), windows offers you to resize the window to exactly half of the screen size. This is actually very handy on the wide screen monitors.
Is it possible (and how) to configure Kde 4 to do the same thing?
I'm not able to delete files, because Xubuntu doesn't find the trash bin. An error message pops up, telling me that the bin couldnt be found or created. Some days ago I deleted some .trash and other hidden files from a USB-stick, maybe this is the reason.How could I recover the bin?
I have installed mono develop 2.4 from terminal successfully. But surprisingly I could not find any icon on my desktop to launch Mono Develop. How can I solve the above issue and how can I create a icon on desktop to launch Mono Develop.
I need to find out my version and other system info...I also need to find my skype was installed but I cannot find do I install flashplayer?