General :: Login Password Prompt In Upper Case

Nov 12, 2010

Kernel, Slackware 12.0 bash 3.1. I have several times tried to log into my linux box and have seen the password prompt written in upper case chars. Can this be caused by something located on the other side of my connexion? Or by malignous software resident in my hard disk?

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Software :: Login With CAPS Lock (upper Case ROOT)?

Mar 14, 2011

I am facing one problem, whenever I login to my Linux machine with caps lock key on i.e. ROOT inspite of root (password in lower case letter), I am able to login and after that all letters comes in upper case letter only.

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Slackware :: Mkisofs -iso-level 1 Converts To Lower Case Instead Of Upper Case?

Oct 28, 2010

Kernel 2.6, Slackware 12.0
mkisofs 2.01

I do 'mkisofs -iso-level 1 -o image John Smith.txt'. Only an example. When I mount image, ls outputs john_smi.txt. So it has shorten to 8.3 and translated ' ' into '_'. This is in accordance with the manual, although it doesn't say the conversion will be done.


-iso-level level
With all iso9660 levels from 1..3, all filenames are restricted to upper case letters, numbers and the underscore (_).

However, as it did not reject the file name, it should have converted it to all upper case, it seems to me. And -iso-level 2|3 does the same thing.


root@darkstar:~# mkisofs -iso-level 1 -o image John Smith.txt
Total translation table size: 0
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 0
Total directory bytes: 0


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Keyboard Won't Type Upper-case Characters?

Mar 14, 2009

Since yesterday I have been having a strange and fairly aggravating keyboard problem. For some reason I am sometimes unable to type upper-case characters. My shift key doesn't behave normally. If I type shift-C, for example, nothing happens; if I try it several times, sometimes the character will eventually appear, sometimes preceded by a ) character. What's worse, some key combinations, such as shift-I, kill the brightness on the screen. After this happens a couple of times, the mouse freezes, and only a reboot will restore it. This does not seem to be remedied by logging out of the session (either gnome or KDE) and into another session. The problem seems to affect both desktop environments.

This problem seems to be intermittent. For example, it seems to be working normally now, but about five minutes ago GNOME gave me a bug reporting window on boot and informed me that the keyboard-switcher panel applet had crashed. I have tried exciting to a console with ctrl-alt-F1 while my keyboard is behaving in this way, and have found that my keyboard does not work correctly in the console either.

I would normally use several keyboard layouts as I need to write in several languages, but I have turned them all off and reset the keyboard control panels to defaults in both environments, and I am still experiencing the problem.


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Ubuntu Networking :: X11vnc Not Passing Upper Case Characters?

Apr 1, 2011

Using 10.04 and x11vnc I'm finding that upper case characters are being sent as lower case. I've tried multiple keyboard configurations with no success

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Fedora :: Automatic Login Without Password Prompt ?

Jun 19, 2010

I made my Fedora 13 box boot up automatically by adding the following to /etc/gdm/custom.conf


However, when it boots up it prompts me for my password so it can connect to my wireless network (I think it said something about not getting my user password at login). Is there anyway I can get it to remember this?

I would like to make this automatic because this will be a remote box that I will use as a file server, but it wont be turned on all the time. So I'll turn it on when I need it, but I'll need to connect to it remotely, so obviously it needs to be on the network.

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Password Prompt On Login

Nov 12, 2010

I click on the corresponding checkbox in users and groups but but it doesn't do anything. I also want to disable password prompts in general. Also when I try using Computer Janitor it says it could not complete and to check if other package managers are open, but none are.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login Very Slow Waiting For Password Prompt

Feb 4, 2011

OpenSUSE 11.2 (i586) IBM x3250

Login is taking forever. Nothing is running, server is idle.

Finally get prompt.


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Ubuntu :: Eliminating Prompt For Keyring Password At Login Safe?

May 31, 2010

I'm about to turn off the prompt for a keyring password at logon following these instructions. But I wonder whether I'm going to be losing anything in the way of security. To eliminate the prompt for the keyring password, am I going to miss out on anything? In other words, just what does the keyring do? If it matters, I don't use Evolution e-mail (I just use old-fashioned web mail). To my knowledge the only passwords stored on my machine are that for my wireless network and whatever website passwords my browser stores.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Login - Bluetooth Prompt For Keyring Password To Connect

Nov 21, 2010

I am using auto login during start up, and during connect with bluetooth prompt come for keyring password and I don't know that.

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Fedora :: Usual Username/password Prompt Laptop Comes Up With Smart Card Authentication & Can't Login?

Feb 8, 2010

Something has gone awry with my login. After the usual username/password prompt my laptop comes up with smart card authentication & I can't login. How do I get away from the graphical login so I can login & correct the problem?

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General :: Sudo Su Runs Without Password Prompt?

May 25, 2011

So here's the problem. We've got the /etc/sudoers file set up so that users can run commands from /bin like "cat" or "mkdir" without entering a password. The problem is that the "su" command is also in /bin, so if they enter "sudo su", it gives them root access without a password. Here's the /etc/sudoers file:

Defaults targetpw
%users ALL=(ALL) ALL
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
support ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/, /bin/, /opt/, /etc/init.d/, /elo/
support ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mysql

Is there a way I can deny /bin/su while still allowing the rest of the /bin commands?

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General :: Run One Command As Different User Without A Password Prompt?

Aug 4, 2010

I need to run one command as different user with out a password prompt.

I did this

one localhost= (two) /usr/bin/whoami

This work but it prompts for password. Is there a way that can be done with NOPASSWD option ?

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General :: F1-F6 Console Doesn't Prompt For User/password?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm running Debian Wheezy and I don't know why, but whenI switch to console F1(Ctrl+Alt+f1) I can't enter login information. It's like Debian didn't have completely starting and wait always.The F1 console looks like this:

[screen content]
Starting enhance syslogd: rsyslogd.
Starting system message bus: dbus.


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General :: Login Prompt Does Not Load?

May 30, 2011

I dont have login prompt after loading OS , i only see mouse cursor, now i cant use my laptop.(i have the same problem in safe mode),

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General :: Mail Server : Reset The Password For It Using The Password Command From The Root Login?

Jul 23, 2009

I am an absolute Linux Beginner who is being required to do a bit of admin work because the boss just fired the old linux admin. Unfortunately, one of our employees cannot remember her password to her email account and as such I need to reset it on our linux server.What I want to check is that this email account is actually a linux user account and I simply will reset the password for it using the passwd command from the root login. Is that correct?

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General :: No Password Or Username Or Grub Prompt On Ubuntu Mac User?

Jan 30, 2010

I have bought a Mac Laptop however it has a username and password which I don't know. I've looked all over to see how I can overcome this lot's of people have said to enter at Grub prompt to take you to recovery, however I have no Grub prompt and Mac is not booting from cd rom.

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Ubuntu :: No Administrator Password - VLC Install Blocked By Password Prompt

Feb 23, 2011

I am new to using Ubuntu 10.10 that was installed by a friend of mine, but he didn't give me a password for administrator and now when I try to install VLC I am blocked by a password prompt. To make things worse I can't use F1 key, esc key, tab key, 1key (I copy and paste 1 from other pages when I need it). I am at a loss here and all I want is to change the administrator password without validating the current password first.

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General :: Start Truecrypt Automatically And Use The Same Password As Login Password?

Sep 13, 2009

Ubuntu 8.4 Just installed Truecrypt yesterday. Would like to be able to start Truecrypt automatically and use the same password as my login password.

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General :: Login Prompt Never Displays On RH Running In VM?

Jun 2, 2011

Linux version 2.6.18-194.el5 ( (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48)) #1 SMP Tue Mar 16 21:52:43 EDT 2010Am using VWware ESX to host this guest operating system. When it clears post, the screen goes to the red background you typically see right before the login prompt comes up... but it never does. If the machine made it on the wire I can putty to it, but through deploying these, the machine isn't always on the wire and I need to be able to use VMware's viewer to gain access to it

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Ubuntu :: Upper GNOME Panel Is Garbled After Login

Jul 23, 2010

Whenever I log in, the upper right hand corner is garbled, and there are small white rectangles. If I log out and log back in, the problem is fixed. Could someone please help me fix this?

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General :: Login - Doesn't Give Me Any Option To Enter My Login Name And Password

Jan 1, 2011

I have no idea what happened to my OS(ubuntu10.04).it doesn't give me any option to enter my login name & passwd.i just get a blank(default) login screen.last time when it worked,i was trying to install GTK+2.8,but due to my mistake i deleted glib using cmd (sudo apt-get purge glib)and after that i even tried to launch terminal but it failed to launch.also tried to play media files using vlc but it didn't i tried to restart my os and finally got stuck in the problem.i have no idea what to do,please help.Is there any cmd to see what problem occurred or which package is missing.

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General :: No Prompt For Root Password After Attempting To Enter Single User Mode?

Jul 13, 2011

I followed instructions to enter single user mode by adding single at the end of kernel line but after that it doesn't ask for root password but brings up the sh# prompt. Isn't that supposed to be insecure? I understand for this the grub password can be applied but even after adding "single" it should ask for root password..or it should not..??

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General :: SSH Login - For Additional Users After Password-less Login Setup

Feb 10, 2010

I've set up password-less login for user1 on a Ubuntu machine to login automatically into a Fedora box using the publickey authentication method. Everything is working smoothly. Now, there is a user2 on Fedora but he does not have an account on Ubuntu.

I tried to login as user2 from Ubuntu to but got the following error :


Predictably neither scp or sftp work either. I have several questions as a result.

1.Is the SSH server rejecting user2 login because I am inadvertently using user1 keys (as I am logged in as user1) ?

2. Do I need to have a user2 account on Ubuntu and public/private key authentication setup with Fedora for user2 to be able to login ?

3. Is there a method I can use to password login as user2 from Ubuntu to Fedora (even though there is no user2 account on Ubuntu) AND still keep password-less login for user1 or do I have to have password-less login for both ?

At present the only way to access the user2 account from Ubuntu is to SSH using the user1 account and then su to user2.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login At The Main Login In Prompt After Boot - Just Returns Back ?

Jan 6, 2010

When I try and login at the main login in prompt after boot, it just returns me back to the prompt again.

If I login as root it's fine...OpenSuse: 11.3 Kde: Latest

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Fedora :: Can't Login Into The Root Account: It Returns Me Immediately To The Login Prompt?

Jan 27, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12 on a laptop. I changed the default shell on the root account to /bin/tcsh and changed the runlevel to 3 and then rebooted. Now I can't login into the root account: it returns me immediately to the login prompt and I can't see any error message (the screen is cleared).Why is this happening?Can I boot into some sort of safe mode so I can undo my changes to the /etc/inittab and /etc/passwd file?I tried booting with a Live CD with the intention of mounting the filesystem and making the changes, but the new filesystem is a LVM and it won't let me mount it (or I don't know how to mount a Logical Volume).

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General :: After Entering Username And Password, It Is Asking "Enter Password To Unlock Your Login Keyring"

Jun 30, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04LTS. I'm trying to configure my chat accounts. But after entering username and password, it is asking "Enter password to unlock your login keyring". I have entered my login password. But it is saying that "The password you use to log in to your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring."

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Logging In The Screen Remains In The Login Splash And A Small Terminal Appears In The Upper Left Corner

Jan 23, 2010

recently had to reinstall ubuntu 9.10....after all the updates & changes i made in synaptic and some restarts, i wanted to proceed in installing my nvidia drivers, so i stopped gdm and attempted to login as root, but it would not let me. it's strange because i created the root account password prior to this.

so, issuing the command to restart gdm brought me to the login window. after logging in, the screen remains in the login splash and a small terminal appears in the upper left corner. can't seem to get gnome started up.

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Programming :: SSH With No Password Prompt?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm writing a script which will log into a list of servers if they have public/private keypairs set up. If a server doesn't, I want the script to move on to the next server rather than wait at a password prompt.I'm using OpenSSH version 5.1p1 Debian-5, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007 on both client and server.I'm using this command: Code: ssh root "at" "IP" -o PasswordAuthentication=no KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no I had to write "at" instead of the symbol, as I'm not allowed to "post URLs to other sites after you have made 15 posts or more."This works for most servers, but not all (on some of them the script halts at a password prompt). I suspect those servers may run an older version of SSH which doesn't support the options I'm providing

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Ubuntu :: Remove Password Prompt With 11.04?

Jun 22, 2011

Is there a way to getting around not having to put in the user password everytime my Wireless connects, or Install software, etc? I changed the user role to Administrator under users from the control panel (x Windows user )

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