General :: Run Command As Root Inside Script?
Sep 4, 2009
I am running a shell script using a non root user. Somewhere down in the script, I'll have to call some script to be executed as su (or a user with more privileges than the one running the original script). So if i put a line in the script as:
su - root -c /root/roleScripts/
Then when running the command, it will prompt me for root password(because the current user has lower privileges than the user requested. Suppose I want to pass this password as an argument to the original script, so that it doesn't prompt me for password later on, what is the way? Can I switch user passing the password and run a command?
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Jan 28, 2010
I know that using alias I can run a whole command with a shortcut. But my requirement is to use parts of a long command and in between I have to pass some user defined values.
E.g. Suppose I have to routinely copy a directory to another remote directory on a remote machine.The remote machine name is quite long as well as the directory path to which I want to copy the files into.So the command to do scp would look like this[URL]Now I want to do some sort of aliasing (say "ecp") so that I just need to pass the source_directory name and the ecp command and do my job
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Jul 30, 2011
I want to execute a awk command, which reads from txt files and sums the numbers from the first column for those listed only inside a <init> block -- The awk command is like
awk '/</?init>/{x = !x}x{a++}x && a > 2{sum+=$1}END{printf"%E" "
", sum}
So, I want to execute it inside a perl script, and execute the awk command for the infile which is also defined outside awk loop, ie doing something like
foreach $infile (@ARGV) {
$gzin = gzopen($infile, "r") || die ("Couldn't open file $infile
# No. events and cross-section from current file
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Aug 8, 2011
I am working at a client who has a project where code is a mixture of different source control systems. So a layout might be like this
So I am trying to put together a simple command that when executed from the project folder will run the appropriate hg/svn command in each project i.e:
Since the client has many such projects, Instead I am looking for a solution similar to find -exec where the svn/hg commands are automatically executed on each first level of match (i.e. svn up is run in the project/a folder but not in project/a/subfolder). How can such a command be constructed ?.
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Oct 5, 2010
The first call to "somefunction" works as expected. The function prints "endfunction" and a process in background sleeps 30 seconds. In the second call I thought it should work in the same way, but the script sleeps 30 seconds before it prints "endfunction".Does someone know the reason of this behavior? Is there another way to do a command substitution of a function that has a background process without have to waiting for that process?
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Aug 26, 2010
I am writing a script in which I am using AWK to append to a line in a file and save the file. The command I am using is:
awk '{s=$0; if ( NR==4 ){s=s ":/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_19/bin" } print s;}' $appName > $
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Jul 5, 2010
I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop i386 using "Install inside Windows" option. In the installation i dedicated 3GB for the root parition. Now i have a Windows 7 and a Ubuntu.
Currently, I need more space for the Ubuntu root parition (just 50MB freespace remained!). I realized the it is a simple 3GB file in the Windows and root parition is virtually in that file.
So it should be possible to increase the size of the root parition. But i cannot find any way for this.
I do not want to reinstall the my Ubuntu or add another partition. Is there any painless way to just increase the size of root parition?
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Jan 26, 2011
When I'm in OpenBox, I often have a termianl (lxterminal) open in the background. The terminals responds quickly when logged in as my standard user. If I, however, use su to switch to root, there's about a 2 or 3 second delay on the output for any command I type. This delay goes away if I type another character or tap the spacebar. That input is read as normal -- I've accidentally answered 'y' to prompts before.
My machine is an ASUS Eee PC 1001P (1GB of RAM, Atom 450) with an 40GB Intel SSD.
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Nov 17, 2010
I searched the forum but could not get the desired result.PROBLEM- I am using ubuntu 10.10 installed inside Windows Vista. Now with every start up ubuntu gives a low space warning. I alloted 10 GB inside windows while installing ubuntu using wubi. Now it says only 34 MB space is free. Is it possible to increase the root size inside windows. My both OS are on C drive and it has about 15 GB free. I would like to allocate & GB to ubuntu.
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May 5, 2010
I have a small internal network with about 8 or so servers or workstations. My mail server is getting spammed from all over to the root and other administrative accounts. I also get valid email sent to the root and administrative accounts from within my local network. Is there a way to block all email coming from outside my local network while still receiving it inside the local network to these specific accounts?
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May 3, 2010
I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 for some development. I was trying to set some environment variables are noticed that when I hit 'set' inside a terminal (to dump environment vars) I get the usual first few variables but then I see a whole lot of script code ....
I've installed a lot of tools (NetBeans, Ruby, Java, build-essentials etc) but essentially I installed Ubuntu today - so it shouldn't have rotted out this quickly. is this hijacking of environment vars to embed script code intentional with Ubuntu 10.04?
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Mar 12, 2011
Is there a way to run a non interactive program inside a virtual XP machine (virtualbox)?
I know that you can run programs on a remote machine if both machines are windoze, or if both are linux. but can you run one from the other?
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Jan 8, 2010
So, i've a little question. I have a Linux Red Hat 5.1 System wich has a programm that needs to be started as a user -> usera .When i reboot the server, how can i make it possible to run a command in the shell as usera user?Someone told me, that this is not possible to make an autostart entry because this works only with the root account?!What i want its simple.- Command -> startprg need's to be started as user usera automatically after an automated reboot of the red hat linux
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May 14, 2011
As I tried to explain on the title, what i need is to run this command "NetworkManager --no-daemon" as root every time I start my arch+gnome so that the nm-applet would show on the panel.I need to know a way to do this automaticaly each time I start my pc
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Feb 27, 2010
i accidently hit this command inside my /var/www folder. im screwed big time.I need to recover my files back. is there any chance ?
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Dec 9, 2010
I'm having problems with bash quoting. Maybe someone can tell me what's going on.. Basically, I need to create a command line inside a bash script that contains arguments that contain spaces and bash variables that need to be expanded.
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Feb 16, 2011
Writing script to create backup of file by adding datetime to file name. Basically test for file presence if there, cp with datetime then rm original cp works fine from command line but get cannot stat `full path to file': No such file or directory
Here are the errors: cp: cannot stat `~/html/CVP_dadamail/.dada_files/.logs/errors.txt': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove `...': No such file or directory
The for statement is a placeholder as I have same file to backup out of several directories. using "bash -x scriptname" -OR- inserting echos, I can see I've constructed the strings properly. Believing it might be related to the hidden directories, I tried setting the shopt "glob" options to no avail.
Ultimately I'll add the other directories to the for loop and then run this from a cron job, so if you see potential pitfalls knowing I'm headed in that direction...believe construct would be
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Jul 6, 2010
Is there a way to configure the at command to send to someone other than root?
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Jan 24, 2010
On my ubuntu I have a command pm-suspend, which puts the computer to sleep. It has to be run with sudo. Since it is inconvenient to be forced to type the password every time I want my computer to sleep, I thought maybe there's a way around it. Naively I thought that if I'd create a script as root, that invokes pm-suspend, and then let anyone execute that script, I could run that script as my own user and then that script would be considered run by root and hence be allowed to run pm-suspend. Obviously that didn't work. The root-check procedure in pm-suspend still found out that the original executor was someone different from root.
Still I think something similar (although slightly more elaborate) should work.I'm thinking about the process that allows the user to mount hard drives for example. Normally root is required, but it is somehow bypassed by the gnome utility mounting.
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Apr 3, 2011
I have a Linux machine which I set up for my personal use at home. I installed Fedora Core 11 a long time ago, and recently I noticed that I am not able to log in as root (I didn't realize this issue until recently since I always have been logging in as a user account that I created during the FC11 installation).When I login as a user account instead of root, I can use the su command with the password I set up for the root account. Even when I'm in GUI mode and try to make changes to the system from the user account, the GUI asks to enter the root password, and I type the password I set for root and it works. However, if I boot the machine and try to log in the system as root, password that I set up is rejected.
I'm very puzzled with this problem because with my limited knowledge on Linux system, I thought the root password and the su password are the same (i.e. when you install Linux OS, you set the root password, and you use the same password for using the su command). I do not know exactly when this problem started, but the only thing that I can think of as a cause of this issue is that I once changed the root password from GUI using System > Administration > Root password since the system one time complained about the low security strength of the root password.
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Feb 8, 2011
I am having redhat 5 linux machine running on my windwos x in vmware workstation. Today i was installing oracle software in redhat 5 after editing the bash profile for the oracle user i got the following messages
su - oracle
-bash: [oracle: command not found
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Oct 24, 2010
I am using fedora 13. If is use the command "cd //". It changes to root directory. How is it? What "//" denote?
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Sep 15, 2010
I use the system command route from a process (using the system() call). For security reasons the process does not have root privilege and for some reason I cannot use ioctl() either. I tried to set the capabilities of the process to NET_ADMIN and SYS_ADMIN but the route command still failed due to insufficient permissions.
What are the capabilities that I need to set for route to be successful?
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Jun 24, 2011
I am learning Linux administration and I am new in this area. Currently I am trying to find out which drive has grub.conf file. Following commands giving me correct output (hd0,0):
find /grub/stage1
find (hd0,0)/grub/grub.conf
But root command gives me output (fd0). Why?
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Jul 1, 2010
I want to delete all may mail root in command line and i don't find this... the command mail + "d" work fine but i want use it in a .sh
I explain too : I use fetchmail to have mail from a gmail box, and use RIPMIME to save the attachment in a folder... these work fine, but the i want delete these mails.
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Nov 13, 2010
i recently installed Fedora 14 and when i'm trying to open any file i'm getting this error
[root@blitz Documents]# gedit /home/blitz/Desktop/test
GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2270:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection-
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Oct 17, 2010
How can I move a directory to the root of a drive via command line?
In MS-DOS it would be 'move C:/GAMES/QUAKE C:/'
What is the equivilent in Linux?
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Jun 27, 2010
When I log on a root and attempt to issue the command Freshclam to upgrade the virus definitions it attempts or create a new file with a definition name. I get a message stating that the directory isnt writable. The user and group access rights are as follows:
USER = read, write, execute
Group = read, write, execute
All= read, execute.
The only way I can get around this is by applying a 777 which would be read, write and execute for all. Now, I have a group define with several user ids in it including Root.How do I connect the group with the directory/file so I dont have to apply a 777 access right to group users could issue the Freshclam command.
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Sep 9, 2010
In Ubuntu 10.04, I logged in as user1 and when I open a new terminal and issue any command it is asking password.user@ubun-laptop:~$ sudo ifconfig[sudo] password for user: It is asking for password only for first time.From the next command onwards it is not asking.Can some one please tell me if it is possible to issue ONLY ONE COMMAND, in which even if the password request comes, it will automatically fill the password.Just like "ps -elf | grep NetworkManager". I am expecting any combination of commands in a single line, so that password is filled automatically IF PASSWORD IS ASKED. If password is not asked, the command must be executed.
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Aug 10, 2011
Is there a non-root shell command that can tell me if a user's account is disabled or not? note that there is a fine distinction between LOCKING and DISABLED:
LOCKING is where you prepend ! or * or !! to the password field of the /etc/passwd file. On Linux systems that shadow the passwords, this marker flag may be placed in /etc/shadow instead of /etc/passwd. Password locking can be done (at a shell prompt) via password -l username (as root) to lock the account of username, and the use of the option -u will unlock it.
DISABLING an account is done by setting the expiration time of the user account to some point in the past. This can be done with chage -E 0 username, which sets the expiration date to 0 days after the Unix epoch. Setting it to -1 will disable the use of the expiration date.
The effect of locking to to prevent the login process from using a supplied password to hash correctly against the saved hash (by virtue of the fact that the pre-pended marker character(s) are not valid output character(s) for the hash, thus no possible input can ever be used to generate a hash that would match it). The effect of disabling is to prevent any process from using an account because the expiration date of the account has already passed.For my situation, the use of locking is not sufficient because a user might still be able to login, e.g. using ssh authentication tokens, and processes under that user can still spawn other processes. Thus, we have accounts that are enabled or disabled, not just locked. We already know how to disable and enable the account - it requires root access and the use of chage, as shown above.To repeat my question: is there a shell command which can be run without root privileges which can output the status of this account expiration info for a given user? this is intended for use on a Red Hat Enterprise 5.4 system.The output is being returned to a java process which can then parse the output as needed, or make use of the return code.
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