General :: Determine Number Of Blocks For A Partition?

Jul 1, 2010

Can someone explain how to determine the number of blocks to determine the number of cylinders for a new partition on hard drive.

Why is block size divided by 1024?

I think I understand unit size is the total bytes per cylinder, I get that. I understand the anatomy of the hard drive (i.e. heads, sectors, cylinders.

My problem is, if I need to calculate the number of cylinders needed for let's say a 20G partition on a 120G drive.

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General :: How To Determine Number Of RAM Slots Using Dmidecode

Apr 5, 2011

I m using SUN Server .
How would i determine the number of RAM slots using dmidecode.

I m running following command to get RAM information. code....

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General :: Determine The Number Of Physical CPUs Under Both Windows?

Sep 9, 2010

When running cat /proc/cpuinfo under Linux, a variety information is kicked-back. For example:

> cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 15
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5130 @ 2.00GHz


First, what does all of that actually mean? I see I have a processor 0 and processor 1. Does that mean Linux is reporting both cores of the CPU, or, since it is a VM, the two that I happen to have right now (even if they're on physically different CPUs)?

Second, how can I get a similar information dump form the command line in Windows? Third, is there a way using either platform to determine the number of physical CPUs versus total CPU cores?

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General :: Determine Number Of Rows And Columns Of File In Shell?

Mar 4, 2010

if there's a tab-delimited file under /usr/desktop, how can I determine the number of rows and columns of the file in shell?And, if told the the 3rd column of the file contains only numerical values and all values in the 5th column are unique, how can I verify these in shell?

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General :: Safely Set Reserved Blocks Percentage For A Partition Without OS?

Nov 30, 2010

Is it true that I can safely set reserved blocks percentage to 0% on some ext4 partition which contains only my personal data but no OS files?

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General :: Determine What Gnome Desktop Number A Gnome Terminal Is Connected To?

Apr 29, 2010

In KDE's Konsole, I can do the following from the terminal:

dcop kwin KWinInterface currentDesktop

And it will tell me which desktop my terminal is connected to ( per [URL])

How can I determine what desktop number the current gnome terminal in a gnome session is connected to?

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General :: Partitioning / Perform Bad Blocks Scan On Root Partition

Nov 28, 2010

My root partition is formatted as ext3 and I would like to perform a bad blocks scan on it. Normally e2fsck -c -c does this, but you can not run it on a mounted partition. I know it is possible to force a fsck to run at boot by creating the file /forcefsck but is it possible to specify that it should also check for bad blocks? If not, what is the recommended way to check for bad blocks on the root partition? I would like to avoid having to create a rescue disk and boot off of it.

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General :: Cannot Determine Filesystem Type Of Partition?

Feb 27, 2011

As per these instructions, I got up to the end of the "Acquiring an Ubuntu filesystem" step (where it asks you to mount the newly created Ubuntu partition) and ran into a problem: The partition won't mount, as the file system type cannot be determined because I cannot remember the file system used during installation. Is there any command that prints the file system type of GPT partitions?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Determine Boot Device Number?

Jun 30, 2011

I'm currently running Ubuntu (w/ GRUB) and Windows XP. I'd like to remove Ubuntu and run the recovery on Windows XP because it has started not running correctly. The computer is about 5 years old and I figured I'd just wipe it clean and start over (read: remove Ubuntu and reinstall windows via the recovery console).

I intend to follow the tutorial here: [URL]

However, I'm confused about determining the boot device number for Windows. I've run "sudo fdisk -l" and I can identify the windows drive in the list it says:

Device: /dev/sda1
Boot: *
Start: 1
End: 19352
Blocks: 155444908+
Id: 7

Am I looking for the 7, the 1, or something completely different? This is also the first partition on the list.

sda2 (id: c) is a FAT32 drive. I think this is the recovery partition included on the HP desktop.

sda3 (id:83) is Linux
sda4 (id: 82) is swap

I just need to run fixmbr.

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General :: Can't Find Boot Device - Error "Unable To Determine Major/minor Number Of Root Device"

Mar 17, 2011

I just compiled my first own kernel (I'm using Arch Linux), following the tutorial on the german site. Now I tried to boot it, I ended up failing with this message: Code: Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/sda1 ... Root device '/dev/sda1' doesn't exist, Attempting to create it. ERROR: Unable to determine major/minor number of root device '/dev/sda1' Here is the important part of my menu.lst:


I simply copy&pasted the Arch-entry, i.e. I also had the disk by uuid there. The failure message was the same, just the root device name was the different name Also, at first I did not have the initrd line in my menu.lst (as written in my tutorial that I may not need it). In this case I had this error message:


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General :: GRUB: How Find Partition Number - Hd0,x ?

Aug 29, 2010

I am playing with grub and i change the root using:

How can i know what's x for /dev/sda7 ?

The problem is that in Gparted view, the order is not like sda5, sda6, sda7, ...but the order is like:

So what's x for /dev/sda7 ?

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General :: Know Maximum Number Of Logical Partition?

Sep 11, 2009

I'd just like to know the max number of logical partitions an extended partition can hold. Is that number different for IDE and SCSI hard drives?

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General :: Increase Number Of Inodes Without Re-creating Partition?

Jul 14, 2011

How can the number of inodes be increased on an existing EXT3 or EXT4 partition without re-creating the partition?

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Software :: Remove Bad Blocks From Swap Partition?

Sep 7, 2009

Which software can remove bad blocks from the swap partition?
Bad clusters is a problem, but hdd can still live very well n happy.

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General :: Make System Partition Letter / Number Designations Persistent?

Aug 15, 2010

Everyone who deals with Linux knows that partitions on hard drives are designated as "sdx#", i.e., sda1 sdb2, etc. I know through experimentation that the number portion of the designation is assigned not according to order on the disk, but chronologically in the order they are created.

Further, if you have several partitions on the disk-say, sda1 through sda3-and you delete sda2, the designation of sda1 will remain the same, but sda3 will become the new sda2. The creation of any further partitions on the drive will start with designation sda3 and increment from that point.

At times this creates a conundrum, especially concerning bootable partitions. Some time back I rendered a partition containing OpenSUSE unbootable because of this, even though Ubuntu owned the GRUB bootloader in the MBR. Ubuntu's GRUB could find and point to the partition using the command "sudo update-grub", but when OpenSUSE took over the boot-up process, its GRUB was pointed to the wrong partition and would freeze up.

My question is this:

Under Windows, one is able to make a Drive letter persistent. Windows will keep the drive letter for that partition and assign around it. Is there a way to change a drive designation number, or at least make it persistent, under Linux? It would be a handy method to forestall these types of booting problems, among other things.

Presently, when a person has installed Linux side-by-side with Windows and want to delete the Windows partition and expand the Linux partition into the free space, I will tell them to format the partition, then shrink it to next to nothing instead of deleting it. This preserves the partition ID scheme while giving them the space to expand their Linux partition into...especially helpful with a seasoned Linux installation that would be a PITA to reinstall and set back up.

Oh, and I already know about UUID. This article explains it, but if you look down through the comments, you will see reasons that it is problematic for desktop application and usage. I want to make it as simple as possible for new Linux users (and myself! ).

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Partition Number 83 Value Is Out Of Range?

Jun 29, 2011

my partition should be linux but I can't allocate it using * because the partition number (1-7): 83Value is out of range. I want to allocate everything to one big linux partition with just a small partition for windows for warranty purposes.I don't need all those other partitions which I got probably from trying out different Ubuntu versions.

steve :~$ sudo fdisk /dev/sda
[sudo] password for steve:
WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to


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General :: Unix Ps -l Priority Whoes One Number In Column "PRI" But In Same Time Ps -o Pri Shows Another Number?

May 21, 2011

Why does unix ps -l whows one number in column "PRI" but in same time ps -o pri shows another number? cpu and nice are zero for those processes

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Ubuntu Servers :: Partition Ends At Total Number Of Cylinders + 1?

Jul 28, 2011

I made a fresh ubuntu server installation with two of the same hard disk drives in RAID1 mode.When the installation finished, I had some errors in random times rendering the system unresponsibleCode:end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector <Number>From the above error, it looks like there was a problem with disk sda so I decided to change it with another same disk and rebuild the RAID1.

When I put the new hard disk on it, created a raid partition of the maximum allowed size and tried to add it to the raid array (after having removed the previous disk) I got an error saying that the new partition is not large enough to join this existing RAID1 array!Then an "fdisk -l" command shown something weird...The existing working hard disk in the RAID shows that it has 38913 cylinders but the partition starts at 1 and ends at 38913+1=38914!!How is this possible? When I create a partition myself I am not allowed to put numbers larger than the total number of cylinders!

# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes


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General :: Can't Find Bad Blocks List

Jan 6, 2010

I've got a new hard drive, formatted it to ext3, and made a check for bad blocks using e2fsck.

It gave me this:


I just would like to know where i can find how many bad blocks were found (perhaps one if it is using singular in sentence "Updating bad block inode."?), and what is/are the number(s) of located bad block(s).

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General :: Blocks Column In Edquota Output?

Aug 28, 2010

I know what are hard and soft limits, but what means "blocks" column in edquota utility?

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General :: Scalpel Carver And Skipping Blocks?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm working on a ~1 TB disk that was loaded with all kinds of images and documents that lost it's HFS+ partition table. The person for which I'm doing the favor of running scalpel says it's likely there's 90GB of stuff. Somehow, the disk got relabeled/MBR changed to some FAT variant that works on the whole Terrabyte.

Attempts to recover the partition info failed.My first try with scalpel finds more than 90GB of image file headers alone and that blows through all of my storage. Of the headers found and recovered as images, a simple test shows most of the image files are broken. The cluster size option does not work if I use it by itself. It errors out before it gets going.I want to speed things up and skip the countless broken image files.

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General :: View Bad Blocks On Mounted Ext3 Filesystem?

Mar 18, 2011

I've ran fsck -c on the (unmounted) partition in question a while ago. The process was unattended and results were not stored anywhere (except badblock inode). Now I'd like to get badblock information to know if there are any problems with the harddrive. Unfortunately, partition is used in the production system and can't be unmounted.

I see two ways to get what I want: Run badblocks in read-only mode. This will probably take a lot of time and cause unnecessary bruden on the system. Somehow extract information about badblocks from the filesystem iteself. How can I view known badblocks registered in mounted filesystem?

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General :: Filesystem Corruption Possibly Caused By Bad Blocks

Nov 5, 2010

I'm trying to RMA a month old SSD, and they're giving me a hassle about it. The drive currently seems to work just fine, but I'm 95% sure that a few blocks went bad and corrupted some data about a week ago. I was able to mostly recover the data and correct for the bad blocks, but I don't really trust the drive anymore.

I'm running an up to date Debian Squeeze install with ext4 on this drive. My system started doing some bizarre things, to the point that it was unusable, so I rebooted it. As it was booting up, it complained about needing an fsck, which found dozens of non-trivial errors that it was mostly able to fix. It then proceeded to boot normally, except the drive mounted itself as read only (due to errors). Another fsck turned up a similar number of problems. This happened a couple of times before I ran fsck with '-c', which is supposed to scan for and work around bad blocks. That seemed to fix the problem, it hasn't given any more problems since then.

The manufacturer is refusing to RMA the drive unless it's completely unmountable right now this minute, saying that it was a one time problem that could have been caused by anything. Am I right in thinking that the problem has to have been with the drive if 'fsck -c' fixed it, or could something else be going on? If it was the drive, am I somehow being unreasonable in asking for a new one while the current one is "working"?

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General :: Implications Of Bad Blocks When Reinstalling A Disk Image

Mar 17, 2010

Let's say I'm using one of those PCs that uses a SSD flash drive in place of a more regular HDD.

Say I burn my favorite .iso distro and install it on this PC. I install my favorite applications and seek out and install any missing drivers and generally tweak the system like you do. When I am finally happy with it, I make an image of this installation to an external USB drive.

Now, say 9 months later some of those SSD blocks have gone bad because they were erased too often. They're no longer usable. Also, because I'm a sloppy person who can't be bothered to delete redundant stuff and run make-cleans and so forth, the disk is getting pretty cluttered and takes longer and longer to do stuff.

I decide the obvious solution is to remove and save any data I need to keep, then just over-write the disk with the image I made 9 months earlier.

The question is: will the firmware be smart enough to re-map my incoming image to avoid these bad blocks on the SSD? Or am I going to wind up with some parts of the image being located on bad areas of the SSD?

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General :: Serevr Blocks Ping And All Access From Internet

Mar 17, 2010

I have a Centos 5 server working as firewall, dns, proxy (squid) and mail server with postfix. sometimes it blocks ping from the net and when it hapen I cant browse my site not even fetch my email through webmail from outside. But inside every thing still go well even browsing the internet, but no ping to the net (e.g when I restart it everything come up and work fine.

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General :: Determine If Login Via Ssh?

Apr 13, 2010

Just wondering if there is a way to determine if the user has logged in is via ssh or if they are sitting directly in front of the PC and have logged in that way.I was going to do it via the .bash_profile so once they have logged in the bash_profile is run and it will have a test to see if the user is logged in via ssh or 'direct' log in. but not sure how or if this can be done.

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General :: Determine The Serial # Of The New Hdd?

Jan 20, 2010

I have cloned my linux OS onto a new hdd. Now even tho the system will boot, it directs me to the login screen and asks me to fix the location of the root dir because it is looking for /dev/disk/by-id with a very long serial #. I presume this is the old hdd serial #. How can I determine the serial # of the new hdd and change it in fstab? Is this the correct idea? Is it /dev/disk/by-id???

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General :: Determine Which Programs Are Using Swap / How Much

Apr 20, 2011

I'm interested in figuring out which programs on my machine are using swap, and how much each is using. I realize this can probably be done with top, but I am having trouble figuring how how.

What I've tried:

Start top
Press f (add column)
Press p (SWAP colum)

This adds a SWAP column, but the data doesn't seem to be correct. Top lists Firefox as using 582m of swap, but the header simultaneously reports that 0k of swap is being used.

Is there a better way to monitor swap usage?

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General :: Determine What Sound Card I Have?

Jul 2, 2011

How do I determine what sound card I have? How do I find out for sure what version of Linux I am running? I think it is 10.04 Lucid.My computer is a Dell desktop, pentium 4.

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General :: What Command Run To Determine The IP Numbers?

Apr 20, 2011

Firstly I would like to say that Linux is very cool, especially the CLI. I have been trying to learn how to do some things in Fedora after being told Fedora was a good distro to get my feet wet. I have run into some issues and cant seem to find any answers. What Linux utility can be configured to automatically save the current logs?

How does your Fedora get an IP number? What IP numbers has your Fedora been assigned since it was installed (based on the logs you have)? What command did you run to determine the IP numbers? What command would you run to determine the number of times a user successfully used "su"? What command would you run to determine the number of times a user unsuccessfully used "su"? Having some issues with the file system as your Fedora boots up.

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