General :: Search Within A Log File Within A Time Range

Jun 24, 2011

I want to search in my apache log, for events which have occurred say between 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. I have got few scripts/commands but they are not conclusive, some of then are trying to do an exact match(awk) and for some i am just getting the pattern wrong (eGrep)

I am running RHEL.

Apache log eg:
================================================================ - - [24/Jun/2011:01:29:07 -0500] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 302

now if i want to find out the logs from 1 PM to 2 PM

some example i had was:

cat <apache.log> | grep -E '07/Apr/20110[1-2]:[0-5][0-9]|02:00)'

small script in which i can pass the start time and end time range, and it should give an output of the rows which fall under that time range.

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Ubuntu :: Search For File Modified At Specific Time

Aug 20, 2010

How do you find a file modified March 17, 2010, between 3:30 pm and 4:05 pm? I know that I must be missing something somewhere.How do you search for info like this? I goggled "search files time Linux" and got about 38,300,000 results. I looked through the first four pages and did not see what I was looking for.Do I need to calculate how many minutes ago that is and give that to find.I really want to do this in the GUI so that I can operate on the files found without typing in so much stuff.

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General :: Find A Proper Command To Move A Certain Set Of Files According To Date/time Range?

Mar 18, 2009

I'm trying to find a proper command to move a certain set of files according to date/time range. I am thinking that the command should be something like:

ls -l | grep 'date/time range' | mv /folder

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Ubuntu :: Search For A Wireless Network In Range Like Windows

Apr 28, 2011

I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 yesterday and installed using Wubi. I have downloaded ndiswrapper and ndisgtk and installed the drivers for my wireless adapter. My last question is how to make Ubuntu actually search for a wireless network in range like Windows does. So far, I like Ubuntu but want to connect to the 'net.

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Programming :: Search Of All Files In Computer Between Range Date?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm looking for a c++ code that search for all files in computer between two input dates (example- 3.3.2011 and 11.4.2011)and copy all file in that range in new file .the user run the program and input date and path in dos system

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Programming :: Perl - Stop Range Search At End Of An Array?

Dec 7, 2010

I have data that looks similar to this -


John Smith (Address)
123 Main St
Unit 1


So I need everything between each name, but I am not guaranteed that each time I match a name that I will have the same amount of lines, so I do a range pattern search line this to get all lines, no matter if there is 5 or 10 or 15. I simply do a loop that goes through the whole array until I hit the match, and this is my search pattern.


if ($LINE =~ /^s+$SELECTED_NAME/ ... $LINE =~ /(Address)/) {

This works perfectly... until I hit the end and it doesn't get its final pattern match because it's at the end and there is no next entry with a (Address) line. So as a 'hack', I ended up inserting a final scalar at the end of the array that just says (Address) so it knows it's at the end. Ideally though, I'd like to do an "or" statement that says search for Address || return true if I hit the end of the array. How would I match on "End Of Array" essentially?

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General :: Search A String In Logs Of Last 15 Minutes From Current Time?

Aug 26, 2010

I want to run a script that runs after every 15 minutes that i will do using crontab. But in script want to search a string from the last 15 minutes logs in log file containing data of whole day.

how i can search the string according to time difference that is logs from from current time and current time - 15 minutes.

Sample logs are as follows:

26-Aug-2010 16:38:46,055|9172310750|subscription_app|31ba267e%3A12aadd47bdc%3A50e9|ChargeAmount|ChargingIntercep tor - subscriber details processed sucessfully- {arg0.referenceCode=balanceEnquiry:true;subsChannel:Unknown;channelType:Subscription;transactionId:3


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Ubuntu :: Multiple File Search \ Search A File For A Certain Keyword?

Nov 13, 2010

for example we search a file for a certain there any application available which will enable us to search for a single keyword in all the files within the folder ?i want to search for a keyword in about 1000 files..if i do it manually it will take loads of time..

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General :: Awk Script To Select Range From File?

Nov 25, 2009

I have a file generated in every event occurred. In this file i have a entries like bellow

<without blank line after Summary>

Summary: Adapter at hardware path 0/6/1/0 :Received an interrupt indicating that a
primitive was transmitted

and sometimes like bellow

<with blank line after Summary>

Summary: Adapter at hardware path 0/6/1/0 :Received an interrupt indicating that a primitive was transmitted What I need is to extract the Summary from the file. I have the following awk script. But it only works if there is no blank line after Summary.

cat server.event.txt|awk '/^Sum/,/^$/'

But I need up to second blank lines after Summary.

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General :: Given A File Path Search For File Exist?

Jan 27, 2011

I have file which consists of many files with their path,i need to check for the file exists in the given path,how to check?

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General :: Scp With Range Of Files To Be Copied To - From - Or Between Different Hosts - Error - No Such File Or Directory

Jun 27, 2011

Working fine: ==> scp my_log-bin.01393[0-9] root@ error - No such file or directory: ==> scp my_log-bin.0139[30-99] root@

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General :: How To Search File At Server

Jul 16, 2010

1. i want to make backup database(use mysqldump)

2. copy from server(use linux-server) to client PC (use linux- ubuntu 9.0)..

3. before that i want to search that DB file using terminal..

4. bcoz i dont know where the files are located

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General :: Search For An Element In File

Jul 27, 2009

I have a doubt, i have a file which contains around 3000 elements, now i want to search for an element in that file.what will be the Efficient way of searching ? without consuming much memory and time..

1) is this efficient if i take all the 3000 elements from file to a list or array and sort them and search ?
2) or is it efficient to search directly inside the file ??
Can anyone please suggest some algorithms for an efficient way to search in this case ?I am using C for coding..

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General :: Search For A String In A Php File Using `grep`?

Jan 19, 2010

I am searching for Class declaration on a site with hundreds of PHP files, how can I do this in the current folder and subfolders using GREP?

I tested cding to the folder and then something like

grep -r 'class MyClass' *.php

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General :: Bash Script Search File

Dec 19, 2010

total newb here. call me a script kiddie if you want but here is what i need to do and what i have.

need to:search a hidden log file for a specific string, find what comes after that part, and then output the result to a variable or something that can be used by an application or other script to carry out further actions.

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General :: How To Search Logs Between Two Timestamps In Log File?

Nov 19, 2009

The requirement was to write a shell script for a cron job set for every two hours for all days.The Script has to scan log files (*.log) for the logs posted only for the last two hours.... and append them in a new file...I am clueless abt how to scan/compare based on time stamp seen in above logs.

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General :: Locate Cmd Couldn't Search File

Jul 7, 2010

I used locate cmd to search file abc.txt (for example) as I didn't know in which directory it would be present and couldn't find it. But when I did find . -name abc.txt, it traced the file, luckily the file was in the same directory. I am wondering how find was able to search abc.txt and locate not. How these two are behavinb differently? Usually I use locate when I don't know the path to the parent dir.

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General :: Find Command \ Search File Excluding The NFS?

Jan 20, 2010

I want to search file excluding the NFS ...find / -mount -name 'filename' restricts the search only in the root disc partition,but the file can be in other partitions alsoIs there any way to exclude the NFS only.

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General :: Search For A File In Multiple Machines Simultaniously?

Sep 15, 2010

Im new to the forum and fairly new to Linux as well. my apologies if this is posted in the wrong section. My problem is How can you search for a file in multiple machines (like a server farm) ? For example i log onto machine num1 and want to search for a file named "xxx.yyy" which may be in one of 4 machnies. What i do right now is manually log into each machine and run the find command. However i have heard that it is possible to do it via a couple of simple commands. I have looked into pssh and cssh as well as ssh tunneling (along with public key authentication to stop the machines requesting a password every time i log in) and unfortunately i was unable to find an answer.

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General :: Find Text After String Search In File

Aug 2, 2011

I have a file called Regions.ini that looks like this:

RegionUUID = 54ab7cd2-0e70-49b7-8020-8dbeb84c08d0
Location = 9991,10007
InternalAddress =
InternalPort = 9001
AllowAlternatePorts = False
ExternalHostName =

RegionUUID = 8fc56fdd-0afd-4074-9432-0ae8f42b799f
Location = 9992,10007
InternalAddress =
InternalPort = 9000
AllowAlternatePorts = False
ExternalHostName =
What I need to do is find out what the IP address is after "ExternalHostName ="

After that I will need to compare that IP to whatismyip and if it's different then replace it but that is easy to do with sed. I just can't figure this simple hurdle out.

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General :: Search For A Specific File In The Sysconfig Directory?

Mar 10, 2010

If i am in the root directory and i need to search for a specific file in the sysconfig directory, is there any way to search this directory for a file?

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General :: Search For Exact Repetitions In Text File

Nov 23, 2010

I've got a big text file in which I know have probably made some typos (LaTeX). Sometimes I rewrite sentences several times and then end up with double pieces like "the the" or "is is" without noticing it. Most spell checkers that I can use in LaTeX are very basic so they do not notice these grammar errors. Is there a way that I can search for these repetitions by hand using sed or awk or something along these lines? Is there an app for that?

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General :: Ubuntu - Search Text In Files And Display File Name?

Mar 30, 2011

I am using find some_dir -name "*.some_ext" | xargs -l10 grep "some_expr"

to find files in folder, but I just want to display the file name but not all file content. Any solution?

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General :: Search (not Browser) History / Where Is File Located In Firefox?

Jan 11, 2010

Is it possible to locate the Firefox file that retains "Search" history (not particularly "Browser" history)?I have lost a hardcopy list of authors and titles of books/ebooks that I search the web for. However, most of the time when I would enter a name or title a drop down list would have that entry I wanted, and I could just click on it. That drop down list is what I am calling "Search" history.

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General :: Search A File To Find If Variable Belongs To A Field?

May 18, 2011

I have a file that contains 5 fields and anothen one with two I want to take the value from user and search file1 and if the value exists then write in file2 to the $2 to the line that $1=value

file 1


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General :: Shell Script Which Will Search And Remove A Javascript From All Htm, Html And Php File?

Feb 21, 2011

I need a shell script which will search and remove a javascript from all htm, html and php file.

<script type="text/javascript"> if (navigator.cookieEnabled) {var user = getCookie("seostop");if (user !=1){winchristop();setCookie("seostop", "1", 7,


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General :: How To Make Grep To Search A Pattern In Only Specific File Type?

Mar 6, 2010

To search a string pattern in all files in a directory and subdirectories, I am using;

grep -R "myclass::my-func(" mydirectory/
Now I want grep, to search in only specific file types say *.cc. Please help me. I have read manual of grep, but could not deduce any hint.
Best Regards.

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General :: Shell Script To Search One File For Contents Of Another And Replace Text?

Feb 3, 2011

Suppose I have a pair of files containing lists. The first file is called contigs.txt and it contains a list that looks like this:



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General :: Find Command When Loggin As A Normal User And Search For A File Passwd Under?

Dec 25, 2010

when loggin as a normal user and search for a file passwd under /etc. i get few errors with permission to ignore this permission denied errors.

csh hostname 109 % find . -name passwd
find: ./lvm/backup: Permission denied
find: ./lvm/archive: Permission denied


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General :: Sed/awk/grep Search For Number String Of Variable Length In Text File?

Jan 19, 2010

I need to search a text file for a string of numbers which are different lengths, and always are between number=" and " like:


I need to grab those numbers and pipe each one to a line in a file. I've already tried something with awk and that didn't seem to work.

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