General :: Still Having Rsync Errors To External Drive?

Jan 18, 2010

anyone shed some light into these errors I keep getting for multiple files when I run rsync in verbose mode to a FAT32 external hard drive?

rsync: stat "/mnt/usbdrive/Batch 2/od venezuelan" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/mnt/usbdrive/Batch 2/joseph gangster" failed: No space left on device (28)

I have 588GB available on my external hard drive, and i'm only trying to rsync 200GB to it, so its not out of space or anything like that. I've tried rsync with -r -t --size-only --delete and -r -t --modify-window=1 --delete and both ways seem to give me the message. or should i just reformat as NFTS and start over? i already had another 200GB data set copied on here, was trying to add a second. its all JPG pictures.

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General :: Rsync To An External Usb Drive?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a 1TB USB external drive, currently formatted as fat32. What I need to do is copy two folders and all their subfolders, totaling about 500GB, to that external drive. The USB drive will have to transfer back and forth between RHEL, Windows XP, and Mac OSX computers freely.What format should I go with on the USB drive, FAT32 or NTFS?What rsync switches should I use? I know I don't want to use -a because I don't want any permissions restored. I'm guessing I'll have to run rsync a couple times to fully get all the files, so I need to be able to cancel an rsync, then have it pick back up where it left off, not start over and recopy every file again.

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General :: Rsync --link-dest Not Creating Hard Links On External Usb Drive?

Aug 24, 2009

CentOS 5.2 64bit 2.6.18-92.el5xen. Use rsync with --link-dest for nightly backups, works well. Was recently asked to start weekly backups to an external drive for off-site storage. The regular syncing works but hard linking seems to be ignored. So the backup is long with no space saving advantage. Here is an example of the command being run:

rsync --stats -axzvl --numeric-ids --delete --link-dest=/mnt/DISASTERBACKUPS/austinBackups/backups/2009-08-21 /AUSTINBACKUPS/backups/2009-08-24 /mnt/DISASTERBACKUPS/austinBackups/backups/

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General :: OpenBSD - FreeBSD- Mac - Back Up All These Systems To An External Hard-drive Using Rsync

May 20, 2011

I have an OpenBSD and a FreeBSD system and a mac. I also have a Linux server. What i would like to do is back up all these systems to an external hard-drive using rsync when the external usb disk is connected to my linux box.If i format the external usb disk with cfdisk and the create a non-bootable ext3 file system on this external disk and create and put all the necessary public keys on the Linux box then from the BSD's or the mac issue the command:


Will this back up the entire systems so that they can be restored in the event of an emergency? I should store each OS just in a separate disk file of the external usb drive each time right? Because i would rather not have to format the external usb drive for each different OS. Would this work? and would the restoration command for these BSD's be:


I just need to know the basics. I'm sure given that i'll be able to automate the process. I don't want to clone the disks for forensics. I just want to have a way of restoring to a clean OS. This is the most basic question:All the howto's never mention whether or not you have to have an rsync server running on the machine your backing up to. So do you just push or pull from one end of the connection only or do you have to have a client at one end and a server at the other, as is traditional?

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Ubuntu :: Rsync Errors From Nonexistent Drive?

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to backup my ~ directory to a portable drive. In the meantime rsync is giving me all kinds of messages like this:


This drive is neither plugged into my computer nor is it involved with my backup script:rsync $base_options -narv /home/noleks /media/Personal1/Linux_bak. I think the question is, does rsync have a queue somewhere of operations it did not complete? If so is there a way to rest this? It is possible something went awry with a previous sync on this drive but I cannot remember right now. Either way why is it trying to complete that sync when I'm asking it to do something else?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Rsync And External Usb Drive - Mpath Blacklist?

Jan 16, 2011

I've been trying to get a cold backup of a 1TB database this weekend, started the whole process Friday and still have yet to get a single device backed up. I'm using rsync to copy files from my /u17 thru /u29 mounts, and the usb is formatted ext3. Each time the rsync would start off fine but after about 30 minutes it would fail with any number of errors but the most prevalent is "Read only file system", "broken pipe". Here are samples:

rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes: phase "unknown" [sender]: Broken pipe (32)
rsync: write failed on "<path to one of my .dbf files" failed: Read-only file system (30)
rsync: chown "<path>" failed: Read-only file system (30)
rsync: rename "<path of .dbf> -> <rename attempt>": Read-only file system (30)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(305)
rsync: connection unexpectantly closed (16787 bytes received so far) [generator]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c (359)

I've unmounted and remounted a number of times and kicked off the rsync again and it goes about 30 minutes and I get the same errors. This was all as user 'root', so I tried to do the rsync as user 'oracle' and I get the same thing. After looking into the device as it is recognized, it is being picked up by multipath. Would the fact that a usb device is being managed by multipath be a problem? Currently it is mpath15. How would I add usb devices to the mpath blacklist? The usb is being assigned /dev/sdbj but I'm worried that it would change at a reboot. I've searched the web for all of these errors and still no answer.

Note: I've also just tried to do a copy using 'cp' and got the same "Read only file system" errors. I can sometimes touch a file and sometimes I can't. I want to try and get this backup done this weekend.

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Ubuntu Security :: Back Up All Systems To An External Hard-drive Using Rsync

May 20, 2011

I have an OpenBSD and a FreeBSD system and a mac. I also have a Ubuntu server. What i would like to do is back up all these systems to an external hard-drive using rsync when the external usb disk is connected to my Ubuntu box.If i format the external usb disk with cfdisk and the create a non-bootable ext3 file system on this external disk and create and put all the necessary public keys on the Linux box then from the BSD's or the mac issue the command:

Code: #rsync --progress -avhe ssh --delete / user@ubuntuBox:/usb/disk/path/dir/ Will this back up the entire systems so that they can be restored in the event of an emergency? I should store each OS just in a separate disk file of the external usb drive each time right?? Because i would rather not have to format the external usb drive for each different OS. Would this work? and would the restoration command for these BSD's be:

rsync -avze ssh UbuntuBox:/usb/disk/path / I just need to know the basics. I'm sure given that i'll be able to automate the process. I don't want to clone the disks for forensics. I just want to have a way of restoring to a clean OS. This is the most basic question:All the howto's never mention whether or not you have to have an rsync server running on the machine your backing up to. So do you just push or pull from one end of the connection only or do you have to have a client at one end and a server at the other, as is traditional?

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Ubuntu :: Checking An External Hard Drive For Errors?

Nov 8, 2010

i am currently running palimpsest (system -> administration -> disk utility) and letting it "check" an unmounted filesystem.

i know its just running fsck.ext3 on this drive... the drive is formatted ext3, and is used on a hardware media player (WDTV Live Plus) in another room... i just moved it in here to avoid copying recorded HD shows over the LAN.

anyway, i was informed at boot with this drive connected that it needed to be checked, after booting it is mounted, but says it has errors and needs to be checked. it is checking, i would assume messages from fsck.ext3 would be logged to /var/log/fsck/checkfs, but i have never been interested in this type of thing before... usually when my drives start to get errors, its time to replace them... this one im sure is caused by being unmounted incorrectly by the stupid WDTV Live locks up sometimes, lol...

i dunno, this is a big drive. just wish there was some "status update" other than a whirling indicator... im tailing the log file i mentioned above, but so far it just has "Nothing has been logged yet." (which i take as a really good thing at this point.

EDIT: at the very end of the filesystem check, i got a message about the filesystem being clean with no errors. id still like more of an indication than "whirling indicator thingy"...guess ill go back to CLI for checking filesystems. lol

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General :: Rsync Showing Unocode Errors?

Apr 29, 2010

I am getting this error while using rsync


Could not convert filename to Unicode: 'H20 dinkus_.pdf': Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Could not convert filename to Unicode: 'ANT0012 H20 Brochure_OFFSET_paths_.pdf': Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup: magic: 0x00000000 size: 1024 usa_ofs: 0 usa_count: 65535: Invalid argument

file has vanished: "/media/sputold_server/2007 Archive/Icon?" file has vanished: "/media/sputold_server/2007 Archive/Resources/stage 1/images/resources/5yr stamp?1.tif"

WHat should i do. How can i delete the files which are on receiver but not on main server

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Ubuntu :: Using Rsync To Sync Music Folder To Another Folder Called Music On An External USB Drive?

Nov 25, 2010

I am thinking of using rsync to sync my Music folder to another folder called Music on an external USB drive. I will be using the Scheduled Tasks front end to schedule the syncs. What should the syntax look like when I put it in Scheduled tasks. I want this to be as simple as possible.

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General :: Trigger Off Rsync By Plugging In A USB Drive?

Feb 17, 2011

I'd like to know if it's possible to automatically mount, and fire up rsync to sync a USB drive with a directory? Specifically, I'd like to copy as much data as the drive can hold and only delete the oldest files if space is needed. I would assume I'd do something like this with a script, but my problem, is where to start.

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General :: Rsync To Copy Directory Tree From NAS Drive ?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a WD world book edition 1TB NAS drive, and just purchased an acomdata 1tb drive and connected it to the NAS via USB. If I recall I think the WD NAS has a ext_ or some type of linux filesystem on it, and the acomdata has a ntfs filesystem on it.

What I want to do is copy over certain directory trees of the NAS to the USB attached drive. I usually use MS synctoy to sync folders from my windows pc to the NAS drive, and MS richcopy to make the initial transfer from PC to NAS. For this operation though, since it is taking place entirely on the NAS and its connected drive, I thought that rsync would be the best option, and it is available on my NAS drive.

Last night I entered in rsync -avr /movies/* /usb1-1share1/ to copy the entire "movies" dir to the drive, which shows up as usb1-1share1 on the NAS drive. It copied most of the directory tree ok, but a lot of the folders were empty, so this morning I tried rsync -Carv --ignore-existing /movies/* /usb1-1share1/ to try and get all the files missed, without recopying the 24GB that did make it across. This also managed to copy a few more GB over, but not everything.

I am running the command from an ssh session on the NAS using putty on my PC, in as user "admin" which should have all rights over these folders. There is a bunch of errors in the command window like this: rsync: failed to set times on "/shares/usb1-1share1/movies/classics/fulldvd/First Blood DVD/.VTS_01_2.VOB.RxdjWZ": Operation not permitted (1)

I want to restart another session and get the files it missed, but I want to find out what I am doing wrong first. Should I be doing this as root user? am I missing some switches or just plain doing it all wrong?

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CentOS 5 :: Any Known Errors On Allocating Disk Space Using Rsync?

Mar 13, 2009

Need to know if there are any known errors allocating disk space using rsync. I have recently setup a small file backup server (2 500GB drives) running Centos 5.2, with a rsync daemon (via xinetd). However I have noticed that after about a week of usage, if I reboot, then the disk that rsync uses, has a lot of multiply claimed blocks and inode errors, such that I have to run fsck multiple times to fix. This has happened a couple of times now so I don't think that its random.

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General :: Setup Rsync To Backup A Remote Directory To Local Drive?

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to setup rsync to backup a remote directory to my local drive.

I cd to the directory that I want to pull the files to, then I enter:

rsync -vrtW

I enter the password then it starts running. I get all the files listed, but none of them actually transfer. What am I missing?

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General :: Best Script To Have Rsync Make Image File Of Hard Drive

May 9, 2011

I have never used rsync before, only DD. But from what I have been reading, rsync is better becasue it will basically mirror your hard drive, thus being able to run the cloned software from the new hard drive. My problem is I do not know what is the best commands or even the basic commands to use in rsync. I am trying to make an image from a external hard drive to a usb drive. That way my chances of messing up he original software is not as risky becasue I'll just restore the image onto another hard drive. Does anyone know the best script to have rsync make an image file of a hard drive and place it on a usb drive and then restore it?

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Debian :: Rsync Errors W/ Grsync -- Input/output Error (5)?

May 26, 2011

I've been using grsync to backup my home directory to an external drive (connected via USB), but lately I've been getting errors very early in the process and I was hoping someone might be able to help me fix them (or at least understand what I'm doing wrong).

Here's the output of a window titled "rsync: stopped" and in red "completed with errors!"
rsync: write failed on "/media/LaCie/myhomefolder/.cache/champlain/osm-mapnik/6/12/23.png": Input/output error (5)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(322) [receiver=3.0.8]
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (486 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(601) [sender=3.0.8]
Rsync process exit status: 12

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General :: Moving Install To New Hard Drive (Fc12) Mount - Grub.conf, And Rsync?

May 31, 2010

As my proficiency with Linux improves slowly, I've been trying to find the answers for myself, but in this situation I must admit I find myself rather stumped. I have a perfectly nicely working Fedora 12 install on an 80GB SATA drive, and when it hit an error and wouldn't boot last week (easily fixed with fsck from the initial command line) I panicked and ordered a new 250 GB drive. It got here and I might as well use it, I thought to myself, so I went about trying to figure out how to move my install without having to reset all of my settings, programs and so on. I didn't want to mess with dd because I'm not so so clear on resizing my partitions once the copy is done (if someone thinks this is a better idea I'm open to suggestions.) After some poking around I found this set of instructions which I attempted to follow to the letter, but hit some snags. I understand this thread I am referring to may be a bit outdated, which is why (I assume) I hit a bump here

# mount /dev/hdy1 /boot
mount returns an error demanding I specify the file system type. At a loss, I barreled on until


To summarize, I partitioned and mounted my new drive using fdfisk and the instructions provided above, then used rsync to copy over all of the files, so as far as I know the new drive is ready to go, just not yet bootable. Opening the Grub.conf file in Kwrite (as root) returns a blank page. What do I do now?

As a side note, you can see that I am not too squeamish about the terminal, so I would prefer to find a "command line only" solution to this relatively simple (?) procedure.

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Software :: Ubuntu Installed On External Hard Drive, Can't Startup Without External Hard Drive?

Jan 14, 2009

I have 2 ubuntu's: 1 on my ineternal hard drive, 1 on my external

When I startup without my ext drive =>GRUB error 21.

And when I plug it in I can choose: the standard ubuntu kernel is the one on my external, and the original one is listed under other...

I'd like to be able to startup without external hard drive and make the ubuntu on my internal drve the standard.

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General :: Upgrade Internal 2.5" Hard Drive Vs External Usb Hard Drive For An Old Laptop?

Jan 25, 2010

I got a dell inspiron 1501 laptop with a 80Gb sata drive what is the best solution to add data storage space for someone that love to have multiples operating systems at hand Note: I use mostly linux so I won't need to change my laptop for many years maybe ...

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General :: Is Ubuntu Like Windows Can Download Ubuntu To Flash Drive / External Hard Drive

Mar 8, 2011

Is Ubuntu like windows and can you download Ubuntu to a flash drive or external hard drive and if so what kind?

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General :: Backups To External USB Drive?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a small IT consulting business and I am finding many of my clients couldn't afford Microsoft solutions and thus, going without... So a revelation hit me that I could offer Linux solutions, its just that I'm not a Linux guru... So after much research and installations of nearly every latest Linux distro, I decided on ClearOS as a good option for my clients that just require a good File/Print server, firewall and VPN solution... Everything was going fine until I got to the point where I was trying to get it to do backups to a USB drive... ClearOS does not come with the ability to do such, so from further research I found that I could install Webmin to handle that task and that it would not break ClearOS... Great, its just that its not working... It says its working, but its not.


Next I hit the "Save and Backup Now" button to test it out... all says it goes good... But when I check the device, there's nothing saved to it...

So I create another "Filesystem backup", I select the FlexShare directory that I want backed up and this time I select a local directory for the backup to go to... I hit the "Save and Backup Now" button to test it out. all says it goes good... But once again when I check the directory, there's nothing saved to it.

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General :: External Ide Hard Drive

Nov 4, 2010

if I try to install a linux distro on an external hard drive, while I have windows XP on my primary, will the Linux stlil install a Grub on the Windows MBR. Or have I got that wrong.

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General :: External Cd Drive Is Not Working

Apr 2, 2011

I am complete new with Linux and install Ubuntu-10 on my Windows-7 notebook. The external CD drive is a very tiny small black box model from Taiwan, works fine in Windows. I`m getting it not working on the Ubuntu system. I try many mounted option what I found on the help page from Ubuntu, but no go.

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General :: How To Do Backups To External USB Drive

Mar 3, 2010

I have a small IT consulting business and I am finding many of my clients couldn't afford Microsoft solutions and thus, going without... So a revelation hit me that I could offer Linux solutions, its just that I'm not a Linux guru... So after much research and installations of nearly every latest Linux distro, I decided on ClearOS as a good option for my clients that just require a good File/Print server, firewall and VPN solution... Everything was going fine until I got to the point where I was trying to get it to do backups to a USB drive... ClearOS does not come with the ability to do such, so from further research I found that I could install Webmin to handle that task and that it would not break ClearOS... Great, its just that its not working... It says its working, but its not...

So here's what I got, ClearOS 5.1 with Webmin 1.5

Here's what I have done to try to make it work after a good installation...

Under "Hardware" and "Partitions on Local Disks", it shows the USB drive as Device B... So I create a partion called "/dev/sdb1" Great, I'm thinking...

So I go to "System" and under "Filesystem backup", I select the FlexShare directory that I want backed up and then I select "/dev/sdb1" as the backup to device...

Next I hit the "Save and Backup Now" button to test it out... all says it goes good... But when I check the device, there's nothing saved to it...

So I create another "Filesystem backup", I select the FlexShare directory that I want backed up and this time I select a local directory for the backup to go to... I hit the "Save and Backup Now" button to test it out... all says it goes good... But once again when I check the directory, there's nothing saved to it...

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General :: Mounting External Hard Drive On Red Hat

Mar 27, 2011

I have Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 installed on my machine. I am unable to mount an External Hard (NTFS). I have tried several options which are as under:

Option 1:After making a dir /media/windows mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222
Option 2: mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/windows

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General :: Resize Partition On External Drive

Mar 21, 2009

Computer hardware is not my bag. I accidentally installed ubuntu on external F drive, thinking it was C drive, unaware that ubuntu installs on drive with most available space. Installation involved partitioning the drive in about half. So, before I install it on C drive, I want to restore my F drive. I deleted partition using XP Disk Management tool and tried to use gParted on Parted Magic live boot cd to resize remaining partition that contains my data. But it doesn't seem able to expand the good partition to reclaim the 'unallocated' space. How do I accomplish this? Must I backup and reformat?

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General :: CentOS 5.5 - External DVD Drive Does Not Show Up

Dec 5, 2010

Installed CentOS 5.5 some time ago and I can proudly say I am more than satisfied with it. Managed to install codecs, flash player, media players, chrome and opera browsers and all other things I need. My only problem is that as of about a week ago my external DVD player is not recognized any more by CentOS so I am unable to watch movies. My external DVD player is Magnavox and it works great but CentOS does not recognize it any more. I used to watch movies in CentOS in SMPlayer all the time. What to do to get it back?

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General :: Backing Up To An External Hard Drive?

Apr 6, 2010

I've been thinking about it and I have a few ideas how I could do this...

I could always just image the drive...

dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/EXHD/bakup_$(date +%F).iso
Also; I could use rsync...
rsync -auv --delete / /media/EXHD/bakup_$(date +%F)/


I've been doing mostly "dd" images...but was wondering if I'm just wasting time backing up a mostly empty HD (256GB and only 5% is dd-ing seems like kinda of a waste).

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General :: Backup On To An External Hard Drive?

Mar 18, 2011

but I have literally just starting using Linux (Centos) in the last week or so. I am using a standalone PC that is not networked, and as I will be downloading and generating a lot of data on this machine, I would like to regularly backup onto an external hard driveIdeally I would likethis to happen automatically as there will be other people using the machine.There seem to be many different ways of doing this, and I am getting a bit confused about the best method to use.

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General :: External Hard Drive Will Not Format?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a Seagate external hard drive and I want to use it to back up my home server since it runs Ubuntu 6.10 and the upgrade to 10.10. My problem is that I am not able to format the drive to use it. I can not change the permissons or if I try to format I have all sorts of trouble. I have tried doing it on the home server running 6.10 and another pc running 10.10 and had no luck. Is there a better way? I have even tried chmod and chown with no luck.

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